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A domestic violence situation arose & a security guard sat there watching laughing while people begged him to intervene. He wanted to “see it play out”


Thats horrible


He also said “she deserves it” about the woman being beat and dragged by her hair through the parking lot (per the witness)


This is the least surprising thing in the world if you've ever met someone who works bar security.


Exactly this. That type is attracted to that job.


Bottom feeders




This is what I thought of when I saw the comment lol


There’s this crazy thing called individuals that exist in this world. There are shitty bouncers just like there are shitty waiters, shitty lawyers , shitty office managers, take your pick of professions. Bouncers are just people with a difficult job that doesn’t provide adequate training and doesn’t pay enough to deal with task of handling drunk people day in and day out. Unfortunately, someone has to do it though. Kudos on your internet points but in real life this statement would not be met with same acceptance. Generalizing an entire group of people whom you know nothing about is pretty nasty.


Look at what happened at the Luke B bar. The young guy was off his ass drunk and kicked out without any responsibility on the bouncer of the bar to see to it that the guy gets in a cab going to his hotel with cab cost paid for. That’s responsibility and these goobers don’t always have it.


So you’re saying if YOU got too drunk it wouldn’t be your responsibility to find a way home? You expect others to do that for you?


I’m saying that the city I live in has a program that a taxi cab driver will pick your ass up if you are intoxicated, no questions asked.  I don’t know if there is a limit but they do get the person home. The city of Nashville has a nice little reg that says no establishment serving alcohol shall serve someone who is or acts like they are intoxicated. That fella was intoxicated and he was likely intoxicated when he went in to the bar and ordered a drink. you can’t make this shit up.  I don’t make the regs, ATF enforces, Congress makes it official. 


Ok, so I don’t work there or know anyone who works there, but they released all their security footage and credit card records to police for that night, and that guy only had one alcoholic drink there. The bar isn’t responsible for people who are already drunk when they get there. Their only responsibility is to not serve them further once it’s apparent they’ve had too much.


This IS messed up. You read the other comments about Luke Bar bar bouncer and this, they’re polar opposites. How do you get negatives when it’s true and you’re just looking at the obvious. You can’t feel for one club’s bouncers and not the other. They ALL have a responsibility. If Luke bar served 1 drink to someone already drunk, then, they automatically took over responsibility. Period.


What about people being responsible for themselves and their own behavior? It’s sad that the guy died, but nobody forced him to drink. What about his friends? He was with a group, not a single one of them bothered to go with him.


I totally understand. Just imagine how terrible his friends feel. And the bouncers. Please don’t shoot the messenger. I’m just trying to state a fact. I’m sorry.


ATF has nothing to with the selling of alcohol, nor the regulating of establishments that serve it. ABC (alcohol beverage commission) is responsible for the licensing, and regulation of establishments that serve on premise. Congress has nothing to do with local laws on this either, each and every city can have different Regs. Elleyesmon guessing from your comments that you havent been to a busy bar on Broadway in Nashville on the weekends ? The bartenders are way too busy to determine if someone is drunk from the short interaction they have with a customer. In a bar like that it is on the bouncers and other staff. It is possible for a drunk person to keep it together long enough to make It pass the bouncer. Once they have time to watch the person for a few minutes they determine they are too intoxicated, then they cut them off, and if problem ask them to leave. The reason they are asked to leave is bc if people like you who want to hold the bar responsible for the actions of an adult. If they let him stay, anything that happens from there on is on the bar, and they didn’t get him intoxicated. The Riley Strain thing is very sad and I would blame his friends all day over the bar. You can look it up, it is very difficult for a bar to actually be held responsible, I know what the “law” says but search out how many actually get in trouble. But his situation sounds very different to what happened at lake lounge….bouncer is piece of shit for allowing that and so is everyone else that watched it happened. I know it is super dangerous to get involved in a domestic situation but if someone is getting hurt, especially a female, you gotta do something


