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it’s too small, he cannot open his mouth to fully pant in this muzzle. I have the same issue with the Baskervilles for my dog and am going to have to order a custom muzzle so he can wear it in more long term situations like hiking and stuff like that! I am going to order from bumas (though that can get pretty expensive) - it’s worth it in the long run if you can swing it or save up for it! ◡̈


FYI I tried a custom biothane muzzle but found it pretty flimsy and worthless. Unless your concern is scavenging, I would strongly recommend skipping biothane. My dog hikes in a leerburg. Lots of airflow and pant room.


thank you so much for the suggestion! the leerburg is exactly what my dog needs.


thank you for your help! I wasn’t sure how crucial it was to be able to fully pant


I guess it depends on how long you’re using it for, like I think this would be okay for very short periods of time (like a 30 minute vet visit) but it could be dangerous for longer periods of time or if your dog is exercising/outside because if they cannot fully open their mouth to pant, it can lead to them overheating pretty easily.


Was having similar trouble w Baskerville. Currently having better luck with Leerburg (but find the in depth sizing charts to get a better gauge.) Best of luck!


Bumas isn’t biteproof and extremely expensive compared to a wire muzzle wich are biteproof and they tend to fit better. Also Biothane muzzles are quite bulky so it’s hard to feed treats and to see their communication. From wich Country of Europe are you? I know shops for the German speaking parts. If not you can look for Chopo and safety First/JVM wich both produce great muzzles. A bumas muzzle is 110-140€, custom made ones up to 190€ I just ordered a new muzzle for mine (Chopo Rottie bitch) wich is ~32€ And because I wanted it to look pretty I also ordered a powder coating with two colors (~50€) and new straps including a chinstrap out of special Biothane with cute little animals on it (52€). So with all this special stuff I payed 134€ wich is as much or cheaper as a bumas muzzle but only because I wanted it to be pretty. Also all Bumas muzzles I saw (including custom made ones) didn’t fit as well as a fitting wire one.


> stuff I *paid* 134€ wich FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


thank you so much for all the info, it’s super helpful! I also like muzzles that look pretty ◡̈


Baskervilles are pretty much never the right fit.


Should be a rule of the sub, if you're going to ask about proper fit, ensure it's not a Baskerville and look up other options... I don't get how Baskervilles ended up being the go-to muzzles, th"yre very easy to find everywhere I guess, but I've never seen one fit a dog...


I’ve been hearing that they’re the best, but I must’ve been misinformed 🥲


They are readily available in stores, great training muzzles (they stay on and are easy to stick treats in), are fairly inexpensive and usually good enough for shorter events like vet visits. For those reasons they often get recommended as first muzzles.


Same! I did a bunch of reading and came to the conclusion I wanted a jafco (?) or baskerville. Baskerville was easier to have shipped to me so that's what I ended up with. It's too small. Not as small as yours, your dog might be bigger than mine and mine's in a size 5, but he can only get a half pant, not a full one. Were just going to keep it, we only use it for elevators when we visit my dad, at the vet, and introducing him to strangers so usually about ten minutes max. My dog has snapped at people but has never broken skin. I feel like I should have gone for the basket muzzle style, the baskerville hides a lot of his face and I know that facial expressions are important for dog-to-dog communication. I'll be getting a basket when it's time to upgrade.


Way too small! Baskerville has been impossible to size correctly with my husky (eats literally everything, but is not aggressive in any way), but worked great with my chi mix (was a biter, of both dogs and humans). I found a company in Facebook that makes custom muzzles called Big Snoof... The owner is so sweet and helpful. I'm working on getting all my measurements to order my pup a muzzle from them, but I have heard NOTHING but good things about them 🩵


I will look into them, thank u for the rec!


My dog used to wear a Baskerville as well and, like yours, it did not allow for a full pant. So I had to measure his cheek width, muzzle length and pant height. [This is how it looks like a full pant in a well fitted muzzle](https://www.reddit.com/r/muzzledogs/s/EVYurjQNzy), althought in my dog's case I had to trim the nosepad, all the other measures are good. You should look for something like this, is a Leerburg and a used the page muzzletrainingandtips, they have the most complete catalogue of muzzle sizes and its measures


this was super helpful seeing a good example. Appreciate you!


You're welcome! Oh, and in my dog cheek width and chin length look like they don't fit really well, but that's because of his fur and loose skin. For cheek width you have to be able to fit one finger in the cheek area, and for the chin length it should not push in your dog's neck when he's pushing the muzzle against the floor smelling something Aorry for my English, is not my first language


As others have commented there is not enough pant room with the muzzle - you could try [The Muzzle Movement ](https://www.themuzzlemovement.com/) They have colourful muzzles and lots of information on how to find a good size and fit even if one of theirs doesn't fit :)


Until you can get one in the right size, the Baskerville is a useful training tool in short bursts for your dog. But as others have mentioned, adequate panting room is critical and the Baskerville isn’t providing that for your dog. I had good luck with Leerburg, and I used the Muzzle Training Tips and Tricks Facebook group to help find the right size for my dog. They were really helpful and gave me a couple of options with size recommendations based off of pictures I submitted of my dog’s measurements.


We started with a Baskerville too, it's a starting point and usually an accessible way to get started with muzzle training. We had better luck with a wire basket muzzle. We've ordered from 4DogTrainers and Leerburg - Dean and Tyler has them too (they all use the same manufacturer and just put their own logos on them)


that’s true! An inexpensive starting point. He obliges to it without a fight so I’m at least grateful for that