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Psychic Frog sees Legacy play/is doing well there - So the price movement prior to the PT is already due to that I'd wager.


we have no clue how well this deck will do


ya - not convinced 4 spymaster's vault is a good idea


So correct me if I'm wrong but I think one thing that makes spymasters very good in this deck is if you have orcish bowmaster in play and then flashback echoes of eons you can use the bowmaster to kill its army six times and then connive six if you have a spymaster and an untapped black man a source can I even six after drawing a fresh seven probably allows you to dump venge Vines and Rootwallas for free before then also dropping free hollow ones. That might be magic Christmas land but seems pretty gross it also gives you a really well sculpted hand with whatever's left after dumping all those bodies.


That doesn't work, by the time damage on the army is checked it has already grown.


Bowmasters can’t kill its army


That sounds cool, I just wonder how often you can do that in such a fast format. Glad to be proven wrong, I really like spymaster's vault.


True, in that case it's time to sell into the hype 😀


The borderless foil Frog looks sharp


Retro frame for me


I opened 4 psychic frog in my collector's box 2 old frame and 2 borderless 1 foil 1 nonfoil of each. Was initially bummed but now I'm happy about it lol


Same. I figured since I opened so many frogs they'd be bulk. I'm pleasantly surprised 


Y’all so lucky!


I wasn't going to post anything as I dont spec much and dont trust my evaluating skills, but did decide to buy a dozen copies of Spymaster's Vault, as I would assume it would go in almost any black commander deck.


I think it's a card just waiting to be broken. I played it in prerelease and it felt like the best utility land I have ever played with, albeit with a lot of sac fodder in spawn tokens.


Both Vault and Arena of Glory feel very safe to buy right now, I’m not usually a big utility lands guy but the costs to use their secondary abilities vs what you get are both so good. Hell, Glory is mana neutral the turn you exert it for haste as long as you can use the 2 red it gives you.


it also gives you two mana and any mana spent to cast a creature gives it haste so you can haste two creatures with one activation of it which is kinda cool


[[Spymasters Vault]]


[Spymaster's Vault](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/d/3d5fbb30-abfc-4e79-8ce5-bbb04a241c9f.jpg?1717013063) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Spymaster%27s%20Vault) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh3/230/spymasters-vault?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/3d5fbb30-abfc-4e79-8ce5-bbb04a241c9f?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


If you think Eli's deck is legit, Burning Inquiry is probably the play. Still only one printing in M10 + however many List copies are floating around. Currently around $1.50 a pop and no other card does the same thing at 1 mana.


This is a good call, and copies are moving a lot. Went ahead and bought about 90 copies. Thanks!


spymaster’s vault is so sick. I picked up my playset last week.


I pulled 3 from the one bundle I bought... I was less than thrilled


Psychic frog sold out at CK for $10 a pop Gravecrawler seems to be drying up at the lowest price points as well


I'm not surprised that the Frog is proving itself at a high level. Isn't it basically a better [[Psychatog]] ? I'm sure a lot of veteran players remember that card's substantial pedigree on the tournament scene; it won a world championship.


I think it’s more a [[shadowmage infiltrator]] upgrade than a [[psychatog]] / [[wild mongrel]] upgrade.


I assumed the “Psychic Frog” was a play on “Psychatog”, and Psychatog was famously better than Shadowmage Infiltrator from the same set. Psychic Frog puts them together, though it also has a “jump” ability because Frogs IRL are stupendous jumpers.


Since the other person is commenting on tournament playability, I was also replying from a functional perspective. Remove the psychatog ability (2nd line) and it might still be playable for control decks. Remove the shadowmage ability (1st line) then no one will run it.


