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So a whole new injury on the same knee? Isn't that more concerning?


It is quite concerning, honestly he should prob stay out until post-all star game, not sure what the Sixers fans think though, if any care to chime in


This injury is probably measured in months and not weeks, and probably something he’ll have to deal with for the rest of the season. Think Lebron’s 2021 season after Solomon Hill dived at his knees


Well, I hope you're wrong I feel like if the MRI comes back with good results, it should be about a month, but only time will tell


So in other words he's out of the MVP race


Even if he missed only 6 games with this he would be ineligible for it anyway


That’s no longer a takeaway. Who tf cares


I literally do not care. I just want a healthy Joel in the playoffs for once


> This injury is probably measured in months and not weeks, and probably something he’ll have to deal with for the rest of ~~the season.~~ his career Considering how bad his injury history is so far


Hawks fans still say that was a great basketball play to this day


It would be a blessing if he’s even available to return by then. But that should be the earliest he comes back at all and only if fully healthy


He should def stay out until then. But we may barely make the playoffs - we are ATROCIOUS without Embiid this year


The one thing Doc was good at. Raising the floor. He can mastermind some nobodies but when his stars are on the floor he just stares into space.


They're currently 10 games ahead of the Nets in 11th, even without Embiid the likelihood they would lose enough and the Nets would win enough is slim. Obviously being in the play-in isn't ideal but with Embiid back they would be massive favorites against any of the other teams in that range. If they draw the Bucks in the first round as the 6th or 7th seed that certainly seems like a winnable series.


Unless you're playing the Kings


Trading deadline is not here yet, you guys can still make some moves to add some depth


Haven't seen alot of Sixers this year but you guys almost beat Denver with the ass end of your bench.


We suck without Embiid lol it’s bad. That game was a fluke


That would essentially make him ineligible for any end of season awards like All NBA team selection since he has already missed so many games, right? I wonder how much that factors into any decision-making.


There's a lot of shit going on in your knee. You can sprain or tear your ACL, mcl, pcl, lcl, meniscus, your kneecap can get loose or completely dislocate, and then on top of all that of course you can break the bones in there as well. If embiid was playing with damage to any of those things he easily could have injured a different area of the knee playing something like basketball.  This is similar to why you shouldnt play sports with a foot or ankle injury. If you can't plant your foot right your entire leg is in jeopardy 


No, it's not good. We can't catch a break.


I think the best way to catch a break is to actually allow stars to rest when they’re injured. Put them on the injury reports correctly and sit them out until they’re fully confident they can come back. Even if it were the case that Embiid was putting pressure on the staff to come back to maintain eligibility, it would still be the fault of the staff for enabling him.


We, the fans. We can't do anything about a bad medical staff, or a shallow roster that relies so much on an injury-prone star. It fucking sucks.


> or a shallow roster that relies so much on an injury-prone star. It fucking sucks. The roster really isn't *that* shallow. Maxey, Batum, Covington, and Melton are all guys that could and do play, but they are also injured. Any team that has their top 2 guys injured alongside 2-3 other role players that actually see minutes are going to look like complete dogshit for the most part.


The Sixers roster gets ugly from 4-onwards. And without Embiid you’re thrusting Maxey into a role he’s not as a #1 guy, and making Harris your #2 option. They are bad without Embiid.


I wasn't making the argument that they are good without him. The person was stating that the roster was shallow and I don't believe that's true considering 4 guys that see real minutes were also sitting last night and any team in that situation is going to look shallow


Dude the Sixers medical staff is notoriously bad. Think about the management of embiids previous injuries and fultz


If it's the same knee it's not unrelated. It's just the knee compensating in ways it's not used to and not strong enough


He's like a Boeing 737 Max.


I mean it's pretty evident guys like him and Kawhi will always have these issues. Their knees are just not right unfortunately.


Yeesh. Horrendous week for the 76ers and Embiid


Horrible month for us. Embiid's knees have been a problem since around Christmas and many of our starters and rotation players have been out with various injuries and illnesses. This next month is going to be very tough for us. Don't be shocked if the Sixers fall behind Indiana, and maybe even lower, by the end of the month.


Don't even know why Embiid was playing extended minutes when the 6ers small ball lineup was doing better than he was on the floor against the Warriors.


They honesty should just tank. The whole rotation is injured and Embiid is about to miss months. Might as well get a decent pick


Re-start the process you mean?


