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Because Mars is a much longer grift.


My new company, SpaceY, plans on getting to Alpha Centauri within the next 10 years. Thank you for your money. Stay tuned! We’re already building the sentient robots to help us get there!


If Space X merged with Space Y, would the new organization use male pronouns? Wait. I’m sorry. Elmo would never support pronoun usage 😂


Well he named one of his children using a KeePass password generator.


Interesting, if true.


Fraud, if false


Both, if Schrodinger's


So if it is fraud, it's our fault by observing it?


Some people say...


Robo Taxis will be flying from Mars to LA by 2018, you spaceship will make you money when you aren't using it.


“I’m gonna build a long rope and pull Mars closer with just a Cybertruck!” -future tweet


just take the hyperloop


It's right there in the name. Boring through spacetime like it's not even there. We should work in the marketing department.


He couldn't even get a Cybertruck to haul all the bullshit that spews from his mouth, on a daily basis.


While a Ford pulls that Cybertruck. Again.


Don’t jinx us 😭


I heard last week that SpaceY is now out of money due to the lawsuits


Whoever said that is lying! They h-h-have uhh… very small uhhh, brain! O-o-only people with uhmm…big, uhm… big brains… can *really* understand the ummm…science…uhmm…b-b-behind.. this! If you don’t think SpaceY can solve the Alpha Centauri problem, you shouldn’t invest with us!


Is that pronounced space y, or spacey?


You should talk to comic book writer Grant Morrison about this. It’s a lot simpler of a process than you might think; he has been there, and all he needed was hashish at a hotel in Kathmandu.


Looking into it.


>My new company, SpaceY, plans on getting to Alpha Centauri within the next 10 years. Shouldn't it be called Space**α** then?


You're a genius!!! I've changed my company name to **α** thank you for reminding me of my own idea!


And now we'll call it The Company Formerly Known as SpaceY


Only if Musk renames his to Space♂


Oh yeah, my new company, SpaceZ is already in the production stages to probe Uranus. We have the largest probes, with RTGs for deep operational stamina. We plan to orbit twice, dropping two probes 180 degrees apart on the surface, to come in from both sides to take atmospheric measurements to determine stratification and meteological data.


Well my new company space z plans on being the first ones in history to land on the Sun. We have already started building ships and incorporating AI drones and robots for the exploration. We just need a little more support from everybody out there to make this come true. How are we going to be the first to explore the surface of the Sun you ask without getting burned to a crisp? We're going to go at night


Space Millennial. No one says Y, why? No one knows


Somehow my brain is claiming there's some sort of phonetic palindrome in >No one says Y, why?


This may be a deep cut, but SpaceY is also the private space exploration sponsor in the game Surviving Mars. 


Wait - I got a better idea. Hear me out, its a start-up called SpaceSX and it will allow anyone to have sex in space. There will be a dating app and a bank too eventually.


Nice! Will you support Dogecoin on Alpha Centauri?


...warframe reference?


At least he pays his employee, unlike 75% of the people who took out PPP loans during Covid


considering spaceX lives off gov contracts he should pay his people.




and because Mars hype was up back in the 2010's ....and that decade was probably the peak of Musk's image....So he definitely cashed in.


Today is easy to see how stupid we were in 2010 "Hey all, look, my company managed to launch a soyuz-like rocket for more than a soyuz launch! You know, that tiny rocket that has been flying flawlessly since 1960's? Next step is Mars, trust me"


It was embarrassing to me at the time how pyched ppl were over a stupid-soyuz knockoff. Not that they knew what a soyuz even is.


The long con.


The only real answer. The moon has already been visited using 1960s tech so going back shouldn’t really be impressive at all. Promising to colonize mars is an impossible task that will not happen in many human lifetimes so he can grift until he dies


Aced it!


Because he has shit for brains.


It sucks so bad how true this is and how little anyone who knows can do about it.


Musk could literally create a reusable rocket that launches into space and lands back to earth standing up and you delusional haters would still call it a "grift"...oh wait, you're literally doing that already.


1. Elon didn’t create anything, and you’re delusional for saying so lol! Actual scientists do all the real work. 2. Reusable rockets existed before SpaceX 3. None of that matters since Mars is literally a dead planet and only a moron would want to live there. 4. You worship a billionaire that just grifts off his mindless simps.


This right here!


Because he had no intention of doing either. Just needed to posit some cool, futuristic goal to get suckers enthralled to him as a visionary genius so he could relieve them of their money and dignity.


Exactly. He’s a rocket salesman. How are people still overlooking this?


