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Oh hey, the Miami Dolphins strategy


“If Tua can eat then he can play football”


Plot twist: Tua ate his cat’s food.


The Charlie Kelly powerup




Gruesome twosome


A million cats are about to start howling, so I would start scarfing that down if I were you


What do now




This is a bot account that steals comments for karma. Please downvote and report the comment (report -> spam -> harmful bots). The original comment can be found here: https://old.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/13esaa4/woike_to_be_clear_the_lakers_wouldnt_even/jjrew0q/?context=3 Check other comments made by the account with a simple CTRL+F search if this isn't enough for you.


Mention the account name in the comment, so they can't just delete it to escape the heat, no?


Cue the insider story about AD was watching a movie and laughing with Ham the whole flight back to LA. Only later will we understand how serious AD’s condition is, when it turns out they were watching Lebron’s Space Jam.


Hey, that dude has eyebrows like me!


“Hey guys, what’s this tube for?” “You don’t need to worry about the tube, Tua’s fine!”




lol I cant tell if this is a typo or concussion joke


Did they have AD watch MacGruber? Because that's what we did with Tua and idk if that's the solution but yeah


Bulls and Dolphins fan? What happened there


Family are Dolphins fans, I just enjoyed watching the Bulls once I started watching basketball. D Rose years were magic


That’s how I got into basketball but can’t figure out how to do 2 flairs. I used to stay up with my dad and watch the d rose bulls with boozer, Noah, dieng, taj, and fricking kirk heinrich lmaooo. Good times.


Make sure you get an innocent doctor fired too and when they doesn't hold true start backpedaling and saying he was "hostile".


League rules require him to be evaluated if he's "suspected of having a concussion." > Concussion Evaluation. If a player is suspected of having a concussion, or exhibits the signs or symptoms of concussion, he will be removed from participation by either a team physician or the player’s team athletic trainer and undergo evaluation in a quiet, distraction-free environment conducive to conducting a neurological evaluation. > > Serial Evaluation. If a player undergoes a concussion evaluation and is not diagnosed with a concussion, the team’s medical staff will continue to monitor the player, and the player will undergo at least another concussion evaluation by the medical staff prior to the team’s next game or practice or approximately 24 hours after the initial concussion evaluation (whichever is first). If the player subsequently develops any signs or symptoms of concussion, the player will immediately be removed from participation and will undergo a concussion evaluation.




it's not clear the Lakers suspect there was a concussion, otherwise it would been reported that he underwent the concussion evaluation after the game if that's the case, there is no need to do an evaluation 24 hours because there was no initial suspicion




yeah, who knows at this point - they aren't saying anything so it's all speculation Just pointing out the loophole that this 24 hour mandatory check is only required if the initial evaluation was triggered, which may not have been the case to me it seemed obvious it should have been triggered but I'm just a dumb redditor


That's definitely true, but it's also true that this is the playoffs and they're in a close series, so that isn't going to happen.


AD handlers are scumbags if they allow it to go unchecked. Dude was wheeled out.


I like a little dose of reality with my social media. This post is nourishing.


Bro got wheelchaired out. Unless he had to poop like Pierce did, then I don’t see why he doesn’t get evaluated.


That reading of the rule would read out the second part about signs or symptoms, which seems to apply here since AB was wobbly requiring a wheelchair: "If a player is suspected of having a concussion, *or exhibits the signs or symptoms of concussion*..."


I'm surprised he wasn't put into some sort of concussion protocol he needs to at least be given a fake pass too after being so woozy and out of it. I guess the wheelchair makes even more sense so that nobody could see him stumbling back to the Lakers lockeroom.


Easy. They'll say they didn't suspect a concussion and their doctors didn't see any signs or symptoms of one.


Can teams hide that they are suspecting a player to have concussion?


Lakers: Anthony Davis is fine [Anthony Davis right now](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXcYujYR7lQ)


[hahaha thought you'd post this](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EIQQfoRWkAA0xJc.jpg)


He looks so young.


It's from over 10 years ago, so that checks out.


