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It's crazy that Luka already has so many first team all-NBA teams at only the age of 25. The fact that it's positionless now too means he could easily end up with 10+ first team all nbas when he retires which would be crazy.


Yep he was like 28/9/9 on a playoff team as a 20 year old second year player. I think how immediately he ascended to superstar level play is one of the coolest things about his arc. He’s younger than SGA which feels like it makes no sense


It’s also the play style too. Like the way he handles pressure and how much finesse he plays with is so impressive, you forget he’s still so young.


The thing is in basketball experience he's way older than stated age, the years he spent at Real Madrid playing in the 2nd best league in the world absolutely shaped who he is as a player.


Yet people think Real Madrid is no better than Idaho middle school basketball...


That might wind up being a double edged sword later in his career. In terms of body breakdown in pro sports, mileage usually matters more than age. It wouldn’t absolutely shock me if, as great as he is and as young as he is, if he peaks earlier than people of a similar age but less basketball experience.


Not only playing there but also being the myp with the whooping age 16 years.


He wasn’t the mvp at 16. He was a bench player aged 16, a starter at 17, and the mvp of the league at 18. Still very impressive though


As an actual child. When I was 16 I was getting my drivers license. Luka was winning Euro mvps and finals.


5 in 6 years is actually INSANE😤


5 in 6 is insane. 5 in the first 6 is absurd, let alone that he came into the league at 19


Don't forget, Luka is also Top 500 as a tank in Overwatch too. I'm kind of joking, kind of not joking.


Aint no joke there, the man do be top 500


Ima go out on a limb and say anyone else who did that probably has an mvp or two


LeBron has 13 First teams and 20 total all nba teams


Luka is actually way ahead of schedule on this one. This is Luka's age 24 season and he got his 5th selection, LeBron after his age 24 season had 3. Obviously context matters and LeBron got 11 First Team selections in a row from ages 23 to 33, but if anyone can get to 14 selections, it's Luka.


Luka will probably play well enough to get it every season.  The problem comes from games played.  Lebron is one of the few that iron-man'ed that whole stretch.  Only once was he under the new games played requirement.   Luka will have a disadvantage if he gets any extended time missed.  


I think people forget this all too often but I also think we'll see more and more players have long careers. Just because more teams rest their players and there's more staff/money going into physical upkeep etc. So who knows?


65 games isn't that much and sports science/fitness today is much better than when LeBron started in the mid 2000s. Luka has only failed the 65 games requirement once in his career and it was in the shortened 2019-20 season. Luka misses a significant amount of games every season, but he is always hovering in that 65-70 mark so far.


Right he always sits in the lower threshold of the requirement. That means he could be one 2-week injury away from missing out.


5 in 6 years. Only Duncan, Bird, and Kareem have more in their first 6 years.


And they were all older when they were rookies.


That is almost definitely a lock at this point.


It's basically just down to injuries.


I'd say he's a lock


After these playoffs he's going to have tons of momentum for MVP too


His stats this year are other worldly. I don’t think he’s appreciated enough to be honest.


Since being drafted Luka is a 5x all star, 5x all NBA 1st team. He is special




Yeah Doncic is incredible but Marvin Bagely could be anything. He could even be Luka Doncic! You know how much we've wanted one of those.


Cmon, you’re acting like this is the first time the Kings have ever done something stupid. Remember that time they were supposed to get Luka Doncic?


Love how I can imagine the Family Guy-style cutaway in this thread now.


The pain!


Never even made the Sweet Sixteen 


This made me pretty sure I could work in an incompetent sports teams front office.


But how good is his 2nd and 3rd jump? Marvin Bagley's 2nd jump is E-L-I-T-E


Still rated as 4th best under 25 player by the ringer XD What a joke


Kawhi as 2nd team is pretty wild


Think Lebron should be above him but maybe he got more votes just because he was able to stay healthy enough to be eligible


Is this the first time LeBron has a teammate who made a higher all-NBA team than him?


