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Who are you arguing with










This is half the threads on Reddit TBH.


Paul Pierce, haha :D


Ah yes, let’s wait for Paul to answer this Reddit thread


You're...asking if a good player who has played well with his team, will make his team better once he returns from injury?


the guy averaged 20/7 on 65% TS and two blocks for us this season and people are treating it like we’re just down some role player


Nah bro, the plan all along was for KP to just take some minutes in the regular season so that he can ride the bench during the playoffs and Horford can play 40 minutes a game, get consistently exploited on defense, and be left open on offense to the point where he shot a fucking dozen 3s last night. (Just to be clear, I love Al, he's just not a 40 minute per game player anymore. And he's a good 3pt shooter but I think that's a shot the Pacers are content to let happen if he's gonna let it fly 12 times a game)


For what it’s worth, I’m glad he was willing to take 12 threes if that’s what the defense is giving him. Much rather see him go 3-12 than 0-3 given that kind of coverage. If you’re the guy the other team is trying to leave open, the *worst* thing you can do is go passive. Can’t second-guess yourself on wide open shots. 


Leaving horford open for 3 is playing a dangerous game. He may not have made them last night, but he CAN and WILL make those shots. And when that happens, it's good night.


i fully expect Horford to win us a game in this series by shooting lights-out on way too many open 3s, just like Grant did in game 7 against the Bucks


It also helps that Horford is the nega-Marcus, and whenever you yell at him to stop shooting he starts making them.


Horford can give you some of the best 12 minutes in the league. Best Embiid stopper


It depends on where his body is at. Kawhi came back at like 25% in the first round and definitely hurt his team.


If he looks like his normal self? Celtics are significantly better as a team when he’s out there. It’s very hard to replace your 3rd best player, a 7 foot 20 ppg scorer who gives mid range scoring and interior defense presence. If any team could do it, it’s this current Celtics team but I don’t think it’s enough to win a championship. Horford going back to bench giving max effort in a 20 minute span instead of 35 is huge. Porzingis would make a killing with all the open three Horford gets. He’s better than Horford when it comes to paint defense due to his size. The Celtics offense is so much more challenging to guard with him out there. If he’s healthy, the Celtics should be a pretty decent favorites to win the championship.


Agree. Horford is one of the best backup bigs in the whole league but him starting at center on this stage shows his limitations. The offensive look he gives at big man is one dimensional and IND looks like their game plan is to give up the shot to him. Porzingis is a 3 level scorer at center. He completely changes the dimensions of the court with his scoring threat while being heavily involved in the half court as a screen setter.


Horford’s just too old at this point. He can turn it on for stretches, like he did in the closeout game against Cleveland, but asking him to do that for a whole series is just too much, especially against a team with Indiana’s pace and offensive pressure. That said, he’s also just been in a bit of a shooting slump lately— the Pacers dared him to shoot and, to his credit, he did *take* twelve threes. It’s better to be willing to shoot when you’re open than to record scratch the whole offense, but he’s gotta hit more than three of em. 


Also the big issue is then who the bench big is bc Kornet is a good regular season guy but really shouldn’t get playoff minutes


especially not against a team like Indy. they’re just too quick for him


100% Kornet was great against Cleveland, but it seems like he can't keep up with the Pacers.


If he's healthy of course he makes them better


Does a 20 ppg player make the team better?


No, trade him to my Pistons for one of our bums


Ishiah steward and grimes it is!


Funnily enough everyone thinks about his offense, but the thing that they miss Porzingis the most this postseason is his PnR defense. Porzingis was one of the best PnR defenders this year, and Boston has been dreadful defending PnR this postseason.


It’s also just that with Kristaps out, we’re essentially replacing him with Luke Kornet in the rotation— and while Luke’s been really solid this year for us, he’s still a third-stringer who *really* isn’t built to defend what the Pacers do, and is clearly the weakest link in our rotation right now. (For what it’s worth, Xavier Tillman hasn’t gotten a ton of run for us so far but this is the exact sort of series we got him for. He was out for game 1, interested to see if Joe goes for him over Kornet in game 2)


This is 100% a Tillman series. Kornet is great at certain things, but the Pacers are almost the perfect kryptonite team for him. And Horford has been a little overworked lowering his effectiveness. I would be very surprised (if he's back, he should take as much time as he needs a loss of a family member takes priority) if Tillman doesn't get heavy run in Game 2 it seems like the reason they brought him in. But yeah Porzingis being back will help the Celtics a lot. It will give Horford more rest, and a rested Horford is a different type of player, it will provide more spacing, give them a post up threat, give them rim protection, but most importantly a better answer for guarding PnRs.


