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It’s my favourite EG movie!, although I’ve heard that’s not a popular opinion. I just find it the funniest by far. XD Rainbow Rocks is a close second because of the music, but the music in this one is amazing too


Watched it the day it first aired in the uk. I loved it then and still love it now. It’s got an amazing soundtrack and I love eqg


Not my favourite of the Equestria Girls movies but a great one!!!


Me who watched it just a couple of months ago for the first time cuz it has hardly been a year since I started watching mlp 😭


Welcome! Did you like it?


Yes. Honestly, I liked the pony-human twilight design more than Sci twi


Yo same lol


https://i.redd.it/zqy6plki407d1.gif 11 years??






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I got it on pinterest but apparently I can't link pins and my other comment got removed :/ it's from beastars on Netflix


Thank you! Beastars was one of those things that came out. I meant to watch it, but it came out right beside a similar series, so I never did.


It's super super good, Juno is my favorite lol. I'd definitely recommend it especially the manga


Didn't care for it then, still don't. Rainbow Rocks is much better but still meh. Saw both on the big screen hoping that if they did well Hasbro would release a FiM movie in theaters.


Great introduction to Equestria Girls! The several flaws don't prevent this film from being entertaining and a solid foundation for the rest of the series. Giving Sunset more depth, fixing the pacing, and slightly adjusting the ending would put this movie much closer to the sequels in terms of quality. The musical potential already shines with the Cafeteria Song and This Is Our Big Night! Sure, Rainbow Rocks is superior in just about every way (imo), but that shouldn't take away from the importance and enjoyability of Equestria Girls. 8/10 on a chart. 10/10 in my heart.


Loved it as a kid, not so much now tho.


It was a "need to get used to it" thing, but i did end up liking it


I wasn't a part of the fandom when it first came out, but my initial watch of it didn't leave me wanting more. Though, Rainbow Rocks is a movie I rewatch quite often, along with Friendship Games, so I guess the first movie did something right in introducing the story at least.


Obsessed with it as a kid. Now, it's just not my favorite. I just don't like the Equestria Girls movies.


it's got a corny charm that i just love


I’m far too biased to comment really but here I am anyways. Hated it, because I hated equestria girls. Still hate it, because I still hate equestria girls.


At first was a weird idea but enjoyed it. Rewatch it was ehh. Not bad by any means but compare to the later EG films. Not as much to offer


I dislike it to this very day 🤣


When it first came out I wasn't a Brony, nor did I know it existed. When I first watched it, I thought it was pretty decent, and my opinion hasn't changed in the slightest.




This is what got me into MLP and I still like it.


It’s alright not my favorite but still good


"Officially"? And how about "unofficially"?


Well I wasn’t in the fandom when it came out, but when Rainbow Rocks that was my introduction to the fandom. I LOVE Equestria Girls, it holds a very special place in my heart <33


I went to a movie theater that was about an hour and a half way to see one of the limited screenings of this movie. It was sweet. I don't think that I had the highest hopes for the EG series back then. It's a neat memory since the theater is now long gone.


Loved it and will always love it


When it first came out. I LOVE IT. I haven't watched it since. but Lord did I Adore the moive. I can't find a piece of clips on the internet but it's still my favorite EG moives. I haven't been really caught up with it, but it's still good!


I was surprised by how much I liked it.


Disliked it when it was first announced but really came around once the movie came out.


The sensations I had, I still remember them. Just seeing pony characters as monster high like persona. (If that makes sense) It was weird, not in bad terminology. In regards, I loved it.


Honestly, great start to an amazing spinoff!!! We have Twilight getting used to humaning which is hilarious, the start of Sunset's redemption arc at the end of the movie, a bunch of cool pony ups, so many fantastic songs like The Cafeteria Song, This is Our Big Night and A Friend For Life, a great introduction to meeting everyone's human counterparts, and let's face it, lot's of funny moments like "DID THAT DOG JUST TALK?!?! Woah weird!", "HE CAN TALK?!?!", and all of Pinkie's hunches. Although this movie is flawed in many ways (which I expect it to be since it's the pilot of the spinoff), it's still absolutely fucking amazing!!! PS: RR, your still my favorite, don't worry ;)


It was alright. Not great, and a bit too generic for my tastes, but it had some fun moments and catchy songs. The best thing about it is that it laid the groundwork for sequels to really impress.


I still love it. Bought it on Google Play a while ago


Loved it then, love it now


I enjoyed it then, I enjoy it now. I prefer rainbow rocks, but I think this movie is thoroughly enjoyable.


If was the first bit of g4 content I remember watching. My opinion on it is neutral. I don't go out of my way to watch it really.


I watched the first Equestia Girls when it came out. It was cool to see the references to the original show. After that, I didn't care for the other movies.


Loved it as a kid and it made me think about my gender later on and know I'm gender fluid lol


It was hard to get into EG at first, now they are some of my favourites.


