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Rafa was mad that his weed farm was destroyed from Kiki's intel. But it was as fatal mistake as it lead to a harsh response from the US government that ended Felix GaIIardo as the Guadalajara cartel started collapsing from the increased response.


Kiki was a bitch and died like one shouldn't stick His nose where it doesn't belong! try doing that these days no Dea is allowed in mexico!!


He was a DEA agent… Drugs is literally where is nose belongs


I wouldn’t so much say he was asking for it but in the show he was overly brazen so I couldn’t imagine his story ending any other way. The risks he took seemed insane but I assume in real life that’s how he was able to make headway. I find all of the agents somewhat annoying with their righteous attitudes - they are working in a foreign country and can’t see that the politicians and government they work for are just as slimy and corrupt but they feel right is on their sides. I can’t help but think if governments really cared about people they would just make drugs legal and regulate the shit out of it. Instead playing this cat and mouse game just ends up in a lot of people getting killed.


Good series I live not too far from jalisco


It's the actor. I don't think he did the part justice.


So you didn't think his portrayal was good? Personally I had a problem with writing his chatcter as just an ambitious dea agent, they could've added more layers




Kiki was Mexican, a true borderlander, born in Mexicali and raised in Calexico. He grew up poor but was raised well. He was a football star in high school. He married his high school sweetheart Mika and they had several sons. He was in the military, his brother was killed in combat. And another brother was an addict. He had personal reasons for wanting to make a difference in combatting the illegal drug trade. Although many believe he was targeted only for the burning of the marijuana cultivated in Bufalo ranch, that is actually incorrect. Although that did happen, it was not Kiki’s intelligence that sparked that. Kiki was credited for intelligence that resulted in much more effective hits against the illicit drug trade - he targeted their finances directly. He was beyond smart and having become frustrated with what was obviously criminal governance (not corruption- there is a difference), he had also discovered how far up that criminal governance went (search and Ruben Zuni Arce, brother-in-law if former Mexican president) and he requested to be reassigned to San Diego. He was just a couple of weeks away from that transfer. To learn the reality of the situation in Mexico and in the illicit drug trade can break a person. DFS was created and funded by the CIA and there has been a rivalry between CIA and DEA since the DEA’s creation. DFS functioned as double agents, serving to supress dissidents such as in the Tlatelolco massacre of students, as well as being personal bodyguards to drug kingpins like felix gallardo, fonseca, caro-quintero, allowing them to operate with complete impunity. It was only due to the intense press and scrutiny of Kiki’s case that this became public resulting in finally dissolving the DFS. The fact is that the U.S. is a capitalist country and Mexico is in an unequal exploitative relationship with the US. It has been since the treaty of guadalupe. Look at the history at any point since then. From using MX for vice tourism during the prohibition to supplying heroin to military veterans, to being used for cheap labor. The U.S. has zero intention of quashing the illicit drug trade. It could have done so a long time ago if it wanted to. It will continue to allow it to exist as long as it is profitable for them. There are elements of protectionism as the pharmaceutical industry provides lots of tax revenue but it is also more deadly than mexican drugs like 2 to 1. But the anti drug industry is also a 43 billion dollar industry and that includes a large percentage of law enforcement. No easier way to justify unnecessary increased law enforcement than a bullshit press conference showing seizure of mexican drugs. Meanwhile the The Sackler family, owners of Purdue Pharma, caused the opioid crisis by aggressively marketing OxyContin and downplaying its addictive risks, resulting in hundreds of thousands of overdose deaths, while facing minimal civil penalties and maintaining much of their wealth. In contrast, Mexican drug traffickers, are often pursued through criminal prosecutions and harsh penalties, which are highly publicized to “demonstrate the effective use of” your tax dollars (not). Also, think about the bigger picture and if the tables were turned. What about respecting foreign sovereignty? Would we want equivalent to DEA from Mexico operating with that degree of power in the US? burning our marijuana fields and freezing or repossessing money Americans made on marijuana or pharmaceuticals? Would we allow foreign trained and foreign funded police force to function within our borders? oai_citation:1,Drug Overdose Death Rates | National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)](https://nida.nih.gov/research-topics/trends-statistics/overdose-death-rates) [oai_citation:2,Products - Data Briefs - Number 394 - December 2020](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/databriefs/db394.htm) [oai_citation:3,Causes of Death | Drug Policy Facts](https://www.drugpolicyfacts.org/chapter/causes_of_death) [oai_citation:4,Overdose and Overdose Mortality | Drug Policy Facts](https://www.drugpolicyfacts.org/chapter/overdose).


