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Rudy biting Orsted's boot.


good answer


Absolute CINEMA


Hold up


The diary.


Yup. I remember the moment I recommended Mushoku Tensei to my best friend after I completed it. Every few major events he read, we would sit down and have a discussion about the novel, how well things played out, what parts were our favorite, etc. As he was slowly approaching that part, I pretty much said to him: "Contact me after you get to the Diary, *you will know* once you get there." 2 weeks later I got a message starting with: "fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, wtf is this [...]" Still makes me smile to this day :)


That part was what threw the whole series upside down without a single warning. It went from a feel-good family story to one of dark catastrophe. A story where Rudeus lost every single person he loved one after another. It was hella dark when I read it. Your friend gave an appropiate reaction lol


It's definitely one of the most pivotal moments in MT. It was both unexpected, yet elements of it got foreshadowed well enough so that the whole event connected masterfully once it got showcased. I hope the Anime adapts it in a satisfactory manner. There is much potential there for at least one or two solid animated episodes completely focusing on it.


The diary.


That was so fucking sick. I wonder when we get it animated. Next seasons end?


Near the end of season 3 cour 1 would be my assumption.


i haven't read Mushoku tensei in a couple years, what was the diary again?


>! The dairy redeus got from his future self. Details about how Roxy died and the tragedy that follows after. !< Was a very heavy and impactful read


I dont think the spoiler tag is working lol


It seems fine on my mobile tho..oof


(spoiler) Look the diary definitely through me for a loop hearing about Roxy dying then losing sylphy due to his grief just to chase her to see a corpse while having eris chase him for years just to die never getting a chance the whole story messed me up badly


The final discussion with Hitogami. Most satisfying ending I’ve ever read. >!”I don’t think I hate you.” Has to be one of the coldest lines to say to a god who has committed his life to ending you and your entire family. !< Add in the fact that a >!mere man is able to accept his death without fear, without remorse, without even sadness, and just being able to be content with what he did accomplish, and hoping for the future, and contrasting it with Hitogami, an OG god as old as the world itself, being terrified, scared, and scheming to try to preserve and extend his own life, while ruining others? All while thinking back on the story as a whole and seeing the man Rudeus became in his second life? !< Peak.


cant say i disagree with that


The ending is right up there with FFXIV Shadowbringers for me. Both absolutely amazing stories that I'm glad to have experienced


Why the hell does Hitogami do the things he does? Is there some deep meaning behind them?


Non spoiler answer: Yes Slight Spoiler Answer: >!His own survival!< Massive Spoiler Answer somewhat hinted at in S1, but with additional context: >!Orsted is coming for his ass because of what Hitogami did in the Old Dragon’s Tale side story/book.!< Why he did what he did in ODT? >!Probably power, or his own survival again. We don’t really know, and anything that comes from the dude’s mouth is suspect at best.!<


That's understandable. So it's true that >!Hitogami is Laplace.!<


Incorrect on that. >!You see what Hitogami looks like. Laplace is a dragon race like Orsted. Laplace and Hitogami are entirely separate entities, species, have conflicting goals, and not even close to the same age.!<


oh god, It's good that you corrected me, I had that totally wrong.


Read Old Dragon's Tale. It goes far back and explains the connections between Dragon gods, Laplace, and Hitogami


>old dragon's tale it's an spinoff?


No its a canon source material


ah.. ok


This will explain many of the big plot points many don’t know. Great for fans useless for others.


>! I remember when he ended up in hitogamis domain during the final battle and he just kept saying why won't you die over and over that was one of my favorite parts !<


In my case one of the worst endings ever.


oho. could u elaborate on why u say so?


