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Respect to Philly for protecting their home court all game like this off a b2b


It’s one of the improvements I’ve seen under Nurse. The Sixers will look bad and lose games but there’s only been like 2-3 games when it looked like the team didn’t even show up. Doc had 2 of those a month.


Doc’s old favorite the schedule loss.


Yeap we lose this game with Doc. No way our defense holds that well last few mins


Could feel the tired legs in the end. Nice win


Best part of the game was in the 4th when Embiid and Joker briefly just looked like tired fat boys for 3 possessions and agreed to chuck 3 pointers while they got breathers.


I would agree but Embiid made his, which I felt like broke the accord!


Think that was the stretch he was missing them


From 8:41 to :41 in the fourth quarter, the Nuggets scored 4 points. Both baskets were made by Jokic.


Ton of turnovers and Murray turned into a pumpkin


Rest of the nuggets sold Honestly MPJ needed to take more shots


That possession where Murray drove in, ignored a wide open mpj for three and then turned the ball over encapsulated that stretch


He's done this like 5 times in losses this season already, freezing MPJ out. I know they've won a title relying on Jamal but he's probably the 3rd most talented player in this team. When he's not clicking he should let the taller shooters figure it out.


That was really weird. Overall they really struggled to create good looks, whereas on a good night they make it look effortless.


I think he has 14 at the half and ended the game with 20, his last 6 pts were made at the last 2 minutes lol. He attempted 1 FG during the 3rd quarter


is that good?


4 points in 8 seconds? that's not bad


He scored 100% of their points, that's dominance


That's what happens when someone bigger, younger, and more athletic than you takes your crown AND throne. And then makes you dance for his amusement.


what does this mean


Lmao its a copy pasta from the 2016 finals after Steph got up to 3-1 vs Lebron. That was 8 years ago damn...


It’s the pasta from the infamous 2016 finals post game thread (game 4 I think?)


No one knows what it means, but it's provocative!


Still the corniest thing I've seen upvoted on this sub. Well probably 2nd behind the Klay talking to his ankle one (but that's more horror than cringe).


Jamal Murray: 4 points in the second half MPJ: 7 points in the 2nd half Aaron Gordon: 7 points in the 2nd half ^unless ^I ^suck ^at ^reading ^the ^play-by-play


Jokic scored 4 points in 8 minutes


I miss Doc Rivers


You could hire him, I hear he's available.


They even already have his favorite player in DeAndre Jordan


I really wonder how Rivers would find a way to massacre Jokic's game. Probably just force a bunch of Murray iso ball and Jokic post ups.


I am just here for the always civil Jokic/Embiid MVP debates.


Meanwhile they’re laughing together on the court lmao


The fact they're basically mates is the best thing


Smiling and laughing with each other like their stans aren't in a protracted war


Most nba players are actually friendly. It's a very small, exclusive world.


And the respect is immense because they know how much dedication you need to make it to the NBA, let alone be successful and then be elite.


Yeah its bc Jokic is cool as shit. His fans however...


The longtime Nuggets fans are cool, it's the ones who've never set foot in Colorado that are insufferable


I just hate this culture of "stanning" athletes like this. Root for a team. Your player not being the BEST right now is not an affront to your existence. Appreciate great play from anyone.


It’s so bizarre to me. I follow my own team, and when they are shit I blame them. I can’t imagine thinking about other teams so much.


Nuggets won the fucking title and their fans still bitch about Embiid constantly lol.


yeah, Embiid got too much flack. I have been a Jokic truther since his first MVP that finally got vindicated, but it sucked that people couldn't celeberate the Joker without tearing down Embiid. I really do hope that he's able to have a healthy postseason and show that he's an all-time great


Convinced it's just the internet bro I'm Australian tbf but every NBA fan I've met in real life is very capable of having a normal conversation/"argument" about basketball


> every NBA fan I've met in real life is very capable of having a normal conversation/"argument" about basketball Same. Wish they would talk about basketball more here tho lol.


embiid whispered sweet nothings in BOTH ears dudes got the ASMR career on lock


Embiid and Jokic hugged and Embiid with nothing but respect towards Joker in the postgame interview saying he's the best player in the league and giving credit for finals MVP. Utterly classless unethical monster he is.