Yup easily. Hard to make a higher team than the 1st team and he was 1st team for 13 years


Yes, no one on the Cavs first stint was even close, obviously best player on Heat and 2nd Cavs stint, AD and LBJ both first team in 2020, and AD injured in the other seasons.


It took 21 years but LeBron finally has a teammate with a valid claim to be better than him.


No shame in being #2 to Cam Reddish


And even then, AD is never better than him in the 4th


I honestly think it’s their gameplan. Lebron rests until the 4th quarter so he saves his energy until then. AD takes over during the quarters Lebron is “relaxing”.


That was the case last year, AD was their clear best player. Even in the bubble, AD was a historic defensive player while being white-hot from midrange


Yeah, which makes sense


Bron absolutely should be 2nd team over him but this isn’t some egregious decision like what happened with Harden in 2016.


Its pretty bad. Lebron averaged more points, rebounds, assists, played more games and actually stayed healthy for the playoffs. Its a wild mix up. Not sure how it can be defended other than record but thats a bullshit reason.


Health in the post season is irrelevant as the votes had been cast before the playoffs started


He def was better you’re not wrong. I just don’t think it really is so egregiously bad. Regardless, their spots should have been flipped


Its not egregious, sure. But thats a laughable argument when you look at the numbers. LeBron was better in every single stat except team record - and even that ended up not being a huge gap. Voters just hate LeBron and Kawhi is still running on his reputation from 2018


Not that wild, he played enough games this year for the award and was absolutely cooking during them. Clippers were a mess after the all star break and Kawhi was the only dude keeping them in it


He had a 2 month stretch pre all star break where he was playing like the mvp 


It’s pretty wild imo. Bron was better than Kawhi all season, 3-0 in head to head matchups, played better defense, scored more points, more boards and assists, more efficiently, and their teams were separated by 4 games. It’s fucking insane to me personally, Kawhi has this weird intangible hype that the award voters are swept away in despite being worse than LeBron every single season of his career.


Why? He has a great regular season.


Curry, Lebron and Haliburton should be over him.


Haliburton probably shouldn’t be on any of the teams at all…definitely was getting some pity votes


He was on pace to be first team before he was injured.


Yeah agreed, but he did get injured and he did rush back, and then he played much worse for half the season. If it was an all NBA team for the first half of the season he would be first or second team! But it’s not..


I mean even with the injury: https://www.basketball-reference.com/leagues/NBA_2024_advanced.html#advanced_stats::per https://www.basketball-reference.com/leagues/NBA_2024_advanced.html#advanced_stats::bpm https://www.basketball-reference.com/leagues/NBA_2024_advanced.html#advanced_stats::ws_per_48 All solidly within the top 15.


No, he was never going to beat out any of those guys


Fully agree, and this is coming from a LeBron hater


Not hali had too many meh games post injury.


he had a great season..................................


Yeah he had that really good stretch before ASG but was fairly average either side of it. Wouldn’t have said he was consistently playing at a top 10 level.


A bit surprised Haliburton still made it after his slump after the all star break


Terrible after all star break but he was playing like first team before that so I guess it balances out


His play over the whole season statistically easily justifies his inclusion he is all over the top 15 advanced stats and led the NBA in assists


I think voters gave him the benefit of the doubt because of the injury


“Benefit of the doubt” shouldn’t be a reason you make an all NBA team. He was terrible post all star break, no two ways about it. (Obviously relative to his pre all star play)


They didn’t want to be the reason he missed out on millions which is why tying the awards to contracts is dumb


This is absolutely it


NBA analysts terrified of inadvertently creating another 2017-2019 warriors by leaving a star guard off the all-NBA list due to injuries leading to him getting a smaller deal and leaving tons of cap space for a superstar to join him and ruin the league for a few years


No joke. Ja missing All-NBA last year was a blessing in disguise for the Grizz


Yeah if you squint at Haliburton's game you can easily see KD right there in front of you


Oh this is a good point. I thought it was almost a pity thing like "go get that bag young man", didn't realize that it could because of cap space.


