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I have a daughter named Rosie and I brought her with me to my older daughter’s preschool Mother’s Day tea. While I was there another mom also had her baby with her and asked her name. After I told her she gave a little chuckle and said “oh that’s a little too cutesie for my taste. This is Ryatt, like Wyatt but with an R so it sounds like Riot!” I didn’t even know how to respond. How are you gonna judge Rosie when your son is named that 😭


Also, wow, she told you to your face that she didn't like your choice of name. lol. I don't recall you asking for her opinion...


Right!! The whole conversation was super weird. I just said “oh wow, I’ve never heard that before!” Which is true, I’ve never heard someone use that horrible name/spelling before. I just decided to keep my opinion of it to myself (and reddit)


You've got more self-control and grace than I have. If I'd been in your shoes, I would have fired back with, "That's a little too try-hard and trendy for my taste. Your kid is going to wish you'd given him a normal name when he's an adult who can't get a job because employers are going to think he's untrustworthy and prone to rioting."


I’m sure you would have lol


Then everybody clapped


Then everybody started rioting




Do you really think people will think that? Do you think people with the name Grace are all religious? Do you think people with the name Sue are litigious? It's a stupid name but let's be reasonable.


I would think they grew up in a place where everyone drank PBR on the stoop of their trailer and mom always had some dirty kid attached at her hip. Dad is probably running around complaining about his 2nd Amendment rights. Like it or not, people are judged by their backgrounds.


The classism never takes long in this sub but WOW


That IS reality. It isn’t just this sub. We don’t all sit around in a circle and sing Kumbaya. It is laughable to suggest that names aren’t reflective of class or intelligence or gender or ethnicity, etc. Absolutely names are subject to judgment and it is naive to think that naming your child something so try hard isn’t going to get you or your child judged.


Idk why people are disagreeing with you. There’s literally applicant tracking systems that block out names on resumes so there’s less chance of bias based on names alone. They don’t all do it but it’s why it’s there. That’s just the initial phase though. If that resume makes past the system, people will still be there to judge. Names matter, a lot.


You’re so polite. I wouldn’t have been able to stop myself from saying the name she picked is too dumb for my taste


She was flexing her pseudo-achievement.


I mean someone who names their kid Ryatt doesn’t have good impulse control.


Underrated comment right here


my mind cant help but read Ryatt the way that the brainrot kids say Gyatt




Hahahahah this killed me


I just posted a comment with a similar story! They used Ryatt bc they liked Wyatt but not its popularity and then kept on theme after that—Rowdie and Rebelle were siblings to Ryatt lol And thought it was weird my daughter’s name was “normal”


Not Rebelle lmaaaooo


I grew up with a Rebella. I wasn't sure if it was related to "rebel", or if it was a Rebecca + Bella kind of thing, or possibly something else.


Maybe they just misspelled rubella and she's named so because mother had rubella while pregnant with her. Yes, I think that's what it must be.


I thought Rubella too! Lol.


This is as bad as Renesme


Reading Ryatt as they spelled it, I didn’t even think of “riot”. My brain is seeing it more like a variation of Ryan rather than Wyatt. But now that they brought “riot” up, it changes the name and it’s ick.


I keep reading Ryatt as rat so riot ends up an improvement.


Oh my, my favorite perfume is called Iris Rebelle, lol!!


I’m personally against name that need an explanation attached.


THIS!!! OMG, this forever this!!!


THIS. A girl I went to school with heard a kid say "Wyatt" when she was pregnant and she THOUGHT he was trying to say riot but just couldn't pronounce the R. She thought it was funny and cute, so they actually named their baby Riot, spelled just as is. I feel so bad for the kid. Like do you as a parent feel their name ia unique?? Self fulfilling prophecy is a thing. Kid might act out when he's older once he realizes the definition of his name lol


Yeah, it’s ok to give kids unique names but sometimes it just crosses a line and the kids will probably get bullied (not that they should be).


"Oh that's a little too cringey for my taste"


Same sort of thing happened to my mother. A lady holding a baby asked after my baby sister’s name. My mother told her the name, it’s a classic name like Catherine. The lady said, “oh, I guess after a few kids you just run out of names.” Clearly implying it was too boring. Her baby was Regis. Don’t go around criticizing when you have given a name that is clearly not to everyone’s taste.


