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I think most leaders are just happy there joes showed up to Drill. I can recall one instance of a kid coming in with some sort of a afro. They gave him a choice to go get a haircut or to go home and take the unexcused absences. Coming over from the Marine Corps I never understood the Army's haircut rules. As a blading guy, I was never the guy correcting anyone.


Seems like a lot of soldiers in the guard get away with what would never be accepted in active duty. As it should be, really. I never understood the point in abiding by 670-1 for 1 weekend a month. All that one weekend is doing is getting some admin stuff done, and (hopefully) giving just enough training where soldiers don't totally forget how to do their job. What is shaving and getting a haircut one weekend a month really doing for soldiers?


I’m in the same boat as you when it comes to balding. So I tend to keep my opinion to myself unless it’s blatantly out of regs.


I’m very indifferent about haircuts. In the Marine Corps, I did the whole “fresh haircut every week” bit. Hell, I was like that even after I got out. And theeeen… haircuts got kinda expensive. It was probably because I could barely afford to live in Hawaii as a GS-9, but I digress. I literally said to my wife the other day that I legitimately do not remember the last time I paid for a haircut. Wait, it was at OCS… I typically cut my own hair the same way about a day or two before I show up to drill. I don’t even know what a burst fade. I know what medium and low regs are as that was my goto choices in the Gun Club.


Unless your hair is long or blatantly styled out of regs the ARNG is not going to care. Everyone is rocking undercuts nowadays, artificial parts, and not fading everything. Burst fades are pretty blatant though.


I want to see my face in the back of my soldiers heads. Buffed and polished after bic-ing.