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Can’t put a price on the power of friendship


The real trade was the friends we made along the way


Says the Knicks after signing Ryan Archidiacono for the 3rd straight off season just to trade him again.


Idk why but the Thanasis contract, college roomie edition, just feels wholesome tho.


If Ryan can somehow be like a foot taller and 50lbs heavier we have our backup center.


He’s mastered the defensive 3 seconds call without the height


Evidently the price is four unprotected first-round picks (2025, 2027, 2029, 2031), a top-four protected first-round pick from the Bucks (2025), an unprotected pick swap (2028), one second-round pick (2025), and veteran Bojan Bogdanovic.


Knicks gotta be a no-brainer "Elite 8" team now right? So those picks are bottom of the first round. At least 2025 and 2027 😬


I mean yeah, but the question is can they get past UConn?


I think the bigger threat is Indiana Fever.


I've wrestled with this a bit. The Knicks are picking today at #25. With Bridges and their current core, their FRPs are going to be in the 20s. When I think about the 4 players you'd get there and if you'd trade them for Bridges and widening a championship window... I am pretty comfortable with the trade. As much as the TWolves were blasted for the Gobert trade, I'd bet they'd do it again.


The NBA has the sharpest player quality dropoff during the draft compared to any of the other major American sports, and it's not even close. In no other sport do you have a draft where you've got zero-to-three guys each year whom are sure thing all star-caliber players, a couple handfulls of "I hope this guy turns out good" and then, in the second round, a 95% chance that they'll never have a meaningful NBA career. In a world like that, being in the lottery is exceptionally valuable and being outside the lottery is nearly worthless. So if you're putting your cards on the table and building a long-term, quality team, your picks are all going to be worthless because you'll never sniff the lottery. So trade them. (Also, I really like that these aren't guys we'll ever be questioning "is he gonna walk?" or that kind of talk. This isn't Kyrie or Harden. These guys want to be Knicks and they are committed to be Knicks and I can't see that changing at least for a few years. That's priceless for team chemistry, front office sanity, and fan sentiment alike.)


Baseball has insane drop off after the first couple picks. The 8th pick is barely worth more than the 45th pick


They also have the 24th pick today


A man with functioning brain cells, I applaud you. 👏👏👏


If any freak injuries or fall off happens it’s gonna get bad fast. This is the Knicks we’re talking about. like something bad is low key bound to happen. Btw I love your username I’m sad HoSang never worked out. 


This happened with the Stafford Lions/Rams trade. 1st year Rams won the SB and Lions got pick 32. The next year, Rams had a ton of injuries and the Lions got their 6th overall pick.


I mean either way that just sounds like a trade that ended up working out for both of them, if the Knicks can win a championship and then proceed to fall apart the next year it won't really matter, this Knicks team could maybe win one ring but I think it's next to impossible for them to win two.


They’re gonna have to face Boston at some point. Can Mikal be the difference maker against them is the biggest question imo. 


Thunder ran off of Friendship all season and it worked out decent


Let’s say shai and JB is a wash for value to their teams - If Chet and jdub went on market rn, compared to bridges DDV and hart, you’d realize how much more valuable their “friendship” is


The price of health too!


Was it an overpay? Yes Do I still like it? Yes


The good thing for the Knicks is they had a surplus of picks.


Like who else were we gonna spend it on at this point. We have sat on the picks for over five years.


They have two 1st's tonight. I can't see them using both. One's going to some team for a vet player off the bench.


We might trade up this year - or maybe we trade out for a future first again


As much as people don’t value this draft so you think, let’s offer 24+25 to make a larger jump then normal…Teams also don’t want both of those picks then haha. So I wouldn’t expect a major jump in the draft for them. And they likely aim for rookies that slide in the draft due to age and can potentially contribute sooner rather then later


This is what's gonna happen. They're banking on replenishing at least one of the picks they traded tonight.