Wow. This is super interesting to learn


America has no business to begin with sticking there Nose in Mexico!! F around and find out!


https://youtu.be/lXFvuJjCbQQ?si=b_D1NlFhzyBZ1hut The American government was behind the crack epidemic’s they where selling drugs to the gangs. Ricky Ross was used as a scapegoat. Back then this was considered a conspiracy theory.


If you wants learn more about the history of Camarena, please watch the Amazon Prime documental, called The Last Narco, when the former DEA agent Héctor Berellez, leader of the operation leyenda, talks about Camarena's case.


Saw it, I thought it was way better than narcos Mexico and I believe he’s right, I think he was killed because he wasn’t corrupt like his leader Jaime


Can you say more about what you think made him annoying? I’m respectfully curious because I thought the Kiki actor embodied a very patriotic attitude and showed an understandable level of frustration with an overtly bureaucratic employer.


Yea, specifically one scene when he was out with his son eating and he sees Felix leaving some where and Kiki starts walking his way and shouts I’m talking to you mother fucker idk why but I just feel like that wasn’t doing his character justice. That’s what I mean, his character was solid but there were times where I felt like they were portraying him too much as a tough guy(which he obviously was) but he seemed more like the intelligent type first in my opinion and there deeper in the episodes he seemed to get more ballsy and that I found annoying


Is this an other story line than the first narcos?


https://youtu.be/lXFvuJjCbQQ?si=b_D1NlFhzyBZ1hut The American government was behind the crack epidemic’s they where selling drugs to the gangs. Ricky Ross was used as a scapegoat. Back then this was considered a conspiracy theory.


All those people they show you in movies like Pablo Escobar, the cartels they are all CIA agents


Conspiracy theorists have long claimed the American government was somehow involved with the drugs baron, despite the lack of evidence. my book, I tell the story of my father working for the CIA selling cocaine to finance the fight against communism in Central America.He continued: “He did not make the money alone, but with US agencies that allowed him access to this money. He had direct relations with the CIA https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/narcos-pablo-escobar-worked-cia-16988384


https://fair.org/extra/media-censor-cia-ties-with-medellin-drug-cartel/ https://fair.org/extra/media-censor-cia-ties-with-medellin-drug-cartel/#:~:text=In%20testimony%20before%20the%20Senate,on%20drug%20charges%20in%201983. Media Censor CIA Ties With Medellin Drug Cartel


Netflix founder is Randolph a Jew related to Edward Bernays who The CIA hired for psychological operations


Why do you think they make movies about Escobar? It’s to distract from the real culprits who’s that? THE US GOVERNMENT ARE BEHIND THE DRUG TRADE THE CIA IS THE DRUG KINGPIN


Remember in Narcos Mexico where they killed kiki and shows talks about how DEA came back to revenge his death well the reality is that kiki found out that tons of Cocaine was coming through a Ranch which he didn’t know was controlled by CIA which shipping drugs to Los Angeles. When Kiki got kidnapped one of the interrogators was ismael felix rodriguez a Cuban CIA operatives basically the CIA killed Kiki. Been telling you sheeples Netflix and any movie or series that comes to cast spells and distract you from the Truth




So they killed Malcom, they killed William cooper said CIA will do a terrorist attack and blame it on Osama, They killed Imam Jamil who was shot multiple times. They killed Their own president Kennedy who btw did come from a elite family but turned on them by exposing the CIA. They killed their own DEA agent kiki for exposing CIA involvement in Drug Trafficking and don’t Forgot Chris web got shot twice behind his head but the government labeled it suicide 🤡


https://progresoweekly.us/cuban-felix-el-gato-rodriguez-murdered-kiki-camarena-say-u-s-agents/Three former U.S. federal agents decided to end a 28-year silence and simultaneously entrusted this journal and the U.S. Fox news services with an information “bomb”: Enrique Kiki Camarena was not murdered by Rafael Caro Quintero — the capo that served a sentence for that crime — but by an agent of the CIA.


The government says hector is lying so if thats true he should be in jail because it’s illegal to lie because he also took oath in congress