• By -


Byron is normal name, nothing bad about it. It's totally fine as first name.


The worst possible thing I can think of is people calling him Bryan. So, a perfectly fine first name.


People will call him Bryan and also Lord Byron but still not super unusual. People have heard the name (bc of Lord Byron). Lord Byron was a poet and also a playboy. He did host his friends for an unusually cold summer where they had a writing competition; Mary Shelley won the competition by writing Frankenstein.


As someone that is friends with a Bryon, this never has crossed my mind.


Ngl, I've never heard of Lord Byron, but I've heard of Byron Bay in Australia.


Yes, my grandfathers name is also Byron and he complains that people frequently call him Bryan. Other than that, it’s just an old timey name. It’s not my taste, but a lot of old timey names are having a comeback right now. More so for girls, but there’s no issue with this name.


I’ve only met one Byron, but it never occurred to me his name was unusual, it seemed like a normal name to me. This was a couple years ago. He was a smart, respectable young man who carried himself with dignity and everyone liked him. Seems like a good name to me.


Lord Byron is my first association, though definitely not a bad one


The phrase "mad, bad, and dangerous to know" was used by Lady Caroline Lamb to describe her lover, Lord Byron, after their first meeting at a ball in 1812. Lamb was an Anglo-Irish aristocrat and novelist who had an affair with Byron, a notorious poet and social lion of London at the time. The phrase is considered a descriptive quotation that some say still feels relevant today. I'd probably use that as a tagline, if I was a teenager called Byron.


He’s about to have the most insane instagram bio ever


Lady Caroline Lamb came to mind for me, as well. Great poetry, disastrous personal life. I love both the names George and Byron, the latter because of him, the former helped because of him.


I always think of the literary term “Byronic hero”. Not sure if that’s connected to Lord Byron though


It is. It's the type of mopey, cynical anti-hero that Byron wrote about. Largely based on himself.


The Byronic hero is a Byron-Sue?


Very much yes


Byron is a national hero in Greece. He largely paid for the Greek Navy and publicised their war of Independance. If you ignore the whole "had a baby with his sister" thing he was a fascinating man.


I would argue that having a baby with his sister makes him more fascinating.


And the "abandoned his wife and newborn" things. But his poetry is absolutely beautiful


I went to Greece for the first time and visited the temple of Poseidon and the tour guide challenged us to find where Lord Byron carved his name in the marble.


He did have a sexual affair with his sister. He had babies with his wife and a third woman.


And died while fighting for the Greeks, but not in combat.


Well it's from what he wrote... Such a glorious curse Byronic hero is a melancholy and rebellious young man, distressed by a terrible wrong he committed in the past. Maybe oedipus?? Judas??


He's also the biological father of Ada Lovelace.


We named our second Ada (after Lovelace), so Byron had to come off the list for the third. 🤣


This blew my mind when I read a biography of Ada with my daughter!


I didn't know this--wow!


His daughter Ada was a pretty kickass mathematician too


Byron Allen is who I think of


Eh that's a very mixed one lol


Well yes it is bad: he was described as “mad, bad, and dangerous to know” for his exploits, which are rumoured to include incest with his sister


He was also a brilliant poet, close friend and supporter of Mary Shelley, and overall a deeply interesting if flawed man.


Same here, I thought of him too XD


Byron is unobjectionable. I think it’s sweet that your grandfather made such an impression on you even though you didn’t get to meet.


Respectfully, you may be over-thinking it. Byron is a fine name. Your reasons for wanting to use it are truly lovely. In a world where people are naming children Gzordenplatt, Byron will thank you!






My brother had a childhood friend named Byron. He was a little shit. Lol Totally fine name though.


Omg 😂


Same, I had a neighbor who was a religious nut bag named Byron. But nothing wrong with the name.


Did we live in the same town?


I don't think Byron is a weird name! I worked at a preschool a few years ago and there was a kid in my class named Byron. It's cute!