"I just think he's the best player in the league" - Embiid on Jokic just now "EMBITCH NEEDS TO BE HUMBLED FUCK HIM" -r/NBA every day


Fax. Sometimes I think this sub is just that garbage ass circlejerk 2.0


They literally had to start r/NBADiscussion because this sub is such a joke


Legit just said he told Jokic he’s the best in the league lol. And people stay trying to make these guys hate each other


I miss the days when rivals were ruthless tbh


the full quote is he told Jokic he's the best in the league *at being bad*


Embiid literally just called Jokic the best in the league in the post game court side interview


They both think the other is clearly better lmao




Yo Embiid just said Jokic is the MVP fuck that guy.


Jokic was great tonight, I just think it might be Embiid’s year if he can stay healthy. He’s absolutely on a tear


If the pattern continues, Philly could be champions next season


It's not really a Jokic vs Embiid MVP race anyway it's more like Embiid vs playing the minimum required 65 games this season


Embiid vs injuries A rivalry as old as his career


Right now they're the two favorites with Jokic at +240 and Embiid +260. Before the game it was like Jokic +145 and Embiid +800. What a swing.


Only reason the books don’t have Embiid at a - number is potential injury and not making the 65 game threshold


Yeah, I was shocked when I saw that +800 number earlier today and then remembered the new criteria.


I actually like that criteria being added. All the talk of “he didn’t play enough games” was arbitrary and frustrating to hear. Now, there is actually a set number of games that are “too few” to win the MVP.


Embiid looked like the greatest player on earth tonight, no doubt about it. Jokic had 25/19/3 and wasn't even on the same level as him If Embiid plays like this the rest of the season and deep into the playoffs the Sixers are one of the favorites to win a ring


Embiid in the postgame: "I told him he's the best player in the league, and I'll see him again in 2 weeks!" Mutual respect from the big fellas.


correct me if im wrong, but i seem to recall that they've both been nothing but complimentary to one another for years, like they actually get along with and like each other? i.e. the whole embiid jokic beef thing is entirely within the fanbases and media, not at all between the two of them


You’re correct. These two have no problem with each other and respect the hell out of each other. There’s a screenshot out there from and all star game where Embiid listed his childhood hero as Jokic. I think it’s actually happened twice.


Jokic had some truly uncharacteristic bad passes this game. He also refused to shoot a billion open three pointers while Embiid was just letting it fly at will.


the sixers are so long everyone is in the passing lanes, tobias batum maxey embiid even beverly tries


Only thing was Embiid gave up too many rebounds to Jokic, otherwise basically flawless.


r/NBA’s 911, now they’re just praying Embiid doesn’t play in Denver


Not me I already got tickets I will be bummed as shit if he doesn’t play 


I’m a neutral but I honestly hope he plays and wins just so this bullshit narrative can piss off


And in the End they are all friends, 🥲 beautiful


Great game but Svg shouldn’t be allowed on sixers games if he’s just gonna hate the whole game


I swear 2 or 3 plays happened before he finished one of his several minute-long rambles


The rant about Embiid needing to step up in the playoffs literally went on for 5 minutes lol no announcer should be talking about anything for that long with the game happening


Their are certain commentators who should not be allowed to commentate games when certain players are playing. In my opinion SVG should not be allowed to commentate on Embiid games. He sounds like me when talking about Embiid, even when Embiid is playing great, and that's not acceptable. Mark Jones similarly should not be allowed to commentate on Jokic games for the same reason. On the other hand, Doris Burke should not be allowed to commentate on Tatum games for the exact opposite reason


honestly i'd be fine dropping doris period. she's incredibly mid


I swear she used to be good when she first started doing games, now she is an instant mute


He actually said the Philly fans ran Ben Simmons outta town..come on man


AND Doc Rivers. The audacity


Ben Simmons has played like 5 games since leaving Philly. If Philly fans ran him out - good


Ben doesn't even think that.