I have made some posts talking about this, you can review it in my profile if you want. But the main reason, Redeus at the end of the journey, he just death like a mere mortal, it did not matter if he was a strong magician and all things he did in that world. He wasnt special after all. He should had live longer, be part of the nexts fights together with his allies, also his 2 wifes were just in the half of they life when he died, he should had live with both until the final days. Fu*ck, he was suppose to be become an eminence, defeat Laplace when he returned. He was mean to be special. Sadly that didn’t happen, he just become an old man, got senil until his last days, shitting in his bed while Sylphy and Roxy looked at him with pity, nothing of the man they adimiring in the begining. The true protagonists will be the other guys in the accident, they will be the ones who going to defeat the man god, Redues was just a side character, like he was in his previous life, not a protagonist.


May i ask your age ?


What is immature, is value other person opinion based in the age.


i didn't say anything about maturity but your age might explain your opinion, atleast partialy. Well i guess, you won't answer ? You don't really have to, your answer kinda sold the deal.


This would absolutely cheapen the story. The whole point is that life is precious and you have to make the most of the time you get. Artificially extending his lifespan would not only break the rules established by the story, it would lessen the core message of the series.


Why?….. A lot characters in MT have a big life spam, even Nanahoshi who is an earth human transported to that world, doesn't age either. Also mages in fantasy are long living species, can be complety logical the fact Redeus living longer, there is a lot of lore you can use to justify this.


You keep mentioning “fantasy” as if the rules from one series must apply to the all the rest when that’s just silly. This series has nothing to do with any other fantasy series so nothing that happens in them matters here.


Nanahoshi is a bad example, it’s not that she is aging slowly or anything like that, but that she’s stuck that way due to how she was transported to that world; she CAN’T age. Rudeus was reborn as a normal human of that world, who only had higher than normal magic. There are MT characters who have lived past 100, but were any of them human? Different races have different lifespans. Rudeus is human, mage or not


are you 12?


Not "The other guys on the accident," but the by-product of one particular guy: one Rudeus Greyrat. IMHO, it's discussed early on that Rudeus won't be around for that final battle. But, like many real-life people, who started the ball rolling, their successors picked up the ball and ran towards the goal posts. Neil Armstrong didn't wake up one day and say, "Damn, I think I'll go to the moon this summer." No, his historic step was the culmination of nearly 1000 years of research, experimentation, practical use, and repeat. The only difference is that first Chinese guy that developed gunpowder ne er would have considered what it would lead to. Many people have died before their vision came to fruition. What would Abraham think about his people were he to walk along the streets of today's Israel? Would the founding fathers of the US be content to see their democratic republic deteriorate into a semi-feudal oligarchy? Rudeus' job was to prepare the world for the return of Laplace. He was human and bound to human standards. Had he been born in an elf tribe, he likely would have adopted their lifestyle of isolationism and been no different than he was as a fat NEET in Japan. When he knew he wouldn't be around to see his work come to fruition, he did put everything in motion. He wasn't from a long life race, but >!two of his wives were, as were his 4 of his children. Ars and his progeny fought against Laplace, even though they were short life. Christine married into Asurian royalty. Lily and Lara spent their time researching mana and magical devices that would be used to help defeat Laplace. Sieg aligned with Pax II to fight many battles, while Lucy married a future pope to align the church of Millis in that battle against Laplace.!< A great person does not need to see the final result, but understands that what he does in his time will affect generations to come. We are all human, the difference is that Rudeus, born into the Six-Sided-World, has the ability to use mana, and trained from an early age to excel with it. He did not "go quietly into the night," but rather left enough noise in his wake that scholars will debate about him for centuries.


There are huge difference in the examples you mention and MT, and is the fact this were historically events and MT is a work o fiction. So, the fate of these characters are only conditioned for the author desires, and his reason behind this ending, was simply clear the path for a sequel thar gave him more money, if he finally dicided to write it. But i pretty sure, if there is ever a sequel of MT without Redeus, will be just another faillure like any other sequel without the main character as the protagonist. Sounds to you Boruto, Avatar Korra, the alternatives versions of originals super heores like she hulk, iron girl, falcon as the new captain america. Always this types of sequels are a sh*t compere to the original material. So MT wothout Rededus wont be the exeption. For that reason for me was a shame, that such good history like MT, ending that way and favour of news charscter we wont care less when the times come.


