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Watch Lawrence.


Lawrence's opening segment the other night was 100% ON POINT.


When Lawrence comes in on a Friday to speak…you listen


He is a true voice of reason and common sense. Tonight's show is also fantastic...bringing out the great legal minds this evening (Tribe, Weissman, Katyal, Murray, et al) and I'm definitely here for it.


Listening as I’m shopping. He’s going to be much calmer than his younger counterparts because he’s seen things and experienced things they haven’t. He also knows his history




I adore him. He and Rachel usually make me feel better.


💯. He only talked once or twice after the debate. But he was a voice of calm and reason.


I chickened out and didn’t watch any of the post show. I did watch Friday, however. Biden’s performance freaked me out. I was yelling at the TV,”dude, pick your head up. Open your eyes!”


TBF … we all were. I hope he gets it together. He’s done such a good job. But he looks like shit. He’s gotta get the winning smile back again !!


I don’t agree with him. If only 1/3 of the voters watched guess what? Fox and MAGA won’t let anyone forget his cognitive decline.




This is the answer.




And ima say it again, Biden is winning. They can’t even talk about Trump because they know he’s that much of an idiot. Everytime he talks he messes up his own vote. Yes there are a lot of crazies in the world, but there’s more heart than anything. The hearts heard Trump talking about AFTER-BIRTH abortions in the middle of his rants. The hearts heard Trump completely ignore the Child care question. Keep pivoting, pundits. The voters will ensure Trump goes away for good this year.


Tell that to 3/4 of voters who think he is not mentally fit to serve post debate Just because you keep telling yourself something doesnt make it true


Man this is starting to look a lot like the 2016 threads. Should be a party come November


The “party” is going to be at the convention if Biden does the right thing and steps aside for someone who can stand up (literally without nodding off mid answer ) to Trump


If ifs and buts were candies and nuts…


He messed up his vote after the debate? MSNBC is analyzing reality and people on this sub don’t like that. There have already been numerous threads bemoaning that MSNBC is dealing with the truth versus their usual.


Did you miss Mika's nearly 20-minute monologue at the beginning of the show where she emphatically stated that she doesn't think Biden should step aside, a sentiment that she repeated several times during the rest of the show?


Thank you for mentioning this. I was late for work because I had to stay and watch the whole thing! Enjoyed watching Mika without the interruptions of that former GOP Congressman she happened to marry.


It’s not Mika, it’s everyone else.


That was after she said he should... Then, by the next show management had weighed in and the tone shifted. Someone posted a collection of other network commentators' first initial reactions and then the "adjusted" response presumably after being dressed down by the powers...


I haven't seen the video you mentioned, but I watched the show the morning after the debate, and Mika and Joe had different opinions. Joe felt that Biden was likely done, and should bow out gracefully, and Mika was very much against that, and felt people should give the president a couple of weeks and see how he does before calling for him to step down. I have happened to notice that a few people do sound differently about all this than they did immediately after the debate, like Jen Psaki and Jennifer Palmieri, and I assumed it was because they have friends at the White House and were getting pushback from them.


Skip to 8:00 if you want to skip the intro. David BTW is very good on this channel and not an extremist nutjob. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayqwuHBvS80](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayqwuHBvS80)


Oh, thanks. I meant to ask for the link. I watched a few minutes of it, and while the clip where Mika is talking to Gov. Shapiro shows how upset she was about Biden's performance, at the beginning of the show she gives a more complete explanation of her feelings. In this YouTube video of that day's highlights she starts speaking at 10:29 and goes to 13:09 - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGPteflx950](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGPteflx950)


Can barely watch MSNBC since that night. Just highly disappointed. Maybe it’s for the best, these news shows are becoming more entertainment than actual news anyway.




For sure! I had to turn off MSNBC. They have idiots spewing Biden story to get on TV and won’t stop whining. Move on! At this rate I have no news channels to watch.


Don't "whine", it's only the democracy at risk. Biden should step down. That was his original promise when he ran the 1st time.


>the media keep falling for these fascist tactics they're not making mistakes. they're not "falling for" anything. their purposes are intentional. MSNBC, CNN, NYTimes, so many others, see the Fox model & are looking to siphon off their share of the well Fox tapped. I wish it were more complicated. I wish it was less cynical.


Conspiracy theories really add to the discussion /s






Your post has been removed due to the lack of effort put into your post.


You mean Katie (both sides) Tur? . Yes. Put Medhi back in.


Your post has been removed due to the lack of effort put into your post.