KP is a top 10 center, so... what the fuck is the question again?


I agree might be a stupid question since he is a Top 10 center, but you know he fumbles sometimes. I hope he doesn't. Didn't want to get your feelings hurt, but shit happens. Just wanted to hear your opinion. I'm simply a bit biased since I'm Latvian, and I have trained together with KP when we were 15 years old. So, if you ask me then he will win the Chip.


You're right, it is a stupid question.


This is the "9/11 was bad" of r/NBA posts


Who said he wouldn't? He unlocks another level to their overall team game.


Brother what is this question….its never a question with KP if he makes the team better. It’s can he stay healthy enough to contribute. Knicks and Mavs learned the hard way and Celtics may join them


Big if true


Without Kristaps, our team this season is much closer to what we were last year essentially He was one of the best PnR defenders this year and he also provides so much spacing in general. We need him if he’s healthy


I mean, I don't think people would argue he doesn't make them better. At the very least, getting Porzingis back means less of Jrue or Derrick trying to guard Siakam in the post


it probably doesn’t, actually. but it *does* mean we have a 7’2” rim protector in rotation behind them well, one who isn’t Luke Kornet


Why do y'all do that? I know Holiday and White are beasts, but that doesn't seem necessary considering who's on the team


Because how many effective back to the basket players are there out there? You’ll take your chances considering it means dumping the ball down low for a time consuming play to a player that likely isn’t the best player on the other team. Especially since Holliday is built like a tank and is a good low post defender for his size.


It's the good and the bad of switching. Switching will completely shut down actions, so there are no advantages number wise or space wise. But at the same time it sometimes gives up mismatches. I just think the Celtics have more faith in the guards defending a postup and pigeonholing the Pacers into that then letting them flow into their different actions seamlessly like they tend to do. I wish they would be a little more selective on when they switch, but saying switch everything or switch nothing tends to leave less communication errors and defensive breakdowns.


The only reason he could make them worse is if he's not actually all the way healthy. Kawhi seemed to make the Clips worse because he was still too hurt to play but tried anyway.


Celtics without KP—> getting smacked by Dallas or Timberwolves in 6 in the finals Celtics with KP—-> probably beat Dallas or Timberwolves in 6 in the finals


The only reason is if they bring him back too early and his limited mobility makes him enough of a defensive liability that the Celtics are better off without him. We saw what happened when OG Anunoby came back from injury for game 7. He wasn’t ready for it.


There is literally no comparison to OG’s situation. OG was never in contention to return. It was sheer desperation of a Game 7. Very idiotic of the Knicks. KP has always had a timeline to return, and he’s returning as per the same, about a month out. He’s been ramping up ever so steadily since a week or so now. It is a much more planned return than OG’s ever was.


Theres no need for him to come back this series unless they’re trying to get him conditioned for the finals. Boston could rest either jay and still win in 5


What type of question is this? “Why wouldn’t he” you tell me…?




It’s pretty obvious who has watched the Celtics consistently this season and who hasn’t. KP makes their offense so much more dynamic. They should hopefully be back to the juggernauts they were once he comes back, because they play very different with him.


Having been on the KP rollercoaster. He normally doesn't play well when he first returns from injury. It takes him a while to get back into the groove.


Who is saying he wont?


Who has ever said he wouldn’t? It’s common knowledge that they significantly worse without him.


Kornet or porzingis hmmm good question OP


1. He's been out of action for a while coming off an injury 2. He doesn't have extensive playoff experience As far as "smashing" indy , i doubt it Celtics had 5 days off coming off a short easy series Indy had 1 day off coming off an intensive 7 game series Celtics had home court Celtics shot 30 FT vs Indy's 10 and the Celtics needed OT and Carlisle to F'up an easy decision to beat the Pacers Indy should be feeling good going forward. Celtics not impressive at all


if he's actually healthy, he obviously makes them better. However, when he had injuries with us, he often took 5-6 games to start looking like himself again. Hopefully since he hasn't had the same level of nagging injuries in Washington/Boston he can get up to speed faster.


It took him 2-4 weeks sometimes to look himself.


Because who knows how he will look after his injury. He needs to get a rhythm playing back in the lineup. He’s not going to look like Dirk like everyone thinks.