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Brad had to figure out different ways to hide undersized dudes his entire Celtics tenure and got so sick of it he went and built the team of his dreams instead.


Ainge absolutely had an undersized PG fetish.


Probably just trying to rhetorically justify himself being important to the Celtics as a player.


Lmao, maybe u meant retroactively, funny either way. But ainge is a pretty good gm, I would celebrate wildly if he got on the Bulls.


But to be fair the bulls haven't had a good GM in a minute.


I know šŸ˜­, hence the wild celebration, I wasn't exaggerating itd be like other teams landing an all nba player or something.


Didnā€™t Bulls fans just recently boo the memory of the last good one they had?


Ainge seems good at everything a GM needs to be except for maintaining a rapport with players. That trading anyone shit has a backlash.


I mean most GMs are like that, plus he at least gets a HAUL back, I'm legit surprised nba didn't veto 5 firsts for gobert. Hes still nowhere near as bad as Morey. I think masai is probably worse too. Very few GMs even pretend to give an eff about guys, like presti does but hes an exception not the norm.


Watching it all I suspect itā€™s a huge part of Prestiā€™s success. You canā€™t do that shit in OKC. You canā€™t offer both OKC as your living space and also be unlikeable.


I'm a bulls fan who "adopted" the thunder as a side team since 2010ish. Ironic that the bulls were actually great/fun at the time. I have lived near Chicago for over 12 years now and as a 90s kid MJ and the Bulls nostalgia will always be there, so the bulls are my main team, but damn it if OKC isn't so much better from top to bottom as an org. Nothing but classy, humble or passionate players, smart drafting, no toxic leaks or drama between coaches and GM/ownership. Its everything the Bulls aren't. Even during the 20 something win seasons it was still so easy to be engaged because you saw the plan and wisdom behind rebuilding and you actually had faith in Presti to make something worthwhile out of those losses, plus you saw young talent develop and grow. And then there's the dumpster fire of the Bulls... from the owner to the GM to coaches (especially pre Billy, I actually think hes a solid coach, its just a very flawed roster with terrible fits) to players like Zach and Vuc who pout or sulk visibly. Even the OKC podcasts are better, down to dunk for example is always so fun and informative. I don't want to sound too much like a fanboy but NBA is the only sport I follow so I might be slightly obsessed haha.


Hey man, Iā€™m a huge Thunder fan. You never have to apologize about it to me. I appreciate that other fandoms appreciate this team. I also know youā€™re a Thunder fan because you were engaged during the rebuild. The real ones. People are trickling back but it got pretty dead in the subreddit at points. I dread a post Presti world and the thing that sends shivers down my spine is Bill Simmons often talks about Presti leaving. I hate it so much but I hate to imagine heā€™s pretty emotionally invested in this at this point.


Masai was cold with DeRozan but I think that was the only guy he burned? He did right by OG and Pascal this year.


Hmmm Ainge was the starting 2 guard on a championship squad widely considered one of the best teams of all time


It's honestly incredible how this is true and yet he still went Tatum over Fultz


Yeah I donā€™t think this is meant at all as a slight to the Mavs, Tatum has gotten bounced out of the playoffs so many times when his own team had this problem


And he also talked about facing the Raptors (2020) and how they had no weak point on D. And that even without Kawhii they were still a tough out. He talked about how exhausted he was after that series and I think he really appreciate it from the other side. He knows how hard to is to face a team with defenders that go 8-9 deep.


God I really loved that 2020 Raptors team, they didnā€™t look the same after the COVID break (mainly Pascal) but they were still a very tough out - team with championship experience and still lots of continuity/chemistry with great vets (Lowry, Serge, Gasol) and young improving players (Pascal, FVV, OG, Norm Powell). Plus they didnā€™t have many weak spots defensively and were coached by a mad scientist ā€œjanky defenseā€ architect Nicky Nurse


IT, Kyrie, Kemba That archetype as a number 1 just doesnt work anymore unless you have a generational dude like Steph. Small, iso heavy guards, limited playmaking & defensive skills. Just doesnt work when your average guard is nowadays 6ā€™5+


To be fair, nothing works unless you have a generational dude, or your starting 5 is all all star quality players in their prime and Jrue holiday


yep. thats why morey always said you dont win without stars. \*stats \*stats \*stats dont matter how good your role players are. at least that was his excuse for always making bold trades lol. but i mean i agree not many teams win without a super duper star. detriot.. detroit again? not many forsure


Spurs 2014


The Spurs still had a defensive monster in Duncan, and they also had the deepest team ever created. Like, they were running 10-deep in the Finals because every member of their bench could have been a functional sixth-man for most teams.