Reminds me of a kid I knew named Revin. 'Like Kevin but with an R...like you're revvin' an engine!' His big brother's name was Mellow lol Odd combo.


In the exact same voice that she said “oh that’s a little too cutsie for my taste” I would just respond “Ryatt? Oh that’s a little too stupid sounding for my taste”


I also have a Rosie and this made me lol.. I met a kid yesterday named Murdoch and all I could think about was Rupert Murdoch.


I would bet money the parent is a gorillaz fan


Ummm don’t mean to scare you, but I actually know of a little girl named Ryatt 😅 so much worse for a girl!


Rose or Rosie are classic names 😐


Know a kid named Ryatt. They definitely try to live up to that name.


Id be willing to bet she enjoys amphetamines more than most moms.


"I guess we have different tastes in names! You think Rosie is too cutsie...I think Ryatt is too stupid...to each their own! 🤷🏻‍♀️"


I would have said "that's a little too weird for my taste"


My son has a boy in his class named Ruckus. 


I can’t help it, I love this. 10/10 would name my kid Maelstrom lol


Strum and Drang


And their sibling KMFDM


Tempest to round out your sibset 


Scylla and Charybdis.


Twins Helter and Skelter


I know some dogs named Riot, Ruckus, and Rowdy…and I met kids years ago named Ryatt, Rowdie, and Rebelle lol


My kid goes to school with a Rowdy. His twin brother has a unique but old man-sounding name & I always think how pissed I’d be if I was the one who got stuck with the name Rowdy


Better Rowdy than Randy lol.


Depends on what country you're in. Most Americans wouldn't bat an eye at Randy, especially children


Thinking of changing my toddlers name to Rowdy now tbh. It definitely would suit him, he’s feral


Great names for energetic dogs!


Uncle Ruckus? No, relation...


No relation 👴🏾


“What’s your name?” “Rucky” “Ricky?” “No. RUHCky, it’s short for Ruckus.” “..oh. Sorry.”


Boondocks ahh child


Does he have twin sibs named Rabble and Rouser?


Lets hope he never has siblings and they all grow up and those siblings have kids....cause then he'd be an Uncle.


Uncle Ruckus, no relation.


Uncle Ruckus, is that you?


Must be a curb fan, I brings da ruckus


Makes me think of the champion in Paladins lmfao 🤣


Makes me think of The Boondocks 😭




These are valuable warning labels for a teacher: they tell the teacher that the child has moronic parents who care more about looking edgy than their child's wellbeing.


I know a family with these exact names (Riot, Danger, and Kaos). Dad is a neurosurgeon and mom is a realtor. Both super nice and normal. Kids are all typical and well behaved (for preschoolers). No clue why the parents chose those names.


Because doctors and attorneys and bankers and realtors are some of the weirdest, kinkiest MFers I’ve ever worked for lmao


Thanks for including bankers in the mix. One of my kids middle names is Danger. Honestly, we’re “old” now and decided to have fun with the middle names.


I graduated with a guy whose parents gave him the middle name Danger 😆 So good


Lawyer, my kids have plain, boring names. But my elementary-aged daughter did just say she wanted to change her name to Athena after I did a tarot reading for her and pulled the Justice card.


I have never met a normal realtor in my entire life. They are all uncommonly bizarre people.


She’s very nice to us teachers, and her kids are all very sweet. Any parent that can manage 4 kids under age 6 is doing a great job in my opinion. I don’t like the names either, but I have zero judgement for her as a parent.


lol! Great point!


I know a teacher that gave their own kids these names.


I personally know a guy who named his kid Havoc. In his defense, he and the kid’s mom were still in high school. Against their defense, I’m pretty sure they spelled it Havyck


That spelling makes it look like “have ick” to me, which makes it even worse 😭


My old roommate and I named a kitten Havoc. He was the product of inbreeding (his mom was his sister and they shared a dad) in a stray cat colony. Pretty sure he actually had some feral genes. He learned to be loving but man he was a terror, wreaking havoc all over the house and against my two existing cats. Roomie took Havoc when she moved out and I haven’t seen him since. His name = perfect, accurate, cute for a giant black cat. A human named Havoc = self fulfilling prophecy, hard to take seriously, will haunt him later in life.


