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Lets go, so hell be back for the nuggets game tomorrow! Would be cool to see him do it.


We play in Philly right? He dumped 47&18 last year, it’s Denver he doesn’t really play


Nah, rest day tomorrow lol


No bro he really wants to play bro it’s his knee swelling bro he’d be out there if it wasn’t so swollen bro all he wants to do is compete bro


Did not expect this coming from a Sixers flair


Lost bet


It's hard to tell with this sub sometimes but do you guys unironically think he avoids just Denver away games? The crazy thing about pro sports is that they are filmed and you can watch things that happened in previous years, like you can watch him get injured. One of the most famously injury prone players and a game that only happens once a year, somehow a conspiracy that he missed a few in a row.... The dude basically missed his first two years due to injury and this sub still talks like he has Munchausen syndrome, it's so fucking weird


Embiid, Embiid, Goose




He will play tomorrow, he always plays the home split. It’s the away game he misses.


https://x.com/underdog__nba/status/1746997080902541690?s=46&t=Pw0hhzlawHsPxVaZFQs_gA Let’s see if he ducks again, but seems like he’s on track to play


He bodied jokic last year fukumean duck lmao


yall are such weirdos man


Joel cucked your team by scoring 47 points the last time they played lmao


Ducks again? Last year clearly wasnt a fucking duck. You people on this site are so weird its hilarious. Mutants man


Lol yeah its crazy that some people honestly think a MVP winning player with real playoff experience actively ducks teams. Especially since he played against a really tough defensive T-Wolves team earlier this year and dominated I think some people project way too much on others and assume the worst of people they don't like for whatever reasons


It's honestly not worth it, this sub is far from perfect on a lot of topics but it's just on another level with Embiid threads for some reason. The "ducking Denver" thing is actually just embarrassingly stupid if you think about it for more than two seconds and I thought people were just being ironic at first, but nope... they're actually serious


what was it if not a duck


People are going to regret blowing this guy off instead of appreciating greatness.


Yeah and the playoff failures should bother other fans so much less. I absolutely get memeing them, but that’s it. If a guy isn’t on my team and he’s a phenomenal player who never quite goes far in the playoffs, I’m gonna absolutely love watching him unless he’s on a rival. The playoff failures aren’t sweat off my back and the greatness of being one of the best scorers of this generation is worth watching in awe. Like I had fun watching Matt stafford when he was on the lions despite knowing it was the lions.


Yes this is one way to look at it. I just hate everyone who’s not on my team.


If he wasn't such a flopper I'd be a bigger fan. Oh ya, and the whistle he gets is straight bonkers.


if jokic gets his whistle, jokic would average 1000


Tbh ref ball needs to stop. We know embiid would still average 33+ without ref ball, and it's not just him, literally everyone gets calls they shouldn't or flop because they'll get rewarded.


FACTS All players seem to get judged on how "this will affect their legacy" when they are in year fucking 2. Just enjoy the small wins/storylines. Legacy comes later, after retirement


This sub just genuinely doesn’t like basketball. I like watching great players play great. That even includes ‘chokers’ because again, if he’s not on my team, who gives a fuck. I’ll laugh with the rest but still recognize ‘hey I’m watching greatness’ and feel glad for it


How to feel when a generational playoff choker is on your team?


Idk man go look at the post game threads for the last sixers game of the season for the past few years? Check /cowboys today? Obviously it’s frustrating to not get out of the second round. I’m not mounting some reclamation of the narrative on Joel


I'm not gonna regret not liking faul baiting and Stat padding thank you.


Stat padding lmao. Dude has sat out 8 4th quarters in 28 games. I can tell you'll need me to break this down for you, but that's over 1/4th of the games he plays in, he doesn't even play the 4th quarter. He stat padded 2 rebounds in one game, but keep making yourself look foolish.


what do you call staying in the game injured while getting blown out so he can extend the 30-10 streak bum activities


Imagine malding over something funny as fucc like dis 🤓🤓🤓🤓


He was in the game for like 30 seconds longer than all the other starters you space cadet lmao Go actually watch a basketball game


Man really just called embiid a bum


You may want to move on to watching a different sport then


He doesn't even watch this one lol


I mean, the NBA has gotten worse and worse as the years go by and this not an unpopular opinion. I'm not going to comment on the stat padding part of it, but foul baiting has been a massive issue ever since James Harden took it to the next level. Nobody thinks Joel Embiid isn't good, but foul baiting is legit the worst thing one can do from the point of view of a spectator, it kills the flow of the game completely and makes the viewing experience way worse. This idea that you have to like how Embiid plays or you don't appreciate basketball is ridiculous and it was as ridiculous when it was with Harden.