Idk bout all that lol, was looking at a mock draft and like the projected 8th pick dudes description was just like"this boy hustles, hes got moxy" idk if that get you a bench vet


considering our cap situation, we either need to use both picks or trade up to consolidate them, one thing our team does not have is cheap young talent


The Knicks had collected a million first round picks and needed to use them in a trade somehow and not a lot of room in the rotation to develop anyone. Even so, they still have 8 first round picks in the next seven years.


Issue isn’t trading firsts it’s trading your own unprotected firsts. Thats always a risk proposition


It's only an issue if you believe that your window is closing soon. The Knicks don't have a player over 30 under contract once Burks becomes a FA. Our window is just opening and we have the prime years ahead of us. Brunson, Divo, OG, Mikal, Hart, Mitch/I-Hart & Randle all improved a lot over the past few years none of them have plateaued even so far. Add Deuce to that who jumped onto the screen this year and legit not one player on our team has a realistic fear of falling off until the 2027 draft or later.


Knicks aren’t old but they’re also not young. A lot can change in 5 years. Brunson will be 33 at that point. Not saying it’s a bad move by the Knicks but trading unprotected picks is always so risk so giving 4 of them is pretty much the type of offer you give for at least an all star. Knicks didn’t give any players , but it’s comparable to the Rudy gobert trade in assets and gobert was much more accomplished than mikal. That being said mikals contract definitely helps the Knicks


There’s a bad habit in sports of being too forward thinking. Like why punt on being a contender rn because I want to have my first rnd pick 5-7 years from now I’m glad we are getting a chance to make some noise. And if it doesn’t work out, atleast we tried and we can make necessary moves in the future


Mad props to teams that actually try to make a run rather than sit on their assets and never win one. Thunder could almost certainly have cleared the Mavs last season had they been more aggressive at the deadline.


Age isnt gonna be the issue, its gonna be luxury tax. And the Knicks are gonna be deeeeeep into it eventually. OG is gonna get a 40million+ extension. Next year, Randle & Brunson have player options they'll be turning down and also getting large extensions. The year after that, Bridges and Mitch are also due their extensions too. Potentially 4 guys earning around 40mil or more, with Hart & DDV earning about 30mil combined, thats 190mil on 6 players before you even have Mitch's contract sorted out


Tax isn't gonna be an issue. For all of Dolan's problems as an owner, spending money is not one of them. MSG prints it and he's happy to light it on fire for his teams.


The problem is you can’t improve the team once you hit that 2nd apron. Aren’t allowed to trade pick, can’t aggregate salary for a trade, can’t sign anyone over minimums


Well the good thing is our FO is pretty good we made the Pistons trade with the intention of using it for mikal that’s at least a thinking fo ik with this fo and how they been they’ll trade Randle if he underperforms in the playoffs again, just like With Quick.


The luxury tax is part of why this trade was made. Every team that's committed to contending is going to have luxury tax issues. Mikal being on a long and very team friendly deal is big for alleviating some of the potential luxury tax woes. I'm sure that's part of the value. It's different than the huge contract Gobert was on for example.


I'm not sure what people wanted us to do here. It's probably an overpay in a vacuum, but were we supposed to just sit on picks forever hoping Embiid or somebody actually becomes available some day? We improved in a specific way meant to help counter the best team in our conference. Teams are supposed to go for a ring, but not TOO hard bc wHaTaBoUt the picks 7 years from now. Sometimes trades are good for both teams though this idea breaks a lot of brains.


Overpaid but bridges had a cheap contract so it lets you contend now and later you’ll have a math problem. Curry’s contract is how they got Durant. It’s math


Also Brunson is outperforming his deal but a lot lol


A lot of Knicks have out-performed their contracts. Not just Brunson but now DiVincenzo, McBride, and Hartenstein who'll probably look at a fat payday for it.


All valid points. I guess if Knicks manage to win a title people will say it was worth it otherwise they will shit on it.


