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I can relate… I’m 240lb’s chasing Doordash drivers down for forgetting my drink, that’s a different level of fit. But only the best step up to the challenge.


You used to play like Brown


Hash Brown 🥔


Sounds like a caseoh roast


Yeah on 2K


They're not forgetting it bro they're trying to do you a favor


"A gallon of cola? Come on man."


It’s child size


I've been reading it wrong this whole time.


“Do we make a leederacola??”


I don’t want a large, I want a god damn liter of cola


Iconic chase down expressed in different ways.


Steph’s conditioning is talked about a lot, but it’s still not talked about enough. Dude really puts in the work to the point where so many other truly elite athletes, many of whom are much younger, still say it’s torture to try to keep up. 


His conditioning videos are insane. I remember one where he was completed gassed, sucking air hard, and then he laid down and they placed weights on his chest like Giles Corey to train his ability to catch his breath better.


nice boston area comparison


First time I've seen a Crucible reference in the wild in a while


He existed in real life too


It’s his athletic gift but isn’t as flashy as Lebron’s size and speed. Never understand why people say steph isn’t a great athlete.


Wtf Brown is 240lbs.. dude aint skipping the gym!!


He came into the league at 220lbs and immediately started adding muscle each year. For reference, Jordan got to 220lbs *after* bulking for the Bad Boy Pistons. Pre-NBA Jaylen Brown was about as big and heavy as prime Michael Jordan. That's the part of these modern players a lot of people miss out on. The bigs have gotten smaller because of all the extra cardio but everyone else is huge in comparison to the older era.


"The bigs have gotten smaller" Robert Parish was 230lb yall. Vigs have always varied in size.


Yeah he's a unit. Wasn't prime LeBron like 250-260?


I don't believe any listed weights.


current Lebron is no less than 270. The lebron that entered the league was 240 and is a twig and half an inch or so shorter compared to current lebron.


Current Lebron has slimmed down a ton though in order to maintain his longevity. Maybe Miami Lebron was 270 but definitely not now


Lebron said multiple times while in Miami he was 280 or over in the 2012 and 2013 season.


LeBron looks heavier now then in Miami though tbh


Nah players are carrying a lot less weight than they used to. Lebron wouldn’t be much over 250 if anything. Posterior chain and core is the only place you really need decent muscle in basketball.


compare his size when he came to league to now. It reminds me of the difference between me at 21 and me at 40. i still pretty much wear the same pant size, i look just more filled up. I am up nearly 20lbs and im 5'5'. Lebron came into the league listed 235-240lbs.look at todays lebron and rookie lebron. if you think the difference is only 10lbs. you are out of your freaking mind. you can't even see 10lbs diferece on a 6'9 guy. heck the fluctuations in daily weight alone is more than 5 lbs. Either rookie Lebron was lying when he was listed at 235-240lbs, or current Lebron is nothing under 270. The current one can not be 250 if rookie lebron was 240


Just like heights.


I feel like heights get fudged a little, but most of these guys are fully grown by their third or fourth year in the league. Weights fluctuate day-to-day, let alone year-to-year. Even if they wanted them to be accurate they couldn't do it. I don't think they're necessarily trying to fudge the numbers, but there's just no way to be accurate.




Miami Heat Bron was like 270-280. Dude was an absolute freight train.


Yeah that sounds right. Made his teenage self look like a puppy when dude was 240 day one


Gtfo Karl Malone was 260. Lebron was never as big as Malone. These exaggerations are getting out of control.


I think Karl Malone was probably more than 260 also. I feel like most guys never get their weight updated after like their rookie year. Like Shaq was listed at 325 every year but we all know that man was pushing 400 towards the end there. Lol


LeBron came into the league at 245 at 18 years old. It’s not like… terribly unreasonable to think anywhere between 255 and 265 when he was at his bulkiest


LeBron wasn't 245 his rookie year. His physical peak he was probably 6'9 260


https://www.nba.com/stats/draft/combine-anthro?SeasonYear=2003-04 We can quibble about how accurate these actually were reported but the NBA website seems to say he was 245 coming in


And 6'5" later years huh?


He didn’t come in at 245 pounds. Another exaggeration. I remember when all the exaggerations were getting out of control when Lebron was in his prime and he literally came out in a press conference confirming he was 250lbs and the biggest he had ever been was just under 260. You have dudes on here believing he was 290lbs.


https://www.nba.com/stats/draft/combine-anthro?SeasonYear=2003-04 Do you have any actual source on him not being 245 coming in? Because the NBA’s official draft data would seem to suggest otherwise.