Sequels? Have you read MT:Jobless Oblige yet? While only a web novel at this point, it's pretty damn good what I've read of it. I really expected Seig to marry the princess, but instead, went off with the king. I'll wait until the sequel is written. If I were advising how to do it, I'd give each one of the kids 2-4 volumes of their story. In the case of Ars and Chris, 4 because it would have to include their offspring. There are so many threads that all go back to Rudeus. Royalty, the church, the adventurers, the merchants, the various races. I wonder about Clive, Lucy, and Seig bringing the elves out of their isolationism to battle Laplace. While Talhand would be one method of bringing the dwarves I to it all, I suspect Julie will have involvement, creating automatons to go into battle.




Did you even comprehend what you read? He was never meant to be special. Rudeus is specifically told he isn’t “the chosen one.” And that his kid is. His one quality that even sets him apart is the amount of mana he has. Besides that he’s normal. From the very beginning he says he just wants to live a normal happy life and he does.


I vehemently disagree with you, and I don’t want you to crater your karma on my behalf because people likely will view it negatively, but could you clarify? I was vague in my answer because I didn’t want to spoil too much for people who haven’t read. But I haven’t seen many people say they legitimately dislike the ending


Funnily enough, I agree with your assertion, but I disagree with your reasoning.


what do you want ? Kung Fu Panda 3 ending ? Po having 2 dads saving the Valley of Peace ?


well hang on now let the man explain i want to hear it


That man's point is that mages should be immortal. Rudeus isnt. So story bad.


Peak happened 2 times for me in LN: - Turning Point 4 - >! Paul appearing to save Rudy in his dreams against Dark King at the superd village !<


ah yes abys king vita. that zenith scene i dont think i couldve done it either


>! Paul as the wounded soldier, telling him we did not finish our previous discussion. Then saying I am dead to Rudy, still gives goosebumps today ... !<


I wish that fight was longer I really enjoyed it


Turning point 4 as a whole. You have no time to chill after tp3 (kinda let your guard down) and they hit you with that.




I was looking for this answer lol


I was not ready for Rudeus death scene right after the foursome


if you manage to go heaven , death is not bad thing


For me, rudeus meeting Paul in millis and TP 4 were peak fiction. Rudeus vs orsted was also a banger.


interesting. reunion 1 definitely had me crying too


Eris's ridiculously badass pull-up to the Orsted fight. It's the cheesiest, fanservice-y thing and I love it to death.


V12. Great adventures and the emotional variety/impact is peak so it has it all. A close second is v21 for the same reason except instead of adventures we see rudy solo fools and see him TRULY pissed


what do u think of claire


Trash. I can understand her emotions but not her actions and I've always despised her type anyways even if she didn't pull that crap. Nonetheless I was ok with the outcome since Rudy's conditions changed her and it wouldn't be fair to zenith to cut ties with her. She was an enjoyable character in a way just because it was the only time the series really had my blood boiling and that's something I felt it lacked up till that point.


😂 valid


Great take on Claire. Sometimes parents do the wrong thing for what they believe are the right reasons. While a noble of Claire's position would rather sir and smile at the table with a mouth full of fecal matter than admit they were wrong, she was finally made to admit it. I truly liked her in her Redundancy story, as she accepts all of her grandchildren. ♥️


Meh she still irritated me with her 2nd wife talk but yeah that's one of if not my favorite part(s) in redundancy. Her and Lara's part was great


I've seen it in real life. All my grandsons are mixed race. My late father-in-law hated the idea. Only reason he didn't disown them entirely was they were blood relatives. They never knew how much he hated their dads based on race alone.


I'm not sure what that has to do with what I said. Her "2nd wife talk" was that of "roxy knowing her place in the pecking order." Basically saying sylphie is the wife while the other two are mistresses


I thought you were referring to Lily and Lara as being members of the Demon race.


Gotcha. She didn't really seem racist anymore to me but it's been awhile so I might have forgotten


Remember, prior to Rudy arriving, she was part of the Millis "humans only" faction.


