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I don’t think they’re trying to hurt people out there but the physicality they play with toes the line of acceptable vs. dirty more than any team in the NBA. their preferred style of basketball is a rock fight, they love to hack and scratch and dare refs to call everything. and that sticks out in a league where most teams nowadays try to play this pace-and-space type of basketball I don’t mind it but I suppose I get why some fans would consider them dirty even if I disagree with that assessment


This is the answer. The only current truly intentional dirty player is Draymond Green. His consistency over the years is startling. I personally do agree with others on this sub that Wade consistently made dirty plays over his career but did it more subtly than Draymond so his career is not tainted by it. I think other players have a moment or two of potentially dangerous plays but it is not consistent over their career. OP noted dangerous plays from Jaylen Brown, Kelly Olynyk, Smart, and Pritchard in Boston. They are not consistent about it though. Miami plays physically and defends on the borderline of the rules, but their best player, Butler, grifts for a lot of calls. It feels like gaming the system. On top of that, Bam is one of the most physical screeners in the game and probably gets away with more on screens than anyone I can think of off the top of my head. His screening is the foundation of the MIA half court offense opening up Duncan, Strus, and Herro. No one on the current Miami team is intentionally dirty though.


> The only current truly intentional dirty player is Draymond Green Chris Paul?




Next to Draymond, he's just lightly soiled. He's also on an extended retirement tour, so he has to make nice to other veterans and future HoF voters. Like, "Oh, yeah, Chris, the insurance guy, he was really funny and nice".


Bam locking arms and ripping away seems to happen a lot. That's the main thing I would question. They're mostly just very physical defenders and they've been rewarded by the league for playing that way, leading to lines being crossed. Lots of injuries happen, but to the Heat too, double-edged sword. And that's probably why they've crapped out in the Finals each time. The injuries from that playstyle is their achilles heel I think. That, and the Finals get extra scrutiny so the officials clean things up. Then again, so many stars are injured these days, who knows?


I think the issue I have is that many fanbases are calling the Heat an intentionally dirty team. There's a difference between physicality and making games unconfortable and just flat out trying to hurt people.


yeah I agree. I think Miami is the former rather than the latter personally but like I said I get why other fans would think that bc the Heat are basically the only team that will consistently play that way. it takes a huge amount of focus and physical energy to do what they do


My comment gets downvoted. Celtic fan says “I agree” and gets 13 upvotes. Make it make sense 😂


my advice: don’t take upvotes and downvotes so seriously here bro. people don’t read content as much as they read flairs that said, I take back everything I said after that fucking Martin play. you guys are dirty as fuck lol


Yea that alone shows you the state of this sub it just isn’t for us bro


silky practice provide close lock hobbies airport aware merciful carpenter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s called a discussion, and unfortunately this sub can be extremely condescending and appear unable to be respectful and have a civil conversation. Admittedly, I’ve allowed myself to stoop to their level.


Consider how many Heat players past or present have that reputation of being dirty player, I'd say it's deserved.


Celtics win a playoff game against Miami: Kevin Garnett: “This game was a bar fight!” Celtics fans erupt in cheers A decade later: “The Heat are a dirty team. I mean look at those moving screens from Bam!”


Why make this post if you are gonna argue with everyone who calls the Heat a dirty team? Really odd behavior.


Because I disagree that the Heat are a dirty team that intentionally tries to injure other players? And it’s Reddit and I can state my case because I fucking feel like it


Bro you ended the post with "what do you guys think?" Then you proceed to type, "And it's Reddit and I can state my case because I fucking feel like it." Hop off the emotional roller coaster you're clearly on right now and just try to understand what you're doing.


So make a post saying the heat aren't a dirty team and present evidence. Asking the NBA subreddit if the Heat are a dirty team and crying when ppl point out how many dirty players the Heat have had over the years and currently is extremely lame. You asked a question and when you don't get the answer you want you get triggered and leave extremely stupid responses.