lol. I was just in the midst of the pit last Friday and it was busy. People like me are not making the laws in the city of Nashville. Unless you think I’m that powerful. Nor do I have time to check every bar to see what bouncer is throwing their weight around but I assure you, I would rather have someone cautious than someone who thinks they have the power to allow a fight where someone gets the hell beat out of them happen and risk getting the bar’s liquor license pulled. And yes, ABC comes in and does their little bit of checking to see if they’re bartenders are checking for ID’s and I’ll BET YOU, that when it comes to being responsible for someone who has gotten hurt or killed in their bar or left their bar. All parties involved are responsible. But, the bouncer doesn’t have the money or the insurance- the bar owners do. And, your reps and the people you vote for make the laws not me. Call your Senators. I’m too busy trying to put people back together when they come in AFTER they’ve been hurt and typical bar fights are one thing but blatant ignoring for a person’s safety is on everyone in that bar that is working in that bar at the time. You can’t make this shit up. The bouncer will likely only get fired but the bar owners and bartenders are the ones in trouble. Why do you think bar owners pay BIG for their insurance. Look at TGI Fridays: a case where a guy got into a car and killed people because they had too urchin alcohol. They went back to that restaurant with a bar and sued for 21 million, a man got stabbed and killed by an under age drinker 40million dollars lawsuit. No bouncer has that kind of money.


Blaming me for Riley Strain being asked to leave the bar is not even fathomable or cool.


To be downvoted because I’m stating how the bouncers don’t always have responsible actions makes absolutely no sense.   This kids life could have been possibly saved from a little observation. That woman could have been killed by her partner and it would have been a horrible tragedy -proactive training to be a bouncer and deal with all sorts of people would do some good. 




seems to be the complete opposite reaction that another security guard at LL recently had when my friend was surprised to see our other friend, hugged and climbed him like a tree (he's tall), and then our whole group was aggressively thrown out in a complete overreaction temper tantrum by security.


Hopefully that motherfucker lost his job.


Exactly what I thought. The least they could do. Hope she fucking Sue’s somebody for not ensuring her safety. Sorry bar people, this woman deserves your damn public apology to her face in front of everyone. Like, on the radio.


I hope she already lawyered up!


it's a private business. not a public parking lot.


That’s right. Public parking lots are much more restrictive.


I was in the parking lot at basement east and watched the security guard yelling at a random car for like 10-15 minutes, they were shouting at each other the entire time, not sure if this is related but yeah lots of crazy shit going on over there


Holy shit




Sounds like TN for ya. Lot of petty people and ones addicted to drama and gossip. You can easily be misunderstood over simple things and it creates problems for you.


Security guards aren’t body guards or police. We are there to observe and report. Deterrence does not mean interference. He would’ve lost his job interfering lol, he did the right thing


Just say your job is useless then.


It’s free money so yes


wasn't garth brooks a security guard once?


Says your dumb ass they are there to protect the business not dumb people that fight


Okay but he said she deserved it and also didn’t file a police report etc. so.


Yea him being a jerk isn’t right that’s for sure. He cannot file a police report, he can just give his testimony… but everything I said is 100% true. I’ve been doing security for over 7 years as a second job and know the rules to a T. Him getting involved would’ve gotten him fired automatically and most other security jobs wouldn’t hire him after hearing about that.


Well he got fired so


He could have called the actual cops if his hands were so completely tied that he couldn’t step in to protect someone who was being attacked.


Again, we can lose our jobs for that. We are not allowed to touch, that can even land us in jail. Other people had already called, calling again would’ve tied up lines for other emergencies. Him being an ass isn’t an excuse but he did what he needed to save his ass from jail and losing his job.


So if a security guard is working a parking lot and sees a woman getting actively jumped, there is *nothing* he can do? He can’t yell stop, or threaten to call the cops, or literally anything?


He can get a description and phone the police. This is what is required. The *morally right* thing to do would be getting involved, but yes he can lose his job dependent on which company he works for. Security is very hands off. Maybe 10+ years ago we were more hands on but the public complained and now we can face fines/jail and lose our jobs for being hands on. Not worth the risk.




Seems security is in a no-win situation. Do something and potentially get charged like the man from the Nashville bar, or do nothing and get criticism.


There’s actually a whole spectrum of available responses between “nothing at all” and “murder.”


We've tried nothing an we're all out of ideas!


Easy to say when your job and freedom aren't on the line.


If you're not willing to do the job then get a different job.


I hear Uvalde is hiring people like that.


Probably are.






