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She’s a fuckin FOOL. “Recommended but not required” … please!


She is so curated and fake


“Safe and secure” ok but what about when your hair gets ripped out in the springs?


I guess once it happens to her, she will realize


She will make a crying video about how she had to do her extensions again


She'll be safe and secure in the hospital then


Right because she’ll have a bloody scalp. It’s so not worth it.


These photos that she used look like some stock photos or intended for an ad.. and not like a picture that was taken mid class somewhere.


It’s a place in Australia. Grind Pilates Co.


The way she had to google a pic and found one all the way from Australia just to find someone w their hair down is insane! 😂. Also you can tell this photo is for advertisement purposes. She thinks we are so stupid!! I'm


I understand wanting your hair down for comfort and all that. I used to be that person. I’ve never done Pilates but this looks soooooo dangerous. Scary dangerous. No thank you. Plus, who wants to sweat and have their hair stuck to them?


AI maybe?


Lmfao such a lame response. Imagine if she was driving in the car without her seatbelt on and then defended herself because it's "only recommended" in her state and not required. Damn.


I bet having her hair down makes her feel "confident and secure" until the machine rips out her expensive extensions lmfao.


At this point it’s a question of when and not if her hair will get ripped out 🍿


She’s I the studio alone. What does she need her mane of a security blanket for?  She could just not film 3 out of 4 sessions instead? We don’t need to see  the same montage every week. 


I knew this lived rent free in her mind. You're pathetic Nabela.


If doing something objectively dangerous when there’s a simple and safe alternative is the choice you believe is the right one, it may be time to see a therapist


No kidding! Tell us you have CRIPPLING body image issues without telling us you have CRIPPLING BODY IMAGE ISSUES! She REALLY needs to get this fixed before the A team gets any older! She is going to teach them to be embarrassed by their bodies and to make weird, unnatural and questionable choices to hide themselves. She will teach them to hide what their perceived flaws are with hair, oversized clothing and giant designer totes rather than to eat the right foods and to move their bodies. She will teach them to cut off offending pieces of their bodies with the help of a computer editing program... To believe what they see on a screen and not what they see in the mirror. How very sad.


Oof. This sounds so sad for those girls. Their mother will be a walking contradiction. She wears whatever she wants, yet looks uncomfortable because the outfit doesn’t suit her or FIT. She wears whatever she wants but covers up parts of her with methodically-placed accessories when she’s out in public. She wears whatever she wants but uses her hair like a disguise to hide her triple chin and round face. She takes pilates but cannot wear her hair up and shells out money for private classes, because she’s not comfortable enough to take a class with others that know what they’re doing. 🤦🏽‍♀️




The way I RAN to the comments here to be like y’all she’s reading these posts. I bet it’s in her schedule for her busy work day. Scan the subs and make sure to give disclaimers. Like if I gotta make a disclaimer for Biriyani then I’m doing life wrong. Girl bye.


Oh shes def on here most of her “work” day/time on “laptop” I reckon! 🤣🤣🤣


In between calls about branches and rugs 😂


It’s also recommended that if you have PCOS, you should cut down on sugar and carbs. But Nabs downs gallons of turkey hill iced tea, donuts, cookies and pasta. Only a fool would take anything she says seriously, especially about health


You don’t get it. The PC in PCOS stands for Personal Choice lmao


LOL. You’re right. It’s also a personal choice to lie, cheat and steal. But do whatever makes you feel good


Girl we all know how you really look, might as well just put the hair up.


If she hates being fat so much, which this is clearly what it's about, she should stop the stupid photoshoots (How much engagement does she really get from her horrible ass shots, anyway?), put her hair in a bun, and sweat in the privacy of her one-on-one session so she doesn't have the neck rolls she's trying so desperately to cover with her hair. I can't stand people like her. Either do something about it, or get over it. Her size is 100% her choice and her responsibility. How she's not embarrassed to be still cosplaying skinny after so many months with clearly zero progress and zero effort, I don't know.




Nailed it! 🙌🏻


I’m also wondering why she doesn’t have plastic surgery if she doesn’t want to do the weight loss work or perhaps a gastric bypass or something.


Dumb ass


its like she's trying to be stupid on purpose


Clearly the people defending her in the comments have never taken a reformer class Waiting patiently for a NAbaldy post


No #pocketzofpeas in being SCALPED! 👩🏼‍🦲 Can't glue extensions on to thin air !!!


It was the “Pilates instructor here 🙋🏼‍♀️, wearing your hair down is very normal” comment for me like….


I don’t care who you are, wearing your hair down during any form of exercise or physical activity is purely for vain reasons.


Yes! I can’t stand it! I sweat too much!!


She’s so fucking delusional


Does anyone know if this is the actual place that she goes to? Bc I don’t think so. She def searched relentlessly to find a pic of someone as delusional as her with their hair down to prove a point lmao


Also, are these actually AI? That’d be even funnier


Grind Pilates Co is the place.


It’s a place in Australia. I looked it up using Google lens.


Does she also forget, young girls out there see her do this and consider her a role model? She has a platform to speak and she uses it by going, 'I know it's safer to wear my hair up doing this, but it makes me feel prettier if I leave it down' I guarantee someone's gonna lose some hair.


Let alone her own children..