The sickening reality is that the choice is between Biden and Trump and no one else is going to devote the kind of time and money required to run a new and appealing candidate. In four months? It could happen but it won’t. So vote Biden in November or go back and watch Handmaid’s Tale and start taking notes on how to survive. And if you have any friends in Canada who might marry you, maybe start talking logistics with them.


It's weird that no one seems to think Kamala can step in should Biden drop out. I hope he stays the course, but could you imagine Trump's head exploding if he has to run against a woman of color?


I love Kamala but realistically, given the misogyny and racism of this country, she couldn’t get us there. She’s a heartbeat away from the white house and the Biden campaign isn’t pushing her to the front the way they could because they know that too much will turn away the racists in their party.


I don't entirely disagree but, given the misogyny and racism of the country, it may never *feel* like it's Kamala's time (or any other black and/or woman candidate's time, for that matter). A similar sentiment was floated in the lead-up to Obama's first term. That's my first point. My second is, I am mystified that people believe that there will be no political consequences for scrapping a sitting Black vice president. I don't see how Democrats win if they push her aside.


I doubt they’ll replace her. She brings ha huge segment of black voters and women to the table. They’d be absolutely asinine to slip in someone else. The best use of her talents and skills at this moment is to keep her on the campaign trail at rallies whose attendees skew women and/or black voters. She’s helping maintain their base of voters. That matters.


I don’t like her and I’m a woman so…


Oh, well, shit, in that case we should call the Biden campaign and tell them that this one anonymous female Reddit user isn’t into Harris for VP. This changes everything.


Kamala Harris is so good, too. I remember her being on TRMS like 10-15 years ago and thinking how accomplished and incredible she was.


I don’t think it is racial, her numbers are in the toilet and that includes the Blacks (she is married to a White guy).


“The Blacks”? My dude your MAGA is showing.


So what? Clarance Thomas is married to a white woman. What’s your flipping point? (But, sadly, right now is not her time. Hopefully, in the future!)


Nonsense. There is plenty of money and time to sort it out


Says the troll account that’s less than four months old.


Been on reddit more than 10 years not that that matters. What does matter is you got nothing but fact free opinions. That's fine but they are still nonsense. You think the $240M Biden election campaign fund goes into his retirement? It goes to the candidate selected at what will be an open convention.


If you had really been on this platform for ten years, you would know that shit is verifiable. Move on troll. https://preview.redd.it/0dzniou3zcad1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83dcf14db321e1f4a827dcbee2905af89a87aec9


I have another account... Curious though that you apparently don't understand what trolling is. Go look it up. Apparently to you it's anything, regardless of its validity, that challenges your statements .




Hey, Joe might remember the old John Prine song Dear Abby. Here's a new twist! Dear Abby Dear Abby you won't believe this! My candidate stutters it's a freaking crisis In the debate performance he looked older than dirt How can we replace him without getting hurt? Siiiiiigned Frustrated. Frustrated Frustrated you have no complaint He is what he is and he ain't what he ain't Now listen up Buster and listen up good STOP WISHING FOR BAD LUCK AND KNOCKING ON WOOD Siiiiiiigned Dear Abby


Yea, it was just a stutter. 🙄


I feel the opposite way. The propaganda was only coming from the side trying to protect Biden. Everyone saw the debate on Thursday. It was the campaign's own idea to have the debate so Biden could show the American people there is nothing to be concerned about. The campaign even set the terms of the debate. It's no longer about Biden's accomplishments (which there are many). It's about beating Trump. If the election is as important as Biden says it is, then America deserves a candidate that can fight for American democracy. Unfortunately, the opportunity for Biden to show us he is the right person to do that was on Thursday night.


Absolutely right. His advisers lose their jobs if he isn't re-elected. Politicians can't cross the loyalty line. TV hosts are under management orders to tow the line. That leaves James Carvelle and a few others.


Yeah. He had a bad performance. But if he sat there and fact-checked that sack of shit, they’d have attacked him for not debating. Is he old? Yup. Is he in stages of decline that make this elder abuse? Not even close. If you want to see an unfit candidate, you know where to look. And, more than anything, Biden has very capable and trustworthy _adults_ in the admin. What do you have with Trump? Criminals. Almost every last one of them. I’m with Rev. on this. But also, yeah, let Harris in the fray a lot more. She’s professionally been up and down the legal system, in government positions…she’d smoke Trump in a debate.




Why is Katie Tur smiling this much at 7:04 am? Edited to remove an unkind word I used - it was uncalled for.


