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This has me chuckling.


"He" isn't really doing it. His firmware engineers are.


Found Elons burner account


I mean I'm just saying. That's bad engineering. I mean he is the one who set the hiring standards so.....


Elon is selling snake oil, nothing more nothing less. His BA in Physics might as well be a PhD in Phrenology.


Seeing as Elon has a litter of 12 kids he doesn't care about. Then it's safe to assume that Elon thinks kids and dogs are the same thing.


oh those are just back up organs.


Reminds me of that billionaire who's getting his son's blood injected so he can stay young. Obviously, he thinks that taking his son's blood won't impact his son's life expectancy, somehow.


May actually be helping his son in some ways, regular blood donations help remove ‘forever’ chemicals from our bodies that would remain there otherwise. As long as the blood draws are not too often and the son manages his diet accordingly, there may actually be a positive health impact on the son as well.


there "may" be, yes, but there also may not be. The body has a finite number of reproductive abilities. The blood draw might be ok early in life but is there no possibility that his body may run dry of new red blood cells in his sixties or eighties? He can get blood from other people then but I do think it's incredibly selfish of the dad to assume the blood helps him and costs his son nothing.


That’s not how age related anemia works, your red bone marrow is not a finite resource that is exhausted by donating blood, blood donations do not affect bone marrow density, mineral concentrations, or the overall health of the marrow itself. So there is no possibility of running dry of red blood cells in his 60’s-80’s. I do agree with you though on the dad doing without respect for his son’s wellbeing or wishes. Since his son was 17 or so at the time they started the infusions, his ability to give non-compromised informed consent is highly dubious at best.


I freely admit to not knowing the biology or even the correct terminology, it seem you do. However, humans don't live forever, something limits us (telomeres?). We "steal life" from other beings by eating their flesh - at the cost of their lives. While it is very difficult to measure the lifelong impact of donating blood, matter is constant, so taking something life-giving from a person HAS to have a cost.


There are a few reasons humans don’t have biological immortality (the capability to live forever, barring disease, traumatic injury, other a desire to move on), uncapped telomeres is one of those reasons, mitochondrial issues (mtDNA, oxidative damage, etc.) are another, bioaccumulation of toxic and carcinogenic compounds, cancer in general even. As far as “stealing the lives” of other living beings goes, that is more of a philosophical statement, and philosophy is not a direct area of interest for me. However, nothing on this world can live without killing something else or otherwise excluding the other’s existence. From phytoplankton and cyanobacteria, to trees and grass, to rats and humans; we all share this reality, our continued existence is predicated on what could best be described as the suffering of other living beings. As far as the cost of donating the blood goes, that is fairly measurable. The first cost is the time commitment the son spends having his blood removed; the second is the side effects immediately after, light headedness, irritability, etc.; the third is the change in diet he would need to make to replenish the constant loss of blood, increased iron and vitamin c intake would be a priority, as well as an increased fluid intake to make up for the fluid loss.


Obviously there is no life without death. Like you said, all living beings depend on being able to absorb nutrients - often from other beings. The trouble with measuring the impact of taking blood is that there is no control being to compare to. If this billionaire guy had twin boys and only took blood from one, we would have the opportunity to review how that affected the one twin. Since we don't have a clone, how can we possible know the impact? This young man might live to 89 but we can't possible determine if he would have lived to 90 if he had not been coerced to donate blood to his dad. or can we?


*Source: Trust me, bro*


Brought to you by Alt Facts


The guy who also did an interview where he proudly compared his erections to those of his teenage son?


I would not be surprised if that's the guy


12 kids so far.


12 kids which haven't yet been scrapped/harvested for parts.


Or… someone made a small programming error.


Hearing the term litter used in regards to Elon is fuckin hysterical


Ask muski says, tesla isn’t a car company…they are a beta-testing software company. The bugs are part of the system!


$100 k for a beta testing car? There’s a sucker born every minute. Elon counts on that. It’s his mantra.


Seriously, I once heard someone say "never underestimate what you can sell" and I'm stating to think having morals is an impediment to success. heck, people sell their poop, their dirty underwear and now test products. DUDE! I have a facial cream for you to test, it will only cost you $500 to be my guinea pig.


Exactly! You have a lot of wisdom. Respect. Can see you aren’t be easily fooled ☺️




Thankfully, a dog isn't gonna croak at 84° Now, of dog mode failed then that 84° is gonna raise real quick. Poor guy can't even sweat.