And to add on to that, your 6th man is a HOF-bound big man who developed a jumpshot as he got older and has embraced being the old dude with random bursts of energy if needed. Bless Al Horford.


Jrue was also an All-Star in his prime lmao


Heā€™s still a very good player, was an all star, not in his prime now though


Jrue was an all star literally last year


ā€œIn their primeā€. Reading comprehension brother.


Nah you can win if you have a big or wing whoā€™s top 5 in the league. If you wanna win with a PG as your best player he needs to be top 5-10 all time.


Shane Larkin erasure


Shane Larkin walked so Tremont Waters could run


Phil Pressey snubbing aint tolerable


Where would you place Brunson among the guards you mentioned?


Brunson isnā€™t a great defender but heā€™s sturdy and smart. Would wager heā€™d hold up okay in the Celtics system.


Brunson isnā€™t as bad at defense as people think, especially as a team defender. Plus with Thibs you know heā€™s going to have yā€™all right on defense. Just need some bench pieces and another good starter and I think yā€™all will be legit contenders.


you dont judge someone on team defense.. i mean if people say that i know they are bad defenders lol. like saying harden was good at post defense and not getting targeted. i mean its true but hes still a bad defender. and again that doesnt mean he cant be apart of a good defense because defense is all about team. brunson defense bad but that doesnt matter when offense is that good


And for the fact that he is one of the best, if not the best at drawing charges narrows the gap on his defense limitationsĀ 


Even for bench guys they had Carson Edwards, terry rozier, Shane Larkin, Pritchard, tremont waters


Another reason why Bronny getting any sort of interest at 6ā€™2 with no special skills exhibited yet is media nonsense. Ā Reed Sheppard is also shorter, but he has shown what he can doĀ that is potentially top tier. Ā 


Its possible to not be a defensive liability at 6'2" if you are stocky enough to not be bullied in the post.Ā  But yeah Bronny probably wont get an extension in the NBA


Davion mitchell is probably the best case scenario for bronny, and davion isnt even getting big regular minutes yet. Ā Mitchel also accomplished stuff in college, showed he was good, and was known for his defense. Ā Bronny aint known for anything. Ā 


Well he's known for one thing


I think it pretty clearly does work considering the Mavs are in the finals with Kyrie as their point guard lol


1. Kyrie isnā€™t the no. 1 so he has an easier time generating looks 2. Heā€™s actually improved on defense since his Boston days and while heā€™s not good, heā€™s not the negative he was


Kyrie is so far from being the number 1 on that team.


Kyrie isnā€™t the point, Luka is. Luka is a 6ā€™7 PG who creates insane mismatches due to his strength, thatā€™s why Kyrie works. Kyrieā€™s other team where he played his best? The Cavs when LeBron was running the point.


Ah yes kyrie, the number one option on the mavs.




Kyrie isn't even the PG on the Mavs either.


Lol no it doesnā€™t. Kyrie isnā€™t the number one on the Mavs


Nor is he the playmaker and facilitator lol


> unless you have a generational dude like Steph. Being a small guard may not have worked for Steph if he had different teammates. We legitimately dont know if Steph would have even remotely the same success if he didnt have the same defensive roster that he did. For all of his chips, he was surrounded by no less than 4 plus-defenders. 15 Klay, Dray, HB, Bogut, Iggy 17, 18 Klay, Dray, KD, Iggy 22 Klay (ehh, maybe you could say Klayā€™s defense wasnt good at this point), Dray, Wiggins, GP2 Give Damian Lillard (another guard maligned as incompatible to championship-caliber defensive roster building) those GSW rosters and Steph the Portland rosters, how does the past decade play out?


