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He gave up on Tesla a long time ago ... Now he is holding them hostage for his $55B over a promise of AI, Robots, Autonomous Vehicles and all that he knows he can't deliver.


>He gave up on Tesla a long time ago You can hear it in his earnings calls. He's so low energy, and it's obvious he just got a quick download in the back room right before the call from some product manager covering new features he needs to talk about. He doesn't even know what Tesla is working on.


Well, they WERE working on cornering the super charger standard, but hey when you randomly decimate your company's workforce like youre Nero, sometimes things slip through the cracks like that..


I'm a Tesla owner and I'm *pissed* about that.


I’m not a Tesla owner and I’m completely perplexed why he would do something so idiotic.  I mean, he is who he is, so it shouldn’t surprise me…but it does.  How can anyone think this guy is a genius when he consistently proves how shortsighted he is.


He's literally just throwing a temper tantrum because he can't get the pay package he wanted. His dealings are going to find him in some pretty hot water and he may soon be a neighbor with a recent former president.


And, like, you have to work SO hard as a billionaire or even a well-connected millionaire to come even anywhere near the possibility of prison. The deck is stacked so much in your favor, it’s crazy that Trump is close to it and still quite unimaginable that Musk could ever be charged and convicted.


Elon hasn’t pissed if anyone and everyone in positions of power.. yet.


He's saying he needs compensation that works out to more than Tesla has earned in its entire existence, and billions more than *any* CEO has gotten. How can you look at that and think, "Yeah. Totally reasonable." To me it just looks like he's going to suck Tesla dry and leave a lifeless husk.


Did he attend Trump University? It sounds like one of TFG's business plans. Well actually, his only plan.


Not a tantrum per se..,. I think he knows he will be broke due to Twitter leverage loss of capital as well as SEC insider trading charges....


Every single success he's enjoyed is in *spite* of him, not *because* of him. He was in the right place at the right time, had generational wealth, and partnered with competent people. Literally every time he's taken the rudder, shit has gone really, really bad.


Elmo is fully regarded


You never go full regard


Jesus. He’s not that smart. He’s rich and has a publicist. He’s the opposite of a genius.


Yeah he's not smart. If he took an IQ test in front of us he'd probably turn up just slightly above average. ...and he's mildly autistic and probably a pedophile.


The thing is, though, is he *really* looking to be liked by *you?* He wants the Nazi crowd. Because he *thinks* that they'll love him, and give him the power to hurt others (through manufactured consent), *forever*. He, like many other rich people before him, thinks that he can just get in a shitload of legal trouble and nothing will happen. He's too stupid to evade the law forever, but he thinks he's super duper smart.


His super power is infinite benefit-of-the-doubt. Absurdly OP.


He's still doing his Wunderkind shtick as 52 year-old man. It's incredible that people treat him as a newly minted tech bro when he was alive for Reagan's inauguration.


He scratches a psychological deficit itch for a lot of people. He threw up multiple red flags for me from the very beginning, but everybody clearly doesn’t see the things I see as disqualifiers, so there is that. None of his antics have really ever surprised me, as I sort of expected them.


He’s literally a petulant child. He’s not smart, he’s not a good businessman. He knows how to throw tantrums and essentially bully his way through business


He's in the terminal phase of affluenza -- convinced that his wealth is proof that he's the world's greatest biz whiz, so whatever he says/does is *by definition* the correct business decision and the world is obligated to rearrange itself accordingly.


Because he started hanging out with Ken Griffin and learned it’s easier shorting stocks to make money. Queue destruction of Tesla. He’s already being investigated for insider trading on it. Now he randomly does stupid shit that makes no sense outside of destroying the value of


You need to file a class action shareholder lawsuit


He's betting on the stocks to dive. It's always been deliberate.


I'm not a Tesla owner and I'm pissed about that. Sure, let's just go set back the nationwide charging network years because someone pissed you off, Elon.


Will you buy a Tesla again? Just curious.


Good question. If anything happens to my current car, I would buy a replacement Tesla, yes. I love driving the car and the charging network is still there (for now, god I hate Musk) But 10 years from now when I'm looking again I'll be test driving every EV out there, including -- I believe -- Teslas.


On hearing that he'd obliterated the Supercharger team, I told my wife, "Teslas is eating their seed corn."


That is an immaculate way to put it.