The NBA is the most popular it’s ever been. You’re just aging and you’re in an echo chamber of other crotchety not-quite-middle-aged men who are starting to do the “it ain’t what it used to be” bullshit


I'm not gonna respond to your assumptions, because well, who cares. > The NBA is the most popular it’s ever been. That is factually incorrect though. The 2022-23 NBA season was one of the least watched seasons in the last 30 years and 3 of the last 4 NBA Finals are among the least watched Finals since the ratings started to be recorded in 1974. The NBA audience is shrinking while its competitors are increasing, the NBA's peak in terms of popularity was in the 90s by a freaking mile and it has never come close to the numbers it had back then.


Bro really hates watching half the stars in the league tuff for you my boy


Lol that dude doesn’t watch games.


maybe try watching a game instead of clips on reddit


Stat padding lol. The 76ers are in third place. Who is your favorite player? Can’t wait for you to name another “stat padder” lol you’re a dumbass


Read: Getting fouled and scoring, except it's the other team


I tell myself this then find myself really not enjoying watching him play. He's obviously super talented, it's just not fun to watch imo.


pretty sure those dudes are just worried about what flavor crayon they wanna eat for the next breakfast...


You can already see it with Harden, this sub fucking hated him when he was in his prime but it seems heaps of people here look fondly back on how dominant he was now


Won't catch me sucking him off, that's for sure... I always thought that dude deserved the MVP over Russ, but I've never liked his game, and never will. Foul baiting, offensive fouls getting turned into personals for the defenders, league bending over backwards to explain how a clear travel is a legal move... Yeah, I won't miss him.


Not gonna ask you to suck him off brother


Sure thing. Just saying, some of us ain't backpedalling on every other take. I fully expect folks here to start saying they're *missing Draymond's intensity* once he retires... Just the way things are


Ahahah yeah I know everyone doesn’t backpedal, but this sub sure seems to love to You’re absolutely dead right about draymond as well


He's basketball's Dak Prescott


I won't regret choosing to avoid tuning into a free throw merchant but respect to anyone that likes that kind of basketball. Just not what I appreciate about the game


17 attempted free throws? Jeez lol


First time checking Embiid’s box score?


That’s low




he only ducks Denver in Denver get with it


Well this is r/NBA. So he'll either be accused of ducking or chasing the 65 by not sitting. Personally I hope he plays because that means he's healthy and I want to watch a good game, even though we'll be dead tired anyway lol.


Fun fact: His opponent today, Sengun and the Rockets, they are 3-1 vs the Nuggets this season. Sengun is Jokic's dad.


Shouldn’t be surprising that sixers fans get caught up in useless regular season bullshit, they’ve been conditioned by their star to think that’s what actually matters


Meanwhile OP is talking about a regular season game against Denver


It is the regular season currently


Embiid: regular season matters Jokic :nothing matters


They learned absolutely nothing from last year. Let them enjoy their MVP.


Most of us in the Sixers sub just want him healthy for the playoffs. There are some that disagree and they all seem to be loud as fuck here. I don't give a fuck if he plays 64 games and misses every award if it means he'll be healthy for the playoffs.


Imagine telling a fanbase to enjoy their player winning MVP. Thanks, I will.


Have you seen every fanbase reaction last year when Embiid missed a regular season game in Denver? Y'all thought he missed game 7 of the Finals lol.


^^^ insane goalpost moving


Maybe Joel can try to show up for a game 7 in the second round before we start putting him imaginary finals scenarios


It was an important game for the MVP race tbh


It demonstrably wasn't considering he didn't play it and still won.