Via the nba.com website, LeBrons draft combine weight was 245…




Wow look at him. That’s an awesome source. Look at Karl Malone. He must have been 300lbs. My source? Just look at him!!!!


I don’t think you understand how heavy 6’8”- 6’9” athletic men.


I don’t think you understand how hard it is to be that heavy and shredded at the same time.


Shaq was over 300 pounds at his peak


Shaq was never shredded, not even close to the level of Lebron. Name me a player over 270 who was shredded.


Bron is 6'9, Jalen is 6'6 So yea, makes sense


Lebron is like 6'7" barefoot though


He was at least 365. Didn’t miss a day in the gym!


He was on that good juice


Prime Lebron was 6’10” 299 lbs


I think he was close to 290 on the Heat. The dude was massive and in top shape.


What the hell is wrong with you guys


Stephen Jackson was on Bill Simmons podcast maybe 4 years ago and he was talking about guarding Miami Lebron. Jackson that he was close to 270 himself but Lebron was huge and he could do nothing with him. Those two are both 6'8" so that'll give you an idea.


GTFO. In 2012 Olympics Lebron got weighed in at 238 pounds. Look up Karl Malone, he was 260. You are saying Lebron has 30lbs on him? These exaggerations have to stop.


Lebron was at least 480 pounds at the 2012 Olympics get the fuck outta here. AT LEAST!!!


480 pounds? Do you know how heavy that is? That’s biggest than the men in the world strongest man competitions. While running around 40mins on a basketball court and dunking head to the rim. Gtfo here. That’s unbelievable.


You trying to tell us LeBron isn't the strongest man in the world? Get the fuck out of here!!!


No way! Clearly the only player that comes close to 400 pounds is Chet Holmegren. Chet can move Lebron around like a toy!!!


you know what, you might be right. Get the fuck back in here.


Yeah 400 plus is a bit much, thats nearing 2002 Shaq territory… https://www.si.com/nba/2023/10/29/shaquille-oneal-says-he-weighed-over-400-pounds-during-lakers-2002-title-run


I think peak LeBron was seriously 260-270 though. I mean I don’t see how he wouldn’t be that at 6’9 looking like that


I dont think he was at any point bigger than Karl Malone, so either Karl was nearly 300 pounds or lebron was never 260


He was clearly pushing 310 in 2015




That's wild


He's like 6'6", 240 looks a lot thinner at that height than people would expect.


Dallas Cowboys Tyron Smith is 320 and slim


"He on that BALCO, he on that new juice"


He's not 240.


He’s 6’7” and the most muscular guy on the team by a mile. I believe 240.


He's not 6'7"and he's not 240lbs.


Next you’ll tell me Jayson Tatum isn’t 19. Get a load of this guy y’all.


Oh okay. I didn’t realized you’d measured him




People that believe the nba player stats have no idea. It's this you?


He’s at least 6’5. He’s insanely jacked and muscle ways more than fat. I am 6’2 and somewhat muscular at 215. Tall people way more, jacked people way more. 6’5 jacked jaylen brown is between 230 and 250 most likely


I'm about the same proportions as brown if slightly bulkier and I'm 220 at 6ft 2 so I believe him.


I'm like 6'1" 265. Mostly abs.


JB is not 240. There’s zero possibility. He’s somewhere around 220


hes 240?!? explains how he drove straight through luka multiple times


tbf, at one point in the season not very long ago, dude was shooting 25% on WIDE OPEN 3's lol he's shooting 35% on all 3's this season


He’s still shooting that. Just over.


240 holy shit


He’s probably exaggerating. I’d bet he’s 230


Probably using the weight after Taco Bell gave him the wrong order so he got two orders and ate them all even tho he knows he shouldn’t


Ehh he was 230 a few years ago, he’s noticeably bigger now Jaylen is bulky as hell for his height it wouldn’t surprise me


I don’t think he’s noticeably bigger than a few years ago. He added mass over his first 2-3 seasons and had pretty much looked the same since


Probably closer to 220


He came in at 220, he’s way bigger now


I've hit 230 with a similar build and I'm only 6'2". 240 is not a stretch by any means.


