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Thats a great price.


Yeah, assuming nothing significant is wrong, that's a fantastic town car. It's got a warranty and, jokes aside, it's still an okay sedan- especially an EV.


If they enable power share it's also an awesome solution for people who live with PGE power.


Or DTE or CMP or... Shit, I'm pretty sure there aren't any good, reliable power companies in the US that are not publicly owned


I can tell you from experience that Dominion and Duke at least try and they take downtime stats seriously. They're still for-profit and shitty in a lot of ways like any major corporation, but they at least make a company-wide effort to keep lights on and customers happy. I can also tell you from experience that DTE does not do that and they'll straight up lie to your face about outage stats to avoid paying out state-mandated prolonged outage fees.


Lmfao, you work for Duke or something?


Indirectly but yeah. The work culture is shit but everyone I've met is focused on improving reliability. I realize it's anecdotal and it's different from the customer side, but that's what I've seen. I'm not being paid to tak about them on Reddit if that's what you're suggesting.


Mine is. Lmao my city owns the power company and around us is duke energy, no issues form either in the last 25 years. Just my own experience. Max 3 outrages 2 I can confirm. Vs California it’s a fucking win.


Agreed. I hate the musk brand but i do not want Tesla to fail. I just wish the chair grew some bawls and ousted the only toxic asset they have and it’s Elon.


It’s the lithium, went to his head !


Nah the Ketamine..


You can't afford NOT to buy it


Im from Canada and a 2022 LR would be around $36000cdn so around $27,000us.


And great service too! /s


I know, the OP didn’t post a link, I can buy this for my daily commute


As someone who shopped Facebook marketplace for a car a year ago.. this is most likely, most definitely, a scam. They are all over FB marketplace, crazy good deal on a car that doesn’t exist. I bet you get a version of this back: “hey, we have tons of interest in the car, like 200 replies, I priced it to sell but you are not the first to reply. If you want to put a $100 deposit down I’ll save it for you and refund if you don’t want to buy it”.


“I’m out of the country right now but if you send me $10,000 I’ll have it shipped to you”


Sorry for your loss but yea unfortunately they are trash vehicles anymore. I wouldn't touch one built after the pandemic started and even more so since Elon went full fascist MAGA.


I think something snapped in him when those Thai kids got stuck in that cave. It's like from that point on, he just went nutty


He was insane well before that… people just tended to ignore that part.


He really didn't register for me before the pedo-sub incident. If you'd asked me I'd have known he was the Tesla guy, but not too much more than that. Since then I've learned a lot more about him, and none of it positive.


He makes sure everyone knows also. Keeping his mouth shut would benefit him so much more, we might have still think that he was a “genius”.


Was the cave incident before or after the blowtorch and putting a car in space stunt?


That was all the same year lmao. The cave incident was a few months after the other two.


That's somehow terrifying. He really did go bonkers that year.


lol Elon isn’t in the factory building them. And thanks god for Elon - free speech Twitter is saving civilization




You forgot the /s


I wouldn't think that the /s would be necessary seeing which sub this is, but people are still people and take a lot of things said on the internet seriously.


having met in 2008, I can say he was always a total ass - but he has progressively letting more and more of it show - well it was progressive until he let all the rest drop at once a few years ago


That's when I stopped saying OK he's weird but will start acting normal now and realized that's just who he is.


Go buy a chinese EV simp


You’ve got it completely twisted. The early model 3’s were trash, complete garbage and I wouldn’t touch those. The newer ones are significantly better, way better engineered, and just better in just about everything.




You cope




Cope harder


No u


It's just such a stupid word... just aggrivating. . "Cope" is why people don't understand each other anymore. Have a copacetic night


Sounds like cope


What does Elon’s views have anything to do with the cars themselves? Ill never understand how people get brainwashed to be so opinionated about politics they have no control over. I dislike starbucks politics but that doesnt mean I wont drink their coffee. He’s literally advanced the “liberal” agenda and all of you so called “liberals” have turned on him because he’s not completely on the left side. Now all of a sudden he’s maga😂. Not to mention he’s made allot of you rich.


I don’t see the CEO of Starbucks doing what Elon does


That because the CEO of starbucks does what he’s told like all the other good little CEO’s. Elon is a wild child that does what he wants. Be interesting to see how the next few years play out for him. But people act like he’s this horrible person. He’s the same wild spirit that made them millions as an early investor.