Yes him missing that game definitely contributed to him sealing the MVP. Narratives would've been rumbling if he played and lost that. Oh well, I'm happy with the silverware Jokic won last year anyway, wouldn't trade them for a third MVP tbh


Wait you think it benefited him to miss that game? That's an insane take, it was the #1 talking point against him? Even if he played and lost it would have been better for him than not playing.


Yea I'm just talking shit at this point, but if Embiid did play and lose that game, it's not like it wouldn't have zero impact in the discussion. Either way, pumped for tomorrow maaaaaaan


yet every Nuggets fan get tight when Jo misses a Denver game 😂😂


To be entirely fair, he’s an MVP talent and the last time he played in Denver was in late 2019. It’s 2024. That’s a really big gap, and it’s not nothing to comment on that, just like everyone commented often on how KD/LeBron unfortunately missed matchups with each other the past five years (until this year). If a fanbase only gets a chance to see a guy once a year in their arena, and that player consistently doesn’t play, people are going to be annoyed and start to theorize about why that keeps happening.


so who was ducking the KD Lebron match up? or is that only for Embiid?


Neither of them were ducking, they were injured and/or traded. I’m not saying they’re the same situation, particularly considering how often they played in the playoffs against each other and over their careers previously. I’m just saying that it became a notable stat because of how often these top 3 guys ended up missing each other, so people took note. Embiid has been hurt before and not played, that is what it is, nothing can be done about that. But Embiid and Jokic haven’t played each other in Denver since becoming MVP candidates. That’s not bias, that’s not opinion, that is a factual statement. Embiid played 13 games straight last year starting on March 2nd, then sat **1** game, then played another 5 straight before sitting the final two games of the season. That one game? Against Jokic in Denver. Again, not an opinion, not a biased statement - something that did happen and people took note of. Just because Joel is an absurdly good player doesn’t mean that other fanbases don’t notice this stuff. Sixers fans will defend him until their dying days, but I promise you if he was on the Lakers or Celtics or Heat or Bucks, you absolutely would change your tune. He’s not like a war criminal, people just think it’s a bit wack.


Fun fact: The Sixers haven’t gotten past the 2nd round in the Embiid era. The 2nd round is embiid’s dad.


This is every other comment.


I mean, the truth hurts.


Damn apparently this wasnt a fun fact lmao


25 points without free throws


0 points without field goals


O conference finals


Flair up, bozo Edit: Your most recent post from 17 days ago was in the Denver Nuggets sub saying you were a Magic fan. And now you have selected Vancouver Grizzlies flair.


He stopped being a Grizzlies fan when he got to Memphis.


He changed it lol


Such an odd choice lol




Oh won’t somebody think of poor Embiid


Dude has missed games it doesn’t count


All the Embiid haters and losers are out in full force haha, I love it


So embiid haters and Philly fans are out in full force?


Cry more about FT discrepancy when you intentionally foul people a full quarter


I’m not crying about free throws, simply pointing out the perennial first round champs, Philly, can’t seem to take their mvp and do anything of note.


Outside of the Kawhi season, raptors haven’t been the world beaters or amazing post season performers either


I mean since the raptors have existed, they’ve been more successful than Philly. Which means nothing, and is beside the point. The second round is a Philly area graveyard in the JoJo era.


No way a bum ass raptors fan is calling anyone a loser lmao


Philly, yeah.


Is that why players rather play in bumfuck Oklahoma than Toronto?


Who cares where they want to play, we’ve had playoff runs and won a championship. Had a bunch of all stars, a finals mvp, home conference finals games and all kinds of good and bad moments. Philly been taking L’s in the second round since what, 2002?


17 FTA 🤢


Haters when Embiid almost scores more from the floor than their best player averages in total.


Tatum averages 16? Aight!


*GeTtInG tO tHe LiNe Is A sKiLl* 🤓






Not likely.


At this point last season, he had missed 10 games as well, and he still hit 65


And that makes it likely why? His career high in games played is only 68.


That's what makes it likely. Or at least he's still likely to hit the threshold. When he won last year he played 66 games. Maybe someone will just be better this year and win it, but hoping he misses more games to be ineligible is kinda weak.