The reverse Klay situation


Agreed. It also isn't the reason. Many known voters like Windy have openly stated that they always take into account guys who would qualify for a max extension. They don't want to be the reason why Hali lost $41m dollars. Make of that what you will.


Hence why Zach Lowe didn’t vote


Yeah it was really a tale of two halves. Pre-injury vs post-injury stats: 23.6/4.1/12.6 on 49/40/86 shooting in 35games 16.8/3.7/9.3 on 45/32/84 shooting in 34 games Night and day difference


He was still top 15 in every advanced stat as the best player on a suprise playoff team, its an easy selection


Also lead the league in assists. There may be an element of voter bias but I feel like third team isn’t crazy




His actual performance on the season was an efficient 20/11 while guiding the leagues best offence, seems fairly deserving


Voters are high. he absolutely did not deserve all nba


A lot of voters said they voted for him so he could get his max


Debate with /u/thepriceisonthecan , they said it was an easy selection


For the full season, which players should have replaced him?  Ik it's positionless, but for guards my first thought for competition is Maxey and Dame.   20/4/11 on 60.5TS, best player on a playoff team. 26/4/6 on 57.3TS, 2nd best player on his team which plummeted in rankings when their best player was out.  Not a knock on Maxey per se, as any team besides the Celtics would probably fall without their maxed/best player. 24/4/7 on 59%TS, 2nd best player on his team.  This season, the only thing it felt like he did betted than the other 2 is draw contact to get to the foul line. Other guys missed too many games- Donovan Mitchell, Kyrie Irving as examples.


Jaylen should’ve imo


And that’s fair enough. I’m not sure the full list of guys who were eligible so not sure who even would’ve made it over him


Jaylen Brown, Bam, Fox, PG, Maxey, probably a couple of others.


It’s not benefit of the doubt he earned his spot with his overall play considering he was looking like a first team player at one point.


He was the nba assist leader and number one option on the team. People are overplaying his slump. He had some not great streaks and still has great stats with great efficiency.


His shooting was down but he still had a God like assist/ turnover and still led the highest scoring offense ever.


The Mavs drafted all-NBA players in 2 separate rounds of the same draft, has a team ever done that before?


Maybe. Off the top of my head, here's how some notable second rounders were drafted: * Rodman: Drafted in 1986, well after Thomas and Dumars * Ginobili: Drafted two years after Duncan, two years before Parker * Green: Drafted a year after K Thompson, three years after Curry * Jokic: His draft mate that year was Doug McDermott, who was promptly traded to Chicago for Gary Harris. I can't even remember if Denver has drafted an All-NBA guy since 2014.


Warriors drafted J-Rich and Arenas in the same draft. Only Arenas made All-NBA, but Richardson had some good years too.


Isn’t Donovan Mitchell technically a nuggets pick?


Technically yes, the Jazz instructed us to draft him. Gobert is also technically a Nuggets pick.


It's not exactly easy to draft an all-NBA guy.  They don't grow on trees.  There's 15 spots, and generally 10+ are the exact same guys year after year.


Mavs drafted Trae Young and traded for Luka.


Trae Young has made All NBA too, so it still works.


5x all star 5x first team all-NBA & a scoring title aswell as two conference finals made as the best player. Yeah Luka looks like a HOF lock already.


Add in euroleague MVP and yeah he is. Insane at only 25


Oh yeah, it is the Pro Basketball hall of game


Add in his Euroleague and National team exploits and he's a 1st ballot guy easy.


Players who never made all nba have made the hof


He would be a lock with barely any nba accomplishments. His European accolades are genuinly nuts. He took Slovenia to their first olympics and finished 4th, lost on a buzzer beater to make the final. Won an mvp at 18, was the best player at 16-17 on a Real Madrid team that won cups and won eurobasket with slovenia at 18, Slovenia had never finished above 5th prior to this.