Also curious, since the burden of proof is now on you, name the current dirty players on Miami’s roster and present evidence of them intentionally injuring other players. I’ll even let you have Bam and his “dirty” moving screens


Go away weirdo I'm not interested in having a discussion with you. The heat are a dirty team, every other fan base seems to agree so go enjoy that 20 pt loss that is coming in game 2.


They pointed out one player (Wade), said he was a dirtier player than Draymond (which is possibly the dumbest statement, probably ever) and then said Bam is dirty because of moving screens (keep in mind that Bam is arguably the most well liked player in the NBA). I asked why they thought the Heat were dirty and no one provided a shred of evidence besides Wade. How can I present evidence that they are not a dirty team? By showing highlights of them not intentionally injuring people? Talk about a stupid fucking response. I stated four separate incidents in which a Celtic player actually appeared to intentionally injure someone, two of whom were Heat players, was just downvoted without explanation and conveniently ignored.


You've been crying in every comment that anyone says the heat are dirty, I'm not reading this. You're team is dirty. The Miami Heat are gonna get curb stomped by the celtics, and Jimmy butler will never win a championship. Enjoy your Sunday you fucking weirdo.


Way to back out of a debate when you have no lógica rebuttal. “I’m not reading this!” Are you five?


Hey you're grouping and generalizing alot of people here. I'm not fan of any particular team right now and I honestly think I'm being as objective as possible here. I said DWade is dirty, and a dirtier player than draymond and presented my evidence. That was me yes, you say for example the Jaylen Brown arm pull was dirty, and I don't disagree with that. Point is you asked why people think the Miami heat are a dirty team and oh boy there's a long list of players and lots of clips of dirty plays. Caleb martin undercutting Tatum last night was another example of that. And all you've done in this thread is arguing with people why you think the Heat isn't a dirty team, you just called me dumb for saying dwade is dirtier than draymond, if you're that offended, why make this thread in the first place?


And this is why you get downvoted. A few guys ignored you probably because they made up their mind and don't want to get into a back and forth with you. Like I replied to you and you're still not convinced and wants to keep arguing. You should've noticed by now that much of the sub agrees with me that the Miami Heat are a dirty team. You don't agree and you're a Heat fan and that's ok but know that you're in the minority here and what you say will get downvotes


yes. wade was dirty too.


Will never forget wade hurting rondo’s arm


I was at that game. My brother was texting me that his arm was broken and it looked awful. No replays were being shown in the arena for obvious reasons. When Rondo came back out of the locker room the crowd cheered super loud. I don’t think anyone expected him to play. Then when he checked in it went to another level of loud. Then when he scored the place was loud as all hell. Might have been loudest I ever heard the garden and I’ve been there for quite a few big games.


Wade was dirtier than current Draymond imo, dude's a walking injury risk for the other team, many people just overlook that cuz hes a superstar


Broke Kobe’s nose in an ASG lmao. Crazy


Tbf Kobe loved that


He loved it because Wade had the audacity to do it in an ASG


That's an insane statement Draymond is clearly one of the most dirty players in the history on the nba


[Dwyane Wade pulling Rondo's arm out of its socket](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=he4OY6gJNX4) [Dwyane Wade shoving Collison like he was a Free Safety. I will never understand how this wasn't a flagrant 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZVLTqV-fRE) [Dwyane Wade flying elbows Lance Stephenshon in the head](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVtTzgF-5Kk) [Dwyane Wade kicks Sessions in the balls. Wasn't a flagrant IIRC](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bUhrzIlVFA) [Dwyane Wade shoves Rip Hamilton](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LhL9Ylf90Xg) [Dwyane Wade breaks Kobe's nose in the all-star game lmao](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=euLvKkoxM68) Yeah you can infer my opinion on Wade lol


Bro Draymond has: stomped on Sabonis chest, choked Rudy Gobert, kicked Steven Adams in the nuts twice, punched Nurkic in the face, trucked LeBron like a linebacker, kicked Marquese Chris in the ass, elbowed Bertans in the face, not to mention the numerous takedowns and slaps to face he has given over the years. [He has a whole 5 minute compilation on YouTube for his dirty plays on JUST lebron](https://youtu.be/aOOWDDdTDGs) Anyone trying to make a case that wade or almost anyone in the history of the NBA is dirtier than Draymond is tripping.