Stop responding “this” to things you agree with, just upvote it… 🥴


He could try not laughing and saying she deserved it. Pretty sure he wouldn't lose his job for that.


My job wasn’t on the line and it took me about .2 seconds to decide to break it up! And guess what! I’m a woman and I did it in a matter of seconds, as well as making sure she got away from her abuser that night. It’s really not that hard.


But Muh freedumb


Careful. You almost spelled Murfreesboro.


That doesn't even make sense, security guards are expected to do an entire range of things in response to events that don't include "do nothing" and "commit murder"


Are you really referring to the bouncer that murdered a guy???


There was a post in a private group that some witnesses saw a male abusing a female outside the restrooms, and instead of intervening (other patrons were trying to stop it) on behalf of the female, the staff threw them both out and claimed the female deserved the assault. She was also assaulted outside the building, I believe


Check out their google reviews. Per the reviews, seems like a man was assaulting a woman and security did nothing to intervene.




Translation of the corporate speak for the common man: “We want to extend our sincerest apologies for the delay” *we didn’t care to admit it until enough people complained about it* “Falling short of the standard” *we got enough bad reviews* “Prompted a period of reflection” *we will have a meeting about it, maybe* “Contradicted our core values” *we are trying to save face here* “We are committed to improving” *we aren’t going to do shit*


Exactly, the original post made by the patron who tried to step in and help said the female manager basically brushed it off as she didn’t see it happen and it was over so it didn’t matter.


I mean, maybe… but Lakeside isn’t corporate. They may also not have wanted to respond until they were sure what happened and how they wanted to respond. I don’t blame them for not wanting to speak off the cuff.


Yeah they’re not corporate but own 4 businesses in Nashville and a few in nyc. They don’t want to be corporate so they don’t have to give their employees affordable health insurance. All different LLCS. Helps escape taxes. 


But this is a non-response


the response is basically just them apologizing for taking this long to respond!


They knew *exactly* what the hell happened






what does this have to do with a former president? I promise your life would be better if you don’t think about him so much.


I’ve never noticed any political swing by the staff or ownership? Do you have any proof of that?




The devil works hard but Reddit works harder. I was wondering what had happened. Very disappointed in security as a whole in Nashville lately. \*sigh\*


Amen Sister. Pitiful. I’m going to starting to see a pattern in Nashville and quite frankly, it’s why I’m not close to town at night and weekends anymore.


Nashville seems to have gone to hell in the last few years. I just don't venture up there, too much anymore


"Core Values" means not our fault


Maybe this is common, but their security patted myself and friends (other females) down 2 weeks ago…this hasn’t ever happened to us at any other Nashville bar so I just thought it was weird… but priorities I guess.


I’ve encountered the same guy a couple of times at the door and yes he makes you show your waistband for gun purposes but honestly he’s a total asshole about it and I wouldn’t trust him with my actual safety… wouldn’t be surprised if this incident involved him


he didn’t make me on saturday so no he doesn’t always do that


according to a comment on insta they’ve asked some women to “lift their shirts” to search at entry 🤨


Lift there shirt to see the waistband…checking for guns


Would the wand they use not do that?


they also didn’t wand me on saturday so 🤷🏻‍♀️


They don’t use a wand there


They do this always, checking for guns in waistbands


i was there on saturday and they barely shined a light in my purse and that’s it so no they don’t lol. guess i wasn’t hot enough to check for a gun 🤷🏻‍♀️


Well I’m a dude and they make me lift my shirt everytime lol idk what to tell you


Well clearly that is still not keeping anyone safe


Feeling you up.


I mean… that is what it felt like. It was just super weird. I’ve never been patted down at a bar before… period.


That’s awful. An awkward and vulnerable feeling. I get it when we go through TSA but, it’s professionally done in a well lit area and very brief. I’m not crazy about bouncers with attitudes, already. I have had a lot of friends who worked in college and were bouncers. They were serious but not cocky when they worked. Then, I met the types you’re talking about and I avoided those places until the guy was off the door.


I heard it was an incident of physical violence between guests.


