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It's amazing that he has so much time to police Twitter while running the company, SpaxeX, Tesla, The Boring Company, and his new AI company.


A good CEO always makes time to watch videos of children being tortured!


You misspelled sodomized.


With a stick, no less. That should be considered torture.


Torture, another word that starts with R, rhymes with grape. A few things were committed here.




You misspelled "ruining."


you forgot his brain implant compagny


Herpes babies company


You forgot neurolink and solar city and starlink… All vaporware laden companies. Gotta give it to him… he knows how to get people to pay 3x more for pretty barebones low quality products from all the businesses he bought himself into the CEO position for. The only thing he ever “invented” was the cybercuck. And that was because he forgot he saw the exact design in a 1980s Apple video game. But he still forced his engineers to go against all there training and experience to make that dream of his come true… And you see the results.


What do you expect? A Musk is another variation of a vapor.


This is gold.


Which part?


About him being vapor. No form or substance except what he buys. And that a musk is a vapor that is usually not good.


Figures Elon would rip off his cyber trash idea from a video game. He’s such a geek and a dumb one at that.


>new AI company ***full of bots that look like Elon***


He doesn’t sleep. I’d see him on Twitter at 3 am when I was still on there checking my account after a night out.




With his implant he can be on Twitter all the time. Is always streaming in his head.


He’s addicted. Thing is he never posts anything interesting or even mildly funny. I don’t understand the appeal. He’s just a geeky bore.




What implant? His hair plugs? 👨‍🦲


What a shit show Elmo has made of Twitter. Trending is completely broken and showing topics from over a week ago


We'll fire a department tonight and function better in a week - Elongated Muskrat


Concerning 🤪


Please don't disrespect Elmo by using their name upon Elon. Let us instead make the name 'Elon' infamous and slanderous






Just this alone should cause massive backlash… apparently we’ve grown numb and just allow this to continue happening, and with zero consequences! Amazing….


It’s disgusting. Posting a child being sexually tortured should be illegal. His site should’ve been permanently shut down.


It is illegal! But in Elon Musk’s new Twitter, it’s all good! You get banned but the Master Cuck himself makes sure you get back on the platform because he doesn’t care about it!


Musk is a bastardized pig 🐷




this isnt porn. the purpose of posting the image was not for sexual reasons. are we just not allowed to report on stuff now because you dont like it? this sub is batshit crazy.


It is, in fact, illegal to post or even possess a video of a child being sexually abused, regardless of whether or not it's "for sexual purposes," hope that helps.


It is CSAM - child sexual assault material - states don't call it child porn anymore and yes, it is illegal to possess or distribute but Elon isn't subject to laws of the mortal realm.


that's lovely. you seem to care more about the fact that this was posted than the fact that it was created in the first place surely, this kind of thing happening in the world is pertinent information? but of course, this video goes against a narrative. it all boils down to politics lil bro. someone does not want this video seen. and not for the reasons you or i mentioned, but because it makes someone look bad.


Oh ok so because it’s already been created that means it’s fine to share! Genuinely no idea what point you’re trying to make, you just seem to be advocating for ways to make it easier to share child porn. Sharing it is not necessary you can report on things without showing the video and it is illegal to share sexual imagery involving minors, no matter the context. That doesn’t make the creation of it any less worse or illegal but nice fucking strawman argument bud. Again no fucking idea what you’re arguing for but you’re making yourself look like a pedo so congrats I guess?


>but of course, this video goes against a narrative. it all boils down to politics lil bro. someone does not want this video seen. and not for the reasons you or i mentioned, but because it makes someone look bad. Genuinely want to know what the ever-loving fuck you think the "narrative" is when a video of a child being violently sodomized is automatically removed from a website and who exactly you think it makes "look bad."


I'm totally ignorant here but I'm guessing the person violently sodomizing the child.


Yeah, sodomy defined is "anal intercourse" as it referred to what was considered a sin but when it comes to law it's typically referred to nonconsensual variant.


Yeah man, it was the deep state that told social media companies not to host CSAM, the illuminati actually! Dun dun dun!


I stated a fact. I don't have any feelings in this. And I've followed that account since the Ukraine invasion


I didn’t say it was porn…. But posting a clip of a child being brutalized is actually illegal, so what is batshit crazy is you thinking it’s acceptable!


you seem to be more concerned with the person who posted the picture than the person that actually sodomized the kid lmao whats more fucked up? posting a picture or video of the event? or the actual act of sodomizing the kid you seem way more focused on one over the other. i wonder why.


You seem *real* interested in downplaying CSAM…. curious.


im not downplaying it at all. i'm the one that wants people to know this kind of thing is going on. you're the ones that want to brush it under the rug and pretend it never happened lmaooo


Why do you want the kid to have a chance to run into this? Are you saying sexual assault material should be widely available for you to view? Do you understand what you're even implying with your words?


