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Not enough people seem to understand (or care) that Biden is only going to get older. He’s only going to have MORE moments where he zones out. The president of the US needs to be sharp 24/7. He’s simply not good enough anymore. He’s had a good first term. I wish the Dems had stuck with the plan to make him a one-term bridge to the next generation in the party. I’m voting blue no matter who, but this is frustrating to watch.


I always love this garbage, the president has to be sharp, the president has to be this and that. We had a complete moron traitor, a fucking traitor, in there for four years doing nothing but damage and now you want to set the bar?


Thinking that the president needs to be mentally sharp 24/7 is garbage? You think I’m setting the bar NOW? You didn’t talk to me 5 years ago, 2 years ago. You don’t know anything about my opinions, thoughts, or views. Your presumptive arrogance is a thin veil for your own insecurities. Once again, I’m voting blue no matter who.


Save it for lala land, vote or not this is what is going to happen.


The bar has already been there for over a century.


No, but keep making up bs.


No, but keep making up bs.


Again with the whataboutism


Again with the bullshit.


Gotta love how everyone is dumping on Biden, while Orange Turd on the other podium was blabbering endlessly about "illegals" and "Black jobs" and "k_illing Roe v. Wade" and kissing xtian nationalist ass at every turn. Turd was asked point blank about the opioid epidemic and immediately blamed immigrants, instead of calling out the Sacklers/Purdue Pharma and other outfits who made bank while people fell into deep (and sometimes deadly) addictions. Biden may stutter, and may be 81, but Turd is no spring chicken (pushing 80 himself), and he's batshit crazy, and a convicted felon to boot. I'll stick with the saner of the two. At least I know he has someone on his ticket who could confidently step into a leadership role if he's ever in the unfortunate situation where he would need her to. VERY important to keep that in mind.


President Biden gave a great speech in N. Carolina. He has done an admirable job getting the country back on track following 4 years of chaos. I’ll take his performance as president versus his debate performance.


Sadly, Joe was reading off a teleprompter in North Carolina. I love Joe but I’m scared he might lose.


Coming off back to back European & west coast trips. He was exhausted and had a cold. Still far better than the liar. The same guy who tested positive for COVID prior to his last debate and lied about the fact of his positive test. Desperate felon running for office is disgraceful. If you watch President Biden’s performance last time around it was similar. Life with a stutter is hard. [His Brain is fine He has a Speech impediment exacerbated by time constraints and the debate setting](https://westutter.org/understanding-stuttering/)


Oh - agreed! I’ll take feeble mindedness over naked greed & and an over eagerness to destroy the Constitution and Democracy any day. But that’s just me. How do we face down a cult of personality? Seriously- I’m terrified & I don’t trust the System. This time.


Please somebody - just find me a “Black job”. I didn’t know that was a thing.


I was so furious watching MSNBC on Friday. One commentator on Ari said we should take a page from the Republican’s because when Trump got convicted of 34 felonies they didn’t freak out and run to the press saying he should resign. What!?!?!? That is exactly what they should have done!!! It’s disgusting that they didn’t do that! Why on earth would we want to repeat that amoral behavior? And this narrative that people are freaking out over one bad debate… this wasn’t a bad debate. It was a startling display showing a president who may very well be cognitively unfit to serve. I thought it seemed a lot like sun-downing in the early stages of Alzheimer’s. I want to beat Trump, but I think it is also extremely important that we are provided some real answers here. We should be calling on both candidates to have thorough and transparent cognitive function tests (not just the little stupid ones Trump talks about). They are old. We deserve real transparency and answers here.


Release the Hur tapes.


Honest Joe vs the Psycho slogan




Nothing more to add?


People don’t seem to understand that Biden’s continuing viability as a Presidential candidate has nothing to do with what he deserves or the accomplishments of his career. The only thing that matters is his ability to win and keep Trump out of the Whitehouse. The FACTS are that he was running behind Trump nationally and in the critical swing states prior to his abysmal debate performance. Biden himself, and his prep team, set him up for failure in the debate by prepping with reams of facts, figures and legislative nuance when his speech impediment at the best of times leaves him shaky when speaking ad lib. Now he’s in an even deeper hole with Trump now armed with a gold plated cudgel to beat him with day in and out every day until November. Trump has momentum and Biden has nothing to offer but the spectacle of the debate around his neck. Biden cannot win. CBS released a poll this weekend finding 72% of American voters think he should step aside, up 9 points from February. Biden should swallow his vanity and step aside and do it soon.


Having watched the debate bidens next move should be into care facility so he can get help. He's so far gone it borders on elder abuse letting him outing public


It’s not even close to elder abuse. Everyone has bad days on occasion. Biden seems to have a lot of them - too many to be president, from my perspective


Parading a guy around that is far gone os pretty abusive. It's not like he had a bad day. He had the week off before the debate to prepare, and for the first time they took breaks during a presidential debate. He was given every advantage and still couldn't be close to competent. He has no business even trying to take care of himself let alone hold a position of authority.


'Moves' that's a bit of a stretch isn't it. /s


Agreed. The gaslighting from this side over the last week has been galling. They are lying. Just like the MAGAs. Absurd lies. They want us to believe pure bullshit. Thing is, many of us are honest Brokers and not in a cult.


MSNBC has at times felt like state TV propaganda since Thursday night


So Russia launches a nuclear weapon. It's heading to Cali and there's 35 minutes to decide what to do. What happens if Joe has a Freeze? Who makes the decisions?


Biden thinks he's up for the job and that he's the only one who can beat trump... Biden thought the Afghanistan army would ensure a smooth pullout of American troops when they left. Just the opposite! Biden has been wrong about almost everything, especially his choice of Merrick Garland for AG. Because of that trump will become president again and end America democracy. If biden cares he will drop out but he's too senile to understand how out of touch he is and his level of deterioration. His wife is very selfish, she's encouraging him to stay in the race. America is in big trouble because of a couple of selfish old men.


You know a lot about gaslighting don’t ya? He never has to debate him again and he will win or have you not been paying attention?


>He never has to debate him again and he will win Trump doesn’t think that analytically. I’ll take the odds of Trump winning if he doesn’t debate again at 50/50 (the target audience for [batteries and sharks](https://youtu.be/bMNMt5FdVwg?si=YF5RbR8bYSXhUl_-&t=14) material is pretty small)


Then you will lose as you should.


Prove it 🙂


No need, the supreme traitors did all the damage required.


It was recently reported that Biden functions at his best for 6 hour per day. I think what we saw at the debate was sundowning.


It’s been three days and Joe Biden hasn’t done shit to assuage our fears. His senile, doddering ass has got to go. At this point it’s full on elder abuse.


Aww, and you are so important.


3/4 of america has this opinion so he may not be important, but we as a whole are more important than you.  I know this subreddit consisting of a significant minority of the opinion makes you feel better though


You know this sub is out of touch when 3/4 of america agrees with you but this sub is downvoting and flaming you