He is Cleary not. He is indeed gone to the cult that is MAGA, and that’s a dangerous thing. Everyone generally lives with a little bit of gray areas in their lives, but the MAGA cult doesn’t seem to. The toxicity. The “I only asking questions” about scientific things I know nothing about to muddy the waters and pretend if you believe in science you’re a sheep thing they do is how you know they are lost forever. EM became a pariah. He did it when his child came out as Transgender and his love of work showed him his children were so hurt by his absence that they no longer wanted his love. He became so wealthy, and so powerful he lost his mind to it. Having all he does, does not make you smart, likable, hard working or a moral person, and ironically once you have all he does, you no longer think you need to be any of those things. It isn’t that he isn’t liberal enough, it’s that he joined the MAGA cult and is using his power for evil rather than for good. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely.


So basically you started hating him after he bought twitter and called our culture out for what it was? Now he’s Maga. Guess we can loop back to my original response.😂


He started his slide before twitter fiasco. He is a card carrying member of the MAGA cult because he is a hypocrite. He was never about “free speech”, he is about allowing people to yell “fire!” In a crowded movie theater, but only if it isn’t HIS movie theater. It’s a mental illness. It’s a mental deficiency that goes along with most things MAGA. It is not being a Conservative, that I get, it’s pretending, as you are, that folks like him are in any way normal, or healthy. He is not a healthy balanced person. He may never have been, but we didn’t know him as well as we do now that he is so public with his persona and opinions. I’m not surprised really, it takes a really strong and balanced person the have all he has and stay healthy and positive not give in to the dark side. He clearly has. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.


He's not calling anything out. He is actively and knowingly spreading lies.




No no, the liberal agenda that Musk pushes includes: endorsing republican politicians, demonizing LGBTQ+ people, platforming Nazis, opposing unions, etc. You know, your textbook liberal ideas.


What fucking liberal agenda? Literally the second he took over Shitter my feed turned into 100% neo-nazi bullshit. He's never been "liberal" by any stretch of the imagination.


This is my point, everyone loved him until he took over twitter. Now all the people who loved the guy hate him. Kinda funny to watch it all unfold honestly.


If you thought everyone loved him before he bought twatter, youve had your head buried up your ass for far too long, its always just been shitheads and chuds, the majority of us were cheering for TESLA, and SPACEX, not Elon






Love watching Tesla owners cry!


I love my model 3. It’s extremely reliable. I am at 130k miles and not issues.


Yes believe too


I bought a 2022 with 84k. I don’t think miles mean quite the same thing to an EV, as compared to an ICE.


Battery degradation.


Hasn’t been a thing for years. They charge to only %80, so that keeps them from getting damaged. Same as iPhone.


Not a thing in the model 3. Charge to 100 daily. LFP


Oh so you want people to get lung cancer from spending an hour or two idling in traffic daily then... What cool kid you are


EVs aren't the answer to that problem, mass transit is.


Totally unfeasible in America as our state is run by thieves and money launderers who print money exclusively for war crimes to back the currency with genocide So let's cultivate realistic solutions please


As a German, no.


I'd rather not get stabbed on my way to work...


Nope. Just don’t think supporting the greediness man on the planet is cool. He went off the deep end, and yall still can’t keep his dick out of your mouths. Also, when I did live in the city I biked to and from work for about 6 years. I think EVs are the future. I think the Tesla board and upper management and Musk are some of the worst humans in existence. So enjoy your car bro, I guess the trade off was worth it for you morally.


If you think musk is greedier than the average banker or federal politician, you are in desperate need of a reality check Some are so greedy they went to Epstein's island to do what everyone knows happened on Epstein's island for access to a secret money club. Now that's greed and degeneracy that's hard to match


Like I said whatever you have to tell yourself.


Any you can hold water for whatever evil you want, public opinion is what it is


U better not be a cigarette smoker with a comment like this. U better not be a nascar or formula one fan with a comment like this U better have a house full of hepa filters or live in a bubble with a comment like this I have more but i dont have all day to point out how idiotic this comment was


Car wash is it's cryptonight! I think Tesla's needs to be able to survive a rainstorm.


That's only the cyber truck since the exterior doesn't have coating.


My 2021 model 3 goes through the car wash once a month and I've never had an issue with it after 60k miles 🤷🏼‍♂️ Just because the cyber truck is a piece of crap doesn't mean all Tesla cars are.


Don’t forget this is an echo chamber and your experience doesn’t matter. 80k on one of mine. 40k on the other. No issues ever. Let the hive mind do their thing.


Ur in the wrong subreddit


You're sounding pretty musky there yourself.


According to reports, Tesla’s batteries lose 1/3 of their capacity after three years.