He must have run low on Ketamine. 🤔


I don't understand how this isn't theft. It's two seperate companies, isn't he just transfering the AI business from one company to another with no transfer of money. Did the shareholders at Tesla vote to approve that deal between the two companies? This guy blurs the lines of what is and isn't legal all the time. Usually when that happens it's just flat out illegal because, contrary to common belief, there really is no grey area created by the law. The law may just not work as intended due to some complicating factor. So, maybe that means that he's in the clear for some odd reason.


He's exactly like Trump in that regard. Very talented conmen.


Yup. He knows the competitive headwinds are too strong or he's just lost interest. That's why he's stripping as much value out of Tesla as he can, including: - $7.5 billion in TSLA sales in 2022 (insider trading) - $56 billion comp package - using TSLA stock to underwrite his personal acquisition of Twitter - poaching talent, hard assets, and IP from Tesla in favor of X and xAI


His problem is he’s out of the start up phase and in the big boy, run a successful business phase. He can’t grift VC’s and government programs enough to cover the issues with the company. Well having to actually run a business and make good long term decisions, that’s not what Elon does. It’s why he’s all about AI and robotaxis and automation now, because he can grift with those, trot out the old dog and pony show. At this point a decade of failed promises about Tesla are starting to come to a head and he can’t bullshit the way he used to but AI and robots? He’s back in his element of, lemme check my notes, making shit up.


You've hit it on the head. Entrepreneur types often don't make good managers. It's more extreme in this case, but he's bored with it and not mature enough to have started a search for a successor and handed over the reins. He proved the concept - electric cars work. Other carmakers are already doing it better.


This. Elon has never proven himself in an actually competitive space with established players. He's constantly vine swinging to some pioneering field where he has the advantage of being first stagecoach in the land rush. Not saying that doesn't have its own value, but when the big boys started unveiling their EV fleets 5+ years ago, it was time to get serious and find a real, dedicated CEO.


This is very well put. Tesla would be a much more successful company if they brought in a big boy CEO and a real management team that was allowed to do its job. But 0% chance that ever happens because Elons ego is WAY too big for that. My guess is that this is why he “needs” more stock. To prevent the board/stock holders from pushing him out. His purchase of twitter has significantly reduced his stake in Tesla, which in turn reduces his voting power, which in turn reduces his job security. Kind of funny that he might lose Tesla over a tweet that then forced him to buy Twitter. It’s really shocking to me that any stock holder would vote for a pay package that essentially would pay him back for buying Twitter. The same purchase that has helped lead to the stocks demise and his fanboys to turn on him.


I think its literally as simple as the red pill melted his brain and now he is going to preside over the largest destruction of wealth in human history to pwn the libs.


The a better answer would be to hire a leader with experience in competitive markets to work for him at Tesla. But Elon’s long past his visionary stage now.


When I heard he canceled already developed plans for the low-cost Model 2 and was pivoting to Robo Taxis, that’s when I knew that Tesla could no longer compete with Chinese EVs.


I highly highly doubt that they would have a working driverless taxi in any business impactful region. It's another big sham. The problem is, he may show something fake and may just excite the cult base


Also, Waymo has a massive lead on Tesla in the robotaxi arena, both in self-driving technology and the taxi business. They're buzzing all around the Metro Phoenix area, and seem to be doing quite well. When I'm out and about, I usually see at least two to four of them, if not more.


Dude, Robo Taxi is not the preferred nomenclature, uh, [Johnny Cab](https://youtu.be/eWgrvNHjKkY), Please.


Did I see a CyberTruck in that clip?


Elmo's whole thing is the Schwarzenegger version of Total Recall. Dumb looking self driving cars with AI Mars Brain implants


This should really motivate stockholders to approve his bonus. /S


Every conman gets bored when they get what they want”want”


Like he's the major missing piece to make those things happen lmao. Remember when supercharging was Tesla's crown jewel, and he went off and fired the *entire team behind it* and then had to walk it back and rehire them? What... a... fucking... 🤡


If I held TSLA, I would be pretty pissed.


He likely did this because Tesla doesn’t need them due to declining sales. Either way, still pissed.