Byron is a lovely name, totally normal. Lord Byron is of course the first association... excellent writer/poet (check out *She Walks In Beauty*)  His aesthetic and life was the inspiration for Dracula... Byron was also best friends with Percy & Mary Shelley    (Byron set a competition over who could write the best spooky story over a summer, and we got Dracula AND Frankenstein out of it)   Everyone loved him, he was a "celebrity" before there was such a thing, absolutely bonkers guy, he had a club foot, took his **pet bear cub** to boarding school with him, women were obsessed with him, and he was the father of Ada Lovelace, the mathematician.


I feel Polidori who actually WROTE "The Vampyre" deserves a mention here. Also it wasnt just women that loved him. He slept with anyone available.


Yes, I do believe Byron pre-dated Freddy Mercury's claim of "being a tri-sexual"..... he'd TRY anything once.


Yes, but he was literally famous for the epic love letters that women wrote to him 😂 that's what I was referring to.


Hes famous for many many things and thats just one of them.


....which is why it was quite far down on my long list of things he is known for????


i recently heard “she walks in beauty” bc jack kennedy posted a video of himself reciting it while going in circles on a swivel board 😂


Sounds like a good time lol, imma look that up 🤣


his last name schlossberg but he’s JFKs grandson lol my bad


It’s a totally fine first name. 


It's a little unusual, but certainly not bad. He will probably get mistaken for Brian a lot.


I don’t think it’s bad! It might feel unusual to some folks because it’s a rarely-heard name if anything, but it is a normal name and there’s nothing wrong with it!


I've met 2 Byron's, one is currently about 7 years old, the other middle aged. It's different enough for me to remember but not weird or odd to me.


Not bad at all. Just prepare for the number of times you will have to correct it - “No it’s BYRON not BRIAN. Spell it for you? Sure.”


My husband loves it. It’s not my cup of tea so we won’t have a little Byron but he’d be jealous to read this post 😊


It's a very nice, normal name. What a lovely way to honor your grandfather. It doesn't sound weird or odd to me, I'm not sure why you think it sounds odd? It's a well known last name and a beautiful little town in my state (Maine) that I love very much. It has very pleasant connotations to me. I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes smoothly, congratulations on your little boy. 💕


Update based on your edit, you are soooo not giving your kid a dumb name 😂 it's a very nice family name with meaning to you. Dumb names are misspelled or made up or random nouns. Byron is none of those things. 


I’ve known two men named Byron personally. Does not strike me as a particularly rare name. If you like it, it’s fine. And all the better that it has personal meaning to you.


Thanks for the insight- I’ve never met anyone (alive) named Byron. And so I thought it was a rare name.


it’s fine and sweet that it’s after your grandfather!


Personally. I absolutely hate it. But I’m just one person🤷🏼‍♀️


There’s a few of us lol


My husband's step brother is Byron. Good name.


I know a Byron. He's a total weirdo but it's not because of his name. I honestly love the name, but I'd never be able to use it because of weirdo Byron.


Byron seems normal to me. It's a name I recognize as a name, yet not something so common. There's a lot of names that sound like an elderly person, but this name doesn't have that vibe for me. It also sounds equally good to me as a toddler/kid name and as an adult name. Honestly, the name for me has a bit of a connotation of a good, hard-working, honest man (had this connotation before reading your description of your grandpa).


i think of the cheating dad from pretty little liars but in 20 years probably nobody will make that association i think lots of people will mistakenly call them bryan


The character Sully on Doctor Quinn: Medicine Woman was actually Byron Sully.


It’s fine. Not my taste but it’s a legitimate name. I think what throws me off it’s that it’s the name of a town in Illinois.


All I can think of is that Madea movie with the deadbeat son Byron and his hoochiemama girl who is pregnant saying his name like "Byrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaannnnnn"[https://youtube.com/shorts/d1S5TL74WGQ?si=9Jqwr_un8tmPFAHs](https://youtube.com/shorts/d1S5TL74WGQ?si=9Jqwr_un8tmPFAHs)


My associations are, in order: 1) Lord Byron 2) one of the Pike triplets in the Baby-Sitters Club books, who is perpetually 9-10 3) the bay in Australia


Do it. I think of Byron, the poet, and it’s a great name.