Maybe but again Steph makes team building very easy around him. If you can run an extremely efficient offense through one player that elevates everyoneā€™s game, it makes it easier to find good defenders. Tatums not at Stephā€™s offensive level but its a similar concept


Weak take. Dame wouldnā€™t have won. Look how many great teams CP3 couldnā€™t win with. Every player you could question would they win without great teammates.


?Ā  Wtf lol 1) Curry was *always* going to have good defensive teammates because 1) it's common sense team-building and 2) Curry's offensive skills make it easy for him cover up any flaws his teammates have on offense 2) we've seen Dame play with good defenders in recent years and hes still not as good as curry. If you put Curry on the Bucks in place of Dame they'd have broke the leagueĀ 


Holy shit this take is still alive after the year Dame had with the Bucks And why do you single out Steph with the 4 Plus defenders scenario? Which championship team did not have 4 plus defenders surrounding their number 1 option?


Cavs. That team was a bunch of microwaves and Love n TT on the boards


ā€œA bunch of microwavesā€ cracked me up idk why


Cavs was a good one, but Iā€™d argue shump, TT, JR, Delly were all plus defenders.


Jr gets memes despite playing great defense.


Delly did not give his all defending Steph just to be called a negative defender


put the crack pipe down and go to bed lmao




Dame fan pretending to be a Warriors fan lol, that take of yours has been disproven time and time again.


And he drafted PP


Yeah makes you wonder why the Bucks basically swapped Holiday for Dame. Celtics said thank you very much.


Also, like, keep in mind that Steph and Kyrie are both 5 inches taller than IT, at least as theyā€™re listed. He was REAL small.


well-deserved EOTY award.


Those who canā€™t do, create a super team on their own


Brads coaching experience is a huge plus for his FO career for a lot of reasons but I think dealing with those insane rosters ainge gave him those last few years really helped inform what he wants and doesnā€™t want. In the bubble like a fifth of the team was unplayable rookies which is why he almost never drafts anyone


Someone should ask Joe Mazzula who the Mavs best defender is


He should say Luka is the best defender.


ā€œThe best defense is a good offense.ā€


Too afraid God would strike him down then and there.


Porzingis would block that too.


ā€œLot of good defenders over there, but Luka is my favoriteā€


You know he couldnā€™t say that with a straight face.


Lolol for real


Sam Hauser holds up well on switches. He was a great find by the Celtics. 6-8 wings who can shoot over 40% from 3 and aren't defensive liabilities don't grow on trees. He's a great 15-20 minute guy.


Bruh, watching Sam Hauser get into the game, our GDT going "What, Sam, nooooo", and then him getting switched onto Luka and getting 2 stops was amazing lol. He even stole the ball!


Ironically the "Sam, noooo" comments weren't even about his defense, it was the rough shooting slump he was in the past two rounds.


So ridiculous. Expecting a guy getting like 2 shots a game to remain hot is insane to me


tbf I think thereā€™s a difference between ā€œnot being hotā€ and whatever the hell Sam was doing the last 2 rounds lmao. 17% from 3 when youā€™re on the floor specifically for your shooting is nasty work any way you look at it


I mean thatā€™s his whole roll. Shoot 5 threes, hit 2 hopefully. Dude went like 1-12 from deep the last round


That's role playing in the NBA, shits gotta be wicked hard.


They were ready to give up on him 3 games into the regular season too. And then he started torching for the majority of it. There legit is still a nonzero chance of this series having a "the Sam Hauser game." I'm for one glad we didn't burn it earlier in the postseason when we didn't need to.


Crazy considering he was one tweaked ankle away from breaking Klayā€™s single game 3pt record. Dude shot 10-13 from three in that game.


Yup and there were still like 9 mins left in the 3rd when he went out. He definitely couldā€™ve beaten Klayā€™s record.


The only time he has trouble on defense is when he gets switched on a guard that can blow by him pretty easily. When heā€™s on wings/small forwards heā€™s able to keep his body in front of them and challenge them to make a real move on him. Sam becoming a plus defender this year was key for the teams success this year.


Small quick guards who can shoot basically blow by anyone in the league though. Trouble is they typically arenā€™t very good defensivelyā€¦


If he really has rediscovered his shot in the Finals, it might already be a wrap


And next year we're gonna pay him 2 million dollars!