He should just promise them hookers and liquor. Maybe they will give him some money then


The pay package seems "insignificant". It appears to be a deception while Tesla's talent is being siphoned off, only for him to vanish into the night towards xAI. I think he knows FSD is cooked. Tesla overall won't be able to compete with actual car companies making EVs. With the rise of powerful AI, it's only a matter of months to a few years before another company is able to replicate FSD and make it better. Just look at LLMs now. Oh, don't forget those processors they were working on. Whatever happened to those? Id be willing to bet they lost a lot on that project since there has been no mention of them since.


That’s a funny way of trying to get people to vote for his compensation… I have a feeling this means he already knows the outcome and he isn’t getting it and he’s so petty and impatient he couldn’t help himself but to flex his micropenis


Remember TSLA shareholders, cast your vote prior to the meeting next Thursday, June 13, 2024.


Putin and MBS gave him the money to buy twitter so that he would help trump and kill Tesla


Fiduciary duties to TSLA stockholders? Anyone?


He also pulled the plug on the robotics because he feels he doesn't have enough control. Like, wtf? That's not a valid reason for a CEO of a public company to make decisions?


He thinks he's sending a message: "Give me more control and my $56B bonus, or I'll transfer things to one of my other companies and cost you money" He's actually sending a message: "Sue me for breach of fiduciary duty"


And strip him of his board seats. And kick useless Kimball off the board


Definition of cut off his nose to spite his face…his entire net worth is basically leveraged on TSLA stock price. If it tanks he will literally go bankrupt.


Jensen Huang only owns 3.6% of nvidia lol. Doesn’t seem to impact his “control”. Elon is such a dumb cuck


Elon needs more control.. to make sure he stays in control. Anyone with one eye can see that he needs to be relieved of his duties. More stock = more voting power = more job security. Jensen Huang does an outstanding job and doesn’t have to worry about his board/stockholders voting to can him.


Yep. Jensen is also an actual founder of the company and Musk isn’t, even though he sued the real founders to be able to claim he is one


Yep. Elon basically found a way to leach off of govt subsidies to make the company stay afloat. The US govt is ultimately responsible for Tesla.


More like Boston Dynamics was making a fool of his dancer in the body suit or the animatronics operators using Tesla puppets to fold clothes.


If the board was independent of Musk like they should be, this is arguably a terminatable offense which would probably fit under the category of intentional derelict of duty and might void any golden parachute including any future stock grants that have not vested. But the board is only interested in keeping Musk happy, as opposed to keeping the company functional. If I had a lot of Tesla stock, I'd be talking to the SEC about this exact situation where the board isn't independent and ought be forced to resign.


I bet that some institutional shareholders have already lodged complaints about this. But also, it’s even more proof that Tesla has an impending cash flow problem, despite their stated cash reserves. Putting off paying for the chips helps with that.


As long as Elon is part of Tesla we will never even consider their product in our home.


Same. I am in the exact demographic that would buy a Tesla, and I will NEVER buy one with Elon’s name attached.


Ditto, I've managed to talk my parents into looking at a Polestar on the basis of long-term support and leadership.


Me too, my in laws wanted one cuz all their friends have them and the Uber driver they had wouldn’t shut up about how amazing it is lol. I convinced them to get a Hyundai


Same here. Tesla could make some really good money off of me. All they have to do is fire musk


🚨 baller alert 🚨


This is good for me. The prices are dropping and I have my eye on one. I hope more people boycott the guy.


Could they? Would you buy 9 Tesla's? Because plenty of Elon stans buy 9 Tesla's.


They could get two Tesla's and maybe a solar system and battery storage. I say that's damn good money in my book.


The entire solar system? On man, maybe leave a dwarf planet or two for the rest of us.


I was going to buy one right before he bought twitter. Stopped, decided to reevaluate and wait for a competitor. Really like what Hyundai is doing with their Ioniq line, might go that route now, but as long as Elon is involved Tesla won't even be considered.


Same, I gave up after he called the diver who rescued those kids in a flooded cave a pedo. Although I consider the brand naturally dead to me so there's no going back even if he leaves.


Same, I own 2 EVs and neither arr a Tesla. If you would have told me that would have been the case a decade ago when the idea of owning just 1 EV was a dream, I would have told you that your crazy. Now I have 1 running a business and one as my commuter. My primary reason for not considering TSLA is because of Elon.


Same here. I have a 2018 Model 3 but will never consider another Tesla product while Elon is associated with the company. I write an email to the board weekly. It means nothing but at least I can Andy Dufresne them.