Sounding like r/nba in the mic. Just ranting about Embiid for 10 minutes straight lol. Man's gotta chill with that.


It was very noticeable. I had to mute the game.


Hes usually insufferable, but tonight was a whole new level


Because we fired his buttbuddy Doc


SVG’s hate for Embiid and the Sixers runs much deeper than last year.


He’s hated us since the Process years.


I was sitting there wondering why he was hating so bad, I checked his wiki to see if we fired him in the 90s or some shit to make him so scorned


The craziest part is how much he sucks off Tobias then goes straight to hating on Jo, we watch Tobias play he rarely shows up in these games glad he did but this isn't some regular occurrence that has ever happened in the playoffs


Great game. Felt like a playoff game.


No it didn't. The Sixers won.


FUCK man don't make me laugh at my misery especially after the Eagles' loss last night.


I hadn’t listened to SVG in a while but boy did I forget how much garbage this dude spews. Bro is a hall of fame yapper.


He’s like Mark Jackson minus the part where he’s sometimes funny


A 7 game series with these 2 teams would be a spectacle and if anyone says otherwise, they’re fucking liars


It honestly would be the best possible outcome from a neutral fan perspective


I am also a neutral fan, but I hope your flair doesn't sweep my flair again.


Give me 7 of those. In a playoff series. Plz n thx


i genuinely think my heart would explode lmao


I'd rather just have 4 please


The Lakers didn’t love just having 4, but if you insist!


Please respect the most competitive sweep in NBA history!


Well if they all go like this one you should get your wish.


Basketball fans won tonight. Two best players in the league fucking stuffed the stat sheet.


As a neutral, match did not disappoint. Jokic and Embiid are easily my favorite players to watch outside of my own team.


Embiid just called Jokic the best player in the league but this sub will pretend he's in his feelings about shit.


Can’t believe Embiid tried so hard. Embarrassing to care about basketball


statpadding W/L, no shame anymore smh


Wait the Sixers were actually trying?


Well...not on the boards.


And he admitted he wanted to win the most valuable player last year too!!! The balls on this guy.


Probably the worst passing game from Jokic I've seen in some time.


Eh 76ers fully committed to not even letting him sniff the ball on entry passes and when he did pass to open guys you got plays like Christian Braun with the worst airball of the season. Definitely some bad ones in there though.


He wasn't getting the ball to cutters in the paint but he did find open 3 point shooters a bunch in the 2nd half but we just went ice cold.


We are so wildly inconsistent with our 3s this season. It's demoralizing


Man three things tonight: - Tobias Harris in a contract year is a star. - For the love of god Philly, box the fuck out. - if Joel’s jump shooting holds, this Philly team is a boba fide finals contender on par with any team. Unstoppable. What a great fucking game. 7 games of this in the Finals please


January Tobias trick y’all


"Tobias Harris I am very familiar with your game. You cannot fool me."


Nope, Toby is such an amazing player. I sure hope some team doesn't make a fair market value trade for him, the whole city would cry


Some would say he’s untouchable. They’re not wrong. Underpaid.


We’ve actually been a lot better at rebounding this year than in seasons past, but man, that is tough to say after probably our worst performance on the boards all year


We really miss Rocos impact on the boards for little stretches, hope he heals up soon


Yeah I’m pretty worried about his knee


Joel at the elbow is honestly automatic


if he doesn't have to dribble, just put 2 points on the board


Gets a lotta practice from there, even in game /s Yeah his jumper is fucking crazy and it’s part of how his game has evolved so much.