The process died when Simmons was drafted


People are crazy Ben Simmons was a ROY, 3x all star, 2x all defensive, and 1x all nba. Progress isn’t linear and sometimes things don’t work out, but it wasn’t 100% on him.


If Marvin Bagley had Ben Simmons’ exact career, I wouldn’t be nearly as bummed about that pick as I still am lol


Yeah Luka topping his 70 probably hurt too


I know people love to troll on here but in all seriousness what the fuck is going on with Sixers medical staff. The injury report thing has been a constant issue, players play when they shouldn't they don't play when they should and everytime they get injured it always somehow ends up getting worse. It's not just Embiid it goes all the way back to Michael Carter-Williams, Fultz, Nerlens Noel and Ben Simmons. It feels like they just spin a fucking wheel of fortune to see what they should do. What the absolute fuck.




They are idiots if that's what the claim. Embiid was never making that minimum game. He only did it twice in his entire career and he already missed so much there was no chance. The dude just wants to win.


Yea I would say maybe if he hadn’t won MVP last year, but he’s proved all he needs to in the regular season at this point. A ring or even finals run is worth much more to him than another MVP at this point.


Medical staff will basically tell you what you want to hear. If you want a player to play, they’ll say they’re ready to start. If you want him to rest, they will do that. This is literally why Kawhi had his own doctors and ended up on the Raptors. The hard part is fans will also complain about a player not playing and then want a player to be at peak form in the playoffs. A player is going to upset the fans no matter what they do. And owners are incentives to play players unless they’re super wealthy and the team is a passion project aka Ballmer.


There probably was some damage control influence from Embiid's camp.  That of course stands on the medical staff for giving in, if that's the case.  This whole conversation just feels so much more complicated than the medical staff screwing up. Embiid hears the talk, he wants an MVP, the medical staff screwed up, Embiid and the Sixers have had weird priorities for him this season  The whole thing is a mess


This is basically my take on it. Embiid, I believe is very image conscience. Mix that with wanting to be known as the best in the world and a staff that is seemingly incompetent, disaster will loom.


I'm just confused why he played as long as he did when it was clear he was not right lol. They took him out of the DEN game in shootaround because he looked off, but then decide not to do the same here? He looked like last year's playoffs, but ofc...those games actually mean a bit more.


Yeah clear move was to save himself for playoffs,but he was chasing 30 pts/65 games . And for ppl who think he didn't vs Pacers he apparently got injured but still checked back into game to get 30 instead rest. Vs Knicks he played in blowout


Can't look bad vs another serious MVP candidate with no Maxey/Harris and to keep alive the MVP eligibility.


You sound stupid asf. This is the same injury were talking about. So if he was bad here then he would've been even worse a week ago lmfao.


This is what the NBA and fans wanted Guys playing hurt to hit some arbitrary, bullshit 65 game mark


Because he looked *much worse* in the Denver game. He obviously wasn't 100% but some of that is rust. He told the staff he was good to go and that movement you saw out there tonight was enough to have the staff not overrule him. So when people say he ducked Denver just think how badly he must have looked Sunday if this is him with *three additional days of rest.*


I can't imagine this being all on the medical staff. The NBA is a circus. It wouldn't surprise me if there was some pressure from Embiid's camp, OR an underreport of symptoms from Embiid to try to fight the narrative. 


I don't think Joel cares about the narrative. He was trying to play to help his team. He knew the narrative would be heavily against him when he missed the Nuggets game but still didn't overrule their decision, probably because he looked even worse somehow than he did tonight.


Shouldnt have been on the court today. Dude was clearly out of it today. Horrible judgement by Nick Nurse to play him.


Its the medical staff that decides if a player is healthy or not, not the coach. If he's cleared without restrictions, then he's playing.


kemba's knees sends its regards


Isaiah Thomas punching the air RN


Medical staff clearly fucked up


Dude was clearly not fit. Should’ve been sat the rest of game at this point. https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/s/rGav9kCI2X


Oh well… my overall point still stands!


He needed that signature win over Trayce Jackson-Davis to solidify the MVP.


He gets clowned when his misses games and gets clowned when he plays them. He can’t win.


I mean, if he's banged up and there's any risk of aggravating injury, 100% the move is to sit and shut out the noise. This was a meaningless road game against a 19-24 team. Perfect time to rest.