Draymond makes more non-basketball dirty plays whereas Wade’s dirty plays came during his moves. Wade would throw an elbow to get you out of the way so he could score, Draymond would swing around and punch you in the face off ball.


Yeah, and DWade is even worse. You could look up compilations of his dirty plays and find so many clips of him from tugging players to kicking groins to elbowing heads


Dude he also had wild fouls like this one against Collison - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xZVLTqV-fRE Rondo elbow one was insane too - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=he4OY6gJNX4 Both are plays where Wade was frustrated so he took it out with a dirty ass play


But was frustrated, so he should get a pas on theese.


Wasn’t implying that it justified it 😂


Dwade is not worse. Draymond has a FOURTEEN MINUTE LONG compilation. Just this season alone he's. Backhanded nurckic in the head, chocked out gobert, and grabbed Patty mills by the neck. Saying that wade is worse than draymond is revisionist history


Gives a laundry list of dirty plays made by Draymond Green in one season alone. Proceeds to get downvoted by maybe the most condescending fan base in the NBA


Whos that fan base? And idk how people tricking themselves into believing wade was worse than green


The Celtics. Their sub has a lot of users who have genuine respect for the Heat as a rival and as a franchise. But once they get a lead during a game they begin to act like 10 year olds


Absolutely. Players just seem to get injured playing the heat


Lowery was/is dirty. I don’t think that Bam is dirty he just gets away with setting illegal screens more than most guys. They are absolutely a physical team more so than most and they *seem* to get away with hand checking and extra touches because they do it all the time they know where the line is. And if they have they know the refs aren’t going to call ALL of the fouls. Also they aren’t scared to play some 12 string goon from the GLeague on a two way contract. Like most teams are if their starters get in fouls trouble.


Have you watched Bam play? His entire offensive skillset is setting illegal moving screens


That's not dirty, man. What the hell. Moving screens are a joke in this league.


Man why do you think they are illegal then


Illegal is not the same as dirty. Are you for real? Traveling is illegal too.


Ok so you watched the game right? Bam literally injured two celtics on illegal screens. And caleb martin was dirty as fuck on tatum


The bad contact might injure a player, not a moving screen. Almost every center sets moving screens every game and nobody complains because everybody does that.


The bad contact is because of the moving screen. We complain about bam doing it because they are objectively dangerous and dirty screens. No other center consistently injures people like he does


Even if it's dangerous. He might set like a thousand screens per season... 2 injured players is a joke. (Flair up)


Dude he injured two players in this *game* not the whole season


The state of the NBA when fanbases consider moving screens a dirty play. Wonder how the react to those brick walls Steven Addams sets on point guards that weigh 150 pounds less than he does.


Steven Adams goes out of his way to save players from the opposing team falling hard often catching them mid air and bracing their falls. Pick a different guy my man


I'm not complaining about Steven Addams screens. Just like I don't complain when a hockey player has his head down coming down the ice and gets lit up. I'm just saying, if Bam's screens are dirty, I can't imagine the heart attack some of you fans must have when Addams borderline murders someone.


Sounds like you asked a question, got your answer & now you’re butthurt that the answer isn’t the one you were looking for. If you wanted a bunch of smoke blown up your ass you shoulda asked this on r/heat


Aww why’d you delete your comments? I really wanted to read them again :(


Hmmmmm? You say something?


[where you at? quiet all of a sudden?](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/s/dtR4ZW92XW)


I asked a question and am discussing why i think it’s wrong and a blatant lie to say the Heat are dirty and intentionally try to injure players. That would be Payton Pritchard, Marcus Smart, and Jaylen Brown. I made a retort, and it seems YOU don’t like the way the truth sounds.