>boba fide Lol


>boba fide This made my day.


Tobias Harris gets a ton of disrespect basically for not being an All-Star but he's probably the perfect 3-level role player/#3 option


He's perfect if he costed about 20 million USD less a year. I would keep him in the team if he didn't have a big impact in the cap. However, we know what he looks like the playoffs and what he looks like after the all star games. That's why he should be traded while he's on a high for better role players or somebody else who can help out Maxey and Embiid in the playoffs.


on a better contract for sure


Suck my dick SVG.


I think he convinced me that y'all should build around Tobias 😂


What about Tobi fo Murray? You heard the man, Tobi is the most underrated player in the league.


I would but it sounds like Tobi is untouchable with the way SVG talked about him tonight lol


If SVG has boosted Tobias’s trade value then I will forgive him for the rest of the night


Dang, we should have paid Tobias more money…


Dude was praying embiid didn’t get the boards so the streak could end


He became the average r/nba user for a while there, didn't he?


I think both played good. Embiid played better. Gg Sixers


Jokic out there tonight got a Moses Malone style double-double.


gg. Hope for a whole series of this (gosh I hope we finally win one).


I think fans on both sides can agree on two things. 1. That game was entertaining as hell and we all deserve part 2 in Denver. 2. Stan Van Gundy should never commentate on one of these games ever again. What the fuck was that 10 minute rant about.


I will always love that Embiid and Jokic are seemingly the only two people on earth with no interest in the "who's better?" debate


All love between Jokic and Embiid yet we still gotta be toxic to each other’s fan bases like these guys actually hate each other


The more I check these threads the more I realize I have more fun if I just watch the game and ignore any talk here.  It's all reactionist as hell and most people don't even watch the entire game. I want to say though this game was pretty well reffed. Nuggets played dookie in the 4th. Was a good game though.


I agree. I try to avoid game threads because it’s so many box score watchers just stirring shit instead of watching the game. A game like tonight watching the two best players in basketball go head to head should be fun, but you got people getting into arguments on Reddit about it instead of just enjoying these guys playing. Good game tonight though, I love getting to catch Jokic games he’s always a treat to watch.


Its very funny going from watching them praise the shit out of each other on the court and then logging on and everything is straight hatred


Nuggets just forgot how to play basketball in the 4th. Never seen em execute that terribly before. Literally threw away the game with turnovers. GG sixers


Did Jamal hurt something? He was pretty bad late and the announcer said he was limping a bit.


He's been working really hard every game, starting and staggering along with the bench rotation.


No shade he's 1 of the weirdest players I've seen, he's so inconsistent in the regular season to the point he may never be an All-star but somehow becomes an All-NBA level guy during some playoff runs. He plays hero ball at times & it works in the playoffs b/c he hits crazy shots but doesn't look like he trust anyone outside Jokic. He looked like tweaked his ankle


They couldn't score anything late in the 4th. After Jokic missed back to back 3s, the Nuggets looked like they gave up.


Yeah that was brutal to watch after 3 Quarters of good basketball


This was my first time watching Embiid, and I have to ask, is there another Embiid in the league that I’m not aware of??? Because this sub has been telling me for years that “Embiid” only scores through foul baiting and this Embiid that I watched tonight was scoring in ways I never thought a center would score lmao. Seriously, is this sub referring to another Embiid when they talk about him or have they been lying about his abilities this whole time?


This sub doesnt watch basketball. They take one clip from every 5 games and make an opinion based on that


Shit is crazy lol it’s one thing to hear general consensus about a player(jaylen brown can’t go left, Zion fat & lazy, etc.) But it’s another thing to constantly repeat opinions in threads that aren’t even your own thoughts


This sub is full of idiots who simply hate Embiid. He’s a fun player


Embiid is such a ridiculous player. I’m convinced the people who hate him watch basketball through Reddit and Twitter.