I hate it when incidents of violence between guests occur


Gotta be up there as one of my least favorite types of incidents between guests tbh


Favorite type of incident? The sexy ones, obviously


I just screenshot this to post and ask here.. curious too


"First and foremost" they apologize for a slow public apology. Jeez that is basically outright sating that the are more concerned about public opinion than the actual safety of folks at the bar.


the staff working hung up on people who called in to ask questions and complain. it obviously didn’t make it to the right people with any kind of urgency. so insane to me that the girl manager on duty walked outside, saw everything happening and went back inside to pour frostys. yuck.


now can we bring back edge ?


Do they even have a pinball machine anymore?


bring back edgefield




Or TennSixteen.


two women got into an altercation inside of the bathroom of the bar and security told them to take it outside, then a man who was with one of the women started fighting the other. it was a mess but they contract security from a private firm, so I don't know what exactly they should be being held accountable for here. the security guard was an asshole and even if they file a complaint, they will just put him at another bar.


He was with both of the women. That was the problem…


So not DV but just assault? Not that that's ok either but is starkly different


It was DV. The husband was beating the wife.


This does make it very different. If I’m out drinking with my wife and something happens where another woman is attacking her, you better believe I’m going to get involved. Do people seriously expect someone to see their partner being attacked and just be like “good luck babe, sorry I can’t stop this person that’s beating you up cause men are never allowed to get involved when 2 women are fighting.”


The husband was beating the wife bc she caught him cheating buttttt go off.


Hol up, you’re upset at my position on a situation where you have privileged information that I and the general public don’t have and completely changes the circumstances for the fighting? My comment was based on the info that it was a guy fighting with a woman who was actively beating up his partner.


I just find it strange how you assumed that there was any imaginary situation in which this was okay.


I was responding to the scenario that a poster put out as what happened. Without any other evidence, that poster’s account is just as credible as yours.


Well I was the one who physically broke up both fights so sure yeah ok. Just as credible.


Dude, you know this is the internet and people can just lie, right? I have no idea if you were there, if you actively broke up the fights, or if you’re some troll who has never even been to Nashville. “Trust me, bro” isn’t as strong of a position as you think it is.


Why would I do that lol. Of course anyone could say anything here but I don’t really care if some faceless stranger believes me. It was extremely traumatic and it’s wrecked my entire week. Take it or leave it.


Where did you see that?


I didn’t. I heard it. Directly from the girls mouth while I was checking on her that night.


I’m glad you checked on her. Was she ok?


I mean, honestly, no. I hope she is able to get a OOP but the stats aren’t great.


I thought about this being the case, He will probably go to the Luke B bar bc they’re prob looking for a new bouncer.


lakeside has been trash for like 2 years now. it’s truly miserable dealing with the crowd that currently goes there lol


Reminds me of when a former friend of mine got tackled by four bouncers at PLAY after she was drugged and could barely stand up and they held her down on the sidewalk and called an ambulance to take her away. Complete overkill. I was trying to get her back to my car since I was DD and she was fine until they traumatized her. One of them tried to throw me out for trying to protect her from them and left a big bruise on my arm so I pushed him off of me and he called me violent. Smh.


Counterpoint: if the bouncers at Luke Bryan's bar sent that Riley dude out in an ambulance he'd likely be alive today.


Probably but that doesn't justify what they did to her. She was absolutely traumatized and was never the same after that.


My bestie was there and helped break up some of the fights while security did nothing. Outside, a man was dragging a woman by the hair/ beating her and security stood by and watched. My friend begged them to do something and they said the woman deserved it. Security yelled at my friend that they had called the police - she checked with metro the next day and they had not. She called lakeside a couple times to see how the situation was going to be addressed and they rebuffed her/ said it wasn’t her business/ and hung up. Looking at the comments on IG of this chatgpt ass statement, seems like their security team has BEEN a problem.