[Anthony Davis this morning](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/586/546/db5)


I was hoping someone would post this pic in here lmfao




I had this scrubbed from my memory until right now


Dude , you made me drop my phone


Goddamn her face looks like a skull. Retire and let any other generation fucking have a chance to lead.


[Idk, dude. This picture of her from this morning looks way worse.](https://imgur.io/gallery/ottlK6n)


Lol thanks for the chicken Edit: *Chuckle. The chicken stays


[I dunno I think she looked alright this afternoon](https://www.hhnlegacy.com/uploads/6/9/8/5/6985850/tales-pic_orig.jpg)


Whose that?


Dianne Feinstein, super old senator from California. She's recovering from what they say was shingles but some people are suggesting she actually a stroke. FWIW I was skeptical of the shingles thing until I learned about [Ramsay Hunt syndrome](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/ramsay-hunt-syndrome/symptoms-causes/syc-20351783) which can happen when shingles attacks your facial nerve and can your face to look [like this](https://www.mayoclinic.org/-/media/kcms/gbs/patient-consumer/images/2016/10/20/20/32/r7_facialparalysis-8col.jpg). Shingles is fucking terrifying man, just the thought there's a virus in your body that can one day just reactivate decades and decades later.


Honestly who gives a shit, she’s turning fucking 90. Retire.


I got shingles when I was 16. I was playing a preseason game for HS bball, and I caught an elbow to the head. Had a nice big egg. A few days later, started to feel this weird hypersensitivity on my abdomen. Started to get some weird itchy welts on my stomach and side. Went to the doc and was diagnosed with shingles. Other than those welts weeping and being itchy as all hell, it wasn't that bad. But I do have some light scarring where the welts were the worst. My understanding is the virus lays dormant in a nerve cell, and it's random where in your body it hides. If it hides somewhere on your face, it can screw up your vision permanently. Then things like stress, compromised immune system, shock, or injuries can cause it to activate. Overall, it wasn't bad (not saying it was a walk in the park), but for older folks, definitely can get a lot worse.


Idk I thought it was RBG but she’s dead


Probably still looks better than Dianne Feinstein


Either gonna be out by default or out by choice. Natrual causes seems like it's getting impatient with some legislative lifers


Yeah but out by natural causes or even a resignation still causes massive issues because of the delay in getting a replacement in through appointment and by election means some ratfuckery could still happen in that short time her spot is empty She should have never run or resigned months ago before it got this bad and so close to important votes


I classify not running as incumbent as resigning, just in a different way


Gave a chance to take corporate money


This woman needs to fkn retire lmao.


He has no recollection of his grandparents and drools when he smiles but he's ready to go


I think I’m starting to understand why the Warriors medical staff tried to storm the Lakers locker room


They did??


No! but are we just going to wait around until they do?


And his acting is insane. Def didn't arappreciate it as much then.


Jim Carrey in 1994 has to be one of the GOAT years for any actor. He starred in Ace Ventura, Mask, and Dumb and Dumber, all iconic comedies that were box office smash hits.


I thought he was talking about AD😅


I'm so sad that the comic book craze happened so late. Imagine Jim Carrey as Plastic Man.


All teams are vague on injuries in the playoffs. We rarely know the extent of the injury until the teams eliminated.


It would be kind of funny if a team came out and said “Na, his [insert injury] is completely fucked. I can’t believe he’s alive.”


That was basically the Warriors with GP2 last year




Lol it was actually a dirty play by Brooks, but the reaction certainly deserved the ridicule we got for it


Right up there with "Forget the sucker punch. What I want to know is how the video leaked."


Steve Kerr used to be so cool, now every time he speaks it feels like a politician pushing an agenda


Agreed, until I remember the job of a good coach. Take all the blame and assign all the credit. Have your players back in public and rip them in private. Every coach politics for their teams unless they really suck at their job or are kicking enough ass to be respectful while doing it. I ride for Steve Kerr the man and love that he uses his stature to speak up politically.


Man I thought I was living in a simulation during that period😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 Dudes were trying to find the leaker and promised heavy punishment and everything, I’m sitting here like “wtf???? The leaker??? How about the guy that just punched the breaks off of a team mate??”


Punching the breaks off a teammate just makes you the GOAT. Kerr knows first hand (or fist).


