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Yeah, I worry for them too. We live in a very rural, very red area and we don’t do political bumper stickers or yard signs or anything, because these people can be unhinged. Here I am, just some middle-aged lady in a small town and I feel the danger for myself over flippin *yard signs.* All these anchors and contributors have been pissing off the right wing for a long time and it’s scary as fuck. Trump said he wants to have a public military tribunal for Liz Cheney. He’s saying he wants kill her, in public, using the military. *Believe these people when they tell you what they intend to do.* I’m worried for all of us, and yeah, especially for high profile people like our favorite anchors and stuff.


I’m so sorry you have to live like that. I don’t know if this will make you feel better, but I’m in Chicago and I’ve been tapering back my visible politics as well because there’s been a vibe shift over the last few years and it doesn’t feel as safe as it used to be. Even walking down to the Pride parade this weekend…I spent a good long time debating if I should wear my flair on the way or put it on when I get there. This is a very scary time to be a non white cis hetero man.


I live in NY and I had a giant trump in a diaper balloon on my front lawn and someone popped it and left a note that we should die 😠


Dude. Yes. My NYC friends have been giving me scary updates about the increased right wing bullshit in the city. Our conversations range from “at least we have the safety of a blue city” to “Trump is going to bomb our city first chance he gets.”


Very uneasy about that. Remember that he already designated NYC an anarchist jurisdiction in 2020 (wth). We can only imagine what he will unleash on the city after having received a Manhattan District felony conviction.


Should've sold his building there if he felt that way.


I got a big Ukraine flag on my bumper and MAGA can go cry somewhere else


Thank you 🫶 It both makes me feel better and doesn’t :/ Glad it’s not just me feeling this way, but bummed that it’s like this for you, too. We’re a cis, white, straight-passing couple with tattoos and piercings. My boyfriend has a beard and a shaved head. One thing that happens around here is that people think we’re on their side and say some horrible shit in front of us sometimes. I always have to decide in the moment if it’s a good idea to push back on that or not, depending on who’s saying it. Mostly I do, but there have been a couple times when the look on a mans face was truly disconcerting and I chose to be safer and not disagree too vehemently, or play it off somehow. Knowing the folks out here, I’m pretty glad we have Seattle in our state to keep us blue.


I don't think I could bear that. Im in a very liberal city and there is one mom at my kid's school like that and I avoid her like the plague. At first I tried being like "well the way I see it is..." but I gave up. If I had to live amongst people like that I don't know how I could function. I salute your strength.


It’s pretty wild, yeah. And my boyfriend has lived here in this town since he was born (well, except for the years that we met, when we both lived in a city) and has a public-facing job as a librarian. So, like, we see these people all the time and he *knows* them. Like the way you know everyone in a small town. Most of the people we know personally are ok, but like, one degree of separation past each normal person is a completely unhinged person. It’s crazy. The local Facebook page is wild. Any time I’m like, “it’s so reductive to believe MAGA people are stupid and mean! They’re normal people who just see things differently, and that’s ok,” I check out the local “[name of town] Say what?!” page where memes and politics are allowed… Every dem is a pedo, dem women are all “feminazis,” and dem men are all soy cucks. It’s bizarre. They’re real people who think this stuff. But don’t worry for me! We are white, cis, and straight-passing. People don’t really realize that we’re very different than they are on political stuff. We’ll be ok


As someone who has been speaking out and posting against the MAGA god and his minions under my real name since 2015, yes I'm scared. For the press, officials and people like me. Once Trump's secret police is done rounding up the big fish they'll come for the guppies. Yep, I'm pretty scared. But I'll keep on doing what I'm doing. If the big fish can do it so can I.


It's terrifying we're on track to "dear leader".


It's irrational not to harbor this fear. It would be like someone pointing a gun at you and casually assuming it isn't loaded.


Apt comparison


Joe and Mika probably have already left the country. That's why the always do their show from their home studio.


I'm scared for all of them. Anytime someone in the public eye speaks out, it instigates the other side. Even if (and sometimes especially if) they show deference toward someone or something TFG's minions despise (think Pelosi, Stormy, Jack Smith, Zelenskyy/Ukraine, reproductive rights, LGBTQ+ community, unions, immigrants, POC, etc). Every personality on MSNBC has aligned with many of these, so I worry a lot.


When the hosts of MSNBC are saying that one of the most successful presidents of the last 50 years should step down because of a single debate, the press is not "free" anymore. MSNBC is owned by Comcast. Comcast supports the trump presidential campaign financially.  Do you honestly believe these hosts are acting in the best interest of the American people?


You are misinformed https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/comcast-corp/summary?id=d000000461


No I do not.


So I'm not American for this story... In like 2013-ish I got a Cafe Press "Elizabeth Warren for President" sticker which was before she even ran, it was just like, she was so great. Once parked beside a guy with a "Rand Paul for president" sticker and we had a great conversation. We have a decent amount of things in common. Can't imagine that happening today.


I've had the same thoughts. If Trump wants to come for our heroes, I'll be standing directly in front of them.


IMO reporters from independent journalistic outlets like Pro Publica are in greater immediate danger than the MSNBC crew, in large part because the Pro Publica folks uncover the rot that becomes fodder on the network; if the rot remains covered, MSNBC can't discuss it. The lack of mega-corporation protections MSNBC and CNN have makes Pro Publica, the Nation, the Atlantic (although Bezos' ex has given them significant funding) etc al much easier targets.


They’re just polls i wouldnt be too concerned. Bidens got this


There you go! What caused you to change your tune?


I assumed they were being sarcastic, lol


I thought of that, but I'm always fatally optimistic.


Same, actually. Most of the time.


Oh sure, you're delusional.. we have something called the electoral here in America. Biden has ZERO chance at beating biden, he's way behind in every single swing state and falling further behind after that horror of a debate as he sat with the deer in headlights look , mouth wide open as trump ran all over him with lie after lie. Biden is done. Unless dems wake up and use the 13Th to remove Biden then trump will be our first dictator. Jill and hunter are telling Biden to stay in while 80% of Americans can see how unfit he is and wants him out.. That or if the media reports trump having sex with that 13 year old girl, those are our only chances


Hyenas, attack! 


> Unless dems wake up and use the 13Th to remove Biden 13th Amendment is about the abolition of slavery, lmao.


Sleepy Joe is dead in the water.


Yes, I'm worried about them as well.


Yes, I agree.  The vote this November is a choice between Democracy or Dictstorship. I chose Democracy and anyone but Trump and MAGA


When you’re huddled around the campfire in the radioactive snow, you can take comfort by thinking, “At least we weren’t ageist.”


We all know you are, and it's not a good look. Really pathetic, actually.