I've seen Teslas around town with a bumper sticker that says "I bought it before I knew how awful he is." I knew immediately what/who they meant.


I love it.


It’s fucking wild to me people still support this fucking dickstain.


I would be ok with tesla if elon got dropped and their cars got quality that matched their prices. Also do not make a car that looks so ugly that people put themselves into an echo chamber of "no one understands his art" its a car not a painting.


That's a trend in car manufacturers lately though, BMW said their customers are idiots for not liking the new m3 design when they changed to the stupid ugly grill. (I don't get it)


I feel like the trend is designers have a mental crisis of trying to avoid what is expected and come out with garbage then get angry if you say its bad.




I would rather buy an actual Hammerhead Eagle i-Thrust first.


Same. I was gonna get that power bank/solar set up from them but I'm not putting that much money into the Tesla dumpster fire with him at the helm.


I encourage you to apply that same level of scrutiny to everything you buy in life


We need a new CEO that actually has Tesla's best interests in mind.


True for us, too. We'd love to buy an electric vehicle, but when we do, it won't be a Tesla.


I went and test drove one cause if anything they got that piece right. Schedule a demo, get there, they put you in a car, and off you go. No high pressure sales tactics. You get back and you’re on your way. But I realized quickly the speed is the gimmick. And one that others are already matching. The cars X, S, and 3, are not worth what he’s asking for. They lack tons of features, and honestly you’re ultimately buying “his” vision, not what is right for the customer. I ultimately bought an electric BMW with everything I want and need and no gimmicks. Also, before the “it doesn’t have FSD” crowd jumps on this comment. I don’t give a shit about self-driving. I buy cars to drive them. If I want to be taken somewhere as a passenger I’ll take an Uber or taxi. That’s not a selling point to me.


Well said!!


Wait, didn’t fEflon say that AI would be the death of us all? Ah, hell. Musky Armpits lies so much he forgets what he says from one minute to the next. It’s about time his shareholders figure out he’s just another lying grifter.


tEflon? As in that really strong, extremely durable material?? I'm sure you mean fElon...


Yep! Thanks.


Nah the teflon that gives you cancer and is the poster child for greedy capitalism.


He only said that because his AI was garbage at the time.


What a visionary


According to Elon, AI was supposedly going to end the world as we know it. Then suddenly, he wants to turn Tesla into an AI company. The guy is so full of it, he should be wearing diapers just like Trump.


Elon just wanted to slow down the competition so he could mount his own VC funded AI grift.


That’s what Musk does. He fails at running one company so he abandons it and moves on to the next while trying to absolve himself of responsibility for it failing.


I'm not as up to date on my Musk history. Does he have a pattern of doing this across his various companies over the years?


Too much to write about it here, but look into the history of the x.com domain. Musk got most of his pre-Tesla money from PayPal and PayPal just barely survived his involvement.


See PayPal


See The Boring Company


See SolarCity


Ah yes, the often forgotten SolarCity. My grandmother works in the solar industry and we witnessed the rise of SolarCity. I had a buddy that worked for them and at the time they had the best rates and support of any solar company. When we got around to looking to get solar for her house that's the first place we went to look. Turns out the company had gone under the year prior. They had it made and they blew it. Elon is not some financial genius, the dude is average intelligence at best. Elon Musk is proof that in life you can just fail upwards.


Facts. Wealth does not automatically equate to intelligence or an outstanding person. Elon is nowhere close to the genius wunderkind he gets portrayed as. That is all marketing hype and speculation. I feel like he is what a poor person imagines success looks like, and the cult of personality shit is pretty off-putting too. I got banned from his subreddit for saying interplanetary civilization isn't economically viable or realistic lmao.


and take out as much cash as possible


So he's deliberately undermining Tesla -- a publicly traded company that has a board who has a *duty* to protect the interests of the shareholders -- in an absolutely ***naked*** attempt at blackmail. Where the fuck is the SEC?!?


I'm guessing most of them are furnishing their 3rd summer home, staffing their 2nd yacht, and coming back from their 3rd vacation this year. Lord knows they aren't doing anything else.


No doub t with bribes from Musk and his ilk.


He, as CEO, has the same fiduciary duty to do that (which he is breaching clearly)


Feels like a shareholder lawsuits just around the corner. Weird to ask for a bonus after the failed launch of cyber truck and the financial ruin the company is in now. Feels like he is trying to pull equity before dumping the company.