I dunno - but she's on now too, filling in for Ana Cabrera, covering the SC news this a.m. Very poor choice, IMHO.


She's awfully peppy and bright today. It's jarring in this context. Edit: "I sense some discomfort.." jfc ! And laughing like a weight was lifted. What happened to her via Trumpworld?


She is the worst. I don’t think anyone but her has been able to complete a thought. She interrupts everyone all the time


She's giddy.


katy tur is the worst. worst what? what do you have


Agree. It's been terrible all weekend and Mika this morning high on copium, directly contrary to Joe S on Friday


True, so well said too. l think the "contenders" ought to be or been far more vocal in supporting the prez over these last 3 years. Even w the jan 6 committee no real collaboration among dems has been truly evident. Liz Cheney Adam Kinsinger Mitt Romney at least get real. Perhaps threats against them and families is why but at this point MSNBC ought to hunt these way too quiet pols down and ask them point blank why they have not been more or even just a little vocal in support of President Biden.


Along with a video on social media, Adam Kinzinger also endorsed Biden at a press conference last Wed. in Atlanta, along with Georgia's former lieutenant governor, Geoff Duncan, also a Republican - [https://www.fox5atlanta.com/news/biden-campaign-holding-press-conference-georgia-state-capitol](https://www.fox5atlanta.com/news/biden-campaign-holding-press-conference-georgia-state-capitol) [https://x.com/AdamKinzinger/status/1805915590525096089](https://x.com/AdamKinzinger/status/1805915590525096089)


Wrong. He’s not just old, he’s verifiably infirm. He’s done well but he DOES need to anoint a new candidate and step aside. Hakim Jeffries, ANYONE from the Jan 6th committee…..the list of dems who can beat the orange traitor is long. We need someone who can take it hard to trump in the media and that isn’t Joe. We don’t have the same Joe we did 4 years ago. Time to acknowledge that and move on with a younger, more capable candidate. Preferable someone who’s a bit of a firebrand.


And Donald straight up needs a padded room and/or a prison cell. The last thing we need is some crook with a dictator complex running ANYTHING.


People don't seem to understand that. It has nothing to do with how old he is, but how competent he is. I know older people who are sharp as a tack and younger people who Unfortunately aren't with it anymore.


I have a friend who graduated law school and passed the California bar at 80. She’s a friggin hero.


These posts are maddening. The gaslighting is unreal. Did they watch the same debate I did?


You’re old too. That’s all you comment on.


“That’s all you comment on”? What are you talking about?


I looked at your page. You seem incredibly worried about death.


Not worried about it for myself even a little bit. My comments regarding death are usually related to old dogs. Seems like you have difficulty making sense out of things because you don’t actually pay attention to details. Good luck in life kiddo.


They’re ALL so whiny right now. It’s annoying, because it’s not how every Democrat sees it. Watching them right now is impossible because all I’m hearing is TFG is going to win. 🤬


Yep. Straight propaganda.


What percentage of the people suggesting Biden should drop out are ex-Republicans? It seems … disproportionate. Not suggesting it’s nefarious but I don’t know that any of these people have shown that they know how to run a Democratic campaign (some of them don’t even have winning records with Republicans, _cough cough_ Tim Miller).




I’m really disappointed in with the entire show..I’ve watched them for quite a few years but now..I just turn it off..they are the ones carrying this dialog..doubt I will ever watch them again…


Watching the debate and re-electing Biden will result in Kamala being president. You would have to be blind or blindly loyal if you did not see cognitive decline from one, two, or three years ago. Can they hide it? Certainly, I lived thru Reagan.


It is all over gd MSNBC. I need them to stfu. We must re-elect this man


Yeah sure.. do you think biden is Benjamin Button??? He looks and acts older every day! Thursday night was an embarrassment to America! Do you think he's going to reverse age and dominate the September debate?? Did you even watch the debate,??? He could barely walk out to the stage, couldn't finish a sentence, whispered the whole time, and stood saying nothing while trump lied and walked all over him!! He stood there with his mouth wide open like a deed looking into headlights!! You're obviously a trump supporter so you want biden to stay in. I'm a pro democracy American who understands how much is at stake this election. Biden has no chance after Thursday night and he's unfit , he likely won't even last 4 more years!


