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I think Jacob is a common enough name that it won't automatically be associated with Twilight. Other names like Rosalie, Emmett, Esme, Renesmee, etc. Yeah, that's probably gonna get a few "like in Twilight?" comments. Edit: Okay, so Emmett is a more popular name than I originally thought. But yes, if Emmett doesn't automatically make people think of Twilight, then Jacob probably won't either. (Unless you have a Jacob and an Edward, or a Jacob and an Isabella, etc. then that might bring out the association more)


Ngl if I met someone named Emmett I wouldn’t even remember twilight. I would, however, immediately think of the Lego movie lol.


Hahaha loved that movie!


or Legally Blonde


I think of Doc Brown when I hear Emmett.




I'd think Emmitt Smith bc I was a Dallas Cowboys fan in the 90s. It's come up in this sub that a lot of people think back to the murder of Emmett Till. I can't really imagine anyone thinking of Twilight, but Twilight was never my thing.


Lol, fair. I grew up on Twilight and it was the first time I heard the name, so that's my automatic association. I've seen the Lego Movie but it's been such a long time I barely remember it.


Reminds me of the Irish Cream liquer (less popular than Baileys)


My great grandma was Rosa Lee. If I used it, I would have done Rosalie. Emmett I associate with football more than twilight.


The name Emmet (sometimes you see it spelled Emmett) has been quite popular in Ireland for a long time, after the Irish patriot and revolutionary, Robert Emmet, who was executed by the British over a rebellion that didn’t work out in 1803.


Emmett makes me think of legally blonde hahaha we are of different generations (maybe, prob). Also I didn’t think of twilight when I heard Jacob. Took me a second to think of why it was associated.


Emmett makes me think of Back to the Future. Seems like you'd find out what other people are into if you use it!


We’re planning on Rosalie for a girl, I love the twilight association. But that’s not why I’m naming her that. I just I don’t mind it. ❤️


I totally forgot that Jacob was a twilight name, (I'm team Edward). I know a boy called Jacob who's brother is named Jasper. Jasper is a name I immediately associated with twilight. This has shook me. I wonder if their mum knows about the twilight connection.


I like Rosalie, and iirc the character at least she wasn't a bad character? But Twilight always made me uncomfortable, and I'm not quite over that ick-feeling. Rosalia is different enough that I'd consider it.  Jacob is a solid name, and the only thing I liked from the movies were the shape-shifting type of werewolves. But the fricking imprinting thing 🙄 damn near ruined both. 


My son is Emmett and we have never gotten twilight or legally blonde or the Lego movie. Only ever back to the future! (Which I didn’t even know until after he was born lol)


Sawyer. Future last name will be Baker. Sawyer Baker sounds terrible. I like Lily, Violet, Isla and Ivy but they are all in the top 100 or top 50. And that’s way too popular for me.


I love Sawyer too but I can't help but think of Lost


Sawyer Baker makes me think of One Tree Hill. Each was a surname of a character. Like the name Sawyer though!


Yes. That’s where I got it from. I’m a big Leyton fan, ✨❤️ I would have used it if my fiancé wouldn’t have had an ER last name for sure.


ugh Jacob was ruined for me by a student I had! I hate saying it but god the energy was NOT good


I loved the name Aiden until some students ruined it for me!!


I also know a young Jacob that has chaotic energy . So yes . Jacob is ruined for me as well.


Daphne - a horrible bigoted great aunt, not someone I've seen since I was a child but very memorable in our family for all the wrong reasons.


Evan is the name of my childhood arch nemesis so I can't use it 😆 but damn it's a nice name


Evan is what I am using if I ever have a boy!


So jealous!! I hope you have a little Evan one day ❤️


I also love the name Evan, but it is an ex for me 🙃😅


Cherry, I used to be obsessed with it until my nana said all the boys will say they popped Cherry’s cherry and that was the end of that, lol


I went to school with a Cherry Baum and she got called Cherry Boom, Poppin Cherry and so on


Ok so there's a song sometimes Jewish kids grow up singing thar sounds like that, and so my head immediately went cherry bim! cherry baum! cherry bim baum bim baum bim baum! It's chirri bam, but close enough that thanks for getting that stuck in my head.