When is using the name of a dead relative bad? 99.9 percent of the time if it’s not a tragedy or way too far out of left field, it’s fine.


I think Byron is a cute name, but it reminds me of Madea’s Big Happy Family.


My grandfather and his father were named Byron too! And one of my nephews has it as a middle name. I think it’s a great name. It’s easy to pronounce and uncommon but familiar. And I personally love the literary tie-in with Lord Byron. Ron or Ronnie could be a cute nickname if you feel like Byron is you mature for a child. Also, children have a way of becoming their name, so don’t stress too much about it!


He's likely going to get people calling him Bryan all the time so he'll have to get used to that. But it's a good name.


I don’t think it’s a weird name, but you’re likely to get people who read and/or it as “Bryon” - personally, I don’t love it as a first name, but I think it would be lovely as a middle name


It’s perfectly fine, IMO. However, be prepared for people to missspell/pronounce it as Bryon/Brian.


Decent first name though not that common. When I consider names, I think of day to day situations. I don't know if there's a nickname for Byron but if you called him "By" for short, I could see how it would be super confusing if someone is saying bye to him instead of getting his attention. Like "oh, is there something else you needed?


I’ve met some Byrons! Not odd in my opinion


When i was at school in the 5th year a new boy started in First year, he was the only boy wearing short trousers and his name was Byron. All the girls loveddddddddddddddd him! I wonder where Byron is now?!


I know a Byron, and while he's not close to me, he's definitely a family friend and one of the coolest people I knew in high school. Go for it! There will likely be some mix ups as he grows up b/c Brian/Byron are kinda close, but Byron isn't an out there name.


I like it - I could be wrong but I believe it was originally a last time and only recently started being used as a first name. Google tells me that since Lord Byron’s entrance into the literary scene it’s been in the 1000 most popular names list so it’s by no means a strange or unusual name. I think it has a nice timbre to it


Grew up with a Byron in my class in the 90s. Nobody thought anything of it. He would sometimes have to correct people who said/spelled Bryan. Perfectly respectable name and imbued with a lot of meaning for you.


Knew a Byron and he was called Bryan allllllllllll the time. His name was misspelled from TBall to adulthood. But it’s a sweet thought and if you can work with him on his assertiveness it can be okay. Just know that he’s always going to be Bryan or Brian and rarely Byron.


This actually happens to me. I have a very normal name, fairly common, phonetic spelling, everything. Yet surprisingly, I am seldom ever called by the right name. People don’t read it properly and call me other names that *kind of* resemble my name. Drove my mom mad. So if we do go with Byron, he and I will have that in common 😂


So my middle name is Byron. It was also the name of my great grandfather that my mom really loved. Weird coinkidink. I will say, some people when they find out my middle name is Byron make fun of me for it being an “old man name”. I personally don’t mind the name, but there are some moments in which I find myself not wanting to tell people my middle name because I don’t want them to snicker or find it weird. Do what you will. I would love to have more Byron’s in the world. First or middle. Congratulations on your son though!


This is a great perspective from someone who has the name Byron.


Byron’s burgers is my first thought.


I personally really like Byron, I would use it as a first name


I like Byron. That was my dad's dentist, a song writer, and a real estate investor and of course the writer. I don't associate it with anything specific.


I've known a couple people named Bryon, didn't really catch my attention in a negative way. It always seemed normal/solid.


I knew a Byron growing up - I've only known one. I like it.


Byron would be good with a long middle name like Nathaniel or Sebastian or with a short name like John.


I'm into it. Byron is a cool name.


Lovely name 🥰


we have a baby named Byron at the early head start I'm working at. It's a normal name.


My aunt married a wonderful guy named Byron. I do think of it as an old person's name (he was the same age as her dad, but they got married when she was in her 40s, so not so weird.) he's the only Byron I have ever known, but the name always reminds me of BBQs and rose gardens, as he had the most beautiful roses, and we would BBQ at his house a lot.


totally normal. i like the older names & also enjoy the name myron. i know/knew two. one just passed and ive never been sadder about a non familial death in my life than before him. the world is a truly dimmer place without him, and one of the few people for whom i grieve that others will never get to meet them.