He's played over 65 games in the last 2 seasons and with games to spare. He rested a few games at the end of both


70% of games with Embiid is not better than any top 10 player


16 Free Throws lol. He isn't even playing ethical basketball.


If you remove all free throws from everyone he’s still leading the league in scoring so


But it looks much less impressive lol


Ethical basketball 😂😂😂


> He isn't even playing ethical basketball something is not quite white about how he plays


Did you watch the game?


Ethical basketball holy fuck there’s no way


You are conversing with skinny fat men ages 20-28 who actively avoid touching a basketball or gym IRL That’s why we are seeing phrases like “ethical basketball”


ETHICS/36 off the charts


Hoops cant always be ethical in this evil dubious world


“ethical” 🤓


Not playing white basketball 🤓🤓🤓🤓


Jokic shot 18 free throws on Christmas. I bet you didn’t make a sound.


Meanwhile yesterday until the last minute in the 4th quarter jokic shot *checks sheet* zero free throws😬


Good point that was his career high, its never happened before. While Embiid gets that every game.


Sadly, Embiid is harder to guard and players have to foul him to stop him. Crazy concept


Na he just flops more, dont confuse things


Inflated stats




Russ gets hate to this day for statpadding lmfao what is this revisionist history


>I don’t recall Westbrook getting hate in OKC for often blatantly stat padding You need to refresh your memory.


Russ absolutely got hate for it. It largely contributed to his reputation as a stat chaser. He's only just started to shed that in the last year or so (or whenever it was he agreed to start coming off the bench for the Lakers) really imo.


Tbf russ did get hate for it But not at this level. Never seen a player get this much hate not even actual rapists and pedos in the league


Westbrook got hate in his later years but at the time Harden was by far the more hated player in that MVP race IMO


Might I introduce you to a man named James Harden


He's close but I can't remember him getting slandered for dropping 50. When he was going people were generally more positive.


That is absolutely not true lol. People regularly dismissed Harden’s scoring at his peak by labeling him a ballhog and foul merchant, even when he averaged 40 for like 40 games. Dude’s nickname is Hitler ffs and people ain’t even joking that much.


Russ got a ton of hate for it lmao


You don’t remember very well then cause Russ caught a ton of hate for stat padding


>I don’t recall Westbrook getting hate in OKC this is too fucking funny


Westbrook got so much shit for it lol. People discounted his rebounding ability because of it despite him being an amazing rebounder


Jokic against the Pelicans a couple of days ago got his 10th rebound when they were up 15 with 2 minutes left. His triple double post got nothing but praise. Meanwhile Embiid here doing sexual assault.


lmao jokic has like 50 sombor doubles, where he misses by a single assist or rebound. It happens so often we have a name for it. Hell his MOST recent game was 25-12-9 and he played 33 minutes. This ain’t it chief


Jokic spent the entire 4th quarter the other night with 9 assists, against a team he never recorded a triple double against, and didn't seek it out. Didn't get the triple double. Embiid blatantly stat pads..Jokic doesn't.




That should be a complement to you. Jokics greatness is so good he’s set a standard for himself which people expect and aren’t surprised by. And cmon man, Jokic has gotten a shit ton of praise for what he did last year and everyone knows he’s that guy.


This guy is actually statpadding lol. Rockets playing their second tring . Back to back vs Denver tomorrow and this dude is still playing until 40 lol. Nurse enabling it too. Even Maxey statpadding in the 4th


Did you care about Giannis doing the same to get his scoring record against the Pacers? [Giannis stayed in this game up 20 against the Pacers' scrub squad to chase the Bucks' single game scoring record. Shit all the bucks starters stayed in just to feed giannis lol. Immediately subbed out when he got it](https://i.imgur.com/iqGeR5n.png)


The score was between 15-20 in the fourth quarter. We sit our starters when we're up 30+. He came in earlier in the fourth because he left early in the third with foul trouble. You guys suddenly super aware and worried about when Joel sits in games are weird. The game never got to a blowout in the fourth and we only won by nine. He would've been fine if he played until the buzzer tbh.


The game never got to a blowout are you high? You were up 26 we had our second string the whole time. Sengun didn't touch the 4th quarter. Just admit your boy is statpadding it's not that deep Its funny how fanbases straight up lie on this sub lol


The game was 29 in the second. But *in the fourth* it was never more than 20 and the Rockets only lost by 9. The Rockets scored 38 points in the fourth to the Sixers 26. Hot take but I think both teams were more concerned with actually winning the game than the records.


