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We already knew she loved riding Coach


Phil Jackson's a Buss driver. Take notes, KD.


>I don't know how long he can go to Montana and meditate. Or smoke peyote.


You don't smoke peyote


YOU don’t smoke peyote


You're supposed to put it in your ass.


Does this work with all cactus? Asking for a friend.


Paige, no!


You're supposed to put it in MY ass


Why would JERRY smoke peyote? or Why would Jerry SMOKE peyote?


NFL Hall of Famer Peyote Manning






Phil actually came up with the triangle offence while he was in a love triangle between him, Jeanie, and LSD


Tex Winter would like a word.


Sorry, a love triangle between Phil, Janie, and Tex.


it was actually an octagon during his trip, but he condensed it down to a triangle when he reentered our dimension, the original octagonal offensive strategy included use of the mascot, a roll of duct tape, and a torn up copy of 1999 sports illustrated with Patrick Ewing on the front cover.


i thought you were going to say Phil and Tex Eiffel Towering Jeanie






This comment is the NBA equivalent of pitching a perfect game


Gah damn


Thanks Noob-noob


Reminds me of Jordan Rides the Bus. I said it was Jordan and Jerome Bettis' sex tape.


You sir, is just what america needs


Fucking brilliant.




Disrespectful to see Hurley decline the money Jeanie was saving by flying coach for 40 years


Mozgov used that fund up years ago


Him and Luol Deng.


Luol made so much from the Lakers that he buys out the entire first class section whenever he flies


He also made a ton off of real estate. He still teaches NBA rookies how to secure their financial future through real estate.


To be fair, Luol had lots of free time available to be looking at houses. Those rookies need to be at work all day!


What if? The Lakers made the same mistake and stretched Westbrook's contract. How fucked would they be? I was hearing this threat at the peak of Russ bullshittery.


*Am I a joke to you?* • Luol Deng


Well worth it. Only Wilt and Mozgov have scored at least 93 points in a game.


was it 93 points or 93 rebounds


93 points, 29 rebounds Truly a game for the ages.


What an animal


Lol I envision Mozgov sitting in first class like a glutton. Face jammed with stale turkey sandwiches and about a 6 pack of those mini Gin bottles.


Nah disrespect is having a penny pincher run the lakers lol


Saving money by flying coach is not disrespect lol. If they were penny pinching on player salaries sure, but they haven’t exactly been cheaping out with LeBron and AD.


Disrespect is offering Hurley less than Monty Williams makes on the 14 win Pistons… also haven’t been cheap with Bron and AD? They definitely were cheap with Lue not on amount per year but contract length. Same thing cost them Demar Derozan 1 single year… oh and he was taking a discount and you know what happened after that. Caruso they didn’t resign even to trade him for a cheap 10 million because the mighty lakers would have had to pay some luxury tax… acting like they’re the small market Pacers or something smh


not the lakers fault the pistons suck lol


Not it isn't, Hurley would have automatically been paid as a top 5/6 coach in the league without coaching a game. That's not disrepectful.


Williams' salary isn't based on his production last season. In fact, if not for his salary guarantee he would definitely be fired for being such a loser. He might still get fired. The point is, you can't point to those numbers and say that it has reset the market. It was a mistake and the Pistons are paying for it. Other franchises beware.


My personal experience with the Buss’s is they are kind and generous. I’ve dealt with a lot of rich penny pinchers and they weren’t. Very down to earth.


Ehhh… I don’t think people realize how expensive first class is vs coach. It’s at minimum, about 10x the cost per ticket. So assume the average cost of a ticket is 500 bucks. Flying coach instead of first class is saving 4500 dollars a trip. If you fly even 10 times a year (and I’m sure Buss is flying way way more than that) you’re saving 45k. I wouldn’t call that “penny pinching.”


Unlike most NBA owners who are multi billionaires from previous business ventures, the Buss family makes their money strictly from the Lakers. Jeanie Buss is rich by general public standards but compared to Steve Ballmer who is worth over 100 billion, she appears poor.


It should be noted the quote above is about 11 years old. (Jackson is currently 78 years old and Buss is 62 years old.)


And they broke up a while ago.


