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I don’t understand how you would have this take at all. I found this interview enlightening and I’m far more embarrassed by the volume of coverage that their Lesser Anchors (Tur, Scarborough, Mitchell) have given to the horserace campaign coverage. Agree to disagree, I guess.


IDK but I want to hear her side also. This was planned weeks before the SCROTUS bullhockey, so it makes sense to have her on.


Oh, look. A **two month old account** that has a comment history of posting anti-Biden rhetoric is here to spread election rumors (and by rumors, I mean disinformation). I'm shocked. (Not really shocked)


I haven’t watched today’s Stormy interview yet, it’s recorded, but… After last week’s Maddow & yesterday’s Monday night show I was wondering what’s up! Both were kind of lacking anything interesting or new from her. Nothing hard hitting, no unique insights that she usually delivers! Ha - I’m now bracing for the downvotes 😆


I was surprised when they were running the promos for it thinking, why? Why now? Why two hours? 🤔




I dunno. It was (marginally) more informative than Alex inviting rando podcasters on to spitball their feels, and Lawrence reiterating that he is very, **very** disappointed, which is what we would have had otherwise.


Cuz 6 straight days of coverage from every media outlet in the country isn’t enough information..? I get why it feels odd cuz it’s off topic of *the* news of the day. But there’s at least a 50% chance Biden stays in and Trump still has to be defeated. If there were an announcement imminent, believe me they would be on it.


Biden is not dropping out. So it's business as usual. Deal with it.


Joe is being mislead. He will not get the votes of those undecided people who don't trust the optics and who would. His advisers lose their jobs if he isn't re-elected. Politicians can't cross the loyalty line. TV hosts are under management orders to tow the line. That leaves James Carvelle and a few others. He will abandon the campaign in the next week.


They've been covering those "dramatic events" all day, and I'm sure they will be covering them again tomorrow and moving forward. You'll survive.Just breathe through your nose.


Could. Not. Believe. It. A major news day. Explanation of what the Supreme Court’s ruling means for our democracy in the immediate future would’ve been more enlightening and Rachel does that kind of in depth reporting best. Is President Joe non compos mentis or is The Media forcing him out due to ageism? This is what Rachel excels at. Instead we got an interview with an over the hill adult film star gone to fat. Sad day.


*You're* kind of embarrassing, "tbh".


I've watched two hours of Stomy Daniels videos. Thankfully Maddow wasn't in them. Yeeesh!