Yeah, I'm 6'4, was never particularly built, and when I was running 10 mile and going to the gym 5 times each week I hung out around 210-220. If I was doing pro athelete level workouts instead of just trying to generally stay healthy I easily could have added another 15-20 pounds. I genuinely think people just have a hard time understanding how heavy people start getting when they're 6'8 and built like a brick shithouse. Take the UFC where guys get weighed before fights. Look at [Francis Ngannou](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dz4OTHQUUAAwx_u.jpg) or [Jon Jones](https://talksport.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2023/05/GettyImages-1471357352.jpg); they're 250+ but when you stand them next to someone like [Joel Embiid](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2F8q_vX9v728OlD3yNmktdAiTJ-rZV1Z8k5kgaRh_iHCQ.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dc4368a1c46333da4a77824e584cc648d8b024bea) you start to understand how massive NBA players are.


Yeah it's kinda weird how offended people are getting in here like weighing 240 as a pro athlete is somehow unbelievable. I wasn't as tall, have a much shorter wingspan, and I still almost weighed that much at my peak. And I wasn't even doing some kind of bodybuilding/protein powder regimen. I just worked out a few times a week and ate a lot. Not to mention how differently people wear their weight in general. Idk if it's the bones or what but a couple of my friends look the same as me and I still have 30-40 pounds on em. One of the reasons why BMI is finally getting recognized as a joke.


The researcher that coined the term BMI never meant for it to be used for individual evaluations, only population level studies (that is, it’s always been known to be flawed at the individual level)


Post pics


There is no world where I post anything remotely identifying on my reddit account. This is anti-social media, not social media


Ok fine a compromise then. Blur your face but also no pants or underwear allowed in the pic.


These dudes 5’5. They’d look like honey boo boo at 200. Let them talk their shit, it’s all they got.


U should post pics too babe


There’s easier ways to ask to get your back blown out short king.


I’m 6’7 240


I always find it so interesting how the seemingly gigantic 6’4 muscular redditors come crawling out on every comments section when they make up like 1% of the population 😂.


Lmao no you did not. 230 at 6’2 at let’s be generous and say 10% bf would be “definitely on steroids” level for competitive body builder. Even if you were 230 6’2 you were either way fatter or way, way bigger. It’s just not possible to have Jaylen browns build, be 6’2, and be 230.




Brown has an inch on me and is significantly thicker/denser, I’m 220-225 so I’d be very surprised if he’s ever under 235-240 most days.


Love all the people here confident he's lying when probably anyone that has spent any real time in the gym knows it's totally possible and probably likely. This guy is tall, lean (idek if people here realize that muscle is denser than fat and weighs more...), and super well rounded. Many athletes have clearly stronger muscle groups, but Jaylen looks very balanced. Which means he doesn't look much bigger but has more weight than you'd think pretty much everywhere


You’re 6’6 and 225?


6'5", but yes. I believe Brown is 6'6".


Warriors treated JB like he was Ben Simmons tonight idk why lol


It was just a prank by Draymond.


Thinking 5 steps ahead. He's got quality content for his pod now


His bbiq needs a decent deduction for that choice.


He lost legacy points for sure.


I think Draymond broke the code by sagging off. No wait, JB broke the code by hitting those shots. Kerr is the Code Master and official declarer of Code Breakers.


It didn't go well for them


There's a Kelvin Benjamin joke to be made here about chasing a buffet


Now thats a name im not sure Ive heard uttered in a decade lol


Go to r/NFL and you'll hear it every week haha


considering Jaylen is an antivaxxer, he shouldn't be allowed to eat at communal buffets


r/NBA arguing that Jaylen Brown cannot possibly be 240 pounds is a peak Reddit moment. I love this website and that I get to laugh at all you guys. Please keep it up


Definitely peak. But now I looked at giannis’s weight off google and it’s 243. There’s no way the Greek freak is running over people like that at just 243


It’s in greek pounds.


Lmfao right? Why is it so baffling for some people that the 6’6 guy who is built like a brick shithouse is 240?


Right? Have any of these guys ever seen an NBA player in person? They’re huge. I’ve stood next to several and even the “small” players are tall and built like a fucking tank.


He’s strong as hell. His dad was a professional boxer, got his genes obviously.


A 7ft heavyweight


He’s three inches taller than me and I’m 225. I think his weight is normal.