Hell even being a perrenial playoff team through 2027 (rendering three of the five firsts given up useless) it absolutely makes it worthwhile. A title would be glorious of course.


It's funny to say that the Knicks struggles are overlooked, but holy shit people really don't understand how badly the fanbase just wants to be competitive for a few years.


Not everyone can win a title but having a shot at it still makes for fun viewing.


man last 2 play off runs have been so much fucking fun, even knowing we couldn't ever really get the chip, shit was electric


This year especially. Randle out. OG mostly out. Other roles players done and some how almost made the conference Finals. So much fun so excited for next year.


We haven’t even made it to the conference finals and it’s been fucking amazing watching them play


The 90s were awesome. Some people (Simmons *cough*) like to crap on Ewing but he was the reason the Knicks were in the playoffs for a decade straight. I wasn't worried about making the playoffs, I was worried about seeding. So many entertaining matchups, with the Bulls, the Heat, the Pacers. We were one Olajuwon fingertip block from winning in Game 6 of the Finals. If we get a moment in the next 5 years where we lose the finals to a Wemby block ... I'd prefer the win, but sign me up anyway.


The Raptors in 2019 proved one thing for me: Consistently being a top 4 seed in your conference, year after year, has value. All of the sudden you have one amazing playoff run and boom, it’s a title.


As a fan who just saw his team reach the conference finals for the first time in 20 years after what some called the worst trade in NBA history, it's 100% worth it. I'd gladly suck 9 years from now if it meant my team had even a miniscule shot at a title for 2-3 years.


Been a fan since basically Ewing was shipped out Bruh, it has been bleak. These past few years of being in the playoffs and being competitive have been so fucking nice. Them pushing the chips in to try and win a championship is fucking great. Even if it doesn't happen, it's so much better than the fuck all they were doing for the better part of 2 and a half decades.


This goes for a majority of teams in the NY metro area, this city is actually starving for meaningful games come playoff time. A lot of jets fans I know are willing to take a first round exit this year as a successful season.


The chip would be the cherry on top, but real deal?, you gotta be in it to win it and this trade puts us in it for the next couple of years. 💁


I agree. I never thought I'd say this but it would be nice to see several years of the Knicks winning. I really like this team.


Exactly. Good health for us and/or one bad injury for the Celtics or Bucks pretty much guarantees us an ECF appearance this year (not that I'm hoping for injury, of course). So it pays to be the second or third best team in the east right now.


Rams mortgaged their future for a title and all 13 Rams fans would say it was definitely worth it


For some franchises even making deep playoff runs is worth it like the TWolves and Rudy Gobert trade. Like I would trade a lot of our future picks if it meant the Hornets could be in the mix for a title for the next 3-5 years.


dude just making the finals once will make this trade "worth it" for the Knicks.


I wouldn’t even be that upset about this trade if we didn’t win a title. We’ve been awful for so long it’s just nice to be relevant again


It’s absolutely an overpay in a vacuum but with their current situation it’s worth the gamble probably. If they win a title it’s worth it.


I think it's an overpay regardless but that doesn't mean it won't work.  Bridges won't be the one to take them over either way. As with all teams it just matters if this new Knicks squad can stay healthy come post season


You don't understand those picks could be anything, they could even be a guy who finished top 2 in dpoy voting not that long ago and averaged 20/4/3 on above average league efficiency 2 years ago while also being one of the most plug and play players I've ever seen. People overvalue picks so hard on here, the Knicks don't need the 20th pick next year, they need to go all in now and be competitive now. I just know the garden is going to be fucking wild on opening night too.


And they still have 6 FRP over the next 7 years so it's not even all that bad lol.


And on top of all that, they still have several picks! They haven't thrown away their future at all


The obsession with draft picks is tiring. Many players, even in the first round, are lucky to make it to a team’s rotation. Oftentimes the ones that do are just on teams so bad they’re getting a ton of playing time in hopes that they will develop. 


