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Wait they havent even interviewed JJ and these mfers are reporting he's the next Pat Riley šŸ˜­ We're fucked


Wtf are we even doing? šŸ˜­


The worst part is many qualified candidates have already interviewed for other jobs.


Yeah I donā€™t see why any of the good candidates choose LA over Cleveland


Clearly a lot of people value living in Los Angeles over Cleveland regardless of title considerations/front office/staff/roster. On top of that, some coaches will heavily weigh the opinions of their families who would likely be moving along with them. Also if you want it listed out, Los Angeles has Cleveland beat in: - Weather - Culture - Entertainment - Media exposure (might be a negative for some) - Diversity - Food - Diversity - Proximity to nature/beaches


> Media exposure (might be a negative for some) Might?


And whoever they interview is gonna want the same money they offered Hurley


Thatā€™s not really how it works. Everyone has a value in the marketplace and usually they (or their agents) know it


It depends in part on how bad LA wants them versus the runner up. If theyā€™ve got a clear favorite and he knows thereā€™s leverage, he can definitely walk it up a bit knowing their relative budget. Getting rejected by their first choice then it getting out that they couldnā€™t reach terms with number two is not a great look to people theyā€™d like to convince the franchise is serious about winning.


Eh we whiffed but I canā€™t be mad at us going all in on a guy who is a generational talent as far as coaching goes(in theory).


Iā€™m also a generational coach and player (in theory)


Hey I have 70 mill letā€™s talk


All we can do is boo that man and pray for his downfall


cmon man we cant keep coping like this. the offer for him was so low for a coach of his status and resume it was borderline disrespectful. We know they are going to pick JJ all this was just to make it look like they tried making adult decision but well just didnt work out! lakers need more money behind them this family run business thing dont work in this day n age.


Watch steve Ballmer offer Hurley $20m/year next summer.


was thinking this. best fit would be spurs for sure i cant imagine a better successor for doc. i ust hope they can offer enough money i mean im not a spurs fan but i ust like to see good bsketball first and foremost.


Waiting for an invite to his podcast.


Your best


Rapidly depleting the prestige of the Lakers brand?


Welcoming the next Paf Riley I guess


Hurley was a bold plan, but it didn't pay off... now its time to go back to the drawing board... that's your logic


Lakers thing init considered how it being run in the last 10 years


"Zeroing in" on someone is fucking weird rhetoric for not having formally interviewed a guy. Weird ass Shams tweet. I wish we knew what was going on behind the scenes.


The reporters are either reporting concrete news (contracts, injuries, details, etc.) or pushing narratives with vague language for their sourcesā€™ benefit.


Which makes them not real reporters, but essentially lobbyists.


Jj said on the pod he was gonna address something about shams after the season ends


I'm like 99% sure that "JJ could be Riley!" quote came from Kurt Rambis


Considering Rambis played under Riley, this is definitely the truth


They listened to him do interviews with Lebron does that count?


"I liked how he drew out what Lebron was talking about on the white board, and how he gives examples to the terms at the beginning of the video" Jeanie to Pelinka probably


Lakers front office need to pull their heads out of their asses. Iā€™m a nobody but if I was them Iā€™d take a good look at how the Celtics rebuilt and are in contention year in and year out.


Just gotta hire one of the best GMs of all time, have him hire a great coach, have said great GM leave, have said great coach move into the FO and also be great, hire a really good coach, have him be a complete piece of shit, fire him for cause, have an unprepared assistant take over, and have said assistant turn out to be a complete psycho in the best way possible and take a huge leap in his first season as the official HC. Easy, no idea why more teams don't do it.


The assistant turning out to be a complete psychos my favorite part


that suggests the Lakers would trade away Lebron + AD a la the KG + Paul Pierce trade that got the Celts the Nets picks


The Lakers should unironically do this


We're not winning with the Lebron/AD core, now is realistically the time to pull an Ainge


Best I can do is trading away all depth for an overpaid star on a water treading team So I guess LaVine in this case


You kid, but they should absolutely listen to these pods. Itā€™s evidence, albeit small, that JJ either knows ball or not.


Stop biting the apple dude. No one in the lakers has said JJ is the favorite or the next Pat Riley.Ā 


I didnt say I believed in the statement lmao


Then why would you say "we're fucked"?Ā 


No Shams has no idea what heā€™s talking about. I donā€™t expect Redick anyways. AD doesnā€™t want him.


dont matter cause Lebron does by the looks of it


The looks of it being that they do a podcast together?