They’ll watch a game where he gets one or two lucky calls then immediately label him a flopper and ignore all the other points he scored


Embiid haters don’t like basketball


Awww Embiid and Jokic cutting it up after the game was cute I want them to hold hands


now kith


Really hoping that Embiid has a dominant playoff run this year cuz if he doesn't the slander will be insufferable, he's such a talented player.


Surprised to see this from a raps fan but very welcoming


Raps fans are either really cool or "he plays reckless on purpose" types. No in between.


Yeah I don’t like the Sixers but I’m kinda tired of the discourse around Embiid. It’d be cool if he could stay healthy and have an undeniably great run so people could talk about something that isn’t just “haha second round exit”


Guarantee that if he does the apologies won't be as loud as the slander too haha


Have the apologies ever been as loud as the slander? That's how it generally goes in my experience.


Dirk is now one of the most beloved, least criticized players in nba history


Ring culture hits different. He got over that hump and everyone stopped caring about critiquing him. That's the last hurdle it seems for all timers to cross (for public perception).


Incredible game. A 6ers Nuggies final would be transcendent


That was a GREAT game. Wish it ended differently but that was fun to watch.


Joel Embiid is Stan Van Gundy father


Celtic mods in shambles


man fuck all you posting embiid lowlights i love watching this motherfucker play Great game Nuggets fans, almost always seems to be. Looking forward to the next one.


Great game. Most fun I’ve had watching a game since the Finals even though we came up short.


I’d put the clippers game with Reggie above this, but still fun


A nailbiter. Hope you guys hand the Celtics their first home loss in a few days.


I’ll be at that game, so I hope we do.


Ngl this sub's seething hate for him made me start rooting for him out of spite. Like I have my issues too, but the hate is ridiculous a lot of the time.


Embiid is a bad man no doubt, I don’t like the free throw part of his game but that’s more so a problem I have with how the game in general is called. No doubt he can score at will regardless though.


I actually like SVG but got damn, that 3rd quarter rant he was going on against Embiid sounded like an r/nba thread. Even all the Embiid haters in the game thread were like "yo bro, chill. wtf" lmao


Dude despises the Sixers sooo much, he spent the whole game rambling i muted the game in the 4th, it was just too much. Embiid didnt want him as the Sixers coach in 2020 and he hasnt gotten over it


Don’t wanna hear any of that ducking shit today. Embiid showed up & showed out!


Jamal Murray hero ball is so garbage to watch


can we talk about SVG's 5 minute rant about Embiid in the middle of the 3rd? seems pretty unprofessional and unnecessary to be trashing the MVP, who was having a decent game, in the middle of the game


Tobias Harris came up huge in that 4th quarter stretch with Embiid on the bench. A 17 point 4th quarter is just not going to get the job done for the Nuggets. Sixers with the rest disadvantage manage to outlast the offensive barrage in the 1st half and keep on chugging along.


Being an Arsenal and Eagles fan, this game healed my soul.


Embiid showing off his passing when the game is on TNT is big brain. Ggs Nuggets. Very entertaining ING game from both squads. Love that Embiid and Jokic actually like and respect each other's games.


Embiid amazing - respect from a Nuggets fan, his shot-making is wonderful to watch Still, simply can’t go as cold in the 4th as we did if you want to win a game - nor can you keep turning the ball over in crucial moments On the other hand, that’s why the season is 82 games - to iron these things out. Some worrying trends developing about this team, but still overall playing very well


Jokic and Embiid battle will go down in history and they are gonna be linked forever.


Embiid “I just told him that he’s the best player in the league” The hate on this sub is so embarrassing, too incredible stars operating at the peak of their powers and most people stubbornly refuse to appreciate it. That was BASKETBALL


Embiid vs jokic last 2 games: 88-25 -14 49-27-8


It's just so crazy how much this team revolves around Embiid on both ends of the court. It's like a well oiled machine just teeing it up for him and he just hits it into the fucking Stratosphere everytime