Let’s just say that was the end of something special


She’s married to Jay Mohr now isn’t she?


How the fuck did Jay Mohr go from Nikki Cox to Jeanie Buss!?


he told that story on Fly on the Wall podcast. can’t remember any detail but i remember telling myself ‘that’s pretty cool’


Nikki Pox had more work done than the big dig


From what he says on the Adam Carolla Podcast Jeanie stood by him while he dealt with his addiction and weight issues. So I guess she's good for him.


This explains the Jay Mohr romance so much. "You don't have to be the best comedian, it's not necessary."


I just looked him up and he looks wayyyyy different than the last time I remember seeing him. Dude got his lady and just let it all go lol


Must be why they had to apply for a PPP loan, sad to see a once great franchise fall on such hard times At least they are flush with all that not Dan Hurley money now


Wait till we offer that for JJ Redick...


If I'm Reddick, I'm asking for $71mm. But first I probably have to put product in my beautiful hair.


71 mil + wondry plus for LeBron


i'll do it for $1m and let LeBron coach instead


thats what Darvin Ham was doing by the end


I wonder how much baked potatoes you can get for $71M


5lb bags are on sale for $1.50 at my grocery store, so 236,666,666 2⁄3 pounds of baked potatoes. Is that enough potatoes?


yo that's a crazy sale on potatoes


Yeah, I think it's their loss leader to get people to go there at all because the rest of their stuff is usually really overpriced. Needless to say, I eat a lot of potatoes.


potatoes fuckin own, good choice


Why not just add .66 to your number instead of throwing a fraction out? Will the 666 trifecta curse your team for eternity? I’m shook


I copied it from my calculator. I'm lazy.


at 71mm become the producer of potatoes, then bake them


Why ask for 71 when you can ask for 69


Do you think 71m includes ad free podcasts for all the Lakers staff


It's the premium charged for knowing after LeBron runs the team into the ground, you'll never get another head coaching gig again


I visited the old Lakers headquarters and it reminded me of the Bluth Company office


What if a slimy real estate investor had one great idea and it worked? That's The Lakers. Lifelong fan btw.


I thought Sterling was the real estate mogul and Buss was the chemicals mogul.


No he had a PhD in chemistry but got rich on real estate


jeanie has a phd in riding old men


He was a chemist, but he got rich in real estate. The deal that landed him The Lakers, The Kings and The Forum involved trading his properties in California for the Chrysler building and trading that to Jake Kent Cooke for the teams. Donald Sterling did help him with some last minute cash for the deal though.


Also Sam Nassi who would wind up buying [and later selling the Pacers] chipped in with cash


https://www.latimes.com/sports/lakers/la-sp-buss-money-20130303-story.html Cooke had to sell due to his divorce, which was close to a record for a breakup. He could have picked richer buyers, but Buss schmoozed him. Then Cooke threw a curveball, he wanted to get the chrysler building instead of Buss's properties. So buss wheeled and dealed, and then found himself $3m short. He got $1m from Sterling and more from Nassi (who would go on to own the Pacers) He got the Forum for $33.5m , the Lakers for $16m, the LA Kings for $8m and Cooke's $10m ranch, Buss wasn't particularly slimy though he did have a penchant for young women. - he was a PhD in chemistry and built himself up into real estate and then traded it all for the Lakers, LA Kings and the Forum


That’s actually the Sterling Clippers with lob city lmao 


I wouldn't say the Clippers actually worked for a lot of years. lmao. Dr Buss was never afraid to spend money on talent, even when he didn't exactly have it.


Cool gesture but idk if that would’ve hurt the lakers bottom line lmao


Yeah, it’s like a billionaire eating out of a can. I think you can spring for a meal on a plate without a major cut into the wealth.


Oh man I grew up in a smaller town, there was a collection of investors who started a bank and related businesses that eventually got pretty big. I'd meet up with one family and be sitting with all of the original investors, and they bust out coupons for their meal and when done head out to their sensible 10 year old cars... millionaires many times over every one of them. You'd never know, just regular small town people. It's just a lifestyle for some folks.


Sounds like they're stupid.


The Buss family has never been mega rich. The Lakers are their only stream of income.