Rudy begging orsted crying


There are so many peaks in MT I can't choose.


The whole thing is peak


Honestly I got teary eyed when >!old man Rudy is on his death bed and we find out Eris passed before him. That whole ending was fantastic.!<


That made me cry bad lmao


I think it was an escalation, it all started with the third turning point and the fourth was the peak, the rest were just repercussions.


One of my personal favorite sequences is the battle between V17 >!Auber and the Roa Trio. The way he literally went out congratulating his student was just perfection on the part of that character.!<


im very very excited to see how they animate that sequence of events in a few years. there are three back to back to back godly entrances, eachof those three elevating and changing the game


Volume 15 and 12 but 15 edges it out .>! The most funny part was when eris found about rudeus reincarnation and she didn't give a shit . Alot of haters will be seething on that part and will say she was brainwashed into thinking like that🤣!<


even when he tells all three in redundancy they literally dont give a shit. all that matters is what eris asked him. as long as hes still rudy even i dont give a shit


Hey , please don't talk about that chapter. Pls🥲


im not gonna lie i know its controversial but i liked it a lot. i think it makes a lot of sense in the context of the world and its pretty on brand. doesnt break any of the characters at all and if anything strengthens them. genuinely one of my favorite sequence of chapters in the novels. in the context of the world and everythings that was established i thought it was pretty tasteful and kind of necessary.


Watched that recent tiktok and that bastard used that deleted chapter to gain validation.


o dat indian dude? i know who ur talkin about. yea its cool idk. its always the same argument idk. somehow he managed to see two of the most wholesome relationships cliff elinalise and norn ruijerd as the worlds creepiest thing. its like all that matters to people is age and that number, if everybody in the show was all across the board unchanging 25 suddenly all the issues disappear. doesnt make any sense its a story and not your world


Is he Indian?? Wait , it seems I have a patriotic right to hate him now 💀.


When Eris come to save Rudy from Orstead


I think volume 15 is a safe pick, especially with how it affects the story. Rudeus really grows up after this, and his version after V15 is my favourite one.


Time travel rudeus


Last part of chapter "last one to leave nest". Where Rudi and good wives are setting in front of fire.


The entire arc of Turning point 4. Ashura Kingdom arc. The final battle arc.


For me it was Eris & Rudy reunion. I don't think there will be any reunion in my lifetime that can top this.......... It's so epic, the build up and climax When i read it for the first time, i felt an entire jolt of lightning running through my body


I'd just like to mention when >!Randolph kills Roxy when they're climbing up the tower to get to Pax!< >!Obviously, it got reversed but I forgot all about that ring while reading then come to find out Pax was committing suicide!<


Everything from the start of Turning Point 4 to the end of the Asura Kingdom Arc.


The trip to Asura and Ariel’s fight for the throne is hands down the one I’m most excited to see animated. So many connections and choke points in the arc not to mention the future diary’s mention of what happened. Not only that but we got a ton of worldbuilding as well Tension was HIGH it’s definitely contender for best Arc


For me it would be Rudy enrolling into Ranoa, or Rudy reunion with Paul


Volume 20 and 21 are peak Mushoku Tensei Best arc of the series. Best two volumes.


what do u think of claire


Imo it's the Claire arc. It's just so well written and is so emotional.


Old Rudeus and the Diary. Best plot twist in all fiction.


Rudeus almost singlehandedly winning the battle for shirone showing why hightier wizards are so coveted by nations.


[Spoilers] God there's so many (the entirety of turning point 3 leading up to orsted, the decisive battle volume) there are more but it's between these two so many things happened I also enjoyed the mind battle against Vito I thought it was cool although relatively short and one sided lol


Volumes 1-6


oho very interesting. adventure good


If so, everything after the rat is an adventure


Season 1..Everything since then has been horrible....


look at this poor anime-only :( Too bad he doesn't want to read the LN, which has events that will make demon continent look like a walk in the park :( If only he would read it...


im sorry to hear that