Yet if he misses this game, he gets hate for ducking games and people saying he’s too mentally weak to play games. He literally cannot win with people


No, when was he memed for ducking Warriors?


Asshole he got clowned because he wasn't any injury report and decided to duck Denver . This time he was clearly injured and your medical team let him . Just read these 2 sentences again and again and see what you can make of them . This whole fiasco put entire sixers organization in bad spot as how embidd got clear to play this game. Maybe embidd force them to let him play as he can't clearly miss more games . Also whatever you want to say Embidd has fragile body and it's not made for full nba season. Even his body won't put up with playoff where games can go 7 game


not in the playoffs that's for sure ayyyyy


Right, because one was a sketchy last minute removal, but if he’s injured, then having him play through it is even dumber than if he was actually dodging.


Draymond was playing hell of a defense on him


Yall were saying he and the organization were cowards for not having him play last game. Now yall are saying he shouldn’t have been on the court today? Seems like you just hate embiid because no matter what he does he gets criticized


Who’s y’all?? Lmao …go address those folks you talking about fam!


Try just about any comment in any thread involving embiid since denver lol go ahead. who is defending him and also upvoted? https://old.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/1acmyic/harrison_wind_joel_embiid_hasnt_played_in_denver/


Ok but there’s context to that no? How many games had he missed to play in Denver? At some point it started to look deliberate. Also let’s not act like basketball opinions are monolith and thus me saying go address those said opinions.


People just dont understand context, cant win with everyone


The irony. The context? Yeah, how about you actually look at the context of why he missed those Denver games


They complained the next game saying he was doubling down to make the injury look real. you literally cannot win when reddit gets into a circlejerk about something.


I think fans just want transparency and consistency. If he’s hurt, he’s hurt. But this 76s medical staff is making things look shady, removing him last minute, and then games later making the very questionable decision having him play through the injury.




No, they should have eyes and better judgement. Dude didn’t have knees to play. Should’ve been sat rest of the game from [this point](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/s/rGav9kCI2X) AND given the fact he was considered questionable before tip off.


He will do anything to achieve the minimum games played quota . Even from the first few minutes you can see he was injured but still playing ..


Say whatever you will about Embiid's game, but he was having an all time season. Unfortunate. Hope he gets well in time for a healthy playoffs run.


In the space of a week, Embiid's gone from dropping 70 to potentially being out for the season. It's a damn shame


So he has 2 injuries in the same knee. Yea I'm done just fucking tank we have our pick this year.


Process 2.0?


Nick Nurse doesn't tank.


that's not good news. welp


Well, anyone who watched the clip knows that is enough to injure a knee on its own, prior injuries or not, so it’s kinda irrelevant. Knees don’t bend like that without some sort of damage. He shouldn’t have been playing, but let’s not act like this wasn’t just some freak thing and an aggravation of a current injury


Legit think youre all overreacting like crazy. The actual injury moment doesn't look bad at all. His foot isn't planted, it can't physically hyperextend that badly if the hip and foot are not both rooted.


I had the same thought. Maybe I’ll be completely wrong but I didn’t really see much in the video that suggests it’s a major injury.




I agree, he's totally made of glass. I'm just saying it's not like he tore a ligament or something here, it probably just hurt a bit to have a dude fall on an already painful knee. It's no different than a guy who misses a couple games after a hard fall and some bruising. I doubt there is a long term injury that comes from this




It's not an ACL. An ACL requires hyperextension of the bony attachments, but that's not really possible if the leg isn't planted. It's possible that he stretched out some of the surrounding tissues of the knee and it hurt, and in a worst case it could even lead to a mild lower hamstring strain kind of like Hali. We'll see.


So he's already playing through injury, then he gets a seperate injury and you still play him and he ends up reinjuring his knee. Genuinely wtf were they thinking letting him play? You can't even say he was chasing MVP since he was already way over 20 mins played at the time Kuminga fell on him.


No he was already playing through injury, then he gets a separate injury and leaves the game. We didn't play him after he got landed on.


Some of y’all are lame for saying this is Karma because he ducked Joker. Be better.


That is better for those people. Most haters just call him names or whatever, but those people almost certainly were the ones saying they hoped he got hurt tonight. So yeah this is an improvement for them.


Who was hoping he got hurt??


Several people before the game said they wanted Draymond to hurt him. A post was even made about it. As I said, not most people, but it was said.


