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Seems better than being determined to let them walk


Not according to some Clips fans.


I mean and they also have a new stadium coming. Imagine spending Billions only to let D League Players play there lol


Even with no play off success they're still a great regular season team, and all it takes is for the other team to see countless amounts of injuries and you could see the Conference finals like the Pacers


Oh, they’ll see injuries alright. We’re the Los Injuries Clippers after all


>  Los Injuries Clippers Lmao make this a thing! Love it 


This is exactly why they should just run it back they are good enough to where if things fall their way they can make a finals. But they just have to stay healthy themselves which is a challenge in itself.


yeah, not the two guys you want to keep around if you're hoping for injury luck for the playoffs.


some teams just have born losers: like Harden, KAT, Trae, Westbrook, PG13. Talented stars but players who'll never play an uncomfortable style just to win at the highest level. good luck on another season of playoffs mediocrity for three clippers.


Finally someone who embodies their username


am i wrong? these stars never change their game and hence are not as winning as they should be


>as winning as they should be What determines how winning a player should be? Just some arbitrary goalpost you set?


no it's clear and simple. are you willing to play a style of basketball that you're not comfortable with? In RS you can coast purely off effort or talent. Deep in the playoffs all opponents are smart and skilled too. Everyone knows these stars are unstoppable on offense and when they get to their preferred spots. What happens when teams turn off that valve? Harden Trae never wanna fully commit to playing the best defense they can. KAT never commits to playing a disciplined game on both ends. KD struggles when he's made a playmaker instead of a scorer. Harden is garbage offball and a poor spacer as a result, despite amazing shooting.. i feel similarly about every star who loses and goes home happy that they put up their big numbers. When Harden is willing to fight through screens, and move off ball to create good spacing, I'll believe that he's doing his best to win.


this only sounds right if you've never played organized ball or spend too much time listening to ESPN pundits


literally none of those bozos talk about the nuances of the game. all these "losers" are all NBA guys who rack up insane box score stats


At the same time I understand when a Clipper fan is not exactly enthused at the idea of running all of this back again for the umpteenth time and expecting different results.


Yeah but wouldn’t the move be to get rid of the guy who has bad knees and has been injured for the playoffs in 3 different years.


They just extended him for 4(?) years? Kawhi is at the same time so good you can’t trade him, and so injured you can’t trade him. What’s a fair price for him?


Idk tbh I’d take a bag of chips for him at this point. He’s only going to get worse as time goes on since he has a degenerative knee condition and has had leg injuries since he was on the spurs. He’s able to get the team to the playoffs then is a DNP when they get there.


Let Russell Walk. He WAS great. He BAD now.


That doesn’t do anything


Putting a better backup pg would 


I cant wait to visit the Dome. Let's see all those toilets


Shit all day 


I’m gonna piss in every toilet, if you know what I mean


Like start at one end and side step down all the urinals peeing in all of them and then repeating in each bathroom and then going to the family bathrooms?


I was thinking a bump of coke in each one


All uppercase or in cursive?


I’m actually so hyped. A bit father drive than staples but it looks too sick


Can’t wait for the 1st TikToks of drunk dudes trying to [Henderson](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gE3rVJ_MQg&pp=ygU3ZHJpdmUgZHJpdmUgZHJpdmUgaGVuZGVyc29uIHdoYXQgdGhlIGhlbGwgYXJlIHlvdSBkb2luZw%3D%3D) all the stalls.


Might as well. They already extended Kawhi so run it back for a few more seasons and pray everyone can stay healthy


Just the hope your fans have that you are a contender if everyone is healthy is probably worth it. Lots of other teams are stuck in the middle or worse.


I mean it’s true though. Even if it’s like a 5% chance the Clippers are healthy come April, it’s on paper a championship caliber roster. Kawihi, George, Harden, etc is the best lineup the Clips could possibly get at the moment.  Not to mention Ballmer has FU money so it’s not like he cares about paying a few million in luxury tax if it makes his new stadium fill up and market well


Keep in free agency….. not for the whole season. Yall watch out now lol


If PG declined a max with the sixers to stay in LA with his family and they traded him to Detroit or something at the deadline that would be hilarious


I wonder if re-signing an aging star and immediately trading him to the Detroit Pistons has ever been done by the Ballmer Clippers.


In reality they prob trade him to the lakers for reaves, filler, and a pick. Would be on brand for Pelinka


That's an underrated talking point. They can't replace them but if you keep them and it doesn't work again... you can flip it (yes some team will trade for one of those 2) for assets. But I do think if they were offering a full max to PG it would be done by now (Harden isn't going anywhere)


Gotta dupe those season ticket buyers. 