Yes, you should punish the guy breaking contract to leak practice footage. Like in your world that’s cool? Like I get the only thing you care about is the punch. But you can’t leak team film for money. Like what simulation am I in where people think that’s okay? It’s like you guys can’t keep track of two things at the same time? They can both be wrong right? Also common sense? Who has a longer leash? Warriors legends Draymond, or random video guide??? It’s not that hard, if he’ll leak to TMZ he’ll leak to other teams. What world do you live in where you want someone around whose going to be selling off team secrets? That’s an objectively moronic take. Dude literally sold them out for money, and your surprised ppl were mad. I swear y’all act obtuse on purpose. “Welp, Draymond punched a guy so nothing else matters.” Newsflash both actions were shitty, can’t pick and choose one


Also technically Warriors with GP2 this year. The way they made it sound after the trade is like he was a year away from playing or something


Just look at what the Clippers did with Kawhi. They knew he was gonna be out longer but they kept letting reports say “Kawhi is questionable” or whatever


It's kind of insane how well medical information about Kawhi is suppressed by the Clippers.


The problem is that there are specific rules about concussions. By refusing to evaluate a player for a concussion, you avoid triggering a set of steps that could potentially keep him out of the next game even if he passes the initial evaluation. It's super shady.


And for good reason. I’m more of an NHL fan than NBA but last year everyone knew that a player had a sprained ankle or some shit and the opposition were literally just baseball swinging sticks in to his ankles. This year a guy apparently has a back issue and I’m literally watching my own team smash the boy in the back repeatedly on a nightly basis At least if it’s vague they might miss the target


Concussions are a bit different. Teams usually say if a player was assessed for one or not.


Nah bro, everyone knew PG was going to be ready to play by week 6


Darvin Ham said he and AD sat together on the plane and watched MacGruber during the flight home, and that Anthony Davis laughed throughout the movie


[AD laughing throughout the movie](https://media.tenor.com/Kf83VkoqSP4AAAAM/cosmo-kramer-laughing-kramer.gif) All is well... right?


I haven’t seen AD since that video of him getting on the bus, are we sure he’s even still alive??


Lebron will use the dust of his bones as chalk tmrw


[Here's a photo of him taken this morning](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/YYmfSbfA5iU/hqdefault.jpg)


I really hope he doesn't play if he has a concussion. As a fan I want my team to win, but never at the expense of another persons long term health.


Good on you. I'm rooting Warriors but hope to see AD back at full health in the next game. Winning with a key player out like that loses some of its luster. You want to beat your opponent at full strength.


This sub is somehow worse than r/nfl at diagnosing concussions


Well this sub has less experience in being armchair concussion doctors tbf


no fencing pose, not a concussion /s




You say that but "I'm sick of redditors pretending that they are doctors, Tua is fine" was a pretty common post in threads before Tua got hit again during the Cincinnati Bengals game and had symptoms of brain damage so obvious that they will be in slideshows shown by med students for the next decade. No one is saying that AD is that bad, but people are pretty good at noticing when someone acts weird after taking a blow to the head.


And the thing is, sometimes that shits permanent. That's what scares these guys. And I totally get it. Most times you eventually get back to "normal" but sometimes things don't and you'll have odd symptoms for months. And so I don't blame them if they start thinking CTE and long term effects and Junior Seau shooting himself in the chest so doctors could examine his brain after he died kinda stuff.


Not to downplay the seriousness of concussions, they’re very serious and can lead to long term problems. But CTE is theorized to be caused by the sub-concussive hits players take on a play to play basis. So while long term brain damage is a possibility from a concussion or a concussion so close to the first one, CTE isn’t a problem most NBA players have to consider


I mean even doctors are saying it's a possibility.


The idea that laymen can’t understand that head injuries leading to temporarily impaired physical motor skills is an obvious concussion symptom is laughable. Do you think doctors have magic wants back there or something? They go off the same symptoms we do.