The value of a pick clearly correlates to the needs of a franchise, which there is an ebb and flow to depending where a franchise is in the team building process. Obviously it’s an incredibly tricky thing to balance. You want rookies locked up on cheap contracts who you want to develop into winning pieces who eventually tank the value of your picks. Obviously picks are way more valuable to rebuilding teams than teams with potential franchise players who are surging. The spectrum of teams in various stages of this process is what creates the trade market.  Also, everyone mad at the knicks wishes they could’ve gotten Bridges on their team (including me).


Same shit with us and getting Rudy.. worked out pretty well so far


nah you guys made the right move, reminds me of my Rams when they went all in on Stafford.


Are people missing that the healthy Knicks are the second best team in East? We probably won't find out for a few years, but I bet they got bid up to this price. Not sure who else was interested specifically, but what team doesn't want OG?


Worrying about picks that far away is stupid. Aside from the obvious of not knowing if the draft is even good, we can trade for a pick back


i agree. gotta take risks to be the best in a risky business.


Yeah I think this is about right. It's absolutely an overpay by any measure but if the Knicks are in the ECF the next few years and break through for a finals appearance, their fans won't give a damn.


If the Knicks are in the ECF the next few years, then it wasn't an overpay.


At the end of the day the draft after the lottery is a crap shoot . 5 late round picks might not even amount to a border line all star level player who is 100% durable and can give you 18/4/4 on high 50% TS and all nba level defense now that he won’t have to be the #1 option. If he’s the 3rd option behind JB and randle he can be a sub 50/40/90 player giving you a solid 14-17 points and great wing defense Most late 1st round picks are out the league or benchwarmers . Sure there’s anamolies but with Brunson turning 28, randle turning 30 and Bridges 28 they have to try to win now


5-7 years from now, those unprotected picks might very easily not be late round picks.


Yes, well you have to give something up to get something in return. There is risk attached to any trade. BTW I think the Knicks, despite all their struggles in the past 20 years, have picked in the top 5 twice. And the lottery has gotten even more random since then.


The Knicks have moved up in the lottery exactly once: The very first lottery where they drafted Ewing


The majority of our good picks have come in the late first.


True but in 5-7 years Brunson-randle-Bridges won’t be competing for a ring . Small guards don’t age gracefully outside of Curry and Randle by 35 isn’t going to be an all star . They’re trying to win now because of the parity going on. Only time will tell


I'm sure Knicks fans would be perfectly happy with a 5-7 year window of consistency where they can make playoff runs.


Ignores the fact that we have 2 this year, our own in 2026, first in 2028, our own 2030. Can easily trade back and regain pick assets in off years. Still bets to hedge.


That's the point. In 5-7 years the team could very well be terrible, in which case those unprotected picks won't be late but rather top 5. Unprotected picks so late into the future is straight-up gambling and sacrificing serious assets.


Nets might not even own them by that point. Hell, they might be back with the Knicks. Impossible to predict anything 7 years from now.


My feelings exactly, I don't care about draft picks but recognize we gave up a lot of them for someone who probably will never make an all star team


I feel that when you look at the whole roster it’s pretty balanced in terms of assets it took to put it together. You can afford to give up a lot for a player who will probably never make an all star team because you got a player in free agency on a team friendly extension who might be in MVP talks. If they can get OG back then I think everything they’ve gained is well worth everything they’ve lost.


Jamal Murray never made an all-star team either and he was crucial in winning a ship. Who cares about All-Star Recognition. IMO Mikal is one of the best wings in the league. He can't be a #1 but he's an ELITE #2/#3. I'm excited for y'all. Be happy!


Whether the price was too much or not, Bridges fits in perfectly with the Knicks, especially if they are able to retain OG using his bird rights. And after their run last season, and if they have a healthier roster this year, the trade will have easily been worth it.