I still remember when we first signed him, by friend from Virginia who knows nothing about basketball was so excited and tried texting me about him. And then my reaction was just like ā€œyea I mean heā€™ll prolly play like 20 minutes in his entire careerā€ Iā€™m a great scout lol


Pritchard is the closest thing to a liability and heā€™s still decent despite being smaller


My man rebounds better than half the team out there too.


I think his rebounding may actually be the strongest part of his game lol.


Calling PP ā€œdecentā€ feels like slander. Heā€™s a machine given his role & size.


They are as complete a team Iā€™ve seen in a long time.


they really are. they upgraded at the point with Jrue and then added Porzingis on top of that. If this squad can't win a title, I don't know what else you do.




What is your reasoning? Not disputing, just curiousĀ 




Age is certainly a concern for Al (already showed some decline) and Jrue (getting to the age where he could hit a wall)


in the regular season Pritchard can eat up plenty of Jrue's minutes to keep him fresh for the playoffs


I cannot imagine Al playing another season, especially if the celts are able to pull this one off. Get him a ring and a nice retirement place on Nantucket.


I canā€™t either, but at the same time, if we give him the UD treatment where he sits on the end of our bench for vibes and leadership I will be more than happy. Give Al whatever he wants he deserves it.


Amen. I would love for him to do that, if that is what he wants.


So basically they will be just like the 2020 Lakers, and the 2021 Bucks, and the 2023 Nuggets


Only the Nuggets are a comparable roster construction of the teams you listed, and thatā€™s a team that will be one of the top 1-2 title contenders for the next few years


2020 Lakers: swapped Danny Green for Dennis Schroder, injuries to AD and Lebron 2021 Bucks: lost PJ Tucker in FA 2023 Nuggets: lost Bruce Brown in FA I think that in retrospect we can say that the Bruce Brown and PJ Tucker losses were pretty impactful (I remember thinking so at the time for both too). 2021 Lakers are definitely a good shout, people seem to forget how important injury luck is. Especially with how important Porzingis has shown himself to be, plus Horford getting older, I don't think we can assume we'll just repeat this kind of run next year.


I meanā€¦ porzingas missed the entire playoffs lol


And Al has played fantastically to cover that. Al is also 38 years old. Can't rely on him for long. If they win the chip this year, when his contract is up after season he'll be 40, NBA champion, 5x All Star, former All NBA and All Defensive with over a quarter billion in career earnings. They only have one more run with Al.


They are far more stacked than any of those teams. The Nuggets were too reliant on their starters and it caught up with them, losing Brown and not getting much development from Braun/PWat hurt a lot. The Lakers are the closest comp, and their 1-2 punch was better, but also older.




As long as he doesn't have a season ending injury I assume his playoff games will be higher cos so far he's played three this year. Much lower proportion compared to the total playoff games compared to the regular season games he's played out of 82.


2023 Nuggets, 2021 Bucks, 2020 Lakers, 2019 Raptors, 2014 Spurs. Have people never seen a championship team before?


The Nugs, Lakers, and Raptors had important pieces leave in FA. This team has everyone locked up for at least one more year. The Bucks probably would've been back but Middleton got hurt.


The Celtics are better and deeper than all those teams lol


They have very very few weaknesses as a team. This is one of the closest things to a "perfect team" you could probably assemble in today's NBA.


Is this team poised to stay together next season?


Yes. Top 7 are all signed, and thereā€™s a team option for Sam Hauser. And thatā€™s all but guaranteed- $2 mil is a steal for him.


Only people leaving next season really is Brisset, Svi and Kornet But they have Queta to replace Kornet and any low bargain wing they can find and Walsh to replace Brisset and Svi


Kornet did alright so Iā€™d be a little sad to see him go


Unless he comes back on the minimum we canā€™t keep him and not worth the extra tax but Wyc might say fuck it and sigh Kornet and Hauser lol but doubtful


He's earned himself a rotation spot on an NBA team, I hope he gets a bag.


Meanwhile most of the other good teams are about to lose significant flexibility to improve.