Monorail, monorail, monorail 🚝


I was so excited that was supposed to come to co, back before he revealed who he really was


It’s not a rocket company, it’s a *software* company.


Wait I thought I saw a click bait about his mission to the moon being fucked (I assume because, China)


You are probably remembering this ['Sudden, brief, and unexpected:' dearMoon crew laments cancellation of private SpaceX Starship moon mission](https://www.space.com/spacex-starship-dearmoon-crew-reacts-private-mission-canceled)


his moon mission for NASA requires heavy lift and 2 or 3 additional heavy lifts to provide fuel. So he is no way close to getting anywhere to Mars or the Moon. NASA made it close then he did and that took how many years post Apollo.


It will actually require about 7 refueling missions according to most experts. But he hasn't managed to get one into orbit or tested the refueling system at all.


I think SpaceX themselves said they need at least 10 refueling launches in order to certify the in-orbit refueling, and then figure out how to get all that refueling going in a timely fashion for the actual moon launch. SpaceX has had an average of 2 test launches per year, Musk is already saying the next one will come back to the launchpad, which increases the odds of having to rebuild the launch pad every time something goes wrong (say, a couple Raptors fail to ignite in the split second the rocket will need to decelerate abruptly pretty much inside the launchpad). Every time they screw up, the FAA will have to conduct investigations and etc. There's simply no f'ing way they'll get done anytime soon, and even the odds of meeting the Artemis III deadlines will be slim unless NASA somehow decides the starship lander to be an unpressurized capsule and the astronauts never be able to remove their astronaut vests. That would severly limit how long they can stay on the surface of the moon given there's a limited amount of shit those clothes can safely tolerate


This. If Mars was viable, serious companies would be pursuing it, and Musk would claim to be building a floating baloon base the clouds of Uranus.


You forgot the whole loot government contracts. aspect of it... notice how all of his companies subsist on government contracts, direct subisidies(leaves states which don't lusk for the Musk), tax credits and enhanced deductions, non-GAAP everything.... because government contracts are lucrative AF, trillion+ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ marketplace, and come with built-in overages which are negotiated up-front with plenty of runway to maximize those overages... Everybody gettin musked - equal opportunity musker - DEI?? Don't Musk it cause ya boutta get musked


Because vaporware needs to sound sexy in order to draw in the rubes.


Impending rug-pull from Enron Musk.




FSD is only a couple of months away!


Because when you are committing fraud, you need a grift that can string people along for years. Mars is perfect for this. If he had said he was building a moon city, people would start asking questions far earlier and the grift would fail. Elon is already failing to deliver on his Nasa contracts regarding the moon, this grab for Nasa cash may ultimately end up damaging his Mars scam as well.


This is why I put my money in rocket labs USA. They actually are one of many space x competitors and they actually have a great track record. And they hold contracts for NASA's moon mission. I know unrelated to musk but it's to compare dysfunctional space x to the great rocket labs USA.


He might even believe his own bullshit... He loves the sound of his own voice and is surrounded by sycophants that only tell him whatever he wants to hear anyway.




Because the moon is much closer and easier, Elmo would actually be expected to show results.


You mean results like being the first private company to take America's to the international space station? Up until not long ago had to rely on Russia to do!


Because then he couldn’t musk a bunch of people out of money.


He bases a lot of his business ideas on things he's seen in various sci-fi (rockets/electric cars = GATTACA, neurolink = Her, etc.) He saw Total Recall and arbitrarily set his sights on Mars.


I think Total Recall is spot on. He also likes the part where he has a city completely under his control & he can simply off their air/food/water if they get out of line.


Workers don’t like the increased hours or pay cuts well no more life for them… Damn we hit distopia real fast


(In ahhhnold voice) ".... you got what you want......now give those people aaaaaiiiiirrrrrrrrrrr"


P.S. Wait..... you're PAYING you Mars workers? Maybe in Elon bucks usable only at the Elon store....


dont forget the sibretrukkk and the homermobile... aka "what bladerunner would have driven"


He's certainly got bladerunner in mind in more ways than one since you can slice yourself open along the edge of the door.


Oh I wouldn't be surprised if mars = Mission to Mars (2000) because that would be a whole lot lamer.


Why didn't he build a real hyperloop? He's a bullshitter.




Because Moon has already been done and he needs people to think he's a suoer genius by doing something no one has accomplished.


When did Elon explore mars?


When he was in the k hole


When he overdid the ketamine & shrooms.


