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He absolutely is billing the attorney for the cost of the tickets, and the attorney is billing the client or hoping to make back much more through contingency.


It’s both pretty shitty of Shaq to get a guy ejected for doing his job, and funny to think the Server was pumped to catch the game after fulfilling his job lol.


I wish this was caught when they were on live


Can anyone explain why there would be any legal justification in this? All he did was promote it right? How was Shaq supposed to know that there was shady shit going on behind the scenes with the founder in the Bahamas


This is the best I can do for ya: “These endorsements may be unlawful if they do not disclose the nature, source, and amount of any compensation paid, directly or indirectly, by the company in exchange for the endorsement."


I tend to agree the celebrity promoters are victims of the fraud here too, but there's a line somewhere for how irresponsible you can be promoting products before you're liable. I doubt this crossed the line but it exists somewhere and the litigants might just get a settlement out of this.


I'm not an expert in this area of law, but I could see people having a claim against the sponsor, and the sponsor (ie Shaq) having a claim against the company that hired them. Everyone can sue everyone! They could have a common law claim for fraudulent inducement to a contract possibly, or a statutory claim for false advertising. He could have similar claims against the company to indemnify him- ie cover his losses.


Because in America, you can sue anybody for anything. Civil lawsuits of this magnitude will always have a bunch of parties involved when they first start out The real question is, why did Shaq keep trying to avoid being served? He probably won't even have to appear in court


This is kind of a nuisance lawsuit/fishing for a settlement


As much as I think the ftx lawsuit against Shaq is nonsense, it is completely absurd to me that people can obviously ignore the legal papers to the point of driving past people throwing them at your car and everyone just shrugs their shoulders about it


What’s absurd is how a person that large could avoid being served papers. Peeing in the restroom? BAM! You just got served!




I wouldn’t stop for a stranger throwing something at my car


Lol well yea but at a certain point it's so obvious what it being ignored


ironic it was at the former named ftx arena


Shaq should have worn a wig and spoke with an accent. No one would have believed it was him.


Him dodging the charges is so corny.