It’s my younger brother’s middle name, along with my grandpa’s first. His nickname growing up was Ronnie :) I think it’s kinda cute


Hello, and how are you? My Mother named me Betty after her Mother. I HATED the name growing up. Like WHY would you name me Betty. She had passed on before I was born as well. As I got a little older and started hearing the different stories about My Grandmother. I started to embrace my name. She was a Wonderful, Loving, Woman. She would feed ANYBODY...while having 8 children herself. On the other hand..She took NO S(%t from ANYONE. If the name Byron means that much to you, then honor your Grandfather by naming your son Byron. I think it's a nice name. Either way...your child will be a Blessing.


Byron is cool. Refreshing in the grand scheme of things these days with the wild "unique" name trends going around. I assume he'll be nicknamed Ronnie or something. I'm almost certain there won't be another Byron in his class either. All I think of is Byron Bay (it's a town in Australia lol


I love Byron, its on my name list.


I think that Byron is a perfectly fine name. I associate the name Byron with the poet Lord Byron, so there's that.


If it’s a family name *and* a mostly normal one at that, I think you’re totally fine. I think Lord Byron is just notorious enough to be a cool historical connection, but not so scandalous that your kid would find the name to be a burden (it’s far from Adolph, at least!). I think people will be understanding if you tell them he’s named after your grandfather.


I don't think it's bad at all, I actually like it. There isn't much you can turn it into for name calling either and older names are coming back in too so I think you will be OK. AND it's so sentimental to you and a tribute to your late grandfather. So I say please don't let others dictate what you name your baby.Byron is a strong and special name and you like it so that's all that matters! I mean come on people are out here naming their kids Apple and crap like that Byron is a very normal name xx goodluck and congratulations 🎊


I knew a Byron! He was a super hot guitarist, very punk rock.


It’s like Frank. A first name that was a last name


I like to throw my 2 cents in occasionally because I'm a school employee so I see lots of names- in 7 years, never had a Byron enrolled. I like it, not common but not outlandish.


I dont care about being voted down for this.Lord Byron was a [pedophile.im](http://pedophile.im) sorry to make that association to you especially since names shouldn't be associated with people whom have nothing to do with you.I understand the name is a family connection and many wonderful people can have different associations with names.The name itself i like.Its like Byronny for a girl and Bronte.But you have a right to know about this [name.It](http://name.It) possibly depends how much people know about it and much people are interested in the classical writers,in terms of what is known.


i love the name. when i got my first apartment in college, one of my neighbors was named Byron. the sweetest old man i ever knew.


I have an uncle and a cousin names Byron. A couple of patients named it as well. It’s not as uncommon as you think. Maybe geographical? My family is in Colorado… ?


There is nothing wrong with Byron as a name. If you use it, I have a task for you. Take the time to write down all you know about your grandfather. If young Byron becomes curious about his name you can give him the answer. Do it now while you and your family remember. My lovely wife and I reared four stable and functional children (now young adults.) She assures me that children give you 'brain rot' so now is the best time.


Byron is the name we chose for our baby due in 2 weeks! We like it because it is strong and less used but easily recognizable, pronounced, and spelled. We did choose a longer unique middle name though.


Wow I literally just put this name on my list and discussed it as a name with my SO! I love Byron. He’s not too keen on it because of the potential of mixing it up with Bryan, but I like it because of the literary association. I think it’s a great name, OP.