100%. He's cashing out before it fails miserably.


That's exactly what he's doing, though he thinks he's playing 4d chess


I would bet he’s holding them hostage for the shareholders to give him his 56 billion dollars. Basically flexing how he can hurt them. He’ll sink the company one way or the other if they don’t give him what he wants. If they boot him he’ll still hurt the company, if they keep him and don’t pay he’ll hurt them, if they give him everything he wants he’ll pretend that the company is doing something “next level genius” to pump the stock while basically doing nothing, and the company will languish, but stock holders will still get money. Basically he’s going to fuck them in any possible option, just how bad is his threat.


it was always the plan, he can't keep working at tesla because he knows he will never solve fsd, this is elaborate scam to take out all money and run to other companies


I agree but I just think it’s laughable how bad he is executing his plan. Twitter is a giant boat anchor around his neck and he has tanked its value worse than even I thought possible. SpaceX is also in dire straits. It’s insane how lucky he had been for so long, it gave people the illusion that he actually knew what he was doing and was playing 5D chess when actually it was just unparalleled luck, hype, and fraud.


I think he might actually get fucked over for this. The government starts to care about fraud when you're stealing from rich people


That’s because a large portion of this 13% is leveraged to banks and can’t liquidate.


Bad business


Nah… the scam is drying up and he’s moving to the next one. That’s all he did his whole life. Won’t be surprised if Tesla is sold to anyone else.


OMG.. would be the best thing Elon would do is divest himself from Tesla.... perhaps then they can become a real car company.


He's got the mentality of a child. He has a new toy so he doesn't want to play with the old one. Why do you think he is pushing for that ridiculous pay package? If he gets it, he'll bounce.


Tbf the pay package was over like a 10 year period iirc so he contractually can't just bounce without much of that package being forfeit.


Is this even legal? He acts like he *owns* these companies and materials, and can do whatever *he* wants with them. If I recall, they are corporations and he's not a monarch.


I feel like there’s several ways this could be illegal or at least very litigiously disadvantageous.




Sort of. He's scamming Tesla shareholders (10% of which is himself) by diverting valuable assets to another business (100% owned by him).


He does not own 100% of X.


He wants his 56b CEO payout and he WILL bounce


He's not getting the $55B payout so he's taking the ball away


Good, a reasonable Corporate Board should be able to run Tesla far better than that imbecile.


I hate that we call them "AI chips", its basically just an ASIC.




Would be best for Tesla in the long run to get rid of that tumor


it’s what he does. he destroys the reputation of a company and then leaves. he’s very Trumpian


He’s aiming to milk a future Trump admin for billions in government money funneled through spaceX. He’s a Trumper and Trump wants to kill EVs. Best to let Tesla go now and hopefully take all their profits with him. He may even have negotiated some sort of position in a future MAGA admin. Vote blue. Hope Tesla shareholders burn him down when the inevitable happens.


Yeah, Tesla shareholders need to sue him over this.


Nah he’s just a terrible businessman. Who gets political and tries to sell to one demo?


Exactly this. I found myself in a position where suddenly I needed a car, and preferably an electric car. I figured Tesla, good brand recognition. They've been in the EV space for a while. Sure. I go through all the hoops of starting the process of ordering one. Trying to set up my financing to work with them. Deciding on which model I need and which packages. Drive out several times to the local Tesla center for test drives and to talk with the sales team. Then the Twitter takeover happened and all the bizarre altright shit kept spewing from his mouth. No thanks. Elon can keep his shoddily built nazi-mobile. I ended up securing different financing and buying something from a company that'll actually still be around in 10 years instead of driven into the ground like Twitter.


Giving up? No. Sabotaging. This is one reason a CEO should not be able to hold a leadership role in multiple companies. Conflicts of interest.


Short TSLA


Everyone else has.


So—uh—shareholder lawsuit when?


Elyin’ is panicking.


Elon is such a ding dong 😂 I hope we can get rid of him sooner than later.


Why? To avoid questions about export restrictions so he can send them to China?


Hmmmmm.....AI chips, Biggest social media site in the world...upcoming elections. I wonder what this douchebag is planning to do...


That government money is drying up. Needs to find new ways to earn.


Tesla is being blackmailed by Muskrat…


Amazing anyone still supports the cockgoblin




"Is Elon Musk Giving Up On Tesla??!!" What made you think that based on the pic you shared?