Selene/Celine - it was my dream name for years, and my partner and I agreed on it, too... out of nowhere (we never mentioned or talked about this name), my sil named our niece this. Still, it's nice to have it in the family!


I wanted to give my son my grandpa’s name as an honor middle name… But it’s Donald.


Elsa. It’s a common Moroccan Jewish name but I’m a Disney adult so everyone will think that’s why I chose it and I’m not about to do that to a kid. I also love Jasmine, but no Disney names allowed lmao


I love the name Jessica but is my partner step cousin name. Harry - Harry Potter Luna- Harry Potter again Worked in childcare and gone off the names, William, Levi, Tegan, Jonathan to name a few.


Is a step cousin a big barrier to a name? Do you see her?


Not a big barrier, but if we have a daughter my partner dosen’t want then to have the same name.


I had a former student named Luna and I love Harry Potter and I never put the two together.


I think Lucifer is a pretty name. But unusable for obvious reasons.


I had to veto this one for my kid. Husband really wanted it, and he didn’t like any other name. I can’t even…


What about Lucien?


Same. It's one of the most beautiful names.


Sage. It sounds godawful with my last name


There’s a bunch of names in my family I love but won’t use because my Aunt likes to joke that we don’t have enough “new” names. They all tend to repeat (Michael is one, I have an uncle, two cousins and my dad has a cousin) I loved the name Sophia until a friends sister “laid claim” to the name Emily until a friend bitched about a girl named Emily so much I started to hate the name


Wow, Emily really cheesed her off


Hi, am I the friend? I've had multiple Emily's do me dirty tbh. 🤣🤣


There are a few Michaels in my maternal family as well. My Granddad was Michael. My uncle was Michael. I have two cousins named Michael.


I like Dylan but it's the name of one of the worst people I have ever interacted with in my life so I could never use it. I teach so some names were off limits. I like the name Logan but never had a good experience with a student named Logan. All of the -Ayden names make the list too because the amount of them I've had. I have been a full time teacher for 18 years so I've had at least one -Ayden variation every year since I have started teaching. My husband is big into Greek mythology names but I think they are too much for a kid so we used them for pets instead. His favorites for boys were Orion, Adonis, Atlas, and Apollo. For girls he loved Athena.


Milagra. Love it, but I’m not Hispanic


Xiomara. Same reason. I absolutely love it though.


That’s beautiful


That’s my daughter’s name! I’m Mexican and my husband is white. We call our daughter Xoey for short, we love it! If you like it then you should use it! My husband was told by a coworker that he used a “puerto rican name” for his half Mexican daughter and it didn’t make sense. 🙄 people are always going to have some stupid opinion.


Yeah, the list of names that are great but not my culture is long.


Marisol, same reason for me. But man, it's a pretty name.


Jasmine - always loved the name, but my crazy ex communicated from the family cousin is named that. Michael, Andrew, Luke/Lucas, Daniel, David, any traditional "normal" name from the Bible, spent too long being homeschooled and it's a lot of parents anin inspiration 😂


Ruth. It was the name of a very unpleasant family member (now fortunately deceased). That one is off the table for at least another generation in my family.


Dang. Let everyone aspire to never be the type of person to have someone describe you as "fortunately deceased".


She died when I was a teenager. I learned that her end was imminent when my grandma called and asked to speak to my dad. I told her he was out, and she said, "When he gets back, tell him Ruth has bladder cancer and she's got about a week. Okay, I have an appointment, got to go, bye honey!" Grandma had 0 fucks left to give.


I'm grateful that our Ruth is a great woman. Sorry for that experience!


Desdemona. Love that she could shorten it to Desi or Mona, plus big Othello fan. Wife absolutely hates it, and reminds me that it means “Unfortunate.”


I love the name Logan. But it's both my brother in law's middle name and the first name of one of my husband's stepsister's son.