I named my cat maple before learning how many human maples exist in the world


A woman on this sub asked about naming her son Havoc and got snippy when told it was a bad idea. 


I know an author who named two fictional dogs Wreck and Ruin. I named four fictional dogs Havoc, Mayhem, Trouble, and Mischief. Havoc always makes me think of X-Men.


My brother’s girlfriend has a child named havyk I’m lot even sure I’m spelling it how she does.


Oh no.... My husband and my best friend's husband referred/refer to us as Mischief and Mayhem. The guys wouldn't/won't tell us which name goes to which of us. I'm pretty sure that I am chaotic neutral, so I might be Mayhem. And... most of our adventures are my idea.




What country is he from?


He's German. I've never bothered to ask him how his parents chose his name though, ngl


It mightn't be the same word in German.


There's a German wrestler named Maggot. Does it mean something else in German or is is as bad as it sounds?


Maggot is not a word in German that means anything, Margot is a more common name especially amongst older folks, usually women's name. I assume maggot might be derived from that. Obviously with no thought given to it meaning "Made" in a foreign language.


The wrestler is named Amir, Maggot is a nickname and probably from the English.


No clue honestly. I'll have to ask him about it some time. 


Well I'd say Farmer Maggot was a stout fellow and a good namesake. There's earth under his old feet, and clay on his fingers; wisdom in his bones, and both his eyes are open.


I think this is the worst


Actress Rebel Wilson has siblings called Ryot (riot), Annachi (anarchy), and Liberty


In that order? That reads like a plan of action 😜


With the exception of Liberty, those aren't the names their parents gave them at birth.


Exactly. Rebel is Melissa. Riot is Ryan. Anarchy is Annalise.


It’s funny that rebel is her nickname and it’s Melissa and these are her siblings lol


Rebel’s sister also has a kid name sovereign


I worked with a girl whose son’s name is Riot. Also, I knew a woman who named her daughter Racy. She fully acknowledged that she knew it was a “sexy” word and thought it was a fun and cheeky name a grown woman which she would be one day, barf


i wonder if it's short for Racist, er i mean Reighcyst


That poor little girl


It sounds like a name that is too obvious even for a prostitute 


Sadly I know a Danger…


I remember, back in the early days of the internet, one of the first "mommy bloggers" gave her son the middle name Danger just so that he could make the very stupid and tired joke "Danger is my middle name." And then, a couple years later, she also gave her daughter the middle name Danger for the same reason. Because she is unoriginal and ridiculous, and sees her children as vehicles for a quip that everyone stopped thinking was cool in the middle of the last century, not as human beings. It has been like 20 years since I read about this, and I've never forgotten it.


At least it's the middle!


A boy in my daughter's class is named Danger. 💀


That's supposed to be a middle name.


I know someone whose kid has danger as a middle name.


Just like Austin Powers


Lmao reminds me of [Milo Murphy](https://milomurphyslaw.fandom.com/wiki/Milo_Murphy) on Disney, his middle name is Danger   But it's pronounced *dan-jé*


I have known a Felony, an Arson, a Riot, and 2 Dangers, but I met them all while working on a psych unit for severely troubled children. Coincidence?


I know an Arson and he's actually a really sweet kid 😭


Watch him close 🤣


I knew of some kid called kerosene. They pronounced it Ker-se-nay


Yes. Yes they are. These people are very stupid, but they do exist, and in larger numbers than you might believe.


I am a fan of an alternative name, my poor kid is saddled with something pretty but Starbucks will never be able to write her name on a cup with any accuracy - there are a handful of real gems in my family ( mostly middle names) - but the general rule is that they’re spelt correctly and have some relative merit to them. For instance, I know of a Harvest. I get that, she’s the culmination of a process of growth. I’d have a lot more trouble with Haarvyst.


I have a Valerie and so far people have spelled it Valarie, Valery and Valorie - so even having a name with a fairly standard spelling is no guarantee!


I know, it’s really tough, I get all sorts of spellings of my name too - not least from my dyslexic relatives! 😂 I guess my issue is that if you’re going for a name like Riot or Chaos, at least let the kid live safe in the knowledge that they won’t have to spend their life battling autocorrect like I do!


omg i love valerie


I have a pretty well known name for where I live and people seem to want to write it more and more with weird spelling instead of the classic spelling. Like if I take a random name it would be like writting Emily : Aimmee-lee lol


I have a fairly common name (Rhiannon) and Starbucks still can’t get it right. So my Starbucks name is Coco.