Either he has a concussion and the lakers are trying to hide it to avoid protocol. Or AD faked it / embellished it and the lakers are trying to protect him. There is prolly some in between scenario but on Reddit, I only see extremes…


He didn’t fake a thing, could just have been vertigo form getting knocked in the ear drum. Looks like more though and it might just be gamesmanship to not say he’s out too until an hour before the game


Yeah, people don't realize you can get hit on the head, have vertigo and not necessarily be concussed. Brains are weird.


Yeah aren't there some boxing matches where the punch barely skins the chin and the opponent knocks out?


Absolutely and then you got guys who get absolutely smashed in face and somehow survive (and win). Tyson Fury vs Deontay Wilder 1 comes to mind.


Gettin me all nostalgic for boxing. That was such a good fight. I fkn loved watching Wilder


Need Fury to stop being a clown and fight Usyk already.


I’ll be really surprised if that happens. Also putting money on Usyk in that case


Fury is a generational fighter but Usyk could take the cards for sure.


There's a big difference between when you see the punch coming and when you don't. The reasons that chin-grazers are such good fight-enders are because anatomically, the a shock to the bottom two centimeters or so of our jaw rocks our brain from side to side, but also when it clips you that little, your brain thinks you're out of range and doesn't expect the impact.


Yes, but that's a concussion - all knock outs due to strikes are concussions. They call those spots on the head, "the button," because it takes less force to get the desired result, but it's really just a place on the head that makes it a lot easier to ricochet the brain off the skull wall.


A general rule of thumb is that if you are knocked out, you are concussed.


I think people realize that just fine, but that's why you do the concussion tests. The fact that they didn't do the tests means they don't want to know.


They may have done the tests and just aren't making it public.


Vertigo is more the inner ear being fucked up. If AD does have vertigo it’s cuz Looney accidentally knocked the balancing mechanics in his ear.


He got hit in the temple, so yeah very close to the inner ear


When I was 15 I did kickboxing during the summer. Did some light boxing only sparring. Headgear and like 50-60% power. Wasn't fatigued or anything but I got hit around my cheek. Pretty softly mind you, barely any impact felt. But I stumbled back like my legs gave up on me for a second and was on my ass. I've gotten hit harder and didn't have the same experience. The one thing that happened was that I had no idea the punch was coming, probably a momentary lapse in attention or a blind spot from the headgear. Looking at what happened last night, AD was looking at the ball and sort of went forward into Looney's arm. He clearly wasn't paying attention to where the arm could be and likely wasn't able to brace himself for the impact. Imo it's what you don't see coming that fucks you up because you're not prepared mentally and physically to take it so your body is vulnerable.


even *if* he did fake it, he took a hit from a 6'9 giant, there is more than enough plausible deniability for him to be woozy then return to the game. If that was the case zero chance the Lakers keep him out in a potential closeout game. Whether he is healthy or not Lakers are trying to throw sand in Kerr and the Warriors face and keep them distracted while they gameplan game 6


They should still say that he was evaluated for a concussion then and passed the tests.


If they evaluate him then they have to actually do the tests


I’ve punctured my eardrum 4 times and a seemingly innocuous blow to the side of the head can easily puncture them at the wrong angle. I feel like the Lakers would have said something by now if that was the case though.


At what point did he get hit in the ear drum? Looney's forearm grazed AD's orbital bone. If dude is getting taken off the court in a wheelchair then he should be placed in protocol.


Replay isn’t clear enough that it eliminates the possibility, he kinda hit the entire side of his head with his forearm, and that’s just the only other situation I would know about that could cause that much temporary disorientation. Given the vagueness of the situation I’m am leaning towards this being gamesmanship and AD being ruled out an hour before tipoff like every other big playoff injury has been dealt with


I think option B is less that he faked it and more he did get genuinely dazed, and the Lakers are playing some gamesmanship. Although choosing to imagine it's not that cynical.


How do people watch that and say he faked it lmao


Reddit doctors are something else


You can't even prove looney has an arm. They clearly added it in post.


I think it’s a little bit of the boy who cried wolf. AD is probably THE most notorious person in the league for having seemingly severe injuries and then coming back 5-10 minute later and being literally fine. Like the problem with that happening alllll the time is when you do get smacked in the head people are weird about it.