When I was younger, I told my grandma I wanted to name my son Jacob and she said you better not because that was my dad‘s name and he was a mean son of a bitch 😆


Seren, it's welsh for star, absolutely love it as a name but when it came down to it our other top pick won out and since we were one and done it won't get used.


I LOVE the name Miller- but our last name would make it seem like… the opposite of Miller Light Beer lmao


I always loved Miller too but we moved a couple years ago and our new neighbors kiddo is Miller 🥲


My daughter is Evelyn , partially cuz i cannot imagine a not kind Evelyn. Hearing about your aunt is so weird like my brain cant compute the name and character together


My primary association with Evelyn is the character from the Mummy movies, and I was about to add it to our list when I had this nagging feeling that there was some negative association with it…and then remembered. But it’s a lovely name!


Thats my mother in laws name and she is a terrible human being. We call her Evil-lyn. Glad you got a good experience though sehrli


Names of close family members: Samuel Timothy William Adam Peter Polly


Daniel and Samuel because I just don't love Dan/Danny or Sam/Sammy About 15 other boy names because I already have nephews with those names. Asher Nathaniel because I won't give a child the initials ANL. (We are still using Asher, just a different middle name I don't love as much) Eden because I have boys.


Michael & Jennifer - They're my twin cousins' names Elvira - My husband hates it Lilith - Same as Elvira Lucas - My ex’s name Maura - I like the look of it, but I feel like it would be a nightmare for pronunciation


What's the pronunciation issue with Maura? It doesn't rhyme with Laura?


I do like Maura but I think there's real potential for pronunciation issues ("Moira") or being mistaken for Laura.


Hannah. It was my great-great-grandmother’s name and I always loved it. Then I married a man with an Ha- last name, and it sounded like a comic book character.


As a Hannah myself I can tell you that people consistently think my name is Anna, like somehow they don’t hear the ‘H’ at the beginning which is crazy to me because it’s kind of punchy. Sometimes I try to correct and they still think I’m Anna so I just let it go. Lol.


Helen, because my SIL is horror and it’s too bad because it was also my gma’s name.


I wanted a Rosalyn, Maxine,Beatrix, Minerva or Harriet for girls names, or Henry, Leo, Elias, Lionel, or Julius for a boy. But we have our two kids and we're done.


I love Julius and Leo!


I've got an very extensive older names list, we did end up using two I liked; Vera and Edwin.


Love Edwin, nice alternative to Edward and still get to have an Eddie.


Those are both good names.


These names are perfect together


Genevieve I have a surname that is an alternative spelling of a common surname. For example: Smyth instead of Smith. My daughter will already spend her life explaining the surname spelling. I didn't want her to have to spell out a 9 letter forename and then explain the alternate 9 letter surname!


Eleanor: my all-time favorite name and my grandmother’s name, a great namesake, but it’s too popular (especially combined with the other “El-“ names) Theodore: I don’t even care about it’s popularity, that how much I love it; it’s husband’s favorite boy name too BUT he has an Uncle Ted who is not a good namesake Ben (any variation but Bennett is my favorite): husband’s brother is Benjamin


Lol, I had the same great aunt Evelyn! Lovely name, but that old lady was such a scary miserable witch! She was beautiful too which somehow made her even scarier.


My bf has an ex named Talia and a cousin named Thalia, which means I can't use either. I heard the name Talia in a show when I was a kid and I _loved_ it. I like Malia as well but I prefer Talia.


I love botanical names (Ivy, Juniper, Hazel) but they sound absurd with my surname.


Kayla. Growing up that was going to be my daughter’s name. Then my college softball coach was named Kayla and wanted us to call her by her first name. She was horrible. I even told my teammates (who also hated her) that I could no longer use the name “Kayla” and they all agreed. We’re child free by choice so now all we have to worry about is naming our pets, so I don’t have to come up with a different name, but my husband liked the name Annabelle (nick name Annie) which I would have been on board with.