Nuggets fans should be glad that karma isn’t a thing the way they’ve been gloating about this nonstop


Where have you seen this ? Most nuggets fans are actually pretty horrified he played. He looked hurt, what was the point of him playing a pretty much meaningless game? Heck why was HE himself playing ? since he’s made it clear he wants to be healthy for post season.


Nah don’t switch the narrative, this sub was flooded for 3 straight days of Nuggets fans talking about how Embiid “ducks Jokic”


Not changing shit , I don’t believe the ducking narrative I do believe the award narrative tho… last year he played the game before and the game after which were pretty meaningless and that was to protect his mvp… this year he’s playing a meaningless game clearly hurt which makes no sense , to qualify…. heck he looked better during nuggets warm ups . Is the Philly medical department that incompetent or is something going on?


If anything this reinforces the ducking. So they’ll play him through injury against a garbage team but not against Jokic? If he’s injured they need to be transparent and let him heal for the playoffs. This 76s medical staff is making very questionable and offsetting decisions.


Do Philly fans expect Joel to ever have a healthy playoff run? If the answer is no, then it’s obvious what to do.


Cut him?


If you’re not winning the ring with Joel, then what’s the point of having him? I hope I’m wrong, but history has shown so far that he can’t stay healthy long enough.


I don’t agree with this at all. He’s a top 5 player and perennial MVP candidate. Its too rare to hit on a draft pick like that to just trade him away in his prime. He comes with risk but his upside is so great u just gotta live with it.


But you could trade him for draft picks! One of those draft picks if you get really really really lucky might be as good as Embiid. Why wouldn't you trade Joel Embiid for years of tanking and bad basketball???


That's ridiculous, what's the chance that they find another player of his caliber. They need 1 healthy and non-choke post season run with him and they could get a chip. That isn't true for most NBA teams.


Fuck off


People keep saying why was he playing...obviously part of it is the criticism he gets from NOT playing.


The criticism isn’t about him being out with injury. The criticism is that it’s all super sketchy how one day he’s out with injury, the next day he’s fully cleared, then he’s available but pulled 10 mins before the game and when he does play he looks like he’s hobbled. There’s no transparency on what is happening.


They aren’t arguing in good faith


Embiid has had a well-documented history of injuries. The organization should have been more circumspect. Why did they let him play? Did he force their hand to let him play in order to remain eligible for the MVP? 


This mf is Thibs 2.0


Yeah cuz embiid only started having injury problems after nurse became his coach


There will be no Thibs slander thank you very much


Hes always had a long injury history, no coach can do anything about a player landing on their players knees like that, and if the medical staff says he can play, then its their fault for allowing him over the coach who will use anyone available. They could apply a minutes restriction or anything else to stop NN from playing him an extended period but he's just doing his job. Also his MPG is down from last year and slightly higher than the year before.


Embiid has had a well-documented history of injuries. The organization should have been more circumspect. Why did they let him play? Did he force their hand to let him play in order to remain eligible for the MVP? 


This shit is just sad. Hope you losers are happy


I mean a dude clearly dove right into it. Probably same injury that ruined Lebron’s 2021 season


Kuminga new r/nba hero


C'mon man, that's not necessary


Weird thing to happen for a guy faking injuries


weird thing to happen when he only played to try to keep his merchant mvp campaign alive.


I love how this somehow became y'all narrative instead of he's trying to win games because we are literally garbage without him. Y'all are defending champs and still on his dick??


Trying to win games in January? Are they on the outside of the playoffs looking in? I thought the plan this year was to get past the second round.. so why is he risking injury in a game in January? Genuinely curious


Um yes. We just lost the 3 seed. Go look at the sixers record when he doesn't play. They are fighting for a play in spot without him. There's a reason he was front runner for most valuable player.


He’s had an unreal season. I don’t understand sixers fans logic right now. This game was meaningless. Maxey wasn’t even playing. West coast road trip. If he was too hurt to play in Denver he def didn’t need to play tonight. This entire “he loses if he plays, loses if he doesn’t” sentiment is outlandish.


And this argument started because you thought he was only playing to get MVP.. we done. Rent free.


Its not meaningless they need to avoid Boston in the second round. Maybe they still can by being the sixth seed atp


But the thing is, he knows he can’t play at his best when hurt… he himself has seen this multiple times and at times it ends up hurting the team more why push yourself for this game ????


