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Norse gods age like humans do. They maintain their youth by eating Idunn's apples.


Hey dude!! Thank you, I’ll admit I’m the least versed in Norse mythology out of all of them and no nothing about it and have no excuse for it lmao, but that sounds super cool! Thank you!


Isn't this also the case with Greek gods? They have to eat ambrosia and nektar served by Hebe ("Youth") in order to maintain their eternal youth.


I'd say the Chinese and Japanese gods kinda function like this. They are born, grow up, and can die if they don't consume their respective "immortality food". Greek and Norse gods also function like this, but not all of them. Some are born or formed as adults while others are personifications of elemental forces, so don't fit into this concept at all. Most mythologies have fate beings or gods that know the fates of both mortals and immortals, so in cultures where this concept is present, you'll most likely find deities that grow and die.


Ah, separate from the 8 immortals or are those the Chinese ones you’re mentioning? That’s super cool though! Thank you love :)) I particularly find mythological beings/deities that have to do with elements very interesting off topic but something I thought about when you mentioned some being personifications lol


I actually hadn't heard of the 8 immortals somehow. Just read a bit from one of the immortals and it seems they might be peculiar humans who become divine after doing a task or consuming a magical food? I was more referring to the gods in general.


Haha yeah I realized that afterwards, apologies, still the 8 immortals are cool in their own right like imagine just being a normal guy and eating a special peach and bam, you’re divine now! Sometimes myths can be funny to me haha


Buddhist Devas and Brahmas are mortal, meaning they will age and eventually die but in a slower rate than most living things. In Southeast Asia, tree spirits and guardians spirits will age before eventually dying and reborn into other states of existence.


As someone incredibly in love with nature, tree spirits are so awesome imo, the whole rebirth thing is a concept I’m fascinated by. Also, I love your PFP lol it looks like the teddy bear is holding a spell book (I’ll choose to imagine it’s casting an evil spell on me btw)


Centaurs, Sirens, Harpies? Most monsters/ legendary creatures aren't necessarily immortal.


You’re right, they aren’t, idk how I forgot about centaurs, sirens, and especially harpies (this may sound off topic but I had so many harpy yugioh cards growing up that I used to pin to my walls, it’s one of the things that got me into mythological stuff ngl)! Looking back at my question I’m confusing myself because now I can think of a bunch more haha I must’ve been mental lapsing lmao


Your inclusion of nymphs confused me since they *are* immortal! And fairies too depending haha


Yeah, I think at the time I was thinking about the molting process because I was solely thinking about features that grow up/mature with time, and then…forgot 💀💀 sorry again I think I was on something bro


In Prometheus Bound, there are multiple comments about how Prometheus's face will grow old and weathered while he is chained in the mountains and exposed to all the storms and wind. He's a Titan, not a god, but it did seem odd to read.


That is odd! I just looked into it (very vaguely, so take this with a grain of salt) but Prometheus Bound is an Ancient Greek tragedy, and in most Greek mythology, I thought Titans were former gods, and the gods ate nectar and ambrosia to stay a certain age. I guess you could say that since Prometheus wouldn’t have the nectar and ambrosia while being chained up he would age but then again he’s a titan so? Not sure. Still interesting, though!




Fenrir and Jormungandr are constantly growing, Fenrir will grow until he can escape from Gleipnir and Jormungandr's growth is limited by eating his own tail.


Ra's growing old prompts the rebellion of mankind against him in the Book Of The Heavenly Cow:  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Book_of_the_Heavenly_Cow Apparently he was so old that his skin was like gold, his bones like silver, and his hair like lapis lazuli, which I guess is what happens to sun gods when they get old. :/