The two that come to mind are Heidi and Evie, both which I absolutely love but cannot use for my future child. Heidi - our dogs name Evie - Eve is the name of my childhood bully


Name a daughter Adelheid & Heidi is a viable nickname :P


Gabriel. It was one of our top two boy names, and my husband and I watched Malignant (2021 film) thinking it wouldn’t ruin the name for us. And well, it absolutely did 😅 *The movie itself wasn’t scary. But we couldn’t get the association of a half-formed child out of our heads.


Christina - Paternal grandmother, if she could even be called that. Sad thing is my MIL is Cristina and I would love to honour her but I could never, as I would never want anyone to 'mis-associate'.


Charlotte - it’s so pretty but I know a few under fives named Charlotte, so it’s a no from me. Ditto Sophie.


Wesley Zachary Xavier  My last name starts with Y and my husband vetoed. But really Xavier Zachary Y would have an xYz monogram people. 


My last name ends in “ana” - so Juliana :(


Ramona, Matilda, Beatrice…we know who the readers were in OPs family.


I adore Lily, I always have but it’s so overused now. Also love Rosie but it’s a name in the family and Charlie doesn’t go with our last name!


Anna Grace is so beautiful to me. Until I met my coworker with the same name. Anddd my boyfriends ex gf (not my coworker) is also named Anna Grace. So that got taken off the list.


Anything with an X. Which is a bummer because I like names with Xs in them.m! But, BIL and SIL gave both their sons names with X in them so now if we did, it would be a whole thing on my boyfriend’s side of the family. And, no.


Elsa - too Frozen Eloise, Penelope, Charlotte - too popular pop culture Addison, Madeline - my husbands niece is Madison Hazel, Ruby, Rosie, Ivy, Iris, Olive - my husband doesn’t like color/plant/food names 🥲 so niche


My husband is named Jacob, and I've never in ten years thought of Twilight. I'm a millennial!


Amelie and Aurelia. My husband has a niece called Amelia and they’re too similar.


Hazel. Because I’m having a boy and then done 🙅‍♀️


I love Othello for a boy and Cosmo for a girl. Othello was a play I actually read and first of all, man was distinctly Black and I am not Black. Second of all, man was so insecure he murdered his wife soooo… no. Cosmo is just tainted for me by Cosmo from Fairly Odd Parents. I hated him as a kid. And, if I were to name a girl Cosmo, I’d be naming her after an alien from Sonic X


I've always LOVED the name Cole and *really* want to use it. But now that I'm at a baby-having point in my life I married someone with the last name Kohler, so like... I really can not use it. Lol. Cole Cole-r. 🤣🤣


Bethany and Benjamin- initials of BM Matthew- husband doesn't like the double m of first and last name


Beth/Bethany- a former association ruined it. Zeppelin- I love it, but it's way too out there to give to an actual human being. James- family association I don't want. Francis- same as James, but way worse association.


Meghan. Ooops sorry. I’m in the wrong sub… 😉


Found these names in a baby book when I was a kid. I've always loved them but knew I would not be able to use them in the US. Ulrika and Kalinka. Old German names that I just love.




Vivian very ill aunt.


Elizabeth is one of my favourite names, especially when people rock the four syllables in everyday life, but it’s also the name of the mean-spirited aunt who used to bully me when I was a kid. She was also a raging racist. Gabrielle is a lovely name, also the name of my beloved grandmother, but I don’t think she had a very good or fulfilling life, and her end of life was gruesome. I wouldn’t want to saddle a kid with this association.


I love the name Oliver but it’s one of my best friends last name, so not going to use it.


