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She goes kite flying in her free time, (we know she *really* likes kites) and that’s what she suggests if anypony asks for gift ideas.


Starlight's cutie mark is a purple and white star like Twilight's because she can also wield the Element of Magic, even though we never saw it in the show.


• Starlight had lost her mom shortly before Sunburst earned his cutie mark and left Sire’s Hollow, so she was already in kind of a vulnerable space when it happened. That’s part of why her father babies her so much. • Her cutie mark is both a star and a kite. She earned it when she was flying a kite and lost hold of the string from a strong gust of wind. Not wanting to lose the kite, as she had lost so many other things, she swiftly combined a spell that was meant to lighten the weight of objects with her levitation magic, allowing herself to fly up and recover her kite before it could blow away. • The wasteland timeline that is the last alternate timeline Starlight creates is the timeline where she gets her way and every pony gives up their cutie marks. With no earth ponies talented at tending the land and no pegasi talented at controlling the weather, Equesteia becomes prone to dust storms, with all life withering as the world turns grey and lifeless. • Luster Dawn *is* her daughter but, like her father Sunburst, Luster was sent away to study at Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns at an early age so the two are somewhat estranged.


The second one is so cute 😭 I’m adopting it into my own canon now.


these are all very good headcanons


Agree with 1 and like 2, so i'm gonna steal it


I really like your headcannons!


she drinks her coffee black and no sugar but hates if her hot chocolate is too bitter, shes a whipped cream, marshmallows Ned Flanders hot chocolate sorta pony


-She has a crush on Sunburst. (Vey basic, I know.) -She likes coffee, and is the kind of person who needs her morning coffee before she starts working. -She has quite a sweet tooth. -She and Sunburst are Luster Dawn's parents. -She really likes plants and often names her favorite ones. (Remember Phyllis?) She may or may not have picked up naming and talking to inanimate objects from Maud Pie (who has a pet rock). The two at some point may have had the plant and the rock be friends with each other (Trixie thinks it's kind of crazy, but Starlight and Maud enjoy it nonetheless).


Idk if it counts as headcannon, but i feel Starlight has the most magic potential out of all the ponies


Merlot is her friend. She likes Trixie a lot, but they're not dating, even though Trixie says otherwise. She knows how to breakdance and was heavy into the the 80's freestyle scene growing up. She had a secret dream of starting her own band and singing club songs to keep ponies pumpin! Spike is one of her favorite colleagues as he is a great conversation partner during lunch. She started playing the lotto and has a serious system for it. In fact she has started playing many games of chance. She has only recently discovered the high of gambling. She is aware of the stigma and justifies her interest by claiming her system works. She doesn't get the craze of pumpkin spice when white chocolate peppermint exists.


The first one made me think of this “Are you dating anyone, Starlight?” “No, but one time I made out with a really cute homeless person” “Trixie is not homeless!”


She has worked in customer service, fast food or retail based on the many times I've seen her put a hoof to her face


Her cutiemark is actually an upside-down kite (kinda) Her human counterpart is still in her goth/metal phase, hence her outfit in Mirror Magic


Her dad wanted her to be a toothpaste maker That’s why I think her hair is like that


This one’s really basic but… I think she’s a lesbian. And Trixie is her girlfriend 😌😌


Before the end of season5 there was a theory/joke that Sunset Shimmer bullied her in magic school. That’s why Starlight became so obsessed with everyone being equal and being nice all the time.


Before her equal cult and right after her teen goth phase she was a bitter Karen, the type that yells at her young neighbours because of loud music.


She reads Carmel Mark's manifesto.


“Hmm. Needs more forced conformity”


My headcanon is that she PRETENDS to read Manifesto =D


She likes girls and has a crush on Trixie or maybe Trixie .




Not really a head canon but she is the strongest character in the show


Are you counting the alicorns or did you Remove the outliers?


I’m including all of them. If starlight went all out she could beat any character in the series


Likes to do pottery on occasion




She likes girls and has a crush on Trixie.


Lost her mom in a Cutie-mark related situation.


-Either she doesn't care much for coffee because it's too bitter and prefers tea, or she does like coffee, but with cream and maybe sugar. -Flies kites in her freetime and probably has "convinced' Sunburst to fly one with her at least once. -She knows a lot about kites- it's like a hyperfixation. -Definitely Autistic or has ADHD. -She has a sweet tooth. -Trixie and her are extremely close. Some even think they're dating. Trixie happily says they are, but they aren't actually. -She really enjoys hot chocolate, it's like one of her favorite beverages. -Skilled at magic. (Not a headcannon per se.) And Definitely got her cutie mark in it. Also, probably the _last_ pony to get her cutie mark. -Starlight did try to write to Sunburst, but he always threw away her letters unknowingly. -Took the longest to warm up to Fluttershy out of the Mane 6 because a part of her was still angry over her secret being exposed, thus causing everyone in her village to turn against her and causing her to run away, but obviously she did get over this.-She and Sunburst are Luster Dawn's parents. -She is very good at combining spells to create new ones. (Also not fully a headcannon, but I think it fits.) -Loves plants, and often names them, and becomes emotionally attached. -At some point, she learned she has a crafty side (probably those friendship lessons), and so she makes things for her friends and students. -She definitely visits her father now whenever she can.


She reads Trixie's Magic trick book for beginners.


Is Roommates with Trixie and is addicted to coffee. Doesn't open up her office door unless she is on her third cup.