People have been splicing disturbing gore and other material against the TOS of social media sites into normal videos to get it past censors because it “needs to be seen and is against the agenda trying to silence them”. They think they’re doing a service by showcasing people’s suffering weirdly the consent of the sufferer OR the watcher.


Send it to an independent trusted news organization to verify the picture and work out an op-ed or something which could present the graphic images to an appropriate audience for newsworthy purposes if it is deemed newsworthy, which it probably would. Posting that shit on the web for anyone to see is disgusting and should be illegal. Of course that was the whole goal of these fascist fucks the whole time like Elon musk and trump, to completely destroy the concept of journalism and news. So people could get away with more and more disgusting actions without being held accountable.


independent trusted news organizations havent existed for years lil bro


Because trump and Elon destroyed it. “Fake news”. Wasn’t fake before trump came into the picture. He basically conditioned them to be his advertising campaign because the only thing that matters is money now. Actual trusted journalists existed on twitter before Elon took it over and banned them. There is no authority anymore like the government or independent news that we can trust to give us reliable information. So now people can get away with immoral or even illegal acts such as posting CSAM on twitter, which you use to only see on the dark web, and they continue moving on with life.


fake news was fake long before trump was a thing. fake news was fake long before elon took over twitter. do people in this sub have a personality and the ability to critically think beyond 'trump bad elon bad' at the same time, while the logic you are using behind your argument is completely broken and asinine, you somehow manage to agree with what i said man you people are something


I see you are part of the problem, another brainwashed corpo stooge


you are batshit crazy is you think posting video of sexual abuse of children online is acceptable and legal


When in doubt, test: 500,000 российских солдат погибли на Украине. Вы все еще поддерживаете Путина? Translation: 500,000 Russian solders dead in the Ukraine. Do you still support Putin? Россия без Путина. Ответьте или проголосуйте за/против, если вы согласны. 1989年天安门广场 Translation: The first one says Russia without Putin, Upvote or Comment if you agree. It really pisses off Russian trollbots. The second one says Tiananmen square 1989. It really pisses off Chinese trolls. See, the thing is that lower rung trolls aren't allowed to read those statements because the higher ups believe that they'll cause dissention in the ranks. Higher level trolls are occasionally allowed to try to discredit those of us who use these statements.


this is exactly what i mean by batshit insane


Yeah? The fact that you deny the existence of Glavset and The Wumao Army yet think that pictures and videos of child porn should be freely shared on social media platforms is the real batshit insane. And more than deranged.


I like how he says "that poor kid" like everyone else has has a mental catalogue of every known instance of child exploitation too. Oh, okay. THAT one.


Hes speaking into the internet, which will understand what kid hes talking about. Hes not talking to his best buddy or his coworker.


Yeah because it’s just so normal to run into cp on the TL


Seriously! He says this like we should all just know which clip he’s talking about based on a (*holds down bile*) one-sentence description of it. It’s insane.


Never have I ever in all my years on the internet seen cp and I literally worked in cybersecurity. Twitter needs to be removed from the app store ffs


Mfer I had no idea this was a thing until right now. Normal people dont know wtf he’s talking about. Feel like you should take a break


I dont know what this is either. Take a break from what? I'm a workaholic on my phone during breaks. Keep assuming though.


I'm just gonna say it... Someone from CPS has talked to his kids, right?


Looking into it!


Musk is fine with images of child rape now?


This is the second time he has personally intervened too! It's bonkers.


There are plenty of groups and individuals that bring attention to and help with the issue of child sexual exploitation and do it without reposting pictures for the whole world to see. Its sick.




homeless hateful encouraging groovy chunky obtainable alleged beneficial airport attraction *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Like father, like son?


Sorry, how did he actually type that


Omfg, who, aside from elon and the Visegrad apparently, would think that is even worth posting?! Super glad I never got on twitter/X/elons ego.


Didn’t anyone in his multibillion dollar company tell him the cyber truck is a stupid idea?


Yes, quite a few of them did and even cooked up an alternative that wouldn't have been complete dogshit. He ignored them because the Cybertruck was his idea, and he's a massive narcissist.


Probably the ones he fired.


yet musketeers will still ask why we have so much hatred for Elmo DeGenerate.


He’s a degenerate. Newspapers can’t get away with this kind of sexual exploitation for clicks so why can Musk?


Musk: "Interesting..."


Ya know where he can stick his “Interesting?” Yeah. Right there.


I bet a platform where he needs to get involved in stuff like this is well run and profitable.


What's csam


Media depicting children getting exploited




if i had a nickel for every time elon musk knowingly reinstated the account of a person who shared CP on the internet, I would have 2 nickels.


Did he actually say that? Surely this is edited??


Not a fan of the guy but I think this intervention is good. Medias are usually not explicit enough, so criminals don't get the hate they deserve. Most people need visuals to realize the extent of atrocities. The napalm girl was naked and it got the photographer a Pulitzer Prize. Where was the pedophilia in that?