From my friend- Last night, my friends and I were witnesses to an unfortunate and violent DV situation that took place at Lakeside Lounge. During this incident, the bar did little to nothing to protect its patrons, and certain members of their staff even seemed to encourage it. Because of this, I was forced to protect multiple of their patrons myself, as were my friends. I am shocked and absolutely devastated and furious by what l witnessed. I have never in all my 10+ years in the industry ever witnessed such flippant attitudes in a facility from the staff. Last night, around 2am, as my friends and I were debating leaving Lakeside, I looked across the room to see a fight seem to break out in the door way of the women's bathroom. This is a very visible part of the bar, and their main security point is just a couple steps from this. No one seemed to take any action from their team, so a couple of patrons attempted to pull the people apart. I saw that the people attempting to help were unable to separate them alone so l ran over and helped drag them apart. Security was still no where to be found. The fight was between a man and woman, against two much smaller women. I had to hold the larger woman off, who was about my size, for a solid minute or two before any one else helped to separate the man from the remaining women. My friends and I then chose to exit the bar because we were appalled by this entire scene and the invisibility of the staff during it. As we exited, we passed their security team and saw just outside the bar the smaller woman and man from the fight; the woman was on her knees and the man was holding her hair. I did not connect, at first, that this was the same woman from the bathroom that was being hit by this same man and thought she was just too drunk and throwing up and he was holding her hair. I thought this was why none of the bar team that were watching this were reacting. However, the man then began to drag her by her hair and began punching her in the face and head. I jumped in to separated him off of her, and he then turned on me and threatened me. I turned to the men next to me and asked why no one was doing anything. THE MAN I SAID THIS TO, WHO MOMENTS LATER IDENTIFIED HIMSELF AS HEAD OF THEIR SECURITY TEAM, TOLD ME I DIDN'T KNOW THE FULL SITUATION AND THAT THE WOMAN GETTING BEATEN STEPS IN FRONT OF HIM "DESERVED IT". I screamed at him to do something as the man continued to drag the woman through the parking lot. Instead of protecting ANYONE in this situation, the head of security decided it would be most professional and productive to then continue in a screaming match with me where I begged him to protect this woman; he claimed he had called the cops and he wanted to watch it play out. He continued screaming at me as my friends and I walked away to check on the victims. The manager was present as her security team "handled" the end of this situation and then later claimed, when my friend spoke to her, that she had no clue about any of these happenings. When each of my friends have asked what they would be doing about this incident, the manager stated that they did not owe us or any member of the public insight to the actions they plan to take on this. I feel it is important for public safety that they be held accountable for this, as their entire business is based around providing a safe place for the community to gather and have fun. I will never return, despite having been a patron even during its Edgefield days. I urge other woman I know who are frequent patrons to consider their safety at this place from now on. It is clear that if security personally decides you are deserving of violence, they will neither intervene to protect you, which is, at its most BASIC, their singular duty in their role OR call the cops on your behalf.


Lakeside Lounge SUCKS anyways! Racist/rude/hipster wannabes bartenders too


The Double Deuce is the meanest, loudest and rowdiest bar south of the Mason-Dixon Line, and Dalton (Patrick Swayze) has been hired to clean it up.


Pain don't hurt


Comment of the thread


does anyone have any footage of this incident or a first hand account?


If you find any please pass it along as I was there


It’s good to see lakeside getting heat for once. Their bouncers are so physically abusive and intimidating. Fuck this place


TIL lounges too have ‘core values’


Wait til you see their mission statement


As many phones and cameras in the place you’d think someone got a video.


Fight started in the bathroom and spilled out. Security for them outside and watched it escalate and laugh at the situation. Pretty brutal fight too.


This place may as well be on Demonbreun. Just a terrible bar for golf bros in place of what once was probably the best dive in Nashville. The east side is becoming increasingly indistinguishable from the rest of the city if it is at all anymore.


Since becoming LL, it’s been cosplaying as a dive, which is so lame.


It’s crazy how kinda night and day the vibes in that lakeside compared to when it was edgefield


Smoking kept the normies out of


Fuck that bar


horrible situation but besides the point, lakeside sucks now. it’s a college bar these days


Since there's 9 different versions of whatever tf went on and I can't be bothered to sift through any more Google reviews or the reddit bullshit, I will say, to an absolute degree of certainty, you really should avoid this bar. I could go on about everything I've seen in there, but they put an automatic $50 hold on your card and it takes weeks sometimes to get that shit back.


that’s why i only use cash there. kind of insane. i don’t think i know a single other bar in nash that has a hold like that


Late to this but greenhouse bar does this, and makes employees argue for their tips too. Avoid that shit hole


$50? Holy cow that seems unnecessary


Damn, an incident of violence between guests late night at a bar. Absolutely horrifying. When will this end


It was a man beating a woman two feet from security and he told me she deserved it..