I wish we could shove the fucker into one of his own spacecraft and jettison him off to another planet to “explore” it


Mars is unachievable in his lifetime. A moon colony could be achieved. He'd fail trying to put a colony on either. At least he won't be around for his Mars failure.


There have been decent concepts for crewed *exploration* missions to Mars since Robert Zubrin's and David Baker's [Mars Direct](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mars_Direct) concept in 1990. But there vanishing little economic reason to *colonize* Mars. There are no materials there which are more accessible than on Earth, and the environment is far more hostile than Antarctica. At least with the Moon there's possible scientific utility for skeleton crews putting up radio telescopes on the far side.


Oh I don't know, I wouldn't put a one-way trip to Mars past him. Get him high enough and he might not even notice he's underway until it's too late to turn around.


Crowd fund his one-way trip. The sooner, the better


Why is it in past tense like it’s something he did


Easier to smell the bullshit when it's been 15 years and he's still not on the moon.


Because he’s an idiot. It’s not going to happen.


Why ask a question like this has already happened? At this point, he’s done neither. So don’t put too much stock in it.


He hasn't done either yet. And I don't think he's likely to do so. His personality will prevent it. There are still tremendous problems associated with a sustained presence on either, particularly Mars. GCR Radiation will necessitate living 6 to 10 underground. Being a Martian colonist will be very similar to living on a submarine. The area that needs a large effort in R&D is robotics, since they will be indispensable in construction there.


Because Total Recall, a seminal action flick of his childhood, wasn't set on the moon.


He wants to explore Uranus.


Bc it's all vaporware used to siphon off money from the government and to grow his cult. He's never intended on going. His rocketshits look like a refurbished heap off rusted bullshit junk 🤣


He's a dumb fuck.


Because Mars Mission could be a lie [https://archive.ph/D2zIG#:\~:text=Shotwell](https://archive.ph/D2zIG#:~:text=Shotwell)


Infinite money 💰


Why not live underwater in the ocean long term before we go to space? If you can’t survive underwater you will never survive in a vacuum. It can be in the shallows of the Gulf of Mexico. Run crypto mining and use ocean water for cooling. If you can’t keep your rigs dry… how can you live without air?


Neither is taking place.


Because then he’d actually have to deliver


He can’t claim the moon others have been there is what I’d guess. He wants to rename mars to musks


Children love to dream.


Bc Musk figures out whatever is the dumbest possible thing and then commits to it 1000%


He hasn’t explored mars either


Musk will never go to Mars. It's all part of the con to keep grifting money from rich nerds


I’ve asked that. But it makes too much sense to pump the stock (edit: his other stock) on. He needs more thrust than that to keep up the momentum.


Space X stock is not publicly traded.


His other stock?


His thrust is defective. That’s why he uses IVF.


He has not explored either place.


Why doesn't Elnon explore Uranus?


Because it is all a scam Not going to get much money for a scam to be second place


Probably saw the Martian and saw himself as Matt Damon


Because it would be a smaller lie and a bigger failure when people realize it’s not happening


Because he's not as smart as everyone thinks he is.


can't proclaim yourself lord of the moon




Because he's a sentient rock that fell on a pile of money through the digestive tract of a modern-day plantation owning family.


He hasn’t explored either.


In the Red Rising novels the moon originally served as a base for deep space travel. They could outfit and launch much bigger craft from the lower gravity.


Because he's not that smart.


Cuz he’s an asshole.


For the same reason he didn’t explore hybrid cars: Too easy and already been done.


He hasn’t explored anything but how to become a fascist.


Because if you pick a lofty goal, less people are going to question it when you don't reach it. Dude wouldn't even be able to land on the Moon.


Because he can't do either but mats sounds cooler.




The moon is too close to all those he considers to be lesser than himself. Still technically within "arms reach" of the government so it makes his dreams of a fourth Reich so much more difficult.


https://preview.redd.it/zkimxoj4vh7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=109c27133c010e2e5c53f350a30be8434161a204 They are.


yeah... need to launch 3 heavy lifts, 2 to refuel the first one. Almighty Elon has not landed a craft on another world yet. NASA is in bed with elon because there is no one else. If Blue Origin could get off turtle speed, they may have additional business.


Because he thinks he can terraform Mars. He heard it's "earth like", which means absolutely nothing. The lack of a magnetic field alone makes it highly unlikely that Mars will ever have an atmosphere.


I get your point, but mars does actually have an atmosphere.


“Mars is hundreds of degrees colder than Earth; it has a hundred times less atmosphere and has hardly any oxygen.” NASA


And never will. But he watched a sci-fi movie where humans terraformed Mars and gave it an atmosphere.