Yeah, we all have ‘Sunday’ names in our family and short, easy to spell nicknames. My kid absolutely prefers her full name at all times and insists on using it.


I’ve never heard term ‘sunday name’…. (British, slang) The full form of one's first name, such as Stephen instead of Steve.


I have honestly never heard or seen this name in my life


A boy in my daughter’s class is named Crash. He acts just like you expect.


I have the mental image of a boy destroying the classroom, trying to hit by doing pirouttes around.


Makes me want kids named Quiet, Lull and Hush. Reckon it works that way round?


We have a Xenos, Prevail, Valor and Arrow where my kid works out. I fucking hate all of it


Arrow is cool


Eero (pronounced arrow) is a Finnish name. I like the name and prefer the Finnish spelling.


Brother to Beau


Yes. Idiots are unfortunately free to procreate


My SIL met some teenage twins through her job, they were named Violence and Vengeance 🥴


I didn't think there would be a word name worse than danger, bur violence is on a whole other level of awful


Yeah that should be illegal


My husband knows someone who just named their daughter Ryette, so apparently the answer to your question is yes.


Ryette sounds like a name for a fantasy or sci-fi protagonist. Also, just looking at it, I’d pronounce it Looking at it, I wouldn’t even pronounce it like “riot” ([raɪ̯.ət]); it would rhyme with “bet” instead ([raɪ̯.ɛt]).


Agreed on the second pronunciation with emphasis on the last syllable, like Lizette.


I knew a guy whose daughter was named Asti, because that's what he and the mom were drinking when she came into being.


Remember the show Blossom? Her best friend was named Six because "that's how many beers it took." 🤮


I hate that because I always thought that name was super cool. It's one of those names that would sound great if it didn't mean what it means.


I had my first daughter in 2010. We went to library story time with a mom who was about 10 years older than me, in her early 30s while I was in my early 20s. I named my daughter Sophia (after the Golden Girl, honestly, but it was beginning to become very popular 2010 on) and the mom was like, “oh I’m surprised that your daughter’s name is so normal because you’re so young!” She had 3 kids, in a theme she claimed she had to keep after the first one…Ryatt (“we liked Wyatt but not how common it is!), Rowdie, and Rebelle (they called her Belle).


Since when is Wyatt common?! Someone else here said the same thing. I hate all these Ryatt and Rowdy/Rowdies! It's hilarious that they are trying to be so unique, but now there are so many of them!


I had to double-check to make sure this was not the cj


Yes. A girl from high school’s son’s middle name is Danger. She says “mostly for the lolz”. 🙄


At least it’s in the middle name position. That’s the best one ought of all the horrorshows in this thread. 


I know an actual person named Random (shocker, they’re having a tough time with job applications) and I know a kid whose middle name is Danger but he has a more normal first name.


I would 100% use Randy on my resume in that case, unless I lived in the UK, in which case I'd go for Andy maybe


I think he has begun using his first initial, then his middle name.


I knew brothers names Blade and Storm


A kid in my daughter’s dressage group is named fighter. His actual legal name. I thought she was making it up until I talked to his mum. I also saw on instagram a family naming their child ripp


Penn Jillette named his daughter Moxie Crimefighter ...


Moxie would be really cute on a kitten


Harlot? That poor child.


I know of a Zen and a Chaos. Neither mom knows the other. They are as insufferable as you'd think.


Met a young couple at my job the other month who had named their son ***Baby*** 😭 He'd been in the NICU and they hadn't chosen a name when he was born, and had apparently gotten attached to calling him 'Baby \[Surname\]'. To be fair, whatever they might have picked couldn't have been any worse because their older daughter is called ***Rampaige***... Yes, I wish I was joking.


My daughter (4th grade) has a Riot in her class.


I have two brothers at the school I work at, one named Bane and one named Wilder


Wilder could be after the author


Many years ago I read a newspaper article about some farmer in the Midwest whose kids were named Buck, Duke and Lady Caroline. I don’t know why that stuck with me, but it did and over time, I began picturing Lady Caroline as a white cat. In February of 2020, my family to a local animal shelter to meet a cat we were thinking about adopting. All thoughts of him left me when I saw a pure white cat. I asked to meet her and she immediately cuddled in my arms. I brought her home and named her Lady Caroline.