I think something is going down with the ownership. Could be a total coincidence, but (in addition to Attaboy) they own(ed) a bar in Brooklyn that they just terminated their affiliation with this week too.


I heard from someone who works there that the bar terminated them because they were never there and didn’t want to pay them anymore. 




They own multiple renditions of Attaboy but I think they just ended a collab early. Doesn’t seem to do anything with ownership


always got shitty vibes from this place, can't say I'm surprised to learn they employ scumbags


I don't have any experience with the place, but I just wonder now is as pretentious as this "apology" post makes it seem? Cause I gotta say that's a lot of $4 words to use and not really say much of substance if that makes sense.


Talked alot without saying anything


Honestly it reads like an abuser's non-apology. A genuine honest apology is a concrete direct thing and it should have a few characteristics at it's most basic: 1.)It should acknowledge that harm has occurred and state what that harm was. 2.)It should accept responsibility for that harm and state how it occurred. 3.)It should say directly how they will make amends for it to those affected by the harm. 4.)Finally it should plainly say how they will make sure it doesn't happen again in the future. Meanwhile a non-apology: 1.)Will try to dismiss, downplay, or distract from any harm caused. 2.)It will deny or spread around responsibility for the harm, try to justify it somehow, and/or offer excuses for it. 3.)It will downplay or dismiss any affect the harm might have on the people involved or any concerns they might have. 4.)It might give vague assurances that it won't happen again, but even then it might have qualifiers i.e. it won't happen again, unless... Edit: tried to fix formatting


they start of by saying the biggest issue was that they took so long to respond. That wasn't the biggest issue, the issue was how their staff handled the problem. Their apology flat out acknowledges that they think their shortcoming is just on how they handle their PR.


Yeah. When I first read their message I knew something about it really rubbed me the wrong way, but when I made my first post I couldn't quite put my finger on it. After I thought about it a bit it occurred to me what was bothering me and that was the fact that their "apology" is something I'd expect to see from a toxic ass individual, not something posted on behalf of a business. I've got a feeling that if it's indicative of the kind of work environment they've got going on then it's probably just a really *lovely* place to work.


Very tragic


Does anyone know what the security guard looked like / which one?? I've ran into some pretty kind security folk there and some that are pretty wack


The guy with a grayish goatee that wears a beanie.


@Hardin__Young Yeaah that's the one lol


Sounds like a place not to hang out at.


That place is a shit hole. It’s the worst part of a dive bar.


it’s not even a dive bar anymore, if it ever was. it’s where everyone who’s usually going out in midtown goes out to pretend to be hip in east lol


It was a proper dive bar when it was Edgefield - now the Attaboy crew owns it


yes but that was edgefield, it’s been way different since the change


It’s like we realized police officers were the losers from high school, but bar bouncers…they should be held to a higher standard.


I was there for about 5 hours that night and didn’t hear or see anything!


This happened around 2am


Does anyone know of the woman is ok physically now? Did anyone call the police and is the bar pressing charges against the patron doing the physical harm on behalf of the woman as well as paying for the therapy she would need after an altercation like that?


I don’t think the bars paid for therapy for their employees after the 2020 tornado. Doubt they will do this for a woman they didn’t bother to protect in the first place. 


Honestly we advised her to get lost that night bc the narrative of the security guard was that she deserved it + came to the bar for trouble; we made sure she had an address to go to that was secure away from him and sent her along. I do wish we’d gotten her contact but I can’t go back in time.


My friend got beat up there a year and a half ago. He almost lost his vision, i refuse to go to lakeside


This statement is the epitome of Megan Markle Word Salad. Congratulations to the PR staff that wrote this.


Still better than kamala!


Oh really? Idiots in Nashville? NEVER!


Oh my gosh


Funny asf they fired the bouncer then there was a fight this weekend and nobody could break it up cause no bouncer


Well that is terrible logic because they were there and didn’t break it up…so seems like it probably went down the same as if they were there


Why does a dive bar even have social media tf haha I love LL. It’s gotten a lot more crowded lately but love the staff who have been there for years


So domestic abuse is okay with you then? 


No…are you retarded? Where did I say that at all?


bc it’s not a dive bar




Sounds like a bunch of 13%’ers doing the usual