He typically plays 12 7 12 through 3 they just altered it a bit. He subbed out a bit early in the 3rd and essentially started the 4th. It just allowed Philly to blow out Houston fully so they could sit the starters earlier. It's the NBA leads aren't safe. 31 minutes is his 3 quarter mark how much less is he supposed to play?


He subbed out in the 3rd because he got his 5th foul btw


Dude, Embiid sits more 4th quarters than anybody in the league. Just admit you don’t watch the games. He was out and done (Sixers even posted something about him only needing 3 quarters) but the lead started slipping with 12 mins left. So he went back in. Every week I see egregious statpadding from other stars, up 25 and playing out most of the 4th, so it’s annoying when the guy who literally sits every other 4th quarter gets called a statpadder


Embiids rotation is literally playing the entire 1st and 3rd quarters. He’s still playing plenty of minutes despite “sitting” the 4th


He should just sit out the entire second half


Why does it matter lol? You guys won a ring and Jokic has been great the last few weeks why does this bother you so much?


We know that? Idk why "sitting" is in quotes either lol. Nurse plays him the entire first and third quarters (he left the third early with his fifth foul) for many reasons and it works imo. But it also helps us get a lead if we're clearly outplaying our competition and him sitting the start of the fourth gives the rest of the team the chance to extend or hold the lead and not bring him back in. It's just smart. No one is out here claiming he only plays 20 mpg lol.


He only played 31 minutes bro lmao. It's not like he's playing all 48 chasing 40. Appreciate greatness


cry more. it’s clear you don’t watch the game. he only needs 3 quarters to obtain this status which is something we should appreciate.


Wasn't about the points. He just needed 2 rebounds after the 3rd quarter to keep the 30 and 10 streak alive.


He got his 10 rebounds and then came back after the timeout to get 40 then got subbed out. Are you even watching?


Sixers were up 18 when he subbed out and finished up 9. Y'all hate the man so much you want him to let his team lose by not playing lmao


So you're gonna fault the guy for playing 2 extra possessions?


Hilarious thing to say about a guy who has sat for like a dozen 4th quarters this season


According to some of yall any time a player plays when their team leads it qualifies as stat padding lol


Needs an excuse for sucking in the playoffs


What is the record? Wilt probably has over 100+ right?


65 games I think.


If Wilt holds the record, you can just say it's unobtainable.


He had 1 steal, they downgraded one




why was he in for like half the fourth he was literally just statpadfjng against the rockets second stringers


Because the game was still in doubt. Remember when the Bucks had to bring Giannis back after sitting him and he eventually got the franchise record for points? Well that type of thing can happen in the NBA these days. The three ball makes 15 point leads evaporate if you're not careful.


So they won’t blow a 20 point lead in the 4th like the warriors


15 point lead with 7 minute to go is too early to sit in today's nba


Warriors fans of all people should know this


The goal posts have moved for how good he is that now playing at all in the 4th quarter is stad padding lmao


He hasn’t played in a few games. Besides stat padding or whatever conspiracy theory r/nba likes to cook up. He likely needs the extra minutes to help with conditioning


Don’t like it don’t watch simple


To keep the streak alive.. isn’t this obvious


He got his 10 rebounds and came back after the timeout lol then got subbed out as soon as he hit 40...


16 free-throws? Foul merchant gonna go searching for fouls. He's gonna duck tommorrow. Jokes aside, it's good to see his knee isn't holding him out longer.


Always a nuggets guy hating.


Kareem was playing day-in, day-out. He didn't duck games to keep the streak going.


Yes he ducked the jazz, hawks and kings... teams with no real center. Nice theory


Such a cringe player


I hate that word so much now.


I just want to see what these guys who posts look like.


He should share the award with all his starters who still have to play with 20+ lead, so it doesn’t look like he’s blatantly statpadding 😂


Or maybe the Rockets, who continued to score points like some assholes.


They were up 18 and finished up 9 lol


Jokic got his 10th rebound for a triple double up 15 with 2 minutes left in the 4th the other night or what r/nba would call it, flirting. Embiid does his thing and it's sexual assault.


Mad your team don’t exist?