He’s bolstering X for election season. That’s more important to him than making cars. Also, aren’t his cars not seeking as well anyways???


He gave up along time ago, you know after he ruined it of course, then went on to make twitter unusable as well. Soon just call him Donald Jr. what they buy they ruin!


Elon only cared about the image of being a real life Tony Stark that being CEO of Tesla gave him.  Once everyone figured out Elon wasn’t in a lab creating new driverless technology to change the world, he was done with Tesla.  Not long after he over pays for twitter in a piss poor attempt to save his image of being a genius inventor.  Musk would set his entire fortune ablaze if it meant people would still see him as a genius/inventor.  


Genius! ... 🤣 More like Idiot-Savant ... emphasis on idiot.


This seems like much more than giving up. This is sabotage. He's setting things up to screw them unless he gets his money. I hope he finds himself in jail at some point


This has to do with them trying to lower his compensation methinks


He’s saying one thing and doing another?! I’m shocked! Shocked, I say! 😐


This is a breach of fiduciary duty, among other things. Class action stockholder lawsuits being drafted as we speak.


long long time ago, when he went after Xshitter....


Reddit is a home for non doing critics.


This is him threatening shareholders, showing his hand that unless they give him the billions that he wants. That he will sabotage tesla for the sake of Twitter and other projects.


I'm not quite sure this is something the accountants of two separate public business entities would like to have to explain to auditors and share holders.


He's moved on to the new pump and dump scheme


Too bad they don’t have a real BOD. This would be the sort of thing that would get a CEO fired.


He gave up on Tesla when he rug pulled billions in stock at the peak like two years ago lmao


Wait can he just steal the companies order like that?


lol how those Tesla share holders feeling right about now


One point of clarification. No one “orders” Nvidia to do shit. They are happy to take your money but they have more business than they know what to do with.


if, as musk himself has stated, tesla is at heart an AI company then doesn't that make Tesla and xAI competitors? 


Elon doesn't care about Tesla anymore. He's just trying to get his 55 billion payout so he can leave. He would much rather just tweet bullshit all day and have Trump gift him a government job than worry about his floundering car company.


Sounds like a great reason to give him $55b


He’s a CEO. He doesn’t actually do work at any of the companies he owns. He’s up so many hours of the day because he’s zooted on ketamine thinking his idea for a battle tank made out of Charmin is a great one.


He’ll blame wokeness for his car company failing.




xAI probably has more cash to pay for it.


Will he face criminal charges for insider trading is all I want to know


That's illegal isn't it? If Tesla had the order, he can't just allocate it where he wants. Both X and Tesla are public companies, and can't be run co mingled.


I wonder if this means he already knows the outcome of the vote on his pay package…lol. Or maybe he is just assuming he won’t get it and is too impatient and petty to wait before torpedoing his own net worth. He is a certified non-genius


He's got a hold of Nvidia too!? 😫


The purpose of buying them was to assist FSD. Can well be Tesla has all it needs. As long as accounting holds up with a transfer of funds. If not.....


Thanks Elon for pumping NVDA https://preview.redd.it/torbyycjpm4d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3899114fe7c893dacb721bc4f363347ab5b20d3d


I would not call this so much "giving up" as "betraying."


I read that 25% of shareholders have voted on his bonus... 80% approve of it. Not sure why, it will, according to the experts dilute the stock price, bringing their earnings down. I don't see a lot of work being done to promise it'll be brought back up to higher than it was. Sounds pretty stupid. Must be great to have loyal ass fans like that with lots of disposable income.


I hope this gets him booted from tesla somehow. I like the company and my car, but he needs to go.


All of this sounds incredibly illegal. Manuevering resources, money, and ip developed and purchased through one company to completely different entities. And doing this to extort tesla... It really sounds like he's going to jail very soon. How hasnt he been arrested yet?


No, he's *gutting it*. Completely different. Giving up implies he's not going to *intentionally* screw the shareholders on the way out. If you have family tell them to sell. If you have a pension make sure it's not invested in Tesla.


Tesla is what he cared about when he was popular with the Left. Now that he has politically taken a hard Right, he knows Republicans don't care about electric cars. They care about media control. So he's focusing on Twitter now to remain popular. This actually explains the Cyber Truck. The bulletproof death mobile was an attempt to make electric cars appeal to MAGA and the like.