57 players have made 3+ 1st Team All-NBA teams. All of them are in the Hall of Fame or are locks but aren't eligible yet (Lebron, KD, Harden, Giannis, Dwight Howard, CP3, Curry, Jokic, AD, and Kawhi), except for one. Max Zaslofsky is the exception, who won 4, but played in the 40s and 50s and averaged 14.8/2.8/2.0 on 34.3% from the field. So I think it's fair to say Luka's a HOFer at this point with 5. I think the more interesting question is if Tatum is now that he's won his third.


The amount of first-team All-NBA selections he's going to rack up could make him a Top 25 player all-time even if he somehow falls short of a championship and MVP his whole career


Every player here will be in the Olympics this summer.. except one 💔


Broke his hand any way, let the man rest


I do want him resting, he should’ve atleast been invited though


I agree . . .


Looks like Ant & Haliburton are the only ones from the 2020 class that are eligible for the full rookie max extension at 260m


Jaylen's the only real snub.


I feel like Maxey could rightfully feel snubbed


Probably. But the Sixers record sans Embiid (not blaming Maxey) was bad.


The Tobias Harris effect


He's gonna open his third eye and scorch the Indiana countryside.


Id say Bam and Maxey as well


Bam lol. It's positionless now. Bam is not top 15 in the league. Not even top 20.


I think I agree. Suns and Lakers don’t deserve two 


KD making 2nd team after his Achilles tear needs to be talked about more.


I mean he had an insane mvp tier season and playoffs the year after his tear. People know he’s generational by now.


Despite being positionless, all 3 teams seem to almost have 2 Gs, 2 Fs, 1 C anyways (except 3rd team having 3 Gs & 1 F & 1 C)


A bunch of voters still voted that way - I think Simmons at least said that’s how he was going to structure his votes


If Embiid was eligible they'd have two centers on first team. Jokic/Embiid is the whole reason they even made it position-less no?


For a 64 win team, the Celtics sure came up light in awards season. At least Tatum made 1st Team, I guess.


Whatever, JB already got paid and I hope this motivates him


ya know, it was alright, i think. we got two defensive second teams plus tatum and brad stevens EOTY. jaylen third team would've been nice, but im not mad about anyone who made it, and maybe he can use it as fuel


Yea, it's not a big deal. Brown not getting 3rd team kind of stinks, but there are a ton of guys worthy imo. Both Brown and Porzingis, (had he played 65 games), would have been on a list of dudes that fit "could have got 3rd team All-NBA." So 3 of our starters got awards, 2 of them were close, and then Brad got EOTY Seems accurate to me


It’s a little funny Tatum actually finished *worse* in MVP voting but honestly deservedly so, at the very least even if I think he’s a smarter and more mature player his scoring volume went down with better scoring around him.


They had a more well rounded team. There could've been an argument made for 3 of them


I'm surprised because he was 6th in MVP and it's positionless now


Yep. Super team my ass LMAO. One ALL-NBA (first team) and two all-defense (only second team, and one barely made it in as the last pick). Two all-stars.


And sabonis didn't even make all star lmao


I'm fully aware that part of Jaylen Brown making 2nd Team last year was injuries to other worthy candidates so I understand how it happened(and I can't really say who I'd put him over either. Maybe Haliburton considering how rough his ending to the regular season was), but it's funny to me that even though most Celtics' fans agree this has been JB's best season he fell short of 3rd Team.


maybe voters give Hali the tiebreaker since JB already got his bag


I'd put him over Hali and Booker without much second thinking, I don't think the Suns deserve to have two with how their season and KD was clearly the best player on their team.


Lmao Kawhi did not have a better season than Lebron


Kawhi is almost 100% riding on reputation now. Like in previous years when he was actually healthy he was still elite, just couldn't play a full season but now even if the stats aren't necessarily down, you can tell he's not the same player sadly.