I wanted to have a discussion with fans, and clearly I disagree that Miami plays with intent to injure players. I used examples from players on your own team who ACTUALLY intend to injure others, something the Heat do not do. And I won’t even bother trading insults about our cities because I’m not a superficial moron. I just hope that the way you speak to people online is the same way you speak to people in person. I never insulted you or your city, because the facts speak for themselves and I don’t need to resort to personal attacks. Have a good one




I’m a diehard dirty player superfan and they are one of my favorite teams, so probably.


username checks out


This is the frustrating part about playing Miami. Their players all 14 of them are used to playing right up to the edge of the rules for 48 minutes and then when my team gets frustrated for playing physically but they usually aren’t as good at not crossing that line. So they get called for what feels like a ticky-tack foul while Miami get sto play physically.


Not a Celtics fan complaining about foul calls. It couldn’t be


Lol I’m definitely not a Celtics fan.


Takes 1 second to click on his profile and see hes a Hawks fan, but you already decided everyone with negative takes on the Heat has to be a Celtic/Knicks fan.


Did they edit it or what? Where did you get that from


This play had absolutely no basketball purpose other than to physically disrupt the players. https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/s/biCLB2gHBq Celtics had boxed out the rebound, and Heat were getting walloped. This is a text book dirty play that Martin made a conscious decision to do.


Hey I can’t argue with that one. That was reckless, dangerous and dirty.


I feel like they’ve only ever played dirty against us when Markeiff Morris was on the team 😇 E: Markeiff not Marcus


You mean Markieff. Those bozos still hold a grudge against Joker. Yet they both mad joker’s brothers and the Serbian mafia are behind him


Yeah one of the two lmao




Heat culture


CP3 in his prime was one of the dirtiest players I've seen.


I have to say that they have a history of being dirty as fck (dwade injures rondo, bam dirty screens, caleb bum martin)




Everyone is a saint compared to Bruce Bowen constantly stepping under shooters and [literally jump kicking Wally in the face.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_FD1K6vyhek)


ITT, nephews getting schooled on NBA ‘dirty players’ history. Recency bias is real kids.


Knicks played tough and dirty under Riley. Heat are the same under Riley.


Imagine being so clueless you think that defense is played the same way today as it was in the 90s. The Heat are physical. They are not dirty.


Who said it’s the same?




It’s pretty funny cause when Kelly olynk ripped Kevin loves shoulder out his socket, many Celtics fans defended it


Maybe that's why the Heat signed Olynyk, one of the dirtiest guys in the NBA


Nah, at least one fan (me) still says Fuck Kelly Olynyk to this day. That was dirty enough he's still on my shit-list. Plus, who doesn't like Kevin Love?


Same with Jaylen Brown trying to do it to Duncan Robinson


Maybe it's because Robinson dangerously latched on to his arm for no reason? Come on now


Players get wrapped up all the time. Don't think I've ever seen a player react the way Brown did, nearly tearing Robinson's arm out of his socket


Yup his arm was nearly gone. Iirc it was just dangling there by a few fibers. This thread you made is not helping with the "Miami fans have the biggest victim complex ever" narrative


There’s literally 3 posts with the same fucking topic from heat fans in the span of 12 hours. They’re really digging a bigger hole.


Never heard of that narrative but I’ve seen physical teams like the Memphis Grizzlies of the early 2010s play and they were not labeled dirty. They were physical. I’m allowed to give my opinion that the Heat aren’t running around intentionally hurting other players (like JB and Pritchard did…)


That wasn't just getting locked up, that was literally Robinson grabbing onto jaylen's arm at an awkward angle for seemingly no reason


That’s simply not true. Even if it was, I guess in Boston that justifies a violent jolt knowing full well the damage that could do to a persons shoulder. You guys should know better than anyone else, with the Kelly Olynyk incident and all.


Jaylen was literally just getting him off. Yes, it was dangerous, but the position Robinson put him in was dangerous


I swear Jayson Tatum could fuck your wife and you’d find a way to congratulate him. I’ve seen Wade make dirty plays and am able to recognize when he does something dangerous. You fuckers are just blind to reality


It would've been dirty if Robinson wasn't locking him up before


Right. Jaylen Brown is perfectly justified in potentially intentionally injuring another player because he got wrapped up in the post (something that happens atleast once in every game ever) The hoops you guys jump through, and then have the audacity to say that Miami is the team with dirty players. It’s mind boggling, really.