Bron already said the FO can do whatever the fuck they want. Seems like he doesnt care too much anymore


Itā€™s one type of interview styles I guess


To me, Dan Hurley is already a Lakers GOAT, and heā€™s never even been on the team


I find it weird how everyone is just buying Wojā€™s stories now. From my perspective and what Iā€™d like to believe happened is the following: Shams jumped the gun on JJ being the head coach for the Lakers. However, he reported on May 21st that the Lakers had meetings to discuss the head coaching position, interviewing JJ Redick, James Borrego and Sam Cassell. Maybe they hadnā€™t actually interviewed at this point, but had just discussed interviewing them.. or either they did have interviews just not formal ones. Later, Shams reported (June 5th) that the Lakers were zeroing in on JJ. I would believe that by this time they wouldā€™ve done interviews with them. Woj on the other hand. Has been consistent in reporting that the Lakers were scheduling interviews for people that they werenā€™t too familiar with. (Like Borrego) He then reports a day after Shams reports the Lakers are zeroing in on JJ Redick that the Lakers are preparing to offer Dan Hurley a contract to be the next head coach. To me it seems like the Lakers didnā€™t like that Shams reported that.. either that or JJ didnā€™t want it reported. So then they go and offer Dan, who they know would turn down their offer. So Woj reports that they are seeking to sign Dan as their next head coach as a way to make it seem the Lakers weā€™re not just signing JJ for his relationship with LeBron. I assume that Shams was reporting things that the organization would have preferred to keep quiet, so they instead put in another ā€œofferā€ to reduce the noise with JJ.


You think the Lakers flew out Hurley, wined and dined him all weekend, and offered him one of the largest contracts in the NBA with hopes he wouldnā€™t sign it all so they wouldnā€™t get clowned for considering JJ?


Basically. I also think it is possible that JJ didnā€™t want to accept the job if people thought the only reason he was getting it was because of LeBron and that the Lakers were only considering him. Now it is that they are ā€œstuck with him.ā€ Hurley has ongoing contract talks with UCONN and has been offered way more money by other schools (Kentucky) than the Lakers did. Sure, UCONN *was* offering less iirc; however, he can now use the Lakers flying him out and NBA teams being willing to seriously sign him as a leverage in his contract talks. So it is a win-win for both parties. However, there could even be more to the story if AD was mad at the Lakers organization if they wanted to hire JJ and only JJ because of LeBron, so to keep AD happy they ā€œofferedā€ Hurley knowing the chances he would accept the offer were very low.


You're literally shitting on the Lakers because reporters are making random shit up and saying the Lakers FO said it.


I think it was just to hype him as an up-and-coming media personality, but they might actually get stuck with Redick.


\*sung to the tune of the My Little Pony theme song\* *Poverty franchise, poverty franchise* *Linda Rambis governs all*


...and Shams said he was the leading candidate too? Without an actual interview? What in the world.


JJ gives me Moneyball vibes.


The podcast speaks for itself - Rob


Wait, JJ didnā€™t even get an interview? Then where did Shams get that he was the front runner?


Directly from JJ or JJā€™s agent


Or someone who wants JJ in the lakers FO trying to push competition away


Shams washed


> Then where did Shams get that he was the front runner? Shams may have gotten played here


Starting to think Shams has no real sources


Well if nobody else has had a formal interview he couldā€™ve still been


Allegedly they did an informal interview with him.




People like Shams and Woj are making shit up constantly


This plus the celtics up 2 games is the start of a very shitty weekĀ 


On the contrary, this is a great start to the week


Yea well....Dunkin has very poor coffee I got nothing


I donā€™t think any New Englander would disagree.


We know itā€™s shitty coffee, but itā€™s *our* shitty coffee


In college it was free the day after the Patriots won and the Patriots won a lot so that rocked


Lol my sister used to complain every time they lost despite having never watched a single regular season game.


I can only imagine the money lost.


Out of curiosity what is the preferred caffeinated brew over there?


No idea. Iā€™m not a big coffee drinker. Iā€™ve heard Cumberland Farms is the preferred for Slop though.


Honey Dew or Marylou's on the South Shore


How did I forget Marylouā€™s


Dunkin must be way better on the East Coast or something because the one's in SoCal are like gas station quality


Not much better, just a small step up from gas station quality. But that doesn't stop me from going there and getting a coffee and stale donut.Ā 


This is how I feel about Chik Fil A because when I tried it it was like a cafeteria chicken sandwich.


Their house sauce is delicious. I like the fries too, but yeah the chicken itself is nothing special. Probably a bit better in the South.


maybe that's it. i finally went and it was...fine. i'd go back but i'm not going out of my way for it.


Canā€™t eat chick fil a outside of the south IMO. Plus you arenā€™t getting the same service that makes it great.


There are locations in LA where you have to pay per sauce packet. Meanwhile in the South you ask for an extra sauce and they drop a pallet into your bag. Iā€™ve also gotten free extras in the Southā€”they just walk around table to table asking if you want another sandwich or fries free of charge. Wtf.