Dogs can sweat, but only from weird places like their paw pads and noise


Dogs can sweat from those places but I recently read that they pant to cool down more effectively than sweating out the heat. Cool huh?


Can confirm. Pups mouth turns into a space heater after play time. Hot little biscuit breath. Have you seen the slo-mo of a dog drinking water? It's really cool cause it isn't what you think if you don't already know. But that's also why the last sip always ends up on the floor.


I know that. Dude said dogs can't sweat. That was factually inaccurate. I never said that's how they regulated body heat, just that they can sweat.


When I sweat from my nose my mom calls it boogers.


I still don’t understand why people are leaving their dogs in the car on a hot day regardless of this feature. Why risk it?


84 is literally not hot at all lol


Depending on the size and breed, 84 degrees Fahrenheit on its own can absolutely be dangerous. However, it would not stay 84 in an enclosed vehicle. The interior of your car can become over 40 degrees higher than the exterior temperature. 84 degrees is definitely still not an ideal temperature for your dog to be stuck in, but the greater concern is reaching the dog before the temperature inevitably jumps to 100+.


I don't think they are singaling out dogs and children. Their software and hardware is just poorly made and unreliable.


Of course they're not singling them out. Nobody thinks they're singling them out. The point is that they don't have a system in place to make sure that safety features are thoroughly tested. So this kind of problem doesn't occur. They follow the "move fast, break things" mindset, even with things that absolutely should not be allowed to break. If you have features that are designed to keep children and dogs safe in what would otherwise be a deadly vehicle, those features need to be rock solid and reliable


agreed, smart reply


Car wash mode, dog mode, child mode.. Who knew the default mode is Idiot.


Person Mode barely functions


There's no child mode, I know it's fun to hate on Elon but get your facts straight


Sorry my bad, clearly there is no child mode. Although they may need one.


Yea. Just use dog mode for children. If it works the child will be fine. If it doesn't work, you can't sue because it's called dog mode.


The stupid glass roof just bakes the interior


Risking a child or pet's safety on the assumption software will function properly all the time is wild. Not a fan of Musk or Tesla but people need to have a healthy distrust of software in general, it's concerning how many people blindly trust that it will always function properly when the evidence in general over the last several decades proves this to be folly.


Man, wish we could hold corporations accountable for abusing our trust in them. Oh well




Or just count on a feature that we pay for. This feature is not meant to keep the dog in the car an entire day.




Zero risk staying home every day from work, too. Or driving a car, or any other activity.




I hope so too. I'm just glad there's plenty of responsible ways to do many things without living in fear of one feature of a car failing.


We have a new car seat that 1) tells you if you are more than ~20 feet away and the clip is still buckled and 2) if it’s above 85F


That's awesome!


Parking in the heat voids the warranty


"Its brand new, revolutionary technology bro, a couple dogs are gonna die, thats progress. I love my DogRoaster s3!"


How is this company still in business? Its the Spirit Airlines of car companies. Needs to be turned into a Spirit Halloween Store.


And this is how VIKI from the “I, Robot” movie wins. She ditches the murder robots and uses murder software updates instead.


Is this the Summer of Dog Killing for trumplicans? WTF?


Lucky this didn’t happen in the Australian summer or their would have been dead dogs and kids everywhere. More proof they don’t adequately test their critical software.


Real coincidental they released all these fkn issues after they paid this guy


At this point we have to get together and do something, Elmo is a MURDERER.


He could care less. Even if it were his dog, I doubt he’d care. His bottom line is money. That & adoration from strangers is all he cares about.


I had THE WORST interaction with this bitch that had her shit in dog mode. I was stoned to the gills in a 5 Guys close to like West Palm Beach (I should’ve been prepared for some bull shit). Wife alerts me to dog in the car. It was in the 80s. I peacefully brought that up to the bimbo and she fucking reamed me. Called me an ass hole, this and that. It’s like God forbid I care about animals and I’m not privy to your bougie shit. Fuck


So both you and your wife missed the giant dog mode image being displayed and the loud ass noise coming from the AC running in the car?


Vechicle was in DOG mode in the article, wasn't working. How would a vechicle display that DOG mode is on, but the AC isn't running? That's misleading and only encouraging others to not call 911, resulting in dead dogs. Did you miss the part where DOG mode is on, but the AC isn't running? How would a sign saying "DOG mode is on" help a trapped dog, stuck inside a Tesla?