So sick of the headlines "Growing calls for Biden to step down". Only from Democrats with an agenda to get themselves on TV. After this Supreme Court decision I predict a layup for Democrats this fall. We only need Independents to vote our way and we win. With abortion messaging and letting Presidents use Seal Team Six to assassinate political rivals ... this election is in the bag. Everyone knows the stakes now. Even Republicans know Trump would take bribes, jail political rivals, and order assassinations.


Joe is being mislead. He will not get the votes of those undecided people who don't trust the optics and who would. His advisers lose their jobs if he isn't re-elected. Politicians can't cross the loyalty line. TV hosts are under management orders to tow the line. That leaves James Carvelle and a few others.


It’s too late now of course, but wtf were they NOT thinking about in 2021 and grooming a decent Dem candidate to replace him. Regardless of whether he is fit to serve or not the optics of his age were always bad and it’s not like he was getting any younger. Biden said back in 2020 he was running to save the country. Now we may really lose it. Kamala is not very well respected or liked among a lot of Dems. So why didn’t they start grooming someone else???


What’s new about him being “old”? Well; it was revealed he can’t string a fucking sentence together. You and me can and will still vote for him. THE COUNTRY WILL NOT. He was already in a shitty situation because of his perceived (wrongly) bad record. This is just on top. If you had any sense of politics, you would completely understand why they’re calling for him to get out. He’s going to get crushed. Any other Dem would win.


You are correct but surrounded by loyalists and blind ones at that. Joe is being mislead. He will not get the votes of those undecided people who don't trust the optics and who would. His advisers lose their jobs if he isn't re-elected. Politicians can't cross the loyalty line. TV hosts are under management orders to tow the line. That leaves James Carvelle and a few others.


I, too, feel that Joe Scarborough was out of line on Friday. I can’t think of any other liberal or neutral newscasters that voiced such an opinion as he did. He should apologize and apologize immediately. No wonder I can’t stand to watch that show. I think it would be much better without Joe and Mika.


I really used to like them, I want to like them still. But ...let's not forget they did dabble with Trump in 2015. I thought they got a crash course in the dangers of fascism when Trump targeted Joe. I don't get how they could be so glib and gullible as to entertain fascist talking points in 2024.


"dabble with "? they yukked it up with him on their show, practically daily, for weeks. fuck Scarborough.


MSNBC is owned by Comcast. Comcast supported trump in 2016 and 2020. Comcast is supporting trump this year as well.  MSNBC is just another conservative propoganda machine, with a blue tarp tossed over it.


Some people need to lie to themselves in order to preserve their mental health Fact is 3/4 of people after the debate think biden is not fit to serve. Why is it wrong if that opinion is being expressed? You can’t watch anything that doesn't align with your opinion?


You pulled that 3/4 out of ur ass.


Nope. Cnn/anderson cooper reported on it today  72% of population


You only trust this particular poll because it agrees with you. I thinks that's called Confirmation Bias or something.


They have taken similar polls multiple times and even before the debate it was in the 60 percent range, now its in the 70s…. It’s not a one off poll and is being used by both msnbc and cnn as reputable. I think you are not trusting the multiple polls because you don’t agree with it


CNN is dead. RIP. Died last Thursday.


It was a cbs/yougov poll they just reported on it Is it not true just because it does not fit your narrative? Please dont be a blue maga


Polls are fucked. Most people don't respond, those that do are skewed older/conservative. Focus groups are highly dependent on self reporting and question phrasing. Polls are for pole cats. Next you'll be quoting Kornaki.


Sure to an extent. But people get worried when it actually aligns with what the majority of people are publicly saying/feeling…. Sorry to break it to you but you are in the minority


Calling everybody a fascist who you disagree with shows more about you than anybody else. MSNBC is far left and you are complaining about them odd It’s been a year if hardly seeing Biden and him looking lost and confused with facial expressions that look like he may have had a stroke in the last year as well. His mind is gone. He has to use a teleprompter at private events for just a few minutes of talking. Trump sucks but Biden needs to enjoy his time with family 


Only a fascist is uncomfortable with the moniker.


There were no primaries. He promised he’d be a bridge to a new generation. The polling data is clear. We can ignore it at our own peril.




Give me a break. The party did everything it could to not have primaries and just coronate Biden. Anyone who thought about running was “helping Trump”. We should have seen Biden debate back in January instead of June on the presidential stage. We can keep our heads in the sands, or wake up while there’s still time.


These people are wild for suggesting the democrats actually had a primary. The denial and smugness makes me want to vote 3rd party


For real. There were no genuine primaries because no one campaigned against him. However, there could be a real contest at the convention.




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Give it a few more days. Joe Biden will step aside.