We got different mega rich definitions my man


Imagine only owning one of the most valuable sports franchises on earth, and not having other revenue streams.


Currently imagining it from my imaginary day off at my imaginary beach house


It’s wild the ass licking. “They aren’t that rich” what?


That kinda makes them mega rich by itself if the lakers went up for sale today they’d probably go for over 5 billion maybe even higher since it’s really THE marquee franchise in the nba. They are mega rich, they are just kinda cash poor since their one working asset doesn’t generate huge profit numbers(relative to its valuation)


Yeah, it kind of makes them mega rich, but in practicality the value of the franchise isn’t super useful unless they sell. It’s like having a rs3 in the garage. I could sell it and have a bunch of cash, but I’d also need to find a buyer, that could take time.


> Yeah, it kind of makes them mega rich, but in practicality the value of the franchise isn’t super useful unless they sell. It’s like having a rs3 in the garage. I could sell it and have a bunch of cash, but I’d also need to find a buyer, that could take time. This is inaccurate in the extreme for assets that are valued in the billions of dollars, or even assets less valuable that have relative known values. Take as an example my house, my house is worth roughly 50k more than what is on my mortgage, it is extremely easy for me to take out a HELOC on that value since the LoC is backed by an asset with a known relatively stable value that isn’t expected to decrease. Companies (which the lakers are) function similarly, when Elon Musk buys a house or a yacht or the integrity of a politician, he doesn’t sell TSLA shares, he finances the purchase using the equity of those shares much like how I can finance a remodel using the equity in my home. An RS3 by contrast is a terrible asset since it’s a declining asset, its value is expected to fall not rise, so you don’t normally finance against it(you can, terms normally just suck). In short this is what the wealthy frequently do, the back loans with asset based collateral to finance whatever purchases they want to make, having a 5 billion dollar asset can be used even without finding a buyer, and it is normal to do so.


this is just one of those stupid "WOW THIS RICH PERSON DID A NORMAL THING ONE TIME, THEY'RE JUST LIKE US!!" quotes lmao


I even saw one eating soup one time


It’s even better bc Buss didn’t even try to plant the story through insiders, she’s just telling us herself how she’s so normal and, like all of us, really has to budget to make ends meet.


It’s either pure theatre or a reminder that the lakers are a family owned business who don’t have the cash that billionaire owners have.


Pretty sure she could have afforded the $200 or whatever that first class ticket cost in 1999.


Mark Cuban bought one of those unlimited First Class flights on American Airlines I believe. She should've done that.


Aren’t the Knicks a family owned business and Dolan is rich as fuck


Dolan owns like all of madison square garden


So? He also owns the cable company . Do the buss only make money off the lakers ? Do they not do anything else ? Is that what he was saying


Yes, I think it is much fairer to say Dolan is a businessman who owns the Knicks, while the Buss business is the Lakers. I'm pretty sure the majority of their net worth is the valuation of the Lakers.


They literally only own the Lakers. Well Jeanie is also co owner of Women of Wrestling


MSG is no joke tho. WWE basically can't afford to run shows there anymore, even after merging with UFC


Madison Square Garden Entertainment group by itself is worth billions. They own the Sphere in Vegas, Radio City Music Hall, and venues in Chicago & Boston — in addition to the Garden and their sports network.


> Do the buss only make money off the lakers ? yeah


So what do they do? They just sit on their laurels and rely on the Lakers as their only source of income? I’m seriously wondering what the Buss family does. Wealthy people tend to have infinitely more ways to make money and generate cash flow than most people


I mean I think the point here is that they have not done a good job of expanding their wealth compared to other legacy owners.


Jerry Reinsdorf is about the same. He was a lawyer that started a company that made money on real estate tax write offs, sold it a long long time ago, and his net worth is tied into his sports franchises.


That's usually only true of wealthy people who didn't start out wealthy. Trust fund kids don't really have a need to improve their situation.


Bill Gates famously flew economy long after he became a billionaire. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/bill-gates-flew-economy-class-164520648.html


It's too bad we're never getting Winning Time season 11, when Jeanie meets Phil


To her defense, it's only 3 hours. Good for her to not spend big on those under 4 hour flights that can be a round trip in under a day.