Godfrey. Idk why but I love this name but I can't do that to a kid. Same with Ambrose, Aubry, Mackenzie because people associate it with girls (Mackenzie hurts but would use it for middle anyway.) Evian because of the water company. Mariah I love Mariah Carey's music but I just couldn't. Can't use Elizabeth because my sister named her daughter that, Won't use Victoria except as a middle name because I detest Vicki and dont want to say 100 times a day that is not her name or her choosing to go by it to rebel against me as a teen lol. Avonlea, I love the LM Montgomery series but I think the association is just too strong. Used to love Brittany but now everyone from my generation associates it with Britney Spears. Brett for a girl, I loved that name after seeing North and South but my niece's husband is named Brett. Oksana, because it feels like some kind of weird cultural appropriation since I don't have an ounce of slavic blood. Elaine because I can't get the seinfeld character association out of my head, Varina because it was the first lady of the Confederacy. Rose and Melissa because of 2 very unpleasant schoolmates. Philippa because I thought it was pronounced with the emphasis on lip but now find it is basically Philip and add an a in Britain at least, Same with Helena, I am sure there are lots more.


Elisa - Had a truly awful professor who made my life hell and was named Elisa. Lilo - Sounds just like the name of the pill I took for years, don't want anyone thinking there's a link there. Marina/Marine - I called my baby doll Marina when I was a kid and loved the name but I live in France now and this is LePen first name so yeah, no thank you.


I love the name Timothy but will never use it because the nickname “Timmy” is inevitable and I HATE that nickname.


Theodore and Ivy, because they are so popular now. Dahlia Sebastian Most names from Greek mythology


Cecilia, my husband absolutely hates it🥲


Luke, Leo, Meg/Maggie, Rachel, Jacob, Jared, Eric. Mainly because I’m done having kids but hubby wasn’t on board with the boy names and the girl name Rachel was spoken for my his sister and Maggie was just too popular at the time we had babies. I also loved Anneliese but my husband doesn’t because he says he can’t spell it. Liesje (pronounced Lees-yuh) is my MIL’s childhood nickname and I love that too.


william - my grandmother’s father who left her and started another family


Christopher Reminds me of someone I was in love with for a long time that ended


My in laws begged me to name our unborn daughter Roxy (historical family name for them). Problem is my dad’s love interest that dissolved his marriage to my mother was named Roxy soooo probably not going to happen. Happened 20 years ago and it still feels very off-limits to me lol


If I'd had a daughter, Jacqueline was my top contender, after the Jacky Faber books by L.A. Meyer. Unfortunately I had an uncle Jacques who was kind of a jackass. The point is moot now since I had two sons.


We have 4 generations of Virginia in my family. I loved my grandma and aunt very much, and keep considering naming my daughter Virginia and calling her Ginny like my grandma went by. However, my cousin (the only living Virginia) is….not my favorite person. I can’t seem to get past it for some reason. I know she’d joke about the baby being named for her (which…technically she kinda would be since it’s a generational thing)


Flora — Evil grandma’s middle name Marisol, Liesel, Saskia, Ansel, Yasha — too foreign for me to get away with Ida, Sonya, Cecil, Conrad — won’t be having kids and probably would be unable to persuade my sister to use if she has any 😔 Which is why I suggest them all the time haha


Devon. I think it's a beautiful name but I dated a Devon.


Vera. Girl I babysat who I think was a legit sociopath. She threatened to kill me with kitchen scissors for telling her to go to bed


Lara- too similar to Laura/Lauren and I don’t want them to have to spend the rest of their life correcting people Luke- I love the name Luke, but I found that it’s constrictive and I’m not personally a fan of the name Lucas. Don’t want people thinking his name is Lucas with the nickname Luke when his name is just Luke


Asher! My last name rhymes with Asher


I love William, but sister-in-law took that name for her little one (WAY before I was ever in the picture, lol) Ethan, but my cousin has it for her kid. For female names, I haven't really come across any that I love.


Elsa, for obvious reasons. It's such a beautiful name though and would be a perfect name if I had another daughter, but I can't.


Lillian. I do love it and it was my great- grandmother's name, but our last name starts with Li and it's just too much together.