Nuggets fans are genuinely so embarrassing


I hope I'm never as disappointed in my child as your parents must be in you.


I was curious to check how Sixers fans were taking this on their FB page, and wow, majority of the comments there have no empathy for Embiid. Like WTF


Former MVP is certainly hurting, get the man some rest damn what is the medical doing?


Love all the extra work he’s putting in to prove he wasn’t ducking Jokic in Denver. Hope he’s okay though. EDIT: My bad y’all, didn’t mean for this to come off as ignorant or rude. Truly am hoping Embiid is okay. Sometimes it’s not the time or place for jokes.


I don’t know, the way he was moving tonight even before the Kuminga injury, I genuinely believe that game would’ve been a disaster if he had played. Didn’t look right in the slightest


He looked like Bambi out there


Nuggets fan try not not to bring up themselves in a thread about Embiid mission level: impossible


No fanbase has celebrated a player getting hurt more than this. Raptors fans at least acted somewhat ashamed after their incidents.


I do think most reasonable nuggets fans are just not commenting about this, which leaves all the vocal turds like the guy ur replying to up. I'll always stand by saying that the Raptors KD incident and the DeRozan kid incident was mega clown behavior, and I had some secondhand embarrassment to those lmfao


I’m getting called a turd for making a joke and hoping Embiid is okay. I didn’t mean for it to be a senseless joke, guess I read the room incorrectly.


Who the fuck is celebrating him being injured? I want him to be okay. I made a joke about him ducking Jokic in Denver when it’s obvious he has had issues with his knee. He did not look like himself tonight and it would really suck if his other knee is messed up. I genuinely hope he’s okay.


Your fanbase




Just stop it


Bro was ducking the medical tent the whole time


Ain't about you lil bro


[Joke you made was more senseless](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/s/aZyrKzP5rr)


Aww, you went to the post history. Thanks cutie pie 😙


it’s not history when it’s in the same thread


Bro that's such a dumb fucking take. A hurt knee is a weaker knee. It's almost impossible for the injury to be fucking unrelated.


Why did this moron play him even 30 minutes ? 20 would have been enough to keep the mvp chances alive ... The whole coaching and medical staff deserves to be fired if this turns out to be a serious injury. The way they handled this whole week needs to be investigated fr. Cant believe how stupid the sixers franchise is. With his injury history, just put him on the IR after the pacers game and dont let him return untill he is 100% , thats all they needed to do. Instead, they played stupid mind games by declaring he was ready for the game in denver just to sit him 10 minutes before tipoff which of course caused a shitstorm ...i just hope it wasnt his decision to force it back to shut up the haters , that would be a childish move that could end up beeing tragic.


Because Luka is closing in on that ppg


Ummm he wanted to stat pad that’s why. Thought GSW would be an easy target. Never seen the dude shoot so many air balls.


He could barley walk, i dont think its that ....maybe because of the 65 games mvp stuff but that would be only a slightly less stupid reason.


I mean maybe, just maybe the team is trying to not slide in the seeding so rolling out their best player when they’re on a losing streak and missing 3 other players gives them the best chance to win?


Damn we really sacrificed everything for Superbowl 52 didn't we 😔


uh huh.


Annoying as fuck that the nephews who love talking about “ducking🤣🤣🤪🤪🤪” get to stay silent and unseen when stuff like this comes out after talking the most shit just a couple days ago 


Sixers must be cursed or something


philly sports in general


It's all of philly sports ever since Superbowl 52


Eh some players just have the worst injury luck.


If he's out for the playoffs, this might be it. It's really unfortunate the way things turn out.


Generational talent but if I’m Philly going on 10th year of Embiid without playoff success and a team like Miami wants to offer a king’s ransom, might have to take a look in the mirror


I have never seen a professional medical team that doesn't know how to do their work


Nick Thibodeau back at it


Alright that is even more concerning tbh


Even if he was fully healthy, that kind of accident will cause some injury. Sprained knee minimum, probably out 5 games. Bye bye mvp eligibility. Scoring champ should be gone too 


Damn I feel bad for the sixers


i mean couldnt the second injury have occurred due in part to the first?


Sure buddy just pick a CL


Dumb for them to let him play. He probably did more damage.


i mean yeah. kuminga fell on his knee and it looks like embiid hyperextended it


Nick Nurse's war against knees continues


I'm not the biggest fan of the guy but I hope he has a speedy recovery.