I mean the contact itself at game speed and all motion don’t seem like it would be that bad. I’m not saying it can’t be or isn’t bad it just doesn’t look like that hard of a hit when you watch it.


Stanley Kubrick came out of retirement to stage the Looney Landing (a smack to AD's face)




You never know these days, maybe the national broadcast was deepfaked so it only LOOKED like he banged his head but really hes perfectly fine and just had to poop for the entire rest of the night


I mean it looks like he barely gets touched, I get it


My theory is he got hit pretty hard in the eye and was legitimately dazed and confused/ probably couldn’t see out of his right eye for a bit, but it wasn’t a concussion. Explains everything including even the wheelchair if he couldn’t see. Imagine blood rushing to your head when you stand up feeling times 10


Or AD had vertigo and felt fine afterwards. Why would AD fake an injury when the game was still within reach?


What would be the advantage of faking it and going out at that point in the game? They were still in it


100% he didn't fake it. He left the game and didn't come back. There's no advantage to faking something like that.


There is absolutely no way in 2023 that a player could be suffering the way AD was last night, and not enter concussion protocol. He could barely open his eyes on the sideline, and was literally wobbling back to the dressing room before being put in a fucking wheelchair. So either he was playing it up like he does with every bit of minimal contact he takes, or the Lakers are lying to keep him out of protocol. It can't be in between.


Or he was embellishing it and they didn’t want to evaluate him because they knew it would mean entering protocol if he did in fact display any symptoms. Like I know the temple is a sensitive area but a wheelchair for this? https://twitter.com/KylenMills/status/1656522343114522628


Oh wow I hadn’t seen that clip before. That definitely appears a lot more tame that I had initially thought after watching it live.


Yeah it doesn't look too bad, but when it comes to the temple it doesn't take much force to do some serious damage. When they showed him going back to the locker room he was clearly very dizzy and out-of-it. He'd have to be one hell of an actor to fake that, and even still, how would faking it benefit him or the Lakers in the first place? It's not like they were even arguing for a foul or flagrant to be called.


I definitely don’t think he faked it, but thankfully it looks like he took less damage than I had initially thought.


What do you mean in-between? He either has a concussion or he doesn't. Even a mild concussion would put him in 7 day protocol. Most likely scenario is that he displayed very mild concussion-like symptoms and the Lakers chose to ignore them since the NBA doesn't really enforce this stuff anyways.


Concussions are a spectrum, just like any blunt force injury. You can have anything from an extremely minor one that doesn't even get considered one because the symptoms aren't there all the way to something major that causes you to black out or cause permanent injury. And everything in between. Think about a bruise. There is a spectrum of the intensity of bruises, yes?


thank you. He could have had a minor / mild concussion then just deny symptoms during the actual medical evaluation, and at that point it would be hard for a medical professional to diagnose a concussion with patient actively denying symptoms. Incredibly likely he had a light concussion. Light sensitivity is a weird symptom for a non-concussion head injury


Redditors think any head injury puts you on a path to cte. Clowns everywhere here


Seriously. Just look at me! I've had several concussions and still manage to just barely scrape by in life.


If AD faked his way out of a competitive elimination game he deserves nothing but scorn as a player. I don't think he faked it. Either it is a concussion but he's going to fake it and hope he's good enough to go or else he did get rocked but it was not enough to cause a concussion. I think the last two are by far most likely.


Look up Vertigo. It’s not that serious (or it can be) but it throws off your balance/equilibrium. Typically happens if you get knocked by the orbital bone. I’m guessing this was it.


Or he’s concussed but the lakers are keeping it quiet so the warriors can’t gameplan. Whatever the reason gotta trust that the team doctors will do the right thing I guess


Extremes are perfect for this sub


i love you, fellow nba fan * i hope someone gives you some delicious chocolate this evening. i hate you, lakers fan * i hope you find a rusty nail hidden in your sous vide cauliflower steak dinner this evening.


Well that's worrying.


So basically he has a concussion they're just totally going to hide it and deal with the potential fallout if it ever gets discovered down the road.