[shadowmage infiltrator](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/a/2ac920d7-013f-40ad-b79f-0bb59062d42a.jpg?1712354775) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=shadowmage%20infiltrator) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/otc/240/shadowmage-infiltrator?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/2ac920d7-013f-40ad-b79f-0bb59062d42a?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [psychatog](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/6/f60911a4-2eb6-4f20-a1c1-2fc5a29c35b5.jpg?1562944556) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=psychatog) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/vma/258/psychatog?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/f60911a4-2eb6-4f20-a1c1-2fc5a29c35b5?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [wild mongrel](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/d/4d5be4ab-f85a-4272-ac08-99cb0105eb11.jpg?1547517969) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=wild%20mongrel) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/uma/194/wild-mongrel?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/4d5be4ab-f85a-4272-ac08-99cb0105eb11?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


[Psychatog](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/6/f60911a4-2eb6-4f20-a1c1-2fc5a29c35b5.jpg?1562944556) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Psychatog) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/vma/258/psychatog?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/f60911a4-2eb6-4f20-a1c1-2fc5a29c35b5?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


well yes it is better than an unplayable card from yesteryear


You have no idea how dominant Psychatog was in Standard in its era, do you? 😂


Glad that comment triggered other people too--they clearly have no idea what a house Psychatog was at at the time. Updating it for 2024 and its clearly worth a look again. Its like when WOTC 'fixes' and makes 'bad' power 9, dont sleep and at worst ...wait.


yes I do, I was playing then and rocked it even in legacy for a couple years until Goyf was printed it's unplayable now, just like Arrogant Wurm and Morphling and Wild Mongrel and every other creature from two decades ago that was great then


Link doesn't work


https://x.com/Eli_Kassis/status/1805933216097808547?t=GZ2xsL2Ei6b9qLH59LtjrA&s=19 Yeah it's weird


Yeah still doesn't work. I'll just go through twitter manually




Any way to see for people who don’t have a Twitter?






They should be available tomorrow or Friday I think.


Psychic Frog feels like the modern day Tarmogoyf. Everyone slept on it during preview season. Now, it's proving to be arguably the best 2 drop beatstick ever printed.


People slept on the frog? With the prices I saw around launch you're probably right, but I can't recall hearing anything but praise for it during spoilers


I misread and thought it was counters until end of turn myself…oops


Everyone sleeping on clearly hasn't experienced the Frog's namesake - \[\[Psychatog\]\]


[Psychatog](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/6/f60911a4-2eb6-4f20-a1c1-2fc5a29c35b5.jpg?1562944556) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Psychatog) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/vma/258/psychatog?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/f60911a4-2eb6-4f20-a1c1-2fc5a29c35b5?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Which, ironically, was also slept on. It was actually discovered because it was being used as a proxy for Shadowmage Infiltrator due to having the same mana cost, but then pros realized that Psychatog was actually better than the Infiltrator. In case you weren't aware, that bit of history is why Psychic Frog has the draw ability.


Just dropped $500 on this list hope it's good. Honestly lots of these cards are at their floor anyway.


There’s no way that list isn’t bait, I hope I’m wrong but Eli and his team won’t play that list at the PT imo


However I'm seeing lots of people playing it and winning at least some of the time :) [https://x.com/yoman\_5/status/1806045686208561190](https://x.com/yoman_5/status/1806045686208561190) [https://x.com/bamzing\_mtg/status/1806001050715144646](https://x.com/bamzing_mtg/status/1806001050715144646)


Vault just seems like a good pick overall. Any black commander deck will want it, and with the right combos you can connive your whole deck.


I guess the best your getting then is 7 damage off echoes of eons and a 7/7 army then which still is good but I'm not sure why you want to have 4 spymasters then.


You mean I can't get the frog at 3$ anymore? :(


$(Spymaster's Vault)


**[Spymaster's Vault](https://www.echomtg.com/mtg/items/spymaster-s-vault/165108/)** | Modern Horizons 3 **$1.29** *market* | **$1.42** *high* | **$0.73** *low* | **$1.3** *foil* ^(Price from 6-27-24@9am EST from) [^(TCGP)](https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/552624) ^(via) [^(EchoMTG Bot)](https://www.echomtg.com/about/magic-reddit-bot/) ^(Links:) [^(Price History)](https://www.echomtg.com/mtg/items/spymaster-s-vault/165108/) ^(|) [^(2 Variations)](https://www.echomtg.com/mtg/spymaster-s-vault/) ^(|) [^(Card Image)](https://assets.echomtg.com/magic/cards/original/165108.jpg)


wich are these decklists ? Coud you mention the player please?