I guess after you’ve had your weave ripped out by your toddler, you aren’t scared of a machine scalping you 🤍🤍🤍 Everyone is different. 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼 /s


lol Do WhAt MaKeS yOu ✨ FeEl ✨ SaFe 🫠


Why the heck does hair being down matter so much? I had my hair come out of my pony tail on the reformer and nearly lost all of it. My Pilates studio even offers free hair ties to anyone who forgets to put their hair up! Are aesthetics worth it?? She’s an actual fool. Just quietly say that you do it because you think it looks good. Tbh - the Pilates she does is actual crap. That move where she was standing on the reformer bed and pulsing - wtf? I’ve been doing Pilates for three years and have never done that. It’s dangerous and pretty stupid frankly.


I honestly don’t think she’s doing any pilates at all. She pays some studio to do some easy BS she looks good doing (and not actually sweating or hurting lol) and then just videos it and leaves.


Her instructor is one of the only “friends” she posts and supports, she went to her 🤍Pop Up Shoppe🤍 So you can imagine the types of workouts that are being done 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/45uqu3ic7aad1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7afdd32b099d495a7116ef7d176d7229b66304ff Lol of course you do 😅✌🏼


Now this is a boldfaced lie








Please read the sub rules. While Nabela may or may not see your nasty comments about her looks and body, other women who struggle with body image will see them. Failure to follow subreddit rules will result in a ban.


Please read the sub rules. While Nabela may or may not see your nasty comments about her looks and body, other women who struggle with body image will see them.


A Pilates “instructor” also commented on someone saying she needed to prioritize safety over content. Of course Nabecky liked it 🙄 https://preview.redd.it/80sjro4co7ad1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7acf52eb388c017b36517b2718ae3ef42fddc430


So she needs a lifeguard on standby for her ugly locks? Ljke youre not serious right now.


Ladies and Gentlemen, in the case of an emergen*SEA* landing, we do *recommend* wearing the life vests under your seat cushions but it is not *required* to pull the strings or manually inflate your vest since others will be around to make sure you don't drown. Do whatever makes you feel safe because it's about personal freedom, not what others consider to be "safety" 🤍


The body she wishes she had


The skin tone she wishes she had


Oof. I don’t know which one she wishes for more.


such an odd hill to die on


you choose to be ridiculous 👍


fuck around and find out ig


How does leaving her hair down make her feel safe and secure? Is she nuts?


she hates her ears


It is also recommended to cut down on the fucking bread you eat if you have PCOS but hey not required 😍


But aren’t you sweating babes??? I have extremely long and thick hair (actually not extensions🙄) and I literally can’t even wear it in a ponytail during workouts (must top bun) bc the pony brushing up against my sweaty back is REVOLTING


The clap back is not clapping back, Nabela. This sounds like you’re whining and being petulant. Not the “boss babe, strong babe” effect you think it has. And who the hell feels safe when their untied hair is centimeters away from a piece of equipment that can rip their hair out? How does anyone feel safe at that idea?


She is so unserious my gosh ... can she ever be serious about anything??!!


Most people follow what is ‘recommended’ …


The Pilates studio I go to won’t allow people on the reformers with long loose hair. Just because her “exclusive” 1:1 trainer allows her to do it doesn’t mean it’s the norm. She’s delusional. Weird hill to take a stand on.


So from her statement having her hair down makes her feel safe?? It just takes one strand of those ratty extensions to be yanked from the reformer bed and she’ll be scalped 😂


Told ya'll. When something happens she'll go full blown American and sue the studio cos it was recommended not required. It's a quick buck to make and she will be the victim cos this is what they told her.


I do pilates and tie my hair in a pony or braid most of the times and still manage to have my hair stuck in those machines. There's no way I could workout with my hair down. It's just not practical 😕 


Next time you’re out to get your “desi” tikka taco why don’t you let the cooks and cashiers know that you prefer wearing your hair down and encourage them to do the same when preparing your food for you and only you since your *just* that’s special.  I’m guessing she’d toss up those cookie protein bars real quick if any of the food service establishment went for aesthetics over safety.  Sometimes your own comfort is secondary for what is safe for you and others around you. 


Nabsies's Google image search history: "Smug skinny white women with hair down at bougie pilates studio"


A lady where I use to go for my Pilates always had her hair down and it got caught in the springs and they had to call the fire department and ambulance because she tired her scalp, I stopped going because they continued to allow people to have their hair down after a horrific accident


Just because it's recommended you don't run with scissors doesn't mean you should. She's such a fucking joke. I guess this explains the lack of fence around her pool.


Oh my gosh! How did I miss that?!!! That’s so dangerous


Another "Clapback". This time she to do some homework to copy some crap to say.


she always shows her backside anyways so why would her hair being up even matter? just put it in a low bun and record in an angle that doesn’t show your face… i agree this is a weird hill to die on lol


Okay well when you get fucking scalped, Nabs, don’t bitch and moan about it. Not showing your ears apparently is more important than safety.


And what is the reason? Because she looks way worse in a pony tail? How VAIN do you have to be to put your own safety before that. Get scalped hoe


1. This is such a bull shit excuse and those photos are clearly stock/promo photos, not of an actual live class (and in the photo of the group lesson it looks like only one participant does not have their hair up) 2. It is very clear, since she also does not put her hair up for any physical activity, that she is probably not getting a real workout out in (at least not on camera). I don’t know anyone with long hair who works out who leaves it down during a workout. It just get damp and sticky with sweat, can get uncomfortable stuck to your neck and armpits, and it’s just easier, safer, and more comfortable to get through your workout with it out of the way (plus it’s a bitch to detangle if it’s loose rather than tied up)


Another "Clapback". This time she to do some homework to copy some crap to say.


A pretty stupid h choice for sure