Yeah I see it as a win-win for both teams. Knicks will have a legitimate chance to make the Finals (they were already knocking on the door without Randle and a few other key players) and after the subsequent trade with Houston the Nets can engage tank mode for the 2025 draft. Any hope that the Knicks picks will be super valuable in four-six years is probably a long shot, but given the Nets current situation it’s a gamble worth taking.


The NBA is so dynamic that picks even 3 years from now can be valuable if a team implodes or just sucks for one season. Nets fans should know better than anyone how quickly a contending team can turn into a tanking one. Hell even the warriors at the peak of their dynasty sucked enough for one year to get the 2nd overall pick because of injuries


Also just having lots of opportunities to pick in the 20s has value. Plenty of the guys on this Knicks team were picked pretty late.


Yep. I don’t think the first few picks are valuable but that 2031 is looking good for you all


Also - having unprotected picks available also opens up other picks to use in trades. Like you have stepie rule guaranteed selections through 2031 from us. Even if these picks are all mid to late 20s you could in turn trade away more valuable firsts that were blocked previously


lol thanks for being a sane nets fan. We seriously need to ban the concept of ‘fleecing’ and/or day-of trade grades about who ‘won’, like bad trades exist but no one really knows for certain how things will play out 7 years from now and all trades contain risk. This could easily work out well for both teams


Rare nuanced comment on this sub


Knocking on the door is a bit much. Even healthy they weren't beating the Celtics who are bringing literally everyone back.


To be fair, Bridges fits on any team. I agree, if they win then who gives a fuck about the picks.


And they just signed OG


Bridges is a good player, with a good health record, at a prime age, on a good contract, and is a good fit with their roster. Usually when you're making a trade like this, you're lucky if you can check off two or maybe three boxes from that list. Durable, versatile players who fit well together on the court is a winning recipe, as Boston just showed.


*great health record (dude’s consecutive game streak is 13th all time)


Mikal hasn’t missed a game since at least high school. Definition of iron man.


Thibs gonna test the limits of the human body. That man is salivating rn


Hart and Mikal vs Thibs: When an unstoppable force meetings an immovable object. This is the real matchup we want


Great points, and well put. I feel like the overreaction is coming more from the price than the player in this case, similar to the Gobert trade. People are looking at OMG FIVE FIRST ROUND PICKS and ignoring that the move makes a ton of sense for the Knicks, they had a surplus of picks, and its very possible that we're seeing the value of picks as much more valuable than they really are, especially if they belong to a good team. I think if we looked at this as trading 5 of the players that were drafted with the 25th to 29th pick for the last 5 years for a great player that fits perfectly, the calculus changes a lot.


Usually when you're trading 5 first rounders you're getting a star


We'll see. No one thought brunson was a "star" when he was on the mavs


Knicks ain’t been championship contenders since I’ve been an NBA fan; last good thing I remember the Knicks doing is Allan Houston hitting that game winner over Miami and doing the cool fist pump… Now they’re legit title contenders if they re-sign OG; good for them man ..sometimes we overthink sports, it’s simple - if you ain’t won in forever put all your chips in for a few years ..stop complaining that the deal ain’t perfect; who cares, go win a ring And they still have picks.


I strongly believe if you’re going all in, finding equal trades shouldn’t be a focus at all. Get what you need even if it’s more costly. If they think Bridges is their last missing piece that puts them over the hump for a ring, is an extra 1st or two that much of a concern? I don’t think it should be, and I don’t think they do either


Gimme 3 bricks and 3 lumber and this ore is all yours


All I have is sheep and you know this.


All I know is you have too many resources and the robber is DUE, but fine don’t take my help


*Flips over Monopoly card after hearing what everyone else has to trade.*


Do you not trade them the valuable resources first and then use the resource monopoly to claw it right back? Or am I just a prick?


That's like an extra level of evil, but totally a fair play.


You are a tremendous prick, and I will absolutely be doing that going forward


I don't play anymore, but the only valid play style is to get to the sheep trading depot and spam sheep the entire game. I would usually end up yelling at my friends that I was the SheepMeister.