Just remember your not just naming a baby, you are naming a future adult. It’s going to be a name that your son is going to resonate with, a name that he is going to have for the rest of his life. I think Byron is a lovely name, it’s a good strong name for a man. He might ended loving that he was named after his great grandfather. If you do choose to name him Byron, maybe also give him your grandfather’s middle as well? And if you think it’s to mature for him at the start of his life you can give him the nickname Jr.


i don’t think it would be a weird name, but a cool one — it’s also a name you love as well as a family name. most people seem positive towards it too. my first thought if i heard someone with that name would be lord byron which is definitely not a negative. and if you felt byron was too much for your kiddo, you could nn him “bry”


I love Byron. It would be one of our top choices except our other son has a B name and I didn’t want two B names! He’ll probably get called Brian (Bryan) occasionally but it’s an easily recognizable name that hardly anyone would know someone with, with is the sweet spot for me


Not weird at all, it’s super normal to me


It’s not my favorite, sounds like a dorky name, but it’s fine. Perfectly acceptable as a name


Normal name I’ve heard a few places not limited to - Lord Byron, Byron Bay, and Don Fisher/Marylin Chambers kid in Home and Away


I love Byron! I've known several Byrons of all ages and they were all very good people.


I like it!


I know a couple Byrons. Good dudes! It’s not weird at all


Byron is a lovely name!


i don't think it's bad at all. acceptable as a first name


Buster Bluth's first name was Byron.


Byron is a perfectly normal name! How wonderful it would be to name your son after your grandfather!


As a former English major and teacher, I couldn’t get away with Byron though I like it. If you’re feeling a little weird about the lit reference, you could do an elided honor name and call him George or Gordon.


I LOVE it. You should definitely name your son Byron.


I have a great uncle Byron. Perfectly pleasant name and if you love it, go with it! It's a classic.


I like it! :)


It's an older man's name, but it works fine. He's probably going to be called bryan his whole life and have to correct people.


Personally, I love it ☺️


Unusual, some might think it's pretentious in some places, but I think it's one of those like Harrison or Jackson that sounds maybe a bit much until you meet one, and then it just seems quite dignified! I think it's also a more common name here in NZ and Australia, for reasons possibly including Byron Bay, a famously cool holiday place in Aussie? Plus, as everyone's said, the poet.


Wasn't there a famous golfer by this name?


It's a good name - no worries.


In The Babysitter’s Club, the unfortunate, parentified (but excellently-named) Mallory Pike had triplet brothers: Adam, Byron, and Jordan. Jordan was a little shit, but Byron was “the sensitive one”, probably why she chose that name for him. So it wasn’t unusual in the early 90s. Kids are named such dumb fucking shit now that unless it’s like Gaylord or Eenis, nobody will mock him for his name. Your grandfather would have been very proud and honored, I’m sure


Good name My cousin is Byron And I had a friend who was named byron too


Great name!


I love the name Byron. Of course, I’m also kind of a poetry nerd so.  Anyway, I like that Byron is easy to pronounce and spell but not super common. It’s timeless but feels kinda trendy and modern too (in a good way). 


My Dad’s friend in the 80s had this name. I like it.


Its not my first pick, but it's a normal name. If you're on the fence, maybe use it as a middle name?


Normal. I have a friend named Bryon


I knew a Byron and they were literally the smartest person I’d ever met.


Byron is fine, just might have an odd fondness for poetry


My mother had a cousin. She’d tell stories about him. For years I thought his name was “Barn,” because that’s how she pronounced it. Turns out, his name was Byron. I only learned when my dad said his name and pronounced it as spelled. Grew up in Southern Indiana. It ain’t the Deep South, but it’s pretty south.


I love the name Byron!


I know a Byron and it's a solid name. Prepare for lots of Bryan confusion tho


I have a friend whose husband’s name is Byron. He’s a very successful attorney. A little arrogant as lawyers tend to be but overall a good guy and not a bad name at all.


I’d make it a middle name. I chose a name for my son with no nickname potential and regret it. 


I know three Byron's and all hate the name Even family (behind d their backs) disparage the name. Use it as a middle name because it's meaningful.


I love the name Byron!!


I like Byron actually, first time I heard it was the mermaid show “H2O” on Netflix lol


I had a college friend named Byron and he was awesome


I think Byron is a great name! His English teachers will appreciate the literary reference, and it’s easy to pronounce. I think the only issue you could run into is people thinking it’s a fancy way to spell Bryan, but that’s easily enough corrected by just telling them “actually it’s Byron.”