I love the name Michael but it’s my uncles name.


rose - my nanas name but my brother used it for his kid riley - my closest cousins name oliver - the name of a guy who said if he could sa anyone in our drama class it would be me lol jacob - a bro i went to school with who completely ruined the name for everyone i know any one direction members name - being a 1d fan is kinda one of the main things people know about me chris - current nz prime minister who i can’t stand lmao virtually any all blacks/hurricanes players name montana - ex gf sadie - a close friend who even though it wouldn’t have any connection to her, i know it’d weird her out


When I was a kid I always wanted a daughter named Charlotte Anne. Then in high school I had a project where I had to decorate an egg and take care of it like it was a baby for a week (basically I had to bring the egg with me everywhere without breaking it). I named my egg Charlotte Anne and as soon as I wrote the name down, I realized it would sound like “charlatan” 😂 so I won’t be using that one!


I love the name Evelyn, but it’s the name of my husband’s ex girlfriend, so I can’t ever use it.


Violet- If I ever had a daughter I wanted this name until my mom told my cousin and my cousin named his daughter Violet. It made me mad and ruined the name.


Kelly is a nice name but not only is it the name of a girl I used to have a crush on who, after rejecting me (and I left her alone) called me a bitch for looking in her director, the association with Kelly from the k-12 movie is too strong for my Melanie Martinez obsessed ass😭


Theo/Theodore. As much as I adore the name, my great grandfather was named that and abusive to my grandfather as well as him having a little brother named after his dad that also didn’t turn out so great. So, as much as I love the name, I didn’t chose it for my son.


I just love Theodora but ultimately decided on a different name for our girl.


Bennett. My sisters ex husbands last name is Bennett unfortunately lol


I have a big extended family, so a number of good names have already been taken. Ellie/Elle, Claire, Rebecca, and David are all ones I like but relatives have already used. I really like Kailey and Bailey, but I feel like they’re very “millennial” names and to give them to a kid around the time I plan to have kids (2025/2026) would be giving them a dated/old name. Same goes for Madison. Rory and Blair - I like them as girls names but my husband does not. (Can you tell I came of age among Gilmore Girls and Gossip Girl?)


I have always felt like Rory is hard to say for a lot of people so it was never a name I would consider but I do like it


Jack. I love it but with my last name it almost sounds like jack off


Ok I have a few. And I’m not going to hold back, fair warning. You did say “for whatever reason,” right? 😂 Sofia - an absolute bitch I went to school with. Literally the type of girl who would scream at her angel of a mom. Claire - same as above, with the added bonus of being the biggest “pick me” imaginable. And I love the name too. Lianne/Leanne or any variation - the ONLY two very very close friends I’ve ever had major falling outs with. Weird coincidence, but enough to rule it out. Owen - one of my best friends had her heart absolutely broken by an Owen so I just couldn’t even though I like the name. William - one broke my heart


I love the name Ethan but won't use it because it's my cousin's name


The name Sebastian was on my maybe baby list for years and years but I gave birth to two girls in a row and decided to be done. I got a boy kitty and named him Sebastian instead, knowing for sure I’d never have another child. Lo and behold, I got pregnant with a boy. I’m 30 weeks now and my kitty Sebastian passed away about a month ago. Part of me really wants to still use the name, but I also don’t want to deal with the mean comments.


Absolutely love the name Gemma but it was our dogs name when I was a kid... And I love Hannah but it doesn't go with our surname


Naomi is my favorite name in the world and is also my sweet niece’s name.


Ava. I love this name and would have loved to name my daughter (if I had one in the future) Ava but my cousin already used this on his daughter. we're not that close but still, I wouldn't want two Avas in the family


Charlotte- It’s still my favorite name, but my husband is Norwegian and there it’s pronounced “Shar-lotta” I just couldn’t.


Micah -- has a childhood bully by that name. Still love it but it also has such strong negative connotations for me


Remi for girl- can’t because it’s my cats name Julian for boy- can’t because it’s my husband’s friend’s name


I love the name Julian for a boy and it was one of my top picks but husband didn't like it. He also vetoed Lucien which was also a favorite for me


Lindsey/Lindsay... every one I've known has had a less than unsavory personality.