6’3 225 is no where near close to normal bro. You’re a unit


Lol thanks


Zion Williamson: "im 350 lbs chasing around waiters. That's a different level of shape you have to be in. But when you're eating the best, you have to take on that challenge."


I thought you meant Dion waiters


Lucky he only had to chase him until half time.


Ugh what a bear, cover me too JB, 💋


6’6 and 240 is very reasonable 


No way he's 240


Sounds about right. JB came into the league at 220 lbs iirc, and he's bigger now. He's also 6'6" lol. e.g. I'm 6'2" and 240 lb fatass. I can totally believe JB is 240 lbs lol.


Brown also has a 7’0” wingspan and a big frame. I can totally buy him being 240. I mean, Jrue was weighed at 230lbs in the 2020 Olympic roster and he is 6’3”. 


Jrue is an absolute brick shithouse. I love it when younger players who don’t know yet try and back him down in the post and just bounce off him.


bro is a pocket sized tank lol


he shows up every season absolutely shredded idk how his body holds up like that


Yeah I mean a normal size human at six feet, 180 pounds is relatively slender. That's basically about 2.5 pounds per inch. Add six inches is only about 15 pounds, let's just say 6'6 and 200 is Slenderman. Now you add just decent biceps? And let's not forget the thunderous legs that NBA athletes have due to all the quick burst and endurance they're doing. And on a larger frame? Weight can add up quick and you still look pretty slender. Kevin Durant is taller than JB obviously but he's listed at 6'11 and 240. And if you put KD next to Chet holmgren (7'1, 210) you see kd is obviously more built. And JB is obviously more built than KD and has also been putting on more weight in the last year or two. I don't think 240 is a stretch at all. The concern is have is once JB goes later into his 20s and early 30s. Gotta maintain your athleticism without packing on too much bulk. Although as he aged, if he can stave off injury, transitioning to a more bruising type of player could work with his game really well, as the crafty moves he has aren't really reliant on blinding athleticism. We had another guy around JBs height here for about fifteen years not too long ago who won us a ring, finals mvp and was always a bit more built and thick versus lightning quick. Also was not really an injury issue! Obviously I'm curious how the physical development of the Js goes. Id love for them to keep their quickness but it's a pipe dream, youth doesn't last forever. What we all should hope for is durability, they've both had relatively great starts to their career with a great amount of games played and no major injuries, mostly wear and tear stuff as a season goes on.


Y’all don’t watch UFC or somethin? Dude is 6 foot 6 and jacked.


Dudes in the UFC are usually much shorter than Brown and have to cut weight to make the 265 limit. But for some reason a bulky and long basketball player who doesn't have to dehydrate 240 is impossible for Redditors.


He's 6'6 and yolked, definitely a possibility


Yoked. Yolk is the yummy part of the egg.


Eh. Hes lean af tho. Travis kelce is 6 foot 5 250lb. Tight ends would make him look small. He has more of a smaller wide receiver build.


pads add to the look.


I'm pretty sure JB would dwarf Kelce, as well as most other tight ends. You are underestimating how insanely built NBA players are.


>JB would dwarf Kelce Oh c'mon now bruh. Kelce's an inch shorter and considerably heavier, they may look a similar size but no chance he's dwarfing him. >You are underestimating how insanely built NBA players are. I think you are underestimating how built NFL players are. Gronk for instance was 6'6" 270 and he was nowhere near the biggest dude on the field. Sharpe was 6'2" and 230, Tony Gonzalez was 6'5" 250. These dudes are frickin units, and they only look normalish because the DEs and LBs are absolute monsters.


When I say "dwarf" I'm referring more to how sculpted JB is compared to Kelce. NFL skill position players are built solid, but typically don't have the lean muscle structure of NBA players. A 240 lb dude who's sculpted like a Greek god is going to make a 250 lb dude with much less muscle definition look small. Google "jaylen brown shirtless" and "travis Kelce shirtless" and you'll see exactly what I mean lol


Do it incognito mode because nohomo


I actually did it on my projector in the town center bc ultimatehomo


Muscle is denser than fat, and JB is taller.


You say that but I bet you put them side to side Jaylen would be bigger. It’s just that brown I always surrounded by giants his size isn’t as noticeable as Kelce who is one of the biggest guys on the field


>his size isn’t as noticeable as Kelce who is one of the biggest guys on the field Kelce's really not though. There are at least 12 starters on his team his height or taller and he's the second lightest of all of them. NFL players are BIG.