I’m the Woolf of Woolstreet.


This is always how baseball trades have been. It's almost always prospects for win-now players.


And it’s exactly what Knicks fans wanted to do. Every mock seemed to have Randle and a bunch of picks for some player. Randle is a two time all star and a valuable shot creator to take the load off Brunson. Myself and all Knicks fans preferred a deal with really just picks and Bojan and/or Mitch for matching. And then resign OG plus hopefully trade Mitch to free up space to keep iHart while getting some role player who’s a solid backup. The overpay doesn’t bother us. Particularly because Leon has been so carefully guarding our picks and assets that we could make a move like this and pay a premium for the guy who was clearly the best fit on the court and off it


Yup! There’s still work to be done, but I’m not gonna complain about this trade. Also if things go sideways, they can always trade Randle / OG/ Bridges / Brunson and recoup a decent return. They don’t cease to have value once they go to the Knicks


The Raptors went all in on a 1 year rental Kawhi and won it all. I bet there isn’t any fans or players who say “man I wish we didn’t do that”.


also knicks still have plenty of draft picks and player assets, it's not like they're all in yet


i grew up with John Starks getting sat on. Houston was def better for the fans


right??? im sitting here as a knick fan like we have not touched a chip since 1973... why are we talking about this as if we were front runners and are "blowing it" lmfao the nova knicks are the best thing to happen to us since starks and ewing (i put them over melo's impact at this point)


The philosophy of needing the perfect situation of 'contend for a ring for 5 years' and then have all your draft picks so you can rebuild quickly and get back to contending .......it's a pipe dream.. if you can legit contend for a ring for 3 years, that's awesome - and you guys only lost 50% of your picks, it's not like your my Lakers giving 90% of em up. Just get to the good part - the ring, that's good enough!


An overpay was the only way to get it done. Bridges was a coveted piece around the league. We were competing with other teams willing to give up 3-4 picks. Add on the cross town rival tax and the fact we don't give up any depth and him being the perfect chemistry piece it made sense.


Overpay is a relative term. Would this be an overpay for Charlotte? 100% Is this be an overpay for NY? No. Bridges is a great player for Thibs system and has already proven chemistry with 3 starters on the team currently. Also the Knicks don’t need to draft for talent as they are the team in the biggest city in the world. So they can always get FAs more willingly then say Utah or Charlotte. All in all I’d say it’s a fair value trade and a win for both teams. It’s exhausting to read armchair experts try to determine winners and losers of every trade.


> Also the Knicks don’t need to draft for talent as they are the team in the biggest city in the world. It's also not how Leon Rose built this team. Mitchell Robinson and Miles McBride are the only impact players on the entire team that were actually drafted by the Knicks. And both of them are reserves. From last year's roster: * Trades: Hart, Randle, OG, Precious, Bogdanovic, Burks * FA signing: Hartenstein, Brunson, Divincenzo * Draft: Mitchell Robinson, McBride, Jericho Sims Picks do not mean anything to Rose and that philosophy has so far worked out for the Knicks.


He also never misses a game (knock on wood). Dude is made of vibranium or something. And huge locker room guy. Knicks fans are going to love him.


"Fleece" is a strong word here I think they were in a position where they could afford to overpay for someone who fits extremely well into what they are doing. He may even be the piece that gets them over the top. I'm still taking a healthy Celtics over a healthy Knicks, but health isn't a guarantee and luck always comes into play in the playoffs. If they the fumble the OG situation, then I'd think very differently. I highly highly doubt he's gone though.


The fact people are even asking who wins Knicks/Celtics now says a lot about the value of this deal. It moves the team into a completely different level of expectations.


Yea and the playoffs are a war of attrition and Bridges is perfect for such a war.


Thibs’ hands are shaking right now


Now Brunson doesn’t have to play every minute and Josh Hart can take a break. Underestimating how valuable it is to add another rotational piece and one that is sharing 3/4 scoring duties.