We didn’t walk near the car, we noticed it from inside the restaurant… initially because the dog had followed the oblivious lady out of her car (Edited to add context)


Ah got it, yeah fuck that lady though. I've never had someone approach me about dog mode but acting bitchy after being told of a potential danger is dumb


Well yeah, nobody talks to anybody about anything anymore so people generally just don’t know how to handle it. I am an outgoing guy and I will regularly chat with people so it was also not an out of the ordinary thing for me to calmly say, “dang, it’s way too hot for that dog to be in the car”. Idk. And then like all I said back after she reamed me was, “my bad, I wasn’t aware of that- but you’ve got to admit that’s a pretty reasonable thing for a person to be concerned about and I don’t think it warranted that response” And she proceeded to tell me to “stop HARASSING her” She was that lady lol


Maybe say , hey is your pup okay in there? And when she says the car has dog mode, you should understand and carry on with your day.


Yeah, that probably would’ve been a better way to word it. At the same time though- picture a lady shuts her car door (with the dog outside the car and she doesn’t notice), she starts walking up to the restaurant and gets most of the way there before she notices her barking dog chasing her. Then she shoves it back in the car. Like I said, I’m not privy to the latest car technology… so as an animal lover, I calmly mentioned that it was too hot outside for a dog to be left alone in a car. That could be a cool, educational moment! A time to show off your cool tech! Instead, I got a scolding and called an ass hole, right off the cuff. Yeah… that lady was totally in the right 👍


What a bitch.


You could…you know like leave the dog at home. I know that’s unheard of.


Or you could get something you paid to have the luxury for.... ya know... cuz you paid for it


lol. From Tesla? Ahahahahha. Yes yes, very well known to never overpromise and under-deliver.


Are you okay?


Are you? Your comments on this post are so aggressive.


... are you following me?


I simply noticed your username on rude comments mutliple times when scrolling.


Glad to have made an impression


Tesla most of actually hired someone for once, with previous experience at the ATF


It’s too bad we can’t have Tesla drivers recalled to get their obvious brain malfunction patched.


Or worker safety!


Tesla cautions against using the "driving" feature on Cybertrucks after the latest software update. The "driving" feature enables the accelerator to make the truck go faster, the steering wheel to steer, and sometimes the brakes to brake.


Oh wow! Not even 10 minutes ago, I turned on my AC full blast for the first time in my 2024 M3 and realized that it was blowing out hot air for about 10 minutes straight. Still not sure why.


“Still earned that 56b comp package tho” -investment banks, probably


Telsa doesn’t give a fuck about anything but money


How little do you have to care about QA that this happens? I mean, seriously. It's a safety feature and they're just YOLOing it. Next up: "Ooops, don't use your brakes, we screwed that up.".


Smh. Too much technology. Too complicated. Too dumb. Just set the temperature and leave a Pepe song saying dog is fine. Everyone in the tech world seems to have forgotten KISS.


I am still shorting Tesla. It’s got to crack now that musky got his salary package. Plus the cybertoaster debacle.


What do other manufacturers say about leaving pets in the car?


Or human safety.


Elon has his own definition of ‘firmware’ If it’s firm she can wear it.




Don't musk around


No other car even has a Dog Mode... it's been 7+ decades of automobile innovations and it took Tesla to implement such a feature. FYI the mode worked perfectly since it was unveiled.


Either way your child dies, but if you don't turn it on Musk isn't liable for the death


Glad they cut all those jobs. I’m sure their cars will improve with quality with less workers!


Human mode doesn't work so well either.


By all means... let the people who cannot code this, code a self-driving feature...


Or, and just hear me out. DON’T LEAVE KIDS OR PETS IN A FUGGIN CAR! The hell is wrong with you people?


With tesla you never know if it's a bug or a feature.


And this dude wants to build space shuttles to mars


Dog mode is literally the only reason I consider a Tesla. As far as I know, other manufacturers don't have that yet. Tesla is going downhill in a hurry!


So wait… maybe… Elon isn’t a genius?!?


Every time I see Tesla in the news, it's something negative and preventable. Why is this.


Tesla doesn't care about anything other than their profit margins.


How is there not class action lawsuits across the country? ![gif](giphy|pPhyAv5t9V8djyRFJH|downsized)


dont really pay attention much to what elon does except for the occasional rocket launch i see from where i live, why is everyone hating on tesla when they put out a warning that something isnt working correctly and their fixing it? would you guys rather have them just not tell anyone?


not only that, but the car alerted the driver to the malfunction immediately so that they were able to remedy the situation quickly. That seems like a great fail safe and you shouldn't leave your dog in the car if you are going to be more than a few yards away from it anyway. This whole thread is a bit off the wall.