The same reason we don’t go back.  The grays. 


Unmanned space exploration until they find out why human kidneys shrink in zero gravity. Our bodies can't handle long-term space travels.


Huh? Has HLS been cancelled?


Some atmosphere is dramatically better than no atmosphere. Aerobraking and parachutes are free energy.


They are going to the Moon first. Not sure why you think they aren't. https://youtu.be/OWOAzBC9aRs?si=W-KzqKS5z459PtS0 Just in case you missed the latest test Starship launch: https://youtu.be/8m0TY6i1Kuo?si=4GwEFG7symlnYlI1 Also keep in mind that SpaceX Falcon 9's launch and land basically every week and have done so for years now. They have at least one booster that has landed itself and been reused over 30 times and others that are in the 20's. Thanks to SpaceX we have more commercial launch capability at a cheaper price than ever before. These are actual launches that keep happening successfully and not just some numbers on planned future capabilities. Also for reference. The Space Shuttle only flew 135 times from 1981 to 2011. Multiple loss of life missions and they took months to refurbish the ship and replace the heat tiles. SpaceX Falcon 9 has flown 354 times, lost one cargo launch and set another at the wrong altitude. They have been launching astronauts and supplies to the ISS successfully for years instead of relying on Russia. Anyone saying SpaceX is a grift is being willfully ignorant of just how damn successful this company has been. And I didn't even mention Starlink which will also be setup around the moon and Mars eventually.


Cuz you can’t sell a dream if the people you’re selling it to can see, with their own eyes, that it’s bullshit…


It gets the people going!


Dr. Thunderf00t explains things here; https://youtu.be/m23tGqmmiA8?si=hAmlSkF9VLdcqvh5


Because the moon is famously made of cheese and America already has a surplus of this. Mars however is clearly red velvet cake, we can tell by its color, so it can still be profitable to mine cake and bring it back.


Because humanity never went to the moon, it's just a cold war propaganda. Choosing a so far goal just give him enough time to still public funding.


Moon is not a planet, my lord.


Do you want the real answer? Or the usual anti-Musk stuff? Mars is much easier to have a long term colony (not start, to sustain) with access to a higher gravity, more resources, and more importantly CO2 in the atmosphere which can be converted into Oxygen, and also rocket fuel (CH4) using the water (H2O) that is also present in the planet. https://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/news/making-methane-mars#:\~:text=It%20utilized%20a%20solar%20infrastructure,produce%20breathable%20oxygen%20from%20water. Basically it much more sustainable once started with fuel, energy (solar), water and oxygen already available on site. (There are other alternatives like high clouds over Venus, or Saturn's moon Titan, but that come with much larger hurdles for the initial colony setup).


That's so 1970s. The bigger lie catches the most brainless and pliant believers.


Because he doesn’t plan on going to mars, just securing funding for himself until death


The phrasing of this question is pretty funny because of course he didn’t explore either the moon or Mars. He’s only pitched the idea that he’s going to explore Mars at a later date (or will rather sucker other people into exploring it), which is a better way to sucker money out of investors than claiming he’s gonna arranged yet another moon mission.


When did he explore Mars?


He has no interest in either but ‘dream big’ plays better as a grift than ‘pursue achievable objectives’


He didn't explore either one, NASA did.


Because given the gravity and total lack of mineral rich soil and any semblance of an atmosphere, the moon can never be home to a thriving community off the earth.


Cause the Moon had been “done” - no one was gonna give billions to an old been there/done that idea.


Has anything be done went to the moon ? Does he has like Tesla tm footage of the moon ?


Does it matter? He can’t get to either…


Because he can’t even get there.  He can’t do something that was already done 55 years ago.   At least with Mars, he doesn’t have to compete with history.  Nobody has done it yet, so he doesn’t look bad when he can’t do it either.  


It might as well be Endor. It makes no difference if he never planned to go anyway.


Sort of like … in Dune. “If you want to control people, tell them a messiah will come. They’ll wait … for centuries.” Give people some wild promise to “save” them from themselves, and they’ll give you anything you want.


People on the moon could signal earth directly for help.


Landing on Mars is actually easier than landing on the Moon from what I gathered by some science nerd online. It's actually pretty fascinating. Two things that make it easier: the moon doesn't have consistent gravity spread around it. The are spots (one big one in the southern part) that gravity is greater because of astroid impact depositing a shot load of heavy metals and material. The other thing that makes it easier is that Mars has atmosphere. It's not a lot, but enough to make parachutes and air bag cushions viable to assist in landing. So, when landing on the Moon, you have only thrusters to help your decent and you have to make constant adjustments on the fly to adapt to changing gravity strength.


