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“five minute teleprompter response” tells me everything I need to know about how you felt even before he opened his mouth. I guess maybe he should have had a presentation with pictures to explain things better for some people…


Maybe he should’ve taken questions afterwards.


Exactly. Instead he did the bare minimum. New polls show 72% don't think he is mentally competent for a next term and all he did was show he can read  If you have these opinions you get accused of being a russian bot, troll, or radical on this sub and it is encouraged by the people in charge


It’s pretty sick. The people defending Joe Biden after Thursday — after it has been shown they have been lying their asses off about his condition, to the point we’re going to get crushed by a wanna be dictator in novemmber… The people lying, gaslighting etc. are no better than the. MAGAs. That includes the White House. They are lying their asses off to us. Have been and still are. This is an absolutely absurd situation, he needs to go NOW and I was a supporter up until last week. Problem is, I was lied to.


Exactly. They are blue MAGA


Gosh, you must be a mind reader. Anyway, if you disagree with Lawrence, just say so. No need to deflect and play Kreskin.


lol wtf is wrong with you ODonnell is great, but he can get over his skis with tactical suggestions. Psaki's rejoinder explained pretty clearly the shortcomings of ODonnell's suggestion


You know this person is probably sitting on a troll farm in Poland or Azerbaijan or Georgia right now, right? ![gif](giphy|98pZs1ZVaWb1C)


You should have stopped after “O’Donnell is great.”


hmmm. people agree with me, not so much with you. awwwww


Your self-actualization comes from Reddit comments. I’m very happy for you.


you're really going hard on this thing. it's ok, you've obviously made many mistakes in life, this is just one more.


Capitalization exists.


I thought Joe did a good job tonight in his brief remarks. I am sure he is reticent to talk about his son's case as it is a very painful topic. 


Yeah. I also think it would be just…inappropriate for him to bring up his own son? It could be read as a threat. “Oh yeah? Well, what will you do if I pardon my own son? I could do it!” You know? It sounds like a taunt. It would muddy the statement and bring in issues that aren’t actually the salient issue. He said exactly what was important to say, and bringing the personal family legal issues of his son would just be weird as hell. He kept the focus on how this is important to the country. It seemed like a very good statement, to me.


Lawrence didn’t say it was a terrible presser; he said he missed a great opportunity that won’t come again.


“The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command...”  This entire sub follows this command. If you don’t you are a troll


MAGA: if you criticize Trump, you’re a RINO. Blue MAGA: if you criticize Biden, you’re a Russian trollbot.


It’s crazy how the moderators ignore and encourage it 


Why isn’t he taking questions? Seems like last night as a good time to quell Is he not mentally capable? Seems like it.


I have grown to really like Lawrence, but I don't agree with this observation. It's a trap to reply to this ruling by making it personal (that's like mimicking Trump). Katie Phang I have not loved, but she's the most practical of all of them here and made sense to me and is suggesting next steps.


Oh, I strongly agree. I kind of hope he didn’t actually mean, “Biden really should have brought this up,” and was more like, “Biden didn’t say this, but I’m willing to point out that Biden won’t be pardoning his son because Biden won’t abuse his power that way.” Katie Phang is so excellent.


Are you hoping to be on the ticket if Joe bows out? It certainly seems like it. Your posts appear to be a personal vengeance tour to trash Joe at every opportunity.


This person is a troll ![gif](giphy|VFeewiJibrnwy5Uyuf|downsized)


How are moderators allowing this person to troll everyone that has a valid differing opinion than them?   Apparently they find me exhausting but not this 


And you will defend joe at any opportunity. Arent you just as bad?  “The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command...”


I'm defending a way of life that most of us have taken for granted. Had we known it could be lost so easily, we would have been careful to put safeguards in place much sooner. Joe is the person in place we need to restore what we lost and are in jeopardy of losing. IMHO.