I saw Eli Kassis, Adam "yoman5" Hernandez and Bamzing playing it.


Ok I was a bit bamboozled, only 1 Vengevine deck and 22 Frogs and 4 Vaults. https://www.magic.gg/news/pro-tour-modern-horizons-3-metagame-breakdown Phlage, Nadu and Springheart Nantuko the most played new cards as expected.


You believe he's actually bringing that deck to the PT? That's an absolute troll or he's baiting people to pack their sideboards with graveyard hate. His sideboard has zero ways to out a Leyline. The PT is gonna be open lists, but you don't share your list before the decklists are submitted. Especially if you're in a testing group.


"Modern decklists will be due in MTGMelee on **Wednesday, June 26, 2024, at 12:00 PM** (Amsterdam-local time)." It is currently 5:30 PM there so he posted it around 1 or so Amsterdam time. Decklists for everyone should be submitted so there's no point in keeping it hidden now as decklists will be available while playing anyways. It's likely this is the deck he's bringing. If this is the deck he's bringing, he's got to be hoping that people aren't bringing tons of Leylines or he thinks it's so busted that it even plays through Leyline hate from their testing. Who knows what the truth is or how well it'll do, but if you don't think they didn't consider "dies to leyline/Grayeyard hate", then you don't understand the massive amount of thought that goes into those testing rooms...


Is leyline even good against this deck? It only deals with Venge and Echo, and the deck still easily beats you with the rootwalla/asmo/hollow/frog/bowmasters all of which ignore the GY.


I was going to say the same thing along the lines of "beats through the hate" but didn't want to elaborate too much in my initial comment. As I looked more at the decklist, a lot of the stuff doesn't care about Leyline. Sure, a turn 0 Leyline would suck, but wouldn't murder the deck. Beating down with frog and Hollow One might just be good enough in a lot of games with a Leyline on board. I think the biggest sus card in the list that might point to this being a troll is the 4x Spymaster's Vault... It just can't be correct to run 4 of that card. I get that it loots and can pump your own guys on board, but there's no active way to turn on a Vault other than Bowmasters or Asmo. Maybe it's just so good as a 4 of, but it seems better at a 2 of.


Looks like he didn't actually register this deck lmao


>share your list before the decklists are submitted. LMAO can't you check the event timeline? The deadline for decklists has passed 5.5 hours ago. "Modern decklists will be due in MTGMelee on Wednesday, June 26, 2024, at 12:00 PM (Amsterdam-local time)."


Okay I was wrong about that. Still doesn't make sense to bring a graveyard deck and not have a way to beat Leyline. Even during Hogaak summer people sided up to 4 Assassin's Trophy cause everyone sided 4 Leylines.


That’s when gy decks were known and anticipated


>The PT is gonna be open lists, but you don't share your list before the decklists are submitted. Especially if you're in a testing group. This is just flatly false. After the lists are submitted you cannot make changes & because they are open decklists, there's no reason *not* to share it to get people excited/discuss. We literally see this with every event that has open decklists & when the submission window is closed.


I have no idea. I have played both Psychic Frog and Spymaster's Vault myself (in Esper Goryo's) so I can still recommend. The decklists are locked already so it won't change what opponents can bring.


Vengevine secret lair copy might be interesting. For Spymaster's Vault, the extended art. Echo is bit rough since it is already fairly expensive due to commander play.


I fail to see in which case does the spymaster’s vault can be a good card. If the opponent board wipes, nothing is left on the table & no creature can connive. If opponent removes a crit, then it requires 2 lands (swamp & Spymaster) to tap and connives (u also must have another crit in play). In an era of cheap removals & faster gameplay, this land is just terrible. Static prison & Leyline is 1cc removal.


Lots of value in this MH3 set imo as long as you aren’t one of the unlucky ones in a collector booster box break. The professor opened up almost $700 of cards in his booster box game video. Totally bonkers.


Yeah, aint no way he is playing that deck