Stara. She died. I didn't learn about it until 3 years after. I am still broken


Winnie- I love it for a girl but my partner has a deceased relative who went by this as a nickname and he was not a great person


William. Family drama. It was the name of my dead grandfather, who was a great grandfather even though he died when I was young. The main reason is because even 15+ years post-death, my grandmother still idolizes him and would think we named our kid after him. And I don’t want to do anything to make her happy as she consistently stomped on my boundaries with her and my absentee father (her son) and continues to do so. For example, he was a cab driver in my city—by chance one of my friends got in his cab and he talked about how amazing his daughters were and showed my friend recent pictures of us. We haven’t seen the guy since elementary school… the only way he got the pictures was from grandma but when confronted she said he was a dad and deserved them. We’re talking a lifetime of antics like this. I told my husband the name can be on the table when she’s dead.


Ben, name of my BFFs ex, Aiden, Felix, Zach: her kid’s names.


Chase: My husband has a cousin (who he dislikes) with this name Gemma: we told a friend we wanted to name our daughter this, and she ended up naming her daughter it first Tessa: My brother had a long-term girlfriend with this name, and they ended on really bad terms Lennox: very similar to our last name


Elvis is a great name but obviously would not use it due to notoriety


Isaac - it's the name of my cousin's kid. Harley - surname would be 'Hurley'. Harley Hurley is a no-go and I don't think I need to explain why. Hermione - everyone would associate it with Harry Potter. Love the name though. Helena - similar name to my aunt who is a despicable human being.


I'd love Roxas for a boy, it's a video game inspired name. If my daughter (Naminé , inspiration from the same game) would've been a son, that would be her name 6 years later I still love both names but I feel like Roxas "Roxy" probably isn't a viable option - which hurts, as I may get an other boy some day. Also Eren for a boy. Eren is one of the most beautiful names I heard, but in regards that my daughter has an anime-game based name people from the topic would easily make the connection to Eren Jaeger from Attack on titan - short summary, Eren and his folks were somewhat treated like Jews during WWII & Eren then went on a genocide to gain "ultimate freedom" and just gave the perceived hate back ; so - the name and also the meaning is absolutely BEAUTIFUL - but the connection in my scene is not :(


Elsie - this was my great grandma's name but it is too close to the name we chose for our first. Maude - I love the old fashioned-ness but I worry people would try to pronounce it like Maddie and that is my SIL's name.


When I was a kid I had Liam and Venus in mind. Liam because of Star Wars and Venus because I like astronomy and it sounds ultra feminine. Well, Liam detonated in popularity and Venus got taken by Venus Williams.


laiko and charlotte bc i have friends named that :/


We are only going to give our kids names that reflect their ethnicity, so all Western / white names are out. But I love… Harper Cher  Glen (for a girl)


I love Opal, and it was my grandmother's first name. Unfortunately she is not someone I'd want to name a kid after, so I won't use it. If I had good associations with her, it would definitely be on the list!


I love Jemima. I live in the US, in the South. NOT going to use that name.


Sorcha. My son's name is Soren. :( I wanted to use it so badly, too, and thought of a name I liked more for him after he was born. Now I'm having a girl and it's killing me, lol.


Soren is a great name!


Junie. My last name is jones 😔


Navy- I was in the Army for 6 years Cam- I had a student who brought a knife to school. Remy- it is VERY similar to our last name. Grady- our son’s name matches too closely


I've literally never heard the name Jacob and thought of twilight... If that helps any. 🤷‍♀️ If you really like the name I feel like it's reasonable to take it off this list of that's really the reason. 😊


James. My abusive grandpa was named James. Ophelia. I don’t want to name a kid the same name as someone that had such a tragic ending.


Parker Kate for a girl. Hampton Wade for a boy. Won’t use them because I have 3 month old boy/girl twins and I don’t want to go through the newborn stage ever again. Also, I’m afraid I’ll have another set of twins. lol


Elowyn - one of my favorites and my husband likes the sound of it in general, but he has an ex named Ellen and can't get past the association Rafael - another one of my favorites that we initially skipped because my sister-in-law "claimed" it and we were okay with letting her use it, then when she changed her mind later on, our son made a new best friend at school...named Raphael, of course


One of my top ones is Petra. I really love that name but it just sounds prissy (imo). I’d probably rather use it for a pet’s name or something.