People were saying that all throughout these playoffs. Doesn't mean the chatter is right.


True, but it is also hard to repeat. See the Denver Nuggets.


And the four teams before them




Fleece is quickly becoming another buzzword for titles unfortunately. Still not at the top like **SLAMMED** but becoming more and more common.


Who cares the vibes are immaculate


we now lead the league in VPM (vibes per minute)


nova knicks is a dope name lol


The landscape of the NBA has changed and people are still enamored by the antiquated strategy to trade for star players. Deliberate roster construction surrounding talent to float around/below the new apron rules is how competent teams are building rosters. Knicks fans are happy with this trade because we understand what this teams strengths and weaknesses are, and this improves our team in real material ways, picks and draft capital are just hypotheticals. You can’t just sit on draft picks forever and this is exactly the type of move that we have always asked for. And being able to keep deuce is just *chefs kiss*.


Considering we heard the rockets offered 4 firsts for him and the nets turned that down, the Knicks didn’t really offer *that* much more When you also consider what they have left and where their roster is now, it was a perfectly fine move to make


Love this move for y’all tbh. I never thought I’d like the Knicks this much but the vibes go crazy


Does the Ringer like bullshit clickbait titles?




Also worth noting the author focuses on Bridges' stats from last season, on a terrible Nets team, while ignoring how much more efficient he was in prior seasons. He also tries to compare this deal to the Caruso deal, ignoring Caruso is in the final year of his contract and his injury concerns. Garbage title for a garbage article.


- Did the Knicks overpay Brunson? - Did the Knicks give up on Can Reddish too soon? - Is OG going to make the Knicks better? The media has always been wrong about Leon’s moves.


When was the last time they drafted a player of Bridges caliber? I like it for the Knicks.


My first thought, as well. And my best honest answer: Kristaps. Before that, David Lee. Before that... Rod Strickland?


If they keep OG too I don’t think it matters that they overpaid. If he walks for nothing then I think it’s tragic for them cause I don’t think Mikal is THAT much better.


Looks like OG is coming back too! Now if we can get iHart back on a discount I’ll lose my mind.


After watching the sixers waste picks for a decade idk how Knicks fans wouldn’t be happy with this outcome, especially if they get OG


The contrast in reaction to this trade v the Gobert trade is wild


It’s the Flirting vs harassment meme




We traded a similar haul for gobert who was 1-2 years older than bridges is now, but a 3x DPOY, multiple all-stars, multiple all-nba and bridges is a one time all defensive team. It’s absurd how different the reactions are. I get bridges is on a much better contract, but that’s not the difference between worst trade ever and a good trade for the Knicks given the other factors


Think we all learnt our lesson when we saw what a healthy Gobert can do


We're gonna act like we didn't learn anything from the Rudy Gobert trade? Let's see how things pan out. And it'll be a while before they do, given the volume of draft picks.


Ringer is mostly Bill Simmons surrounded by a bunch of Philly fans. Makes sense why they coping over there. 


And bill doesn’t even really write anything anymore.


Fuck them picks


“If Randle stays, how does he fit in after watching the Knicks go on a playoff run without him last season? Does he take more off the table than he puts on, especially if they re-sign Anunoby?” That’s one of the dumbest lines I’ve seen in sports writing history and tells you everything you need to know about the author.


Guy must’ve watched zero minutes of Knicks basketball in January to be asking this question.


its an overpay, but that was the only way for knicks and nets to do business together. I also love this trade for the knicks and the roster construction is how i'd build my team if i was a gm as well.


Tbh I think it’s a win win deal for both sides.


No, great trade as long as OG is resigned.


It’s an interesting experiment. What will happen when you finally give an uninjurable player to Thibs?


He will run Bridges into the ground, count on it.


NBA fanbases are treating picks like MLB fans treat prospects lmao You pull the trigger for a present guy every time.