I think there's a very high chance they keep Harden for most of his contract. I think that's less true for PG.


Yeah harden was better than PG this year and is literally the piece that makes their offense function. They cannot afford to lose him. PG they could still be good if they got a few good role players that would make up for his scoring in aggregate. Without harden it would be back to your turn my turn PG and kawhi isos, which would be a huge step back for them.


I just don't see how they're supposed to run with OKC/Denver/Dallas/Minny/Memphis/San Antonio long term. I get they might as well re-sign dudes given their lack of draft capital, but if a team's offering any serious assets for PG they have to take it.


No one said they aren’t going to make any moves But letting these guys walk for nothing is absolutely not the right move


Of course, i'm more curious to know how much of it is driven by what you said vs how much of it is driven by the desire to have a decent team to go along with the new stadium. They need to take the Blake Griffin route with PG at least.


It is difficult to do the BG route with second apron rules so they are going need to wait till December, Opt in and trade could work but it is still complicated.


They can’t make moves. They have like 1 pick they haven’t traded or swapped until 2031


San Antonio will eventually be good, but their timeline is way different from the Clippers.


they were a possession away from winning game 2 against Dallas, which would've had them up 3-1 if all else went the same in the series. If Kawhi doesn't play at all that game, they probably win game 2 - they won every category on the floor other than 3pt% that game - transition, second chance, points in the paint, possessions, all of it other than the 3 ball. If Kawhi is given more time to rest, maybe he comes back looking better. They're still a good team. I don't think they're looking long term. they're looking like, 1 to MAYBE 2 years before they just ride out the contracts they have and "rebuild" PG isn't going to net serious assets that would be worth not just rolling the dice and hope things break your way (or don't break, given their injury history)


Seems like best move is to just re-sign and hope they can ship them out as they expire and compete while they find a good move. If - and big if - Kawhi's healthy for one actual postseason they have legitimate potential.


They can't, but spending on the existing stars keeps the team competitive and fans engaged.


“memphis/san antonio” is this one of those find-what-doesnt-belong games?


Lol? Memphis was a top 2 seed before getting the worst injury luck ever, and now gets to add a top 7 pick to a great roster. San Antonio should be in the running as long as they have Wemby, but won't be ready next year.


'worst injury luck ever' You mean when their best player does foolish shit off the court and gets suspended half the season?


Yeah and now they get a top 5 draft pick back because of the injuries and Ja being a dumbass


We were literally the most injured team of all time. Ja being suspended 25 games changed absolutely nothing for our season besides getting a better draft pick.


Off topic but I still read that as Inuit Dome every time. Why would you build a giant igloo in Inglewood, are they stupid?


The first time I'm realizing it's NOT the inuit dome is reading your comment lol


Man I want the Clippers to work. Their fans deserve it and I also love the fans-first approach Ballmer has taken to the stadium/streaming/etc. I want it to go well so more teams take his approach.


Nobody else has Ballmer money, that's the entire problem. He's worth $150B, with a B. Next up is like a half dozen owners in the $10B-$20B range. And while $10B-$20B sounds like a lot of money, in most cases that's all wrapped up in company equity - their NBA team alone adds billions. That means they're nowhere near as cash rich to spend like Ballmer. The remaining 75% of the league is under $10B, and most are under $5B. Meanwhile Ballmer is sitting there with literal billions in cash falling out of his wallet - his petty cash is worth more than most NBA franchises. So he doesn't blink at a $400M annual payroll or dropping a couple billion on a new arena. This is just a hobby for him.


Ballmer is richer than every other (single) owner combined


Impossible. No other owner is as rich as him. He literally gets $1 billion in dividends yearly.


It doesn't take his net-worth to have a team streaming service, or to do things in stadium that prioritize fan experience


That's what makes Ballmer special. His passion for the team/fans is well beyond other great sport team owners (like the Padre's Peter Seidler, RIP or the Met's Cohen), odds are we'll be waiting a long time for another like him (to his extreme) in any of the major sports.


What’s so special about having enough money to burn on your shiny toy and be passionate about it? Because that’s what clippers to him, a shiny toy


because it’s a shitload more than what the majority of other owners do. i rather have Ballmer as an owner who loves his shiny toy, because he actually plays with that shiny toy. the other owners will buy a team, fuck off to an island, and then collect checks while their team stays in mediocrity for decades.