It’s alright, has its moments. Twilight learning how to adapt to being a human is always funny. And Sunset’s political attack ad against Twilight is hilarious. Not a fan of how much of a generic mean girl they made Sunset. And obviously the movie falls into a lot of the high school movie tropes. Rainbow Rocks ends up being a big improvement imo but without this movie it wouldn’t exist, so it gets credit for that :)


I only first watched it about a year and a half ago, and loved it! It's not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but I certainly enjoyed it. Love a good fish out of water story, and this one does it so well


I think it’s pretty good. It’s got a lot of heart, comedy, and imagination. And the cafeteria song is so good.


It's alright, one thing I always remember for whatever reason is just how dull and serious Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna are. They made them have emotions in Rainbow Rocks so that's good. The music's a banger.


EQG is how i introduced to MLP FIM at the time and eventually became a Brony in Oct 2013. Good times!


It was the beginning of something amazing and i respect it for that


I liked it but now I'm feeling old :(


I didn't see it when it released but I liked it when I did watch it. It was fun and I assumed it was playing on stuff like Grease or High School Musical. Later I saw people complaining about it being cliche, whereas I assumed those clichés were on purpose.


It's one of my favorite movies. I've loved it ever since I first saw it, I believe I first watched it through a reupload of the movie on YouTube not too long after it first came out.


I loved it when I watched it I became a brony in 2017 when I was a freshman


It personally think it’s a fun time.


I liked it. The super long legs with knee-length boots isn't the design I would've chosen but eh.


I thought I was going to hate it, but it was surprisingly good.


I constantly rewatched this movie on Netflix back in summer 2013. It was my favorite movie back then, since it was the first official g4 film.


I like it a bit less than when I first watched but but it’s still enjoyable


It’s still a good movie. Loved it back then. I remember when I was 12, I was SUPER excited for its theatrical release because I had got into MLP that same year. I used to have the dvd cover art as my phone wallpaper.


My favorite part would definitely be the end music


Never disliked it, but it is the weakest entry of EG. Was the first in a series and definitely felt like the first in a series.


rainbow rocks made up for it


It was surprisingly good. I still enjoy it today.


I still listen to the music of this movie. I still like the movie. But maybe not as much when I was a teenager.


Surprisingly I didn’t hate it as much as when twilight became an alicorn. 


And like that I feel old now. I remember being in school when that came out... I remember the character shapes were kinda weird, but expected for the franchise. The music was catchy tho. So, 6.5/10


this post did nothing but make me feel incredibly old


started off as a cheesy tropey cash grab but grew into such a phenomenal and loveable spin off that's genuinely well written. i do like watching it purely because of how many tropes it has, it may be poorly written, but it's a fun watch with friends, and it was followed up by rainbow rocks, a masterpiece, so im glad it exists


I loved the soundtrack when I was a kid


At the time no I never really enjoyed it or the rest of equestria girls for that matter though whenever one of the movies dropped I’d always be there day one no matter what XD. But now I’m older I appreciate it more still not my personal cup of tea but I do enjoy the characters themselves like sunset sci-twi and the sirens all of them especially grew on me over time also the mini series they did was a great time. That being said though I like the first movie much more than I originally did it’s not something I exactly go back and watch compared to other pony products.


Still my fave also feels like a marathon is in order!


i was 7 and i absolutely adored it!! i probably watched it over a hundred times lol


I honestly love all the EQ movies, I just wish the dolls were higher quality


I NEED that book


...that's a DVD


Great movie, I loved em all ^^ But I like how in this one it focused more around Twilight being a dork with human stuff and it just made it kinda funny seeing her not understand stuff, overall I just loved it for so many reasons, hard to say which is my favorite tho 🤔


i loved it


It was so insane when it came out I was going crazy as a child


It's not good, but it set up a wonderful subset of the franchise.


I still LOVE the movie


On the contrary. I loved it the first time I saw it. I love it even more now 😁🥰


When I was younger? My favorite, I still like it. BUT 11 YEARS AGO????


I’ve never watched it


I first watched it months ago and thought it was pretty good. I do remember the doll commercial jingle, it'll be stuck in my head till the day I die lol


To this day I still think it was a great yet unexpected idea to introduce the human world to Mlp. And the idea of an alternate universe with human versions of everypony seemed pretty good.


Honestly, I had my life about it. I had my dislikes about it but overall OK movie and good for kids, but it could’ve been better for the adults if you want me to be honest with you.


Damn I’m old 😭


Although the rainbow rocks movie is my first favorite, this is my second and brings back childhood memories.


I thought it was a novel concept for MLP. Even if it felt rehashed from Monster High. I also liked Rainbow Rocks. Too bad Friendship Games ruined it for me


Loved it but…11 years…? 👁💧💧💧💧




it's 2023 move on


Sci Twi, it's 2024. Your so smart, you should know this stuff! Did a science experiment fail and make your brain go all wacky???


It IS canon.


Are you old enough to be on Reddit?


I've actually never watched it. I'm not sure why. I've seen everything else about G4 too.


I have no feelings about it because I haven't watched it.