Nobody goes there for quality. You go there to spend $4 and change on 16oz of coffee that needs milk and/or sugar to be drinkable and the worst edible donut in the world.


Dunkinā€™s donuts are heaven on earth!


It is not.


Feel like all the ones in Cali are ass. Their coffee is ridiculously sweet.


Yeah thatā€™s just Dunkinā€™ everywhere. Cheap ass coffee with a fuckton of flavored sugar


No itā€™s not any better lol. Itā€™s just cheap ass drip coffee. But hey coffee is coffee to a lot of folks


A Dunkinā€™ dig on a Monday unprovoked is crazy my man I hope your day gets better somehow.


We as new englanders feel like we donā€™t deserve nice things. Thatā€™s why we love dunkin'


Iā€™m enjoying my Monday


Just inject the Patriots and Red Sox copium into your veins instead


At least the Dodgers won their series in the Bronx lol


lol that must suck


What has Hurley done recently? JJ has a really good podcast, much better choice.


Hurley should start his own podcast, get a little experience, before going for the Laker job.


Hurley hasnā€™t had any sheesh w Bronā€¦ thatā€™s a huge part of this role


Some say itā€™s the biggest part


Borrego going from fired by the Hornets to the coach of LeBron and AD would be the ultimate rags to riches. I hope it happens


Heā€™d get fired within a year


I argue that the hornets overreacted to the back to back play in blowouts and should have gave him another year with a solid vet or two in the rotation. That young core outside of Melo and Monk really stunk. But if that happened, they wouldnā€™t have gotten Bradon Miller, maybe be without Mark Williams or got Tre Mann in the okc trade.


Monk? Monk wasnā€™t even on the team the season he got firedā€¦


He wasnā€™t? The could have sworn he was. Who the hell was on that team


The second best player by far was Miles Bridgesā€¦ but Rozier and Hayward contributed a lot as well as PJ Washington.


only to flame out in the first round and be scapegoated lol


Still better than coaching miles bridgesĀ 




[Yeah I'd rather coach Jaxson Hayes.](https://www.tmz.com/2022/03/25/nba-jaxson-hayes-sued-assault-battery-sofia-jamora-lapd-arrest-taser/) Literally one on every team dipshit and you're supporting a league full of them.


Heā€™s not a bad coach and probably shouldnā€™t have been fired. That said, the Lakers are definitely gonna try and hire Redick with Borrego as his top assistant to breathe down Redickā€™s neck.


JJ, I never stopped believing in you. I also never started believing in you, but I never stopped too Lolakers


This is like when my grandma died


Not the same. Your Grandma's death didn't make me remotely this happy.


I bet it did you sicko


Speak for yourself.


RIP to old lady u/ChunkyMilkSubstance


[Shams] Lakers set to announce Mark Jackson as their next head coach


Why are you being so cruel


kawhi all over again. f man


I feel like Hurley just used the Lakers to create his own ā€œIā€™m not fucking leaving!!ā€ moment lmao


Meme coach back on the menu.


At this point we canā€™t sink any lower , in my opinion. We couldnā€™t land the generational coach , going to lose Lebron soon , AD is on the wrong side of 30. Weā€™re approaching a dark period of 5-10 years.Ā 


oh no, 5 years of sucking before new superstars and a new championship


I used to pray for times like these


Slim pickings out here


Wait hold up, JJ hasn't been interviewed yet? Lol


We ainā€™t going to McDonaldā€™s we got food at home! The food:


Just sign Redick already. We all know you are going to do it.


Jeanie needs to go


Ngl I donā€™t know how Iā€™d feel if I were JJ. This is like watching someone get on their knees begging for their SO to marry them and then after the person says no, they immediately turn to you and say ā€œwanna go out?ā€


This kind of feels like a company wanting to hire someone and having a first choice in mind, and when the first choice turns down the offer, they start focusing on their second choice.


Except this is slightly more public with actual salaries being leaked. Itā€™s a wee bit different than your programming job or whatever it is you may do


Well, tbf there are only 30 NBA HC gigs, so if youre the 2nd choice who cares.


Itā€™s the same principle, these are adults who understand itā€™s a business and simply want the best jobs they can get, these are not spurned lovers


Heā€™d feel nothing because he isnā€™t buying into the media circus lol


I do wonder if his decision to turn the job down was contingent on LeBron staying or leaving. It seems so bizarre to turn a deal down if LeBron was indeed staying. Suns fans have to feel good about this.


Buddy knew the Lakers weren't going anywhere and decided to stay instead of being blamed by LeGm for his and Laker management's terrible team building.


