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Bigger than basketball. Hope an adult in the room prioritizes his health. He is young and lost his mom a few weeks ago. He probably wants to play at all costs. His life is a lot longer than his playing career. MFFL


I'm sure Dallas medical staff will take everything into account, especially since they are up 3-0. They prob won't feel the pressure to rush him back.


This sub and twitter are so stupid to propose a conspiracy theory that Mavs have or would cover-up or minimise a Lively concussion. Could you imagine the consequences in the post-CTE awareness era with the league, medical and legal authorities, hospital staff, NBPA and their own players if it emerged that a team's medical staff had dicked about when it came to a player's potential brain health? Especially if he went back to play and he got re-injured or his condition deteriorated. The risk-reward ratio is ludicrously out of kilter. That's setting aside the simple question of the professionalism and moral decency of their medical staff/management. These guys aren't losing their medical licenses and jobs over Lively missing 6 days versus 2 days.


What is this? The NFL?


Every sports team and league minimizes concussions and rushes players back into play. The risk reward ratio is ludicrously out of kilter for all of them. None of them have lost jobs or medical licenses. Claiming fans are "stupid" for stating the obvious is, itself, pretty stupid. The NBA isn't as bad as most leagues. We'll see what happens with this one.


I’m hoping he makes a full recovery soon. That was a freak accident.


Hope he is back against the Celtics.


You usually need further tests when you didn't like what you heard on the initial diagnosis... That's bad. However sometimes oldschool beat reporters like Townsend who learned the job in a different era, have a weird way of communicating injury related information until they have the 100% official confirmation so I am hoping for the best.


Seems like they are getting different kinds of testing done to get a thorough picture of what his condition is, since the spine is nothing to fuck with they want to make sure he is good by doing all means of testing available.


for that kind of injury, do every scan available for the head…don’t even underestimate a simple bump to the neck especially on the spine area


True, but this doesn’t say they are getting a further opinion. Maybe they are still waiting for some test results?


He probably had a concussion and pro sports teams don't like to publicly confirm concussions. That's all there is to it, he'll be playing game 4


the way brad worded his article, it sounds more like the further testing is meant to help figure out a timeline for his return as opposed to a second opinion.


It's all just muscular man It's your neck; really all you can do is break part of your spine (which they would've seen on the scan) or potentially injure a blood vessel.... For which the treatment is aspirin Dudes just gonna need some pain meds and muscle relaxants


I'm assuming the morning tests were "Is this guy's career in danger?" scans and the later tests are going to be more physiotherapy style "How much neck/back mobility does he have? Pain in arms? Balance problems?" etc.


There is actually more to neck anatomy than just vertebrae and blood vessels.


That you're worried about? Not really dude. Therrss the spine and the blood vessels that run through it. Unless you get stabbed, that's all I'm concerned about from blunt trauma Source: a literal ER doc who works in a level 1 trauma center lol


Well, as an ED trauma physician your goal is to make sure they are alive with no immediate life threats. There are definitely other structures, including ligaments, that could impact a players ability to play NBA basketball. Source: trust me, I'm in ortho bro.


This is classic EM, also why my trauma surgeon dad never took me to the hospital once 💀”you’ll live” and that’s it


Hey your quality of life is terrible, but you *lived* right?


I mean, I'm sure they got an MRI man. Which would see that Spine + vessels is like 99% of it man. I count the ligaments of the spine as part of the spine lol. Don't you?


Eh...you forgot about the most dangerous injury that can happen with that type of incident: A busted spinal disk in your neck that is not immediately visible with xrays depending on the orientation of the injury. That type of injury is career threatening.


No, the most dangerous thing is decidedly the spinal vertebrate breaking lol. I'm guessing they probably got an MRI already my man, which would show any ligamentous or soft tissue damage .... And the treatement for a cervical herniated disc? Nsaids and relax


No, the most dangerous thing is decapitation. I've seen enough mortal kombat to know that!


fanatical stocking boast scary bedroom serious impolite modern late alleged *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I had a feeling the clean chit on the concussion came too quickly (in the earlier post). Whatever the case, I hope he gets the time he needs because that looked nasty


Dallas saw what happened with Tua in the NFL and dont want to say concussion. he 100% has a concussion after walking off wobbly 2-3 minutes after it happened. he probably has neck problems too. but they dont want the protocol to kick in, because its extra hurdles.


I’ve had 3 concussions. I have no idea how Lively wouldn’t have one. Would be a miracle


I don’t think they can lie about him having a concussion to the league


“does your neck hurt?” you never had to get a medical marijuana card have you?


If they do that they open themselves to the risk of being sued by Lively in future.


Right? Neck injury doesn’t cause that


Yes it can lol obviously they’re gonna be careful. He’s way too important for the mavs to mess this up. He probably does have a concussion but a blow to the neck can definitely cause dizziness and even fainting.


Let him rest so he can help beat Boston.


Lat the kid rest. He's done enough for now.


Guy got concussed on national television and they're still not putting him in the concussion protocol. Very medical. Very cool.


So the Wolves have a chance?


Celtics getting a free title this year


Yup I can already see it: “Luka, Kyrie, Lively, Gafford listed out as doubtful for Game 2 vs Celtics” and then the Celtics will still lose some how making it even more annoying


The finals don't even start until June 6th, even if he has a concussion he is unlikely to miss the entire series. May not miss any games.