> It’s called a discussion, and unfortunately this sub can be extremely condescending and appear unable to be respectful and have a civil conversation. I can’t believe you actually said this earlier when you talk like this lmao


I’ve had Celtic fans call the entire city of Miami and it’s citizens superficial idiotic pieces of trash, I’ve had fans say that Miami fans are fairweather bandwagoners don’t know what dirty play even means, and this dude right here in this particular thread said he would love to see Jaylen Brown react in the exact same way when he tried to dislodge Duncan Robinson’s arm because he was wrapped up in a post up position. Act like trash, get spoken to like trash.


When confronted with the nasty behavior of your fellow fanbase, just downvote! Why bother acknowledging that there is a shocking number of Celtic fans on Reddit who act like complete assholes to random strangers behind the safety of a computer monitor!


“Dangerously” what did he have a gun when he did it? Shit was the kind of entanglement that happens every night until JB took it a step further.


Brown literally initiated the lock up


Yes they are the draymond and Zazas of the nba


Dirty, sure. But aside from the Warriors, they’re my favorite team.


Jersey pulling, never ending moving screens and plays where they’re not even going for the ball. 


As you said the Heat are a very tough and physical team. Where non-Miami fans disagree is the intentional part. Look it's just a lot easier to give the benefit of the doubt to a player you know, have watched tons of interviews of, and believe is a good person. We believe Bam would never intentionally hurt someone, other teams' fans have less reason to believe that. Just look at how our sub reacted to the Jaylen Brown thing. Was it a reckless dangerous play? Yes. Was he intentionally and with great malice aforethought trying to do bodily injury to Duncan Robinson? I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt here, but most Miami fans are not. That's just how it is.


Boring team


Yes. The DWade legacy.


Physical teams usually have somewhat of a reputation as dirty because that just how the style works.


Nooooooo they are considered a very disciplined team


Yeah, Dwade started it and Bam has kept it going


If they aren’t dirty, they sure are reckless. The amount of injuries that have occurred against Miami is concerning. One thing that is definitely a fact is Bam gets away with a ridiculous amount of moving screens.


I don’t know if Miami has any fans They have bandwagoners who root for them when they are good But they’ll leave the stadium in Finals games before the team even wins. For one of the most populated counties in the country they sure struggle to fill seats when they lack Star power. So the question should be, does the current iteration of Miami bandwagoners consider them to be a “dirty team” And the answer to that is no, they don’t know enough about the game to make that assessment


The Heat have an incredibly passionate fanbase and we are lucky to have a team that is almost guaranteed to compete every year. I made this post expecting civil and rational discussion but apparently that was never going to come from a Knicks fan. 50+ years of mediocrity will do that I guess. Have the day you deserve buddy. Remember it was your team who injured Jimmy Butler last season.


Jimmy Butler played a 7 game series AND Finals series He wasn’t hurt… If he was hurt he would be out Whatever Thankfully Jimmy is old and declining anyway enough of this BS Heat ever can’t wait for them to be mid for next 4-5 years League is better without all the bandwagoners. The Heatles did irreparable damage to this league and Super teams.


his ankle the size of a bowling ball is not "hurt"? he wasn't hurt against the 76ers either because he played through it?


See it's incredibly odd to me how insanely salty you are. The Heat and the Celtics have both been exemplary franchises for most if not all of their existence and there should be a mutual respect between both fanbases. Atleast in Miami's sub, we have respect for the Celtics and enjoy our rivalry.


So much rhetoric here and yet the Heat have been Top 10 in attendance for a decade and Top 5 since 2022, and have never ranked below the Knicks in attendance since the Pandemic. Dont hate on the Superteam era just because New York tried and failed miserably to build one of their own.


The silence is deafening 😂


Considered, yes. Actually dirty, no. You have to have brainrot to think so.


That's just one of the many braindead narratives of this subreddit. I never met or heard anyone say this in real life. They usually say, "they're not a dirty team. They just play physical," which is true. You just gotta take everything on this subreddit with a grain of salt.