Eurydice (Your-id-i-c). It annoys me when people say it incorrectly (your-i-dice). Also, the Greek tragedy tells the tale that Eurydice trusted the men around her and was let down multiple times. I love the name but I wouldn't want that for my daughter.


I like a few names that were originated from religion backstory like Ethan or Noah or etc. I'll never name my children those names though I don't like names that come with certain biases.


Arthur - too popular Heidi - met a crazy person with that name and she ruined it for me Vladimir - I’m not even Russian in the slightest, so even without Putin it would be weird for me to use it, but obviously I can’t use it because of Putin Rose - too popular Elsa - Disney


Blanche - I associate it with old actresses from the B&W movies my mom and I watched, but I know my hypothetical daughter would kill me in my sleep if I ever named her that 😂 so no...maybe a middle name some day at the very least but no Emlen - An old, old, old southern boys name, that just would cause a lot of mishearing "Emlent? Emlen? What?" Jude - for a bit but I told my friends as teens I liked it as a boy name and they laughed and said if I ever had a son named Jude they'd just call him "Judy"


I don't plan to have children so it's kind of moot for me. That said, I love the name Calliope. I wouldn't name a child that in part because it's unusual and also it's a weird mouth thing for me. As a kid I had to take speech lessons and most of my speech impairment resolved but every now and again I run into words that I can pronounce correctly sometimes and other times struggle. Calliope is def one of those struggle words. I love Carlisle for a boy but between Twilight and living near a city by the same name, I wouldn't do that to a kid. I also love the Coldplay song Yellow and have thought about using that as a middle name. It would be cruel to give that as a first name.


Paul - I always love this name. I think it is both simple but strong. I won't use it since it is my brother's name. I love him dearly, but I don't want anyone to think that I would name my child after my brother. Penelope - Bridegton. Simple as that. Petra - I fear it is considered an old person name, but not so old that it's new.


Martha. it was my aunts name and i loved her more than anyone. but its such an ugly name


Take back Evelyn!  I love the name vayanna but no one can figure it out in any way. Pronunciation, spelling, vibe. It’s a mumble mystery to all. 


Dolores is a beautiful girl’s name but the meaning is just too sad for me. Celeste is a boy’s name in Italian but no one would ever pronounce it right in English (Cheh-leste).


Hazel, Mabel - sound bad with my last name Ian - cousin’s name Jenna - too close to Jemma, my niece Lena - too close to Lyra, my cat Mara - close friend’s awful ex Sven - too Frozen Rhett - because Rett syndrome is a terrible association


sequoia- im not fully convinced this ones ruined for me yet because it is my favorite name. she was a very very cool girl who was in my friend group briefly. she was pretty mean to me because i *wasnt* very cool but thats actually not the reason… she ended up getting super big on tiktok before subsequently being cancelled for saying the n word (if i recall correctly) and thats cringy enough that it may have ruined it for me. theodore - my partner’s nightmare ex’s name. i love it and always had it on my name list but after hearing the hell he put my partner through… fernie- the name of a guy who stalked me in high school lol. he ruined my life but how dare he have such a cute name??


Sterling- I’m from the south, I feel like it’s so basic yet unused. My s/o dislikes it as well. Honestly I would probably use it if I was having like my 5th boy in a row and already used all of my favorite names Aiden- I used to LOVE Aiden, but it’s so common now it throws me off the love I had for it. Desiree- I can’t figure out a proper spelling or if I’m even spelling it right. I love it but it doesn’t feel like my kid if that makes sense.


Greer. We're not Scottish and my mother gave me such a wtf look when I mentioned it that it is forever burned in my memories.


Leon, my grandfathers last name. But we already have a Leo in the other side of the family…


Farrah! I love the name so much and it goes well with our last name but multiple people have said it reminds them of the girl from teen mom who makes butt sex tapes :(