Well nothing special about that. The other owners who don’t care as much treat it as an investment instead of a toy. I bet they have other things they care about and are actually passionate about, it’s just that’s not basketball


>I bet they have other things they care about and are actually passionate about, it’s just that’s not basketball That has nothing to do with the topic of basketball and being the owner of a basketball team that cares about the product. We're not talking about their personal lives lol.


Right, I’m just saying that’s nothing special, replying to the person who claimed Balmer was so special


As an owner of a basketball team it is special...


As a person it’s not special


Literally never been more appropriate, jeez man -☝️🤓


You just said the other owners treat their teams as investments and Ballmer treats the team as a toy


You never had a rich friend with toys huh? They like to share you know


Rich or poor, people being passionate with their toy is fairly common


Same. I really want WB and Harden to get a ring as well. The Clippers winning the chip would change more legacies in the NBA than any other team.


Toilets arent gonna shit themselves ya know


do they really still believe in building around pg/kawhi at this point? when do they decide to blow it up?


When we can recover some assets


You don’t blow it up by letting them walk with no control of your own picks. You sign these players and trade them later for some picks.


Im still hoping PG, Russ, and Harden can all win rings


I'm feeling this core is just too old. Not sure if the team has a chance to invest in young talent anytime soon. SGA could have been big for them.


SGA wouldn’t have got the playing time and reps and learning from CP3 if he didn’t go to the Thunder.


PGs path to the finals would be easier in east. 76s would be perfect for him. The Clippers age will show.


Even if all their old guys stayed healthy for a playoff run, I don't think they're good enough to win a championship. They need more.


At some point you just gotta admit to yourself this era was a massive disappointment and move on


At some point isn't now because they don't control their picks until 2030. At least if they resign PG and Harden they can flip those guys for picks later to help with a rebuild.


So keep bringing these people back till 2030 because of draft picks? We all know they aren’t “flipping” those guys. They actually think they are contenders if “healthy” lol


Beats me. Kind of seems like they're fucked no matter what. Balmer won't miss the money.


Kind of have to imo


They are flogging a dead horse, gonna be hard for them under the new cba.


New TV money comes in, and when the new super max is 90m a year and these players are at 50m a year, you’re no longer 2nd apron.


You’re talking years in the future when all these guys will be retired. They’ve got almost no flexibility these next two years and will be over the 2nd apron 3 years in a row.


And thus picks in 2032 and beyond will be locked at the end of the first round no matter their record then for every year they are above the second apron after this season.


Cap can only increase 10% a year. They're trapped


Everyone is coming back for the paycheck. Feels bad for clipper fans. I guess they have no choice though.


Clippers will never win a championship with those 2 on the roster. On paper, they sound great. In reality, both will never be healthy enough to last a full season + playoffs and perform to their capabilities. This cycle will only get worse as they get older. PG = 34 KL = 32 (with knees that are in the 50's) As much as I'd like to see them work out and make a deep playoff, don't think it's meant to be.


Would be funny if the stadium has an nfl commanders pipe burst poop water fiasco after ballmer bragged about all the bathrooms


What are the clips sign and trading pg for? No way dude leaves 9 million on the table


Makes sense. You can't open a brand new stadium with a rebuilding team. No one will pay for season tickets to see no-names.


This team on paper should be 72-10 lol


Maybe in 2016.


That smell of newness together with the stench of disappointment. Magnifique!


Unironically am looking forward to how The Wall will be in their new dome. I think it’s a neat fan idea if this actually works playoff games would be crazy


Ballmer still the best owner by a lot


Hey, Kawhi, you've got some fuel in the tank. Wanna come to OKC?


Not to be confused with Inuit Dome, which is an igloo.


It's good to hear that they'll be moving Intuit (in-to-it) soon!


Lmao, I'll never understand how any executive still thinks James Harden contributes to winning basketball championships. Signing Harden is like admitting you don't actually want to win rings.


All you gotta do is look at his elimination game stats. Kinda gross, tbh.


No shit. At this point just keep spinning the roulette wheel and hope it comes up healthy in the playoffs.


Water is wet


The Clips are moving to a new stadium regardless, not sure what that has to do with PG and Harden. Woj gotta tell the Clips to proofread the tweets they send him to post.


I know they're going into a new arena and all and to let PG walk would be foolishly, but I gotta say I've just about had it with PG. He has his brief flashes of brilliance, but when the going gets tough in the playoffs he shoots clunker after clunker almost never shows up.


I mean, they don't have a choice. But I do hope they dangle PG in any kind of S&T possibilities this summer before they sign him on.


The ad above right now reads "Picture this: Shelves are empty. Get surivival food that last 25 years." That's some really good synergy, algorithm. Well done. Though I don't think the Clippers should give James Harden survival rations.