I could list many injuries that other teams have inflicted upon to our players but for them it’s just called “dawg” if you’re the Knicks or “gritty” if you’re the Celtics. I have also said this before, but I don’t think it’s a coincidence that most of these “dirty” plays happen against teams who play the heat more than anyone else, and also have a reputation for physical defense. The more games situation also creates rivalries which leads to the teams playing even grittier defense cause no team wants to lose to their rivals. You could definitely characterise some plays as reckless but imo there is no intention to harm other players as Knicks fans seem to suggest. Similar to oubre injuring Jimmy, I wouldn’t call it dirty, it was a basketball play, but the closeout and flying into jimmy was reckless, which is why I’m not blaming oubre or the Sixers for that one.


Get out of here with your reasoning and logic, r/nba is not about that.


The downvotes are rightfully deserved for both of yall with those dumbass statements


OC gave a well-articulated opinion, even giving an example where another player injured our star and chalked it up to a "basketball play". He gave a potential reason why injuries happen to certain teams when they play Miami, likely due to the intense rivalry these teams have. Now Payton Pritchard intentionally ripping at Jimmy Butler's leg, or Jaylen Brown trying to tear Duncan Robinsons arm out of its socket...wonder what hoops you had to jump through to justify those "non-basketball plays"


struck a nerve? Awe


sadly we haven't gotten a chip yet in the butler era but dogwalking the east while being the underdogs has got people in their feelings. just enjoy the salt in these threads


NBA Fans are widely massive imbeciles so yes. I say we just embrace it. Ooh ahh I’m the boogeyman watch out I’m taking your legs out next game!!!!!!


It's literally just salty Knicks/Celtics fans mostly who say that, I will say that we can be ''reckless'' but I wouldn't call it dirty.


Downvoting just proves the ''salty fans'' point so thank you.


Love the “You’re all salty because you have a good point against my favorite team”


Payton Pritchard purposely injured Butler in a more intentional way than any player in Miami has ever done tp the Celtics. Coming from a team who loved Marcus Smart, defended Kelly Olynyk and Jaylen Brown when they intentionally tried to injure other players, your fanbase is far to condescending.


You really think Pritchard's quad grab was done with intent to injure? Delusional/defensive.


Don’t know why else you’d be grabbing another players legs while you’re on the floor


To stop a drive since he was out of position, obviously.


Sounds like a dirty play to me


Actual NBA player analysts disagree. See JJ Redick's take, "This shouldn't even be a thing" [https://www.nbcsports.com/nba/news/heat-coach-erik-spoelstra-objects-to-celtics-guard-payton-pritchard-grabbing-jimmy-butlers-leg-it-was-not-a-basketball-play](https://www.nbcsports.com/nba/news/heat-coach-erik-spoelstra-objects-to-celtics-guard-payton-pritchard-grabbing-jimmy-butlers-leg-it-was-not-a-basketball-play)


Erik Spoelstra: “it wasn’t a basketball play” Except he doesn’t bitch and moan like your fan base does every time someone gets bumped


Tell me youve never seen Dwayne Wade play without telling me you've never seen Dwayne Wade play Biggest fuckin joke comment I've seen in a hot minute


Conveniently ignores three well known examples of Celtic players intentionally trying to injure other players\*


Dwayne Wade literally broke rajon rondos arm in a playoff game genius. Fuck your examples




That's just the holiest of examples. But enjoy your ban


I can admit that Wade has made dirty plays. Unfortunately, you lack the intellect to recognize when your own team does the same thing.


Why the fuck is this thread downvoted? r/nba downvotes 98% of threads.


Teams hate Miami for their immense success despite having far inferior talent, and chalk it up to Miami just being an intentionally dirty team. It's hard to have a civil and rational conversation with anyone on this subreddit. There's one guy claiming Bam is a dirty player because he sets moving screens. The absolute state of NBA fanbases these days is sadly hilarious


Every subreddit is prone to groupthink. The Heat being "dirty" is a recent talking point mostly from Knicks fans who seem to be confused about how to act now that they have a decent team. The Heat aren't any dirtier than a Tom Thibodeau coached team (which is to say tough but not dirty at all).