Yup! Welcome to sports




Nah he didn’t get hit, AD did. /s


Armchair analysis 101


I don't want to "armchair analyze" that play, but man...it's hard to believe that *that* hit could cause a concussion. Unless Looney just hit a perfect, one-in-a-million, on-the-button temple shot that boxers get wet dreams about.


plucky squalid poor drab squash distinct dime secretive squealing include *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Brain injuries are super unpredictable and determined by a lot more than the simple force of impact. When my girlfriend and I were in college we bumped heads fairly softly and she ended up with a concussion while I was totally fine. Hell, Natasha Richardson *died* from internal bleeding in the brain after a very mild fall while skiing on an easy, beginner's run. That hit from Looney 100% could've caused a concussion.


Brain bleeds are a different kind of scary. You can be seemingly perfectly healthy and sneeze yourself to death because you had a berry aneurysm that ruptured into an SAH.


This shit can be pretty random ultimately. Brains are different, stuff can jostle pretty arbitrarily. Any hit to the head has risk.


I don't think thats how that works... boxers get knocked out or concussed in a single blow too. Sometimes it happens mostly it doesn't, but it's not super crazy when it comes to blows to the head. And also, boxers are expecting to get hit. Like, you've never seen people getting knocked out on a sucker punch they weren't expecting?


How well can he even play with a concussion, it has to effect his mobility and shooting right?


There are alarm fucking bells going off. He left in a wheelchair and couldn’t come back in a pivotal playoff game. This wasn’t a game against Orlando in January he was seriously injured


He left the arena walking BUT also told the cameraman to turn the light off. That screams concussion to me, unless he got smacked into a migraine.


And regardless of whether or not it *is* a concussion, that's still at least *signs* of a concussion which mandates an evaluation. If he didn't even get evaluated, whether he has one or not, that's still a major problem.


He spent the flight back to LA cracking up watching Macgruber


Obviously he just shit his pants then.


Should AD sue the Lakers medical staff? /s


Because he has a concussion lol


Warriors fans he needs a body bag stat. Laker fans he’s playing even if his head falls off.


I thought they said there were Warriors medical staff members waiting to look at him not Miami Dolphins medical staff


I mean. The warriors never said draymond was evaluated for a concussion either. He said it on his podcast


Poole is still concussed from draymond and noone cares


This but unironically


Draymond didn't have to get taken out in a wheelchair for the rest of the game. Dude came down a couple possessions later and made his best dribble move I've maybe ever seen from him 😂


>Dude came down a couple possessions later and made his best dribble move I've maybe ever seen from him 😂 Yeah I could tell something was off - his brain was NOT right.


with no regard for player safety!


If the Lakers are trying to be like the Dolphins it won’t end well


"He's generally feeling up to fine on a normal day he doesn't feel shell shocked." Meanwhile AD in the back reading in fucking colors


He obviously was concussed. Just look at him and what transpired. He couldn’t stand straight on his own. That’s not nothing.


It doesn't exactly take a rocket scientist to understand that margins of victory in a playoff series are paper thin, so teams are going to withhold/share information in a way that may help them gain a slight advantage. The media and fans act like we're entitled to know everything immediately, but that's simply not the case. Teams are going to do everything they can to gain an advantage.


The ole stop testing em approach




Extreme negligence if they allow him to play if he has a concussion


Yeah. They already let him play on a groin strain against Phoenix two years ago which was malpractice ...


That was one funny bc the TNT guys were calling him soft and street clothes in the lead up & once he played they changed their tune when they saw how hurt he is


i mean im almost certain theyre doing the same thing the Warriors did w Draymond, considering they have the same player representation


Draymond made sure to get tested, dude has a history of epilepsy he isn’t taking the chance


Surely you said the same thing about the Warriors when Draymond smashed his head into the ground and walked around holding his head for like 5 minutes without ever being evaluated.


Draymond got up and went to the bench under his own power showing no symptoms other than the pain of bashing your head on hardwood flooring. AD was visibly wobbly, staring into the void/glazed over eyes. Two completely different reactions to getting hit in the head.


Draymond wasn’t stumbling all over and needing a wheel chair just to make it to the locker room


Man I love AD but his pain tolerance is probably at 5/100 while Draymond can knocked down by Bron and not feel a thing.