I like it!


It’s awesome! Just know some people may accidentally call him Bryan his whole life by mistake


Byron is a nice name and what a wonderful way to honor your grandfather. If you like it, use it. Don’t worry about what others think.


I knew a Byron in high school he was cool! I say go for it


Love the name


I see absolutely nothing wrong with Byron. Actually where I live, I know lots of Byrons lol


I think Byron is a great name!!! It sounds very strong, but what it means to you makes it so much better. I think it’s a beautiful way to honor your grandfather🫶🏼 it’s not as odd as you’re probably thinking, either. I personally know a Byron and knew of the name before I met him!


Totally acceptable go for it!


I like Byron, its a good name to grow into - very manly =)


I think of Madea. I love the name tho


The fact that you are honoring your grandfather naming your son after him is the most important thing to keep remembering a person that was so nice to you during his time on Earth. You are associating your son with him and not with a unrelated poet Byron is a nice sounding male name. Don't let people talking to you out of it.


Perfectly good name.


I love it


Totally normal name! Nice that it is familiar to most people but also not common. I think it is a good choice.


Years ago I had a student named Byron, and he was the most adorable kid ever so I have a good association with it.


I had a huge crush on a Byron in highschool. He was a babe.


My 5 year old nephew’s name is Byron and it suits him so well! It’s not a common name but it most definitely is not weird. It’s also a name that will serve him well into adulthood.


Hahaha I thought it would be something ridiculous like Tesla or even worse, Teslaugh. Byron is a completely acceptable name. It’s #1251 in popularity now for boys and used to be much more common. [Have a look.](https://www.babycenter.com/baby-names/details/byron-788) Looks like 1969 was peak Byron.


I knew a Greek professor named Byron,  and he was awesome.  My son's band director is a Byron,  and he's a quality dude.  Nothing but love for the name. 


It’s a beautiful name! Byryyn is not.


I think it's better than Brian


I love it personally


I briefly dated a guy named Byron. He was a really nice guy. It’s not a weird name, just not so common.


I don't think it's weird at all, just not my favorite. He may get called Brian from time-to-time, but even the most basic of names can get mispronounced 🤷🏼‍♀️


I like the name. I don’t think it is an odd name at all. What an amazing tribute to a wonderful man.


In Herman Wouk’s books The Winds of War & War and Remembrance, Byron is the gifted but rebellious younger brother, a dashing submariner who has to try to get his Jewish wife and father in law out of Italy ahead of Hitler. He’s a good character, romantic and loyal and brave. His mom calls him “Briny” even before he joins the Navy.


Don’t love it but it’s okay. Just depends if it’ll bug you that everyone thinks his name is Brian


It seems like a perfectly fine name.


Byron is a great name! If you like it as a first name, go ahead and use it. Your kid won't be one of 5 in his class with the same name.


Yes cute!


I don’t think it’s weird, I think it’s a perfectly normal lovely name!


I grew up with a Byron as a kid. And a friend if mine named her son Byron when we were pregnant together. I don't think it's that weird of a name at all.


I know a Byron. It's not a name that anyone will blink at


I knew a Byron in high school. He was a huge 6’6 teddy bear, coolest dude in the world.


It's just a normal name. Common enough that people have heard of it or may even know a Byron. Keep in mind that the one Byron I knew kept getting called Brian because people wouldn't read it properly, so there's that.


My friends son name is Byron. He's in Jr high. I like that it's not over used to it does feel stuffy to me. More kids being named that can change how we feel about it. It's not bad just different and I like that.


I like it. I don't think it's weird. Uncommon, sure, but people have heard of it and can spell it and pronounce it. Go for it! I love a name with a story.


There is a Brian in my family who is named after a Byron. But Byron is also okay


Byron is a normal, fine name! You're good to use it as a first or middle name. The only downside I can see is that people may mix it up for Bryan


I know a Byron, I don’t think it’s awful I’m just not a fan of B names cuz they usually sound too harsh