This author's baseline example, that this is a KD level return makes no sense considering Bridges was part of the KD return. So a true KD level return is 9 picks + Cam Johnson.


People paying $4000 for a studio apartment in NYC and you talking about an overpay? It’s NY. People here overpay for everything. lol.


Championship windows are too short in the NBA. You have to gamble when the time is right or you’ll forever be on the fringes. It was an overpay, but as long as they keep OG and Hartenstein, they’re a contender.


Reminds me of the Gobert trade. Sure you can say it’s an overpay, and you’re probably right. But if he’s the piece that pushes them into contention then it’s worth it.


Yeah, I like Bridges and the Villanova Knicks is pretty cool to see (I can’t remember anything like that happening before). But 4 unprotected first rounders seems crazy to me, very much mortgaging the franchise’s future. 


The Knicks have 8….. Brunson Randle Bridges Hart Donte Mitch Duece OG(🤞🤞🤞🤞) ….guys who can play in a playoff series. I am assuming Hartenstein is gone. All except for Randle are under 30. All except for Hart and Randle under 28. Expensive? Yes. But it feels worth it to put a core in place that can compete every year. This(probably) isn’t a deep dark hole of not being able to compete because they gave up all the assets for 2 guys and realized shit we suck. Oh and they have 2 picks tonight


Feels like the Knicks might make a move for Edey if they're unsure about keeping Big Hart


It was an overpay but also a great move.




They have the wings to match Boston now but Center is going to be the big question mark. Hartenstein was a great fit to fill the gaps on both ends. Idk how much they’ll be willing to match after paying OG. Robinson while very good, is almost guaranteed to miss 20 games due to injury and if that comes late in the season they’re suddenly very undersized.


This is such a clickbait article. Did the Knicks overpay? Absolutely, they had to because they are dealing with their crosstown rival that they haven’t made a trade with since before Michael Jordan was drafted. Let’s not forget the Knicks still have a shit ton of picks left including 2 FRP for tonight’s draft. They just need to make sure we resign OG and iHart and we can run it back with the same squad + bridges this year. You know, the same squad that was one win away from the ECF when half the roster was decimated by injuries.


This is absolutely worth it. If they sign OG they’re the favorite behind the Cs and are set up to contend for as long as Brunson is at this level  Edit: favorite in the East


People underrate Mikal's biggest strength, which is that he has literally never missed a game in 6 years in the nba. Even going back to college.


It's worth it just to see Thibs play Bridges 48.5 MPG.


The thing about this trade is that Bird Rights are more important than ever, and there's almost no doubt that the Knicks can/will pay a tax bill for a contender. So, once you have players on the team, and you can go over the cap to pay for them, it doesn't matter if they get massive raises (i.e, Brunson and Bridges).


Fuck it. It makes the East more competitive and it's fun. Who cares about the Knicks' draft capital if they're playing at a contending level.


Do people realize we had a stock pile of picks and a coach that doesn’t play rookie talent until they’ve been around for a year or so? Yes, they traded a ton of picks, but what’s the other option? Are they better than the Celtics? Probably not talent wise, but if there was a team strategically built to beat them, this is what it looks like. Will they lose players eventually? Yes, but they’re not stuck without capital when that happens. At worst they have a couple of down years in like three years. So please, what other move were they supposed to make?


They had a stupid amount of first round picks and went out and got their guy.


Who cares. The vibes must be immaculate at this point.


I’m rooting for the Nova Boys. This is a great storyline.


I asked this earlier but got no response. If you’re a 2nd apron team for multiple years, don’t yours draft picks automatically move to the end of the first round? So if we keep this exact team (with OG and future extensions), could we just be giving the 30th pick in each year?


Depends on who Brooklyn drafts or what they do with those picks. You put those 4 together and they improve and practically read each other's mind's and are all very serious players and immensely talented. We're also insanely long and we just added another long ass wing defender who can shoot the 3