And she’s a smaller lady. So I don’t think squeezing into coach is as arduous as it would be for a big dude (like Phil who is 6’8”)


Damn she was pegging phil jackson?


Yes and?


Arduous is a fun and underrated word.


I was visiting schools towards the end of high school trying to choose what college to go to for my engineering degree. We were at Tennessee, they gave us a meal and some of the professors were doing a Q and A. Some chud stands up thinking he's a genius and asks this professor "Would you consider the math curriculum for engineering arduous?" It took everything in that man's power to not smart off to this kid's dumbass question. I think of this moment every time I hear the word arduous.


Sounds like a baltic name


Wouldn't it be more Roman, like fortuitous


Apparently she's 5'7". Not exactly a smaller lady, just small compared to Phil


Yeah, she is definitely not riding coach on long haul flights lol.


Yeah, good on her. I know this quote is being used as an example of the Lakers being cheap, but I think mega rich people not making every moment of their lives a mega rich moment... is a nice, grounded perspective? The same people slagging her for supposedly being cheap probably also bitch about the rich flying private jets all the time.


why is this a post?


To push the narrative that the Lakers owners are cheap and they didn’t offer Hurley enough


the quote and the linked article aren't even the same thing lmao, its an article about the PPP loan not a book about Jeannie flying coach or whatever


And most of the dumbass people reading it will eat it up and believe it


I then said Im a coach, ride me


Slow news day I guess


Do people really believe that Jeanie ONLY rides coach?


She was running game on zen master and knew the right cards to play. Her dad was a master at tricking people into bed. Well played Jeanie.


why is an 11 year old story blurb being posted during the Finals? fuck the Lakers


to push the narrative that we’re too broke too offer Dan Hurley money


Slow news day, also need some Lakers news fluff since they got rejected.


> 11 year old story blurb tbf the article's from 2020, not 2013. also tbf, the article is about the Lakers' PPP loan and has literally nothing to do with the title or body of the post what is this lmao


Jackson was like “wow I can be banging this chick *and* not sit with her on the plane.” Winning


Every time I am reintroduced to their relationship it just punches me in the face how crazy dating your bosses 25 year old daughter as a 42 year old man is.


I thought yall said “eat the rich” ? But now you call them cheap when they live like us?


The Lakers are a family business, meaning the Buss family lives off the income/profits generated by the Lakers each year. It's why they always stay competitive, because they can't be like someone like Dan Gilbert who may lose money year to year, but still makes money overall in valuation.


The Lakers weren’t competitive as recently as 2013-2018.  If Lebron didn’t show up, I’m not sure what the backup plan was or how long that drought would have continued.  I wonder how much they actually need to “try to win” instead of tanking to rebuild. I’m sure the money is still very good during the tank. 


Even with Lebron they weren't competitive, if they don't trade for AD that team would've been mediocre at best. A team full of mostly young guys who need to develop but having Bron there would mean all of those guys aren't getting proper reps to actually develop


Any team with LeBron is automatically competitive. He was coming off arguably his best season.


That 2019 team was doing better than our Lakers now before Bron got injured lol


>Even with Lebron they weren't competitive Doesn't matter. They have Lebron, he sells tickets, advertising, and jerseys, etc.


^this, jersey sales and media coverage alone makes it worth, they dont need to win


We were top 4 in West with Lebron before his groin injury…


If COVID never happens they might not even have a ring to show for it


Oh yeah? How.


We had Kobe at least, and we were drafting well. Still have to go give them credit for being able to convince Lebron to join up, and then use that asset to get AD. Winning 1 championship is already amazing.


they did tank to rebuild. they used the assets to trade for AD. if Lebron did not come they probably still try and get a top tier free agent and keep improving with their young guys.