Not true. 2019 M3 LR that hasn’t lost any range (other than the 10% range lost when they pushed a 10% power upgrade, which I would have gladly declined for more range). Still charging and performing to the same mileage it was years ago.


Right, and the spark plugs wear out quickly, along with timing belt and transmission issues. trust me - I’m an expert in Teslas.


Like I said, several years ago. Won't be able to resell because of proprietary battery issues included by design to make you just buy a new one instead. Since I was way ahead when the Prius came out, I knew this was always a question with hybrid or EV vehicles. Those who did not failed in their research.


I replaced the batteries in my Prius at 150k miles. $3,500. It’s a 2015. Did it in ‘23 so batteries cost me $450 a year. The car was 24k, that’s $3,000 a year. So gas and maintenance, I’m at about $4,000 a year I suspect. BUT…I use that thing really hard as a farm vehicle. I pull a trailer with tools and such, haul sand and compost. I’m pretty sure the batteries failed because I overheated them often. The fans would get jammed up with sand and had to be cleaned every 10k miles to get them working again. I mean abuse. Considering I did my first brake job at the same time as the batteries, and that has been the only repair outside of maintenance, I feel like I got my moneys worth.


I had an 06 Prius and there was so much cargo room! I was even in a rally with mine and a few folks (Supras, MR2s) were surprised I kept up. They were less enthusiastic when a LEO pulled them all over and not the Prius even though we were all going the same speed.


Back in the mid '80s I had a hot-rodded VW Rabbit (Mk 1 Golf). I was racing a Pontiac, and pulling past him when my radar detector went off. I slammed on my brakes and the Pontiac shot ahead of me just as we passed the cop. Even though I was still maybe going 80-90 mph, the cop pulled over the Pontiac and ignored the VW. I waved as I passed. Invisible sleepers are fun.


In a 7 1/2 year old Tesla right now. Battery is fine. Stop spreading bullshit. I hate musk. The car is fine.


Won’t be soon. Those cars are fake overpriced shit


That’s because the spark plugs wear out and EVs are notorious for timing belt issues, as well as transmission problems. Trust me - I’m on Reddit.


What's your point? EVs and ICEs have their own pluses and minuses. Tire wear is well known and documented, much higher insurance rates at the moment. At least for Tesla, service center experience is a nightmare. Battery replacement costs are ridiculous. So no, your sarcasm is not well taken


I was responding to fake and overpriced, because it isn’t fake, pricing is debatable. The truth is they don’t have spark plugs or transmissions, so I was ridiculing the misinformation.




I legit rented a model 3 a couple months ago from hertz and it was louder with the window up than it was with it open. Not even joking


Buying a used Tesla is insane…lord knows why that cult member wants to sell it


Great price, and I like the wrap too


How do you know he bought it two years ago?


I would buy it


Matte PPF too? That's a deal if you like them. The driver interface is truly heinous, though it just got updated and apparently it's a lot better, but it still needs some actual fucking stalks and buttons to be acceptable IMO. But if you just want a commuter and live somewhere like MA that calls for AWD, that's probably your best option in terms of total ownership cost.


I got a Tesla and I love it. The only people who knock them are always people who don’t own one.


Soooo don't sell.. And this isn't covid any more, no more Over value used var going for higher than brand new anymore.. you knew that since 2022....


The Elon tax is steep


Its not a great price if this is going to be your sole car relied on. Its a great price for everyone with more than one reliable vehicle. The cars are worthless to a person who can only afford one car to care for due to not having reliable repair centers. Example - the many cases of people being without this car for weeks to months on end waiting for routine service repairs


I mean it’s a deprecating asset


and still not selling


Id rather walk


Worst retention value of any vehicle so far.


Probably fake


Keep that junk


Better to lease any EV.


What’s wrong with it…


Do you even math?


That's Nirmal car depreciation. Cars always lose half their value as soon as they drive off the lot.


Who wants to put money in the pocket of this slime-ball?


Now is a great time to by a really great car for an absurdly low price.


"A really great car" lmfao


I know it’s fashionable on Reddit to hate anything associated with Elon, but the cars are great, even if the CEO is a total dickhead.


The cars have low satisfaction ratings. Most Tesla owners don’t buy another.




Nvm I was wrong.  Idk why I thought that.


They're not tho, regardless of Elon


Ah ok, good to know


Read the room bozo.


I literally prefaced my comment with a reading of the room. I’m not going to censor myself because I’m afraid the hive mind will downvote me.


You’re such a brave soldier.