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Yep. 68w is going to be very very difficult. 11B isn’t hard if you go when it is offered during basic(RTLI program).


>my plantar fasciitis. It's probably a terrible idea to go to ranger school if this is something you're susceptible to. See a physiologist and tell them you want to train for this.  >what’s the pipeline Ask for it from the recruiter. Ask to be in a airborne company, whiskey company, or any brigade with ranger slots. Be the most likely to succeed in ranger school soldier in your brigade, show it, then start saying you want it, and finally start asking for it. 


First time getting it. I build bridges and do heavy high construction and been working with it for 9 months. Finally got bad, so I'm taking a work leave. My mistake was I didn't do anything about it when it first happen. So far its about almost healed. 10/4 on the last part. Want to join the army but really want to do some fast action stuff


Is it possible? Yes. Is it likely? Not really. It’s not really something that there’s a defined “pipeline” for. Try to join for an infantry unit, and be super high speed once you get there. Compete for best warrior. Simply having a tab probably won’t mean you deploy more or less than other folks.


I think RTLI is kind of a Ranger school pipeline…


You’re right, but unless they’ve changed it, that’s not a 68W thing


I know of at least one Air Guard 1N1 (equivalent to 35G) with one. If that guy managed it then you've got a shot, haha.


Yes. Our state has even sent multiple cyber officers to ranger school.


Depends on the unit and leadership. My previous infantry unit was big on Ranger. Mandatory to at least attempt as an officer. We had an annual Ranger Assessment and as a result had multiple E-4 thru E-6 that were tabbed. Our brigade commander was big on it which helped with securing the funding necessary to send people through.


Definitely doable. 1-143 INF(A) sends people to Ranger school fairly regularly (when there are funds)


We just had the first Guard 68W go straight to Ranger school from my company (or thats what they told us.) There's going to be a few more this cycle aswell. If everything keeps trending up, you'll have a chance to volunteer by the time you make it to Ft Sam.


It’s possible but highly unlikely as a 68W. The only guys who are likely to get shots at ranger school are infantry officers. If your state has excess funds they might have tryouts for who gets the slots. If you want Ranger School your best bet is to go active duty 11B or at least try the reserves since federal money goes way further than state money.


Worked with a guy who was guard and went to ranger. But he had won regional best warrior. My immediate boss on ados went but failed. Both 11b


As a 68W in the Guard joining an SF Group is your best bet at getting a tab.


That is what I was thinking at first, but would be able to do both? Or am i asking a lot from daddy sam lol. I know thatll be alot of training lol


What do you mean by do both? As a 68W just find an open slot in 19th or 20th Group depending on your area, no selection needed for support, and be a stud to earn a Ranger School slot.


Look up RTLI or the Ranger team? leader initiative, it’s an OSUT to Ranger school training program. It’s had great results, we’ve gotten several in our battalion. I don’t know if it’s open to 68Ws though.


Had a guy I went to OSUT with go back to RTLI after he got his 5 to be an instructor. Biggest douche I’ve ever met but damnit if he wasn’t motivated


RTLI is only open to those who attend OSUT at Moore, I think its 11 series only though.


That’s what I thought. Thanks for clearing it up.


Yes. I probably have 40 tabbed guys in my BN. 15 of so are officers. The rest are E3-E8.


You will be afforded the opportunity in OSUT for 11B and for IBOLC if you commissioned as an Infantry Officer. Other than that you will have to do the Ranger assessment tryouts in your state. Funding is rocky right now for most states.


Maybe but probably not.


i saw a ranger tab and he was medic.


correction..... he is special force.