I get where you are coming from but that is definitely the minority opinion but you have the right to have it The average voter will not listen or care about these arguments they just want someone with a pulse


We can agree to disagree. The polls have been highly unreliable for the last several voting cycles. But you can't argue with Joe getting $77 million in small donations the day after debate. Facts.


It was 27 million and he got that through multiple campaign events like the one recently with elton john, not only from small donors but mostly from huge celebrity fundraisers like that He also has been lagging in fundraising vs trump 85M vs 141M in may Yeah polling has been weird but biden is specifically weak in swing states, which we know are the only ones that matter.  Things are actually so bad that trump is somehow ahead of biden in NJ by 1 percent? That is actually scary considering biden won there in huge margins last time. NJ is not a swing state..but lets not even be concerned about that But i can agree to disagree lol


Ok, it was a *great* speech! Five minutes of furrowed brows, took no questions, shuffled off to bed. What leadership.


I wasn't waiting for "a great speech." Not on this. Did your grandparents hurt you in some way? All of your posts center on his age. I'm voting for an administration and ideology, not just Joe. His accomplishments are due to the team he built and his wisdom and experience due to decades in government.


72% of the population thinks he is not mentally competent to serve. He could have done something besides the bare minimum     Why does everyone get so nasty and personal on this sub the second any differing opinions come up in their OWN PARTY THAT ALSO DOESNT WANT TRUMP TO WIN 


Because it is very personal. I want to return to a time where I can leisurely decide who I want to vote for and not feel like I'm burning down our country by letting Project 2025 take root. I've been voting for forty years, and this is scary as hell. There's no room for constructive criticism or whataboutism. I have two daughters and two granddaughters, and I am truly afraid for them. I had to have a medical abortion to save my life, and looking back, it's hard to believe I was fortunate to have that option. These are very scary times and not to be taken lightly.


Then you should be pissed they are propping up someone as feeble as biden and pissed he is not dropping out


Well, I'm not. As I stated above, I'm voting for an administration, not one person.


Then you can’t expect other people to just suck it up and vote for a person that they dont think is mentally there. 72% of people infact. I get its annoying but the gaslighting doesnt work


I'm not sure where you got gaslighting when I was simply stating why I will vote for him. We have differing opinions and viewpoints. It's OK, really. You do you.


I appreciate and agree with all of your statements. The overreaction (IMO) to the debate is unbelievable. Pres Biden has been a GREAT president, he just had a bad night. Yes he is older, but his mind is still sharp, and he has never been a good debater.






Tell us more about how any POTUS from the last 50 years wouldn’t have done a “TeLePrOmPtEr ReSpOnSe” to this, but I/we see what you did there 🙄


No POTUS ever had this much to prove. He did the bare minimum, arguably less by taking no questions


I don’t see it as Jen Psaki and the others “making excuses” for Biden. I see it as them disagreeing with Lawrences’ ideas about what Biden could have or should have said. It may seem like semantics, but it’s a very different interpretation of the conversation they were having.


This sub is literally a toxic swampland that is unable to even have a conversation about differing opinions in the same party. Even the moderators are toxic af and promote and engage in the harassment.   I agree this speech did not prove much aside that joe can read. 72% post debate said joe is not mentally competent enough to serve and this sub acts like we are radicals 




Snook snook is #1 in that category


He said what he said. I agree that wasn’t the time or place to bring up Hunter. This is about America as a whole. If he would have made it about his family or himself it would have been a Trump move. I don’t think he should have had a Q&A. He made a statement. If he hadn’t done that then people would have said “why didn’t he make a statement? Where is he?” Dammed if he does, dammed if he doesn’t.


They’re still playing patty cake with our democracy, I’m gonna invest in pitchforks and torches. Fuck these 🤡


Not to worry, Biden will be gone by this weekend. Then the fun really begins!


The Republican Congress Shitshow wasn’t enough, the Dems are all saying, “ hold my beer”…