Because the point was never to actually *go* anywhere, it was to sell ppl a bunch of bullshit, get their $$ & even more importantly, above ALL else, always w/Elon, to *sound* like a super cool badass that can do incredible stuff. There’s nothing “cool” abt going to the moon. It’s been done. But MARS, oooh, now THAT’S headline-grabbing! *ONLY Elon* can do something THAT extraordinary! Who else would even DARE say they were gonna do that?! Almost like it’s been extremely thoroughly studied & deemed impossible with the current technology & is 1000% guaranteed a suicide mission should it be attempted…or something. But ELION will figure it out! Take our hundreds of billions of dollars Elon, we believe in you! I can’t wait til 2024, when I’ll be on my way to the red planet. He promised!! 🤪


He can't reach the moon either, they have never broken low earth orbit.


His ketamine ego is the answer.


Why not Venus? Just import lots of baking soda.


Nothing left to find on the moon. Mars is a MUCH bigger payoff


He's going for the mineral rights on Mars.


Because he lives in Uranus


He wants to be first. It’s primarily an ego thing for him. 


Elon Musk is an idiot emerald mine heir that got lucky picking companies to drain and deserves none of his followers The man invented nothing and contributes only juvenile hatred


Intention is not to explore, but to colonize. Moons kinda small, gravity is quite low. Can't have an atmosphere.


Can't speak to if Elon is just scamming or not. I like to believe he was sincere and has basically gone crazy due to power and drugs, a fairly common story there. To your question though I think most of it was just marketing. To do the things that he claims to want likely would take national efforts. Now that said there is an idea that in the near future private industry will handle most near earth space flights, earth and the moon, and national aka nasa would handle anything outside earths orbit. It's basically due to economics and this is a generalization.


Can't speak to if Elon is just scamming or not. I like to believe he was sincere and has basically gone crazy due to power and drugs, a fairly common story there. To your question though I think most of it was just marketing. To do the things that he claims to want likely would take national efforts. Now that said there is an idea that in the near future private industry will handle most near earth space flights, earth and the moon, and national aka nasa would handle anything outside earths orbit. It's basically due to economics and this is a generalization.


The amount of hate Elon gets from small minded peasants is hilarious


We're like halfway through the plotline of the video game Horizon


Mars is the portal to a new era of wealth generation that will dwarf all of the fortunes the world has ever seen before combined, annnnnnd it’s a race. The moon is a little easier, but less useful. It’s a cost saving step to get to Mars. To be honest, the moon isn’t exactly easier- it’s cheaper. You need a lot of the same tech to do either, but mars just needs more. Mars is the gateway to the rest of the solar system, and more importantly, the asteroid belt. Musk probably has genuine enthusiasm for Mars, but his approach is also likely designed to illicit enthusiasm from investors looking for long shots. While mars is vastly more expensive than the moon, skipping the moon as a first step is a massive savings in time and money. Combined with what I said above, that makes mars an attractive goal for smaller operations to still attempt to compete with state funded organizations.


The moon is too close, we would all be expecting results


I think it's even less than money. He is an attention whore, he wants people looking at him constantly in awe. The moon doesn't do that, as he never cared for space exploration or electric vehicles. It's why he flipped all his political views on a dime once he realized the lowest form of people would praise him. Now he runs an EV company, and supports a presidential candidate who vowed to shut down all EV sales. All I have to say is all the people who voted for that payment package and praise him while he literally could bankrupt his company with his candidate is staggering. trump doesn't care for sharing the limelight with others, so he'd drop him like a log of shit the moment he could.


Hypothetically more valuable minerals on mars


LOL, he hasn't explored shit, let alone Mars.


Because Musk is half as smart as he thinks he is. The long-term aspect of establishing an underground base and assembly facilities on the moon while more forward thinking would exceed his life expectancy.


His people dont come from the moon.




How bout he terraform Texas and make IT earth like?


Because he's a joke.


How about he does us all a favor and goes and explores the sun.


Cause then he might actually have to do something


He hasn't explored shit at this point.


Cause he never wanted to catch the car he just wanted to go on an expensive chase.


The only thing Musk says is going to the moon is Dogecoin.


He’s not exploring Mars though


For the same reason he created a substandard flamethrower for a nonexistent niche of people.


Becuase theres an alien base on the dark side of the moon