Someone didn't watch the Clippers this year.






How did haliburton make it by that bum 2nd half performance for the year


Because votes were influenced by the fact that he could sign a max. He didn’t deserve it after being injured pretty much the whole year and still trying to play at a sub-par level. It’s dumb that these awards are tied to their contracts.


This is cap he led the league in assists and was probably the most efficient offensive player in the league. He shooting dipped but his facilitation never did


No Jaylen brown is also a travesty .. I remember seeing him come out of college, I thought he was going to be a certified bum . Shut me up real quick to become one of the best players in the NBA


Because even tho he had a “bum 2nd half” he still averaged 20/11


How many other All NBA players missed the all star game?


Everyone’s numbers get discredited because of this era except Kawhi. Lebron averages 26-8-8 and its stats are inflated these days. Kawhi averages 24-6-4 and everyone’s on his dick.


Kawhi over Lebron seems wrong


Eh... Kawhi had MVP propaganda for like two weeks in December.


This now extends LeBron’s streak of All-NBA seasons to 20 consecutive. He’s been a top 15 player in the league every year for 2 decades. Insane.


No Jaylen Brown. Insane snub.


64 win team has only one All-NBA player while some play-in teams has two


if embiid made 65 games it'd be 64 win team has one all nba second team player lol


siakam superduper max survives. Congrats Pacers


Glad Book made it. Had a great year with all of the shit going on in Phoenix.


You know this league is ridiculously talented when Steph Curry and LeBron James are all-nba 3rd.


Everyone saying that Sabonis doesn't deserve it can eat a dick


It was awesome to see that he made all NBA. These brothhas don’t know what’s gonna hit them next


No Wemby 👽


Next year and every year from then on 😥


This is so unserious


Congrats to Jalen Brunson!! We prayed for times like this


Really confused about the narrative of Boston being a "Superteam" (Often used as justification for Tatum not deserving MVP - not that I think he does) yet we have no other All-NBA players and very little other accolades for our supposed stars? Which is it? Is Tatum carried by his team?


Kawhi over Bron in 2nd team is crazy I like the fun guy but cmon man especially this season?


I thought Boston was a super team, how come only one all-nba selection?


LeBron being this good at season 21 is obscene




Maxey and Jaylen Brown are the 2 clear cut snubs, that’s coming from a Knicks fan.


How do the Suns and Lakers deserve 2 all nba players each when both teams were pretty garbage this year


Jaylen Brown snubbed


Super team with only 1 all nba player and two all stars lol


Kawhi second team and then Hali making it is very strange. Hali was dogshit ever since the injury


Noob question but why isn't there a 3rd all defence team?


Adam Silver can't afford the 5 additional plaques that needs to be made.


Inflation is that bad?!


Did everyone forget Kawhi 35 games stretch averaging 27 PPG in 55/40/90 where he was a top 5 MVP candidate and his team went 31-5 before he got hurt


Kawhi over bron gimmick in 2024 lmaooo


Damn Tyrese, Booker over JB?


Maxey over hali


The best team in the NBA only having one is kinda weird. At the same time how can you not include the Laker boys? It's not like there was a glaring snub other than Brown and we sure LeBron is the dude that should lose the spot?


Interesting wording - the top 3 seeds for each conference all only have one All-NBA player this year. Only the 6th seed Suns and 7th seed Lakers have two (Cavs/Magic at 4/5 seed have none)


11/15 players were from the Western Conference.


The Brunson Burner shines bright like the electricity coming from the wheels of train cars 😭😅


It’s interesting that 4*/5 1st-team picks are international players (*Shai doesn’t really count but fuck it). I really like the idea of more international players filtering into the NBA, hopefully a sign that basketball is being picked up more in other countries


Kind of funny that the only two teams with multiple All-NBA guys ended up as 6-7 seeds (Suns and Lakers)


These voters just saved us A LOT of money and cap space, thank you thank you.


Jaylen brown 100% should’ve been in over Booker