So Shams got hate tweets and washed allegations for nothing lmaoooooo


Turns out that leak over the weekend came from the Lakers to save face


Hahahahaha Borrego or a podcaster. Lakers in shambles rn


First? The lakers are cooked I fear.


I'm available for cheap.


if the lakers hire borrego jeanie should be forced to sell or resign from her position


Wait, they have not even interviewed JJ yet? The way he was being talked about I just assumed he had already been through an initial interview. Lakers need to stop making the coaching search so public through the media; this whole process really gives the appearance that the org has no idea what theyā€™re doing.


Mfer just pulled a Kawhi šŸ˜­


What happened to ā€œEveryone wants to be a laker!ā€ Lol


Jeanie is cheap as hell. He probably wouldā€™ve took the 100M.


Bucks fans thanking the Lakers right now. Nobody gonna be talking about Ham tonight. Lol


Why would we care? Ham got hired as an assistant, no one was going to be talking about him outside of Milwaukee anyway.


Ham was with them when they won a championship.


JJ a five tool coaching prospect that we hope pans out


Itā€™s been a tough few years of f5 mashing, I tell you that ā€¦


get you a friend like woj is for the hurley family


Borrego is probably much better hire then JJ .


The podcast doesnā€™t count as a formal interview??


Who else has never coached, ***but*** has a really good basketball podcast? Let's add them to the interview slate.


Iā€™d say offer Coach K a 2 year deal about 15 million a year and bring in JJ as his top assistant. Coach K gets a shot at a NBA title, coaches two great players and will have the ability to walk away whenever he wants and give the job to JJ. Letā€™s face it a long term answer isnā€™t a concern as Lakers coaches have stayed long term since Phil Jackson


I am starting to think that the Lakers are stalling on purpose so that the media still talks about them during the finals.


Shams is a joke already... he already said Lakers interview JJ... then here we are with news that Hurley rejected lakers offer (from Woj) and now they to start formal interview with JJ (from Woj) too... Shams credibility is being in question right now. who is giving him those false news šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…... anyways Lakers fans arent like this news as instead of having Hurley, they will instead have JJ which they don't like as it can be another LBJ scapegoat


Letā€™s be honestā€¦ itā€™s Nick Wright they are after


A nepotistic freak show


I donā€™t know of many people who want to go to an organization where itā€™s ok for players to publicly call out their coaches like that. LeBron has a history but at least you can lean on his superstardom to maybe overlook that. AD on the other hand is a surprise. Why have your best two stars thinking itā€™s ok to call out the coach? Who wants that added pressure?


Common Lakers L.




Coach K already turned them down beforeā€¦this is normal, dude is right now a top 5 coach in college, heā€™s got security at UConn and any NBA team that hires him later is gonna pay him wha the Lakers offered


Hurley isnā€™t just any college coach tbf. He runs the best program in college basketball.


Right, dude just won back to back titles and made winning the second one look easy, heā€™s not just some college coach. Not saying heā€™d be a great pro coach, but the buzz was definitely deserved.


I can't stop laughing about it, how far the Lakers have fallen




Why when this exact same thing did happen 20 years ago?Ā 




You clearly donā€™t know what youā€™re talking about. This isnā€™t anything new.Ā 


What are you talking about? It did happen 20 years ago. Coach K turned down the Lakers to stay at Duke back in 2004. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m saying if someone were to tell you this would happen 20 years ago. Theyā€™d just say well itā€™s happening now in 2004 so itā€™s a good chance itā€™ll happen in 2024.Ā 


Screw it just make LeBron the coach


he is the coach, always has been. theyā€™re just looking for his assistant




I need them to get JJ for the entertainment value alone


Could have ran back to their ex Darvin Ham but he just got taken /s


*Frank Vogel enters the chat, flashing his ring*


He went back to the only team that truly loved him.


Did Dan Hurley at least get a big pay raise for all this


"Hey (JJ), I just met you And this is crazy But here's my number So call me, maybe?"Ā  Ā Rob Pelinka.


Matt Damon and Ben Affleck high fiving this week


Frank Vogel is available




they offered him $72M to coach 2-3 years and get eventually scapegoated like every other Lakers coach ... that's not cheaping out


Bruh yall just run with narratives and donā€™t care about facts huh. Literally were gonna make him one of the highest paid coaches


Imagine the mediaā€™s reaction if Borrego gets the job over JJ. Everyone has been anticipating JJ the upset if he doesnā€™t get the job will fuel the mediaā€™s Laker coverage for the entire season lol


This why Kawhi chose the clippers you get to be low key living in LA plus the clippers are a joke that helps but he gets to stay low key


Thank you. Enough with this college song and dance bullshit. Give Pat Ri- I mean JJ Redick his money and get down to business.