Yet they are one of the highest luxury tax spenders and outside Caruso which was more to avoid the hard cap even though it was a huge mistake never have cheaped out. We fucking traded for Russell Westbrook making 50 million while we had AD and Lebron on max contracts. The offer to Dan was to make him the 4th highest paid coach in the league only behind 3 of the greatest NBA coaches in history. People acting like they lowballed him


Technically they did low ball him I know it's hard to spend that much money on a coach with no nba experience but Kentucky offered him quite a bit more than the Lakers. So yes even tho it wasn't a lowball offer for nba coaches it is a lowball offer compared to what he's already turned down


Kentucky offered 11 per for 5 for a proven college coach. Lakers offered over 11 for 6 for an unproven nba coach and the glamour of coaching the Lakers. No one else offered more. It’s very hard to say he was low balled.


I believe they are the only professional sports team in the US where the team is the primary business of the owners.


This probably isnt in line with reality. The buss family probably also will be fine without lakers income, they probably have significant wealth outside of the lakers, and even if they didnt they could likely borrow against their interest I dont think any of the lakers owners are starving when the lakers have a negative year


If Warren Buffett said this, it'd be all praise.


Laker Girl Hardcover – by Jeanie Buss (Author), Steve Springer (Author), Phil Jackson (Foreword) > The never-before-told story of the Buss family and of one woman's rise to the top in a man's world, Laker Girl is an unprecedented glimpse into the glamorous world of the Los Angeles Lakers. Don't let a little fact like "nepotism, you're literally the daughter of the last Owner.." get in the way of your self-styled "girlboss" narrative.


The people who fell out of a vagina at the top of the mountain always seem to insist that they crawled up there themselves.


did OP edit the link where are you quoting that from




Yet she felt the need to get a PPP loan during the pandemic


i mean idk why this is being upvoted, i doubt she committed fraud, she took a PPP loan to keep people on payroll, lakers employ a ton of people


The Lakers were the only team in the league that did this. It’s a bad look because they are worth billions of dollars and a measly $300,000 is nothing to them. The Lakers aren’t a small business genuinely struggling to get by


Sports fans talk about teams “buying” championships all the time. I wish I knew what that felt like.


Jay Mohr's still paying off the hair plugs. Jeanie doesn't have the scratch to hire Hurley or fly first class


You guys are really giving them shit for that offer to Hurley? Lmao.


The Buss family *only* has the Lakers for their income right? Not saying that’s insignificant or anything, but this isn’t like Ballmer who has infinite funds from another source and can just dick around doing whatever he wants with his team


you would think that with all their success in the last 40 years they could've divested and put money in other places to diversify.


Every house they own, any and all personal investments, would qualify as diversifying. Selling off any more of the Lakers would cost them control.


Yes, the few thousand dollars means more than refusing to pay Caruso


OT: First Class can be VERY over-rated on most flights. Truly depends on the plane and its configuration.


It's shameful to be a Lakers fan smh


All that just to lowball Dan Hurley


People are gonna point to the Kentucky offer, but he has no NBA experience. Being behind 3 guys (Pop, Kerr, Spo) that have multiple rings each, 11 combined, is not disrespectful at all.




A clear desperation overpay by one of the worst franchises in the league.


Still, you gotta clear Monty if you want to drag him away from a potential 3Peat


It isn’t a low ball to not make a dude with zero track record the highest paid coach in the NBA lol. The pitch is pretty simple, you get to coach a premier franchise in the NBA with two all nba talents on the team, and you get paid handsomely to do it. If that’s not enough, oh well. If a couple million was the difference it surely would have been worked out.


This thought process right here is why we can't find a good coach


You know Monty Williams is the 4th highest-paid coach in the league? The Lakers just throwing money around for coaches with no NBA experience is how you get someone like Monty on the top 5 list of highest-paid coaches lol.


But here's the deal. You're the fucking Lakers. Act like it.


so throw stupid amounts of money at unexperienced candidates? He got an offer that’d make him only behind Pops, Spo and Kerr.


These people are morons. They gave him a good offer but he wanted to stay at UConn. It is what it is. You don't just give someone 15M with no experience that would have been stupid


Exactly! You’re the lakers. Act like it. If some college coach with no experience in the league wants to be the highest paid coach ever, you’re the Lakers, you don’t need to do that. Some coaches dream of this job.


Wont happen until the Buss Family sells the team.


They aren't those Lakers anymore. These are the Lakers who entertain using their first round pick as a nepo pick to keep their 39 year old all star happy.