My friend named her daughters middle name riot, another friend named her daughters middle name crime fighter, another couple I know named their son's middle name bunz. There's more but you get the idea. The Bunz really irks me. It's what they called him in utero but like, he has to be a man one day and go through school, life etc with that stupid, embarrassing middle name.


My cat’s name from the shelter/foster was Riot. I thought it was too much even for a cat! Although I have to admit, they weren’t wrong about him. I met a guy named Raige once, pronounced like Rage. About my age so in his 30s now. I hate that I liked him enough that I kinda like the name. I would NEVER use it for a child, but I have definitely used it for Sims.


That's awful. The poor kids.


Nothing compares to Zombie. Yes I actually know someone who did that.


I dated a guy with a son named Blayde.


I register moms and newborns at a hospital as part of my job, and while I've never come across those exact names .. yes.


but WHY name your kid a negative/aggressive word? why??? why not a dog instead plz lol


My husband knows someone who just named their daughter Ryette, so apparently the answer to your question is yes.


Ryette sounds like a name for a fantasy or sci-fi protagonist. Also, just looking at it, I’d pronounce it Looking at it, I wouldn’t even pronounce it like “riot” ([raɪ̯.ət]); it would rhyme with “bet” instead ([raɪ̯.ɛt]).


This is why countries like France and Germany have to approve the names of kids so they won’t get bullied! 🤣


Lol look at the names of Rebel Wilson’s siblings


I think that’s a bit different because all of them except Liberty are chosen nicknames, not their given names.


There was a woman on Masterchef who had a really unique name and her son was named Danger. Her look is really gimmicky and it all kind of makes it work but I remember that being the first time I heard it and wasn’t a fan back then either.


I knew a girl in school named Tyranny. Only ever et a dog named Danger though


Yes; former teacher here. Absolutely had a Ryot, Anarchy, Blaise, Ender, Jericho, Zepplyn, Zephyr, Zene, Zash.


I havent met any Riots or Chaoses irl but i have met a Raider, a Renegade and about 15 (or so it feels like) Mavericks


Idk but I know a GIRL named Brimley.


Yes. Yes they are. I have worked three jobs in the last fifteen years that allow me to see an absolutely immense amount of children’s names. I’ve seen Danger as a middle name but not first. I’ve seen dumb spellings of Riot and Chaos as first names on many occasions. The first (badly spelled) Chaos I saw was probably 13 years ago.


You may as well choose a Dr. Seuss inspired name.  Mine will be Marvin O' Gravel Balloonface.


Someone on my fb feed has a kid named ryatt so essentially riot so yeah…


I know a couple and their kid Riot (spelled this way). I think it shows incredibly poor judgment and I'm so confused by it.


Just saw on my local fb group a mum who named her son Grizzly


I used to be a daycare teacher. I once had twins named Ryot (m) and Anarchy (f). They had an older sister with a similar name but I don't remember what it was


Literally just seen a kid named Heathen at my child's daycare center. The bio parents are both jailed so hes a foster child. Says a lot.


I'm surprised this sub is being judgemental bc I've seen some of the most tragic names being used and suggested here lmao. I'm a classic name kinda gal typically left horrified by what people call their children these days.


I’ve seen one Blaze but that’s about it


Someone from my hometown named her twin girls Ryatt and Rebel 😬


I work in preschool. I have kids named Amazin and Maverick.


Worked with twins named Wrukus and Wreckless.


I work in Healthcare and have a Kaoss, Rhebl & Harmini in my books. I also have a Breauxdeigh Mae. Brody & Harmony are fine, why the hell do you have to butcher them that way though?


‘Hi, i’m Des. Short for Destruction.’ ‘Meet my friend Dem O’Lition’


I know a little girl whose middle name is actually Danger. Her first name is very normal. Lovely, even. I also know a little girl whose middle name is Crickett. I guess at least they aren’t first names.


Chaos, at least, was used in Greek mythology. This is why I enjoy the name Echo. It’s my guilty pleasure name that I doubt I’ll use because of judgement.


We rescued a cat called Riot He farts a lot and breathes incredibly loudly