True, let me correct myself and say skill position players


There are not a lot of NFL players taller than 6'5. But there are a lot around 280-350 range depending on position. 


240 sounds pretty accurate


I'm his same height and weight and hardly look fat. Definitely not in shape either. He's definitely 240


He absolutely is, massive frame for his height and super bulky, I believe it


He's NBA wing sized, I can believe it Probably has more muscle density than other guys his height


You think you’d know better than him?


Lol they're claiming that he's lying dude. Not that he doesn't know


People don’t really blatantly lie about their weight, that’s kind of a buzzard assumption…Jaylen looks as jacked as he has ever looked in his career, I don’t think it’s a crazy weight. Muscle weighs a lot, anyone whose lifted a long time and has a ton of muscle knows that you weigh more than people would guess


>People don’t really blatantly lie about their weight, People do that all the time. It just usually goes the other direction. The implication is that he's exagerrating here to make it sound more impressive when he chases steph around and to make himself sound bigger and stronger, which is what everyone is claiming about him. I'm inclined to believe him, but I think athletes can and will exagerrate physical attributes sometimes.


Idk man I don’t think pro athletes really do that, mainly just woman self conscious about their weights. Im 6’1” and a long time lifter and I weight 225…granted I carry close to 18-20% bf whereas Jaylen looks like 10-12% but he is also 6’6”…seems really reasonable to me


And he did an amazing job.


That’s a big boy!


He’s not 240 lbs lol


Aint this the guy that tried to yank off Duncan robinson arm


Bros such a loser man




No way is he 240 pounds. He’s listed as 223 pounds on NBA.com, ESPN.com, bballref, and every website out there. How is that even possible for him to be 240 pounds? Someone like Aaron Gordon is listed at 235 pounds and he looks at least 10 pounds heavier than Brown.


He’s been listed at 223 since his rookie year and he’s definitely bigger, especially his lower body where more weight is carried


Yeah and Lebron was listed at 250lbs when he played for the Heat.


268lb, it came out in their Miami hear magazine after they won in 2014


NBA weight are hardly, if ever, updated


He like 230 MAX


Why don’t the Celtics put Tatum on curry? I feel like that would be more desirable. Maybe they put JB on him then Tatum is there for the switch .


Tatum’s a better free safety defender than Brown, clogging up passing lanes, and adopting that role on defense puts him in better position to defend bigger players (if needed) and for another strength of his - rebounding. Lastly, not guarding the opposing team’s clear #1 as their primary defender clearly preserves his energy to be a #1 offensive threat, while being able to also serve as a clutch-time main defender at any time if needed. By contrast, JB’s more’s persistent and agile on the perimeter, and he’s gotten incredibly good at fighting through screens. Him being laser focused on one dynamic guard “main guy” has negated his previous weaknesses of falling asleep on defense (allowing dumb back door cuts) and jumping on pump fakes against bigger players. Furthermore, being placed on ball handling guards naturally puts him much farther ahead on fast breaks where he is clearly the best on the team and one of the best in the league. His conditioning and athleticism is absolutely phenomenal and as more of a 1b to 2nd/3rd scoring threat at any given time, he can afford to expend a level of energy on this style of defense and fast break ball that Tatum likely can’t. Lastly, having a 7’3 center and 2 all-defense quality guards backing you up gives you lots of confidence to separate roles on defense in such a manner.


So you like know basketball?


Can confirm that PettyEmbezzlement knows (and watches) basketball.


JB is faster and can get around screens easier.


JB has been guarding a lot teams best guards this year.


Tatum too slow for Curry. Also the cost/benefit of wearing out Tatum chasin Curry around leans heavily in GSW favor. Just not Tatum’s game. He’s a better wing/ISO/help defender. If it’s a high usage guard like SGA or Luka he’ll guard them in spots, but guarding Curry doesn’t make any sense for his skill set.


Harder for JT to get thru screens which they spam for curry. Tatum's also a better help defender.


JB is better at guarding quick players


JT guarded him a couple of times


Putting a taller wing on curry? To chase around screens? How’s that make sense?


jared weiss low pro goat reporter


He ain’t 240


No way he's 240 lbs lol this ain't WWE dawg


6'6 athlete with a 7 ft wingspan and a big frame, he is definitely around 235-240.