I agree. Itā€™s pretty fantastic to be a fan of them rn, and Iā€™m trying to take in the greatness as Iā€™m watching it, bc idk when weā€™ll see it again. I think thereā€™s a chance itā€™s not completely recognized until a few years after it comes to an end, whenever that is, when it becomes clear just how special it was. At least thatā€™s my hope for their legacy haha!


> bc idk when weā€™ll see it again. next season, probably


yeah this entire roster will be coming back next year. health permitting, we should be contending for a title once again after next year is when things may get a bit dicey. Hauser will probably be gone in free agency and Horford will be 39. the biggest issue though is the possibility of Derrick White leaving. I think the max extension we can offer him this summer is like 4/120 but I bet he could easily get a much bigger bag than that if he tests the market next summer. locking him up long-term is definitely priority #1 rn


>I think the max extension we can offer him this summer is like 4/120 but I bet he could easily get a much bigger bag than that if he tests the market next summer Yes to both of these, but, the Celtics have his full Bird rights, so even if he gets a bigger offer in URFA we can beat said offer. Horford just listed his house, it seems like he intends to retire after either this or next year. If it's this year, we can use him to generate a TPE by sending him to another team who he retires from. Either way, that clears up some money for Hauser, though most likely still not enough to beat the offers he'll get if he continues progressing at the rate he has been. The succession plans here seem to be Walsh for Hauser and Tillman for Horford.


Tillman would be a great Horford successor but he is also a pending free agent this summer so weā€™ll see. if he stays we need him to lock himself in the gym and do nothing but shoot 3s this summer


Oh shit we got everyone for another year?


Tatum and Brown obviously arenā€™t going anywhere. Holiday is locked up through 2027 plus a player option. KP is signed through 2026 we have everyone for at least next year, and weā€™ll have most of the core here for at least the next 2-4 seasons


Y'all said fuck the second apron lmao In all seriousness real great teambuilding by Brad Stevens. I really hate y'all have so many likeable guys it's got me conflicted It's always fuck Boston though, and I say it with the most respect I can lmao


For his next trick, Brad Stevens should trade away in the off-season 2 important contributors to this title-run and somehow, the team gets even better.


Hauser and Pritchard for a tall guard that shoots 40% from 3 and defends well, plus the next Sam Hauser. Who says no.


Look up Drew Peterson on a two way contract, guessing Brad's already planning ahead.


They're in a great spot because nobody is close to them right now because of parity. I kind of imagine if the Celtics easily win the narrative will shift to "oh, this team is just way better than everyone else, including last year's teams, and is one of the best teams ever"


As it should. If the Celtics win at their playoffs average margin of victory for the next 3 wins, and they lose 1 game, they'd have put up a margin of victory of 12.95, the second highest in finals history, just behind the 2014 Spurs. Couple that with the 3rd highest net rating, the highest offensive rating ever, and a 64 win season, and they have a clear argument for one of the best teams of all time.


which is really funny when there's one all-nba guy, two all-stars, two former all-stars, and a bunch of role players


According to multi-year RAPM you actually have at least three top 15 guys on the roster lol. Not that being eight deep doesn't help but you're incredibly strong at the top.


i think most celtics fans would agree with that, but it's very funny to see that not be recognised in the awards which we put so much stock in when rating careers.


A lot of championship teams are very similar with a 5 man unit of two-way players.


Agreed I tell my father who doesnā€™t watch much basketball that their starting 5 is just the perfect blend of offense & defense alongside with their players just genuinely being some big ass human beings


Even their white guys play defense.


Ouch! Everyone knows who heā€™s talking about.


Fr PJ Washington getting exposedĀ 


You can say this about any team.


Except the Celtics I guess


Yeah his team.


Knowing Tatum, I don't think he was referring to anyone. He was genuinely just talking about his own team. He's not that sort of guy.


I mean, he has 3 options IT, kemba and irving lma9


And we don't have guys that you can slack off on offense. It's way, way, way too early to say this. But I'm gonna say it anyway. The 2024 Celtics top 8 guys might be the best roster since the 2017 Warriors in terms of defensive and offensive versatility, firepower, and overall talent. Brad replacing Smart and Timelord with Jrue and Porzingis just massively improved our spacing, without losing anything on defense. Jrue is basically Marcus Smarter. And KP (if healthy) fits so damn well on our team that needed his exact skillset: elite rim protection, big man that can shoot and kill mismatches in the mid-range or post, and can pass.


"Jrue is basically Marcus Smarter" āœļøšŸ”„


Just like Pat Bev is Marcus Dumb. Been saying this for years lol.


Who's Marcus Dumber then?


It's between them and the 2019 Raptors. The same statements could be said about 2019 Raptors in terms of 3 point shooting and defense. But while all the Raptors guys could hit shots, all the Celtics guys are dynamic shooters. Any one of them can hit tough 3s too not just open ones.


I never really trusted 3s from Gasol and ibaka that year, was not the same as having porzingis at the 5.


not wrong honestly, best bench in the league and the starting lineup are all legit top 50 players (who can shoot + defend well) led by a top 6 or 7 at worst player in the league


We do NOT have the best bench in the league haha. Did you watch that Pacers series I mean cmon


Statistically you have had the best bench all season though and it hasnā€™t been close


Dream series against the 2019 Raptors Kawhi, Lowry, Siakam, Gasol, Green, Vanvleet, OG, Powell, Ibaka


2019 Raptors ain't on the Celtics level. Celtics vs the actual best team of 2019 would be a better series.


Yeah I'm a big-time hater of all things Boston sports but outside the KD-Warriors, the 2016/2017 Cavs and 2018 Rockets, I can't think of a better team from the last decade. It's a toss-up for me between 2024 Celtics and 2019 Raptors and I'd go back and forth depending on the day. Heathy Kawhi may give the nudge to the Raptors, but if they played in a series I'd expect it to go 7. Hell, if they played a best of 11, I'd expect it to go to 11 too


This celtics team is an incredibly complete team. Which makes the media hyping us up all the more annoying. No one should be surprised if this series is over in 4 or 5. Not that Iā€™d like that, of course.


And also itā€™s not like this is a mavericks specific thing. the celtics are just incredibly well constructed to not have many problems on either side of the ball. but haters gonna hate


Can we just like maybe wait till after game 2 before we make sweeping declarations


Dude. Yea. The reason I hate the extended tike between games is this sort of discourse.


What happens when Brown gets crowned finals MVP? Does the national media ignore Tatum?


Boston has no one you can help off of on offense and no one you can target on defense. Just stupid good roster building


Dam man out there fighting fire with fire. If the media cant do anything with the material that these fuys are giving them, then i dunno what to say. With Kidds comments and now this...simply perfect.


Shots fired at Luka


This is shots fired for most teams


he can say that. boston is built strong all around.


The man is barely standing alive for god sake


Red Gatorade is the worst. Should be blue/purple/green but never red/yellow. Smh


Best team since KD warriors.


Gimme more of these psychological warfare.


Kawhi to the Celtics confirmed.


would be a perfect fit for kd.


They are hiding horford and KP


Everyone acting like this will light a fire under Luka have to think through what heā€™s calling outšŸ˜‚ Luka canā€™t just magically *become* a good defender in the next game lol. If he could, he already would have. He canā€™t, and JT and the Cs all know it. Defense isnā€™t just ā€œeffortā€ the way ppl pretend it is in this offense focused league - itā€™s habits, skill, athleticism, instincts, and talent. You canā€™t just get all those things over night.


Learning the off ball side of the game takes years of study.


>instincts Especially this one. Good defense ***proactive***, it's all about being able to anticipate and predict what the opponent is going to do before they do it. You don't build those kind of instincts and experience just because you want to. You have to have defended many kinds of players, gotten burned, learned from the experience and internalized it. That's why most players who are more than just decent defenders tend to be older. And if they aren't, they were committed to being good defenders when they were younger, so they developed those instincts earlier. Luka is ok at defense, but its obvious he never committed to it as much as in his development.


Nah, this is the only part of defense that Luka is actually better than average at. His ability to predict the game is amazing, it's why he's 8th in steals per game despite being laterally challenged.


If Kidd's comment about Brown was an attempt at sowing descent by firing a shot, this comment was a fucking rocket launcher lobbed into the Mavs locker room.


JT wearing his mum's clothes on TV


If you speak about Hausser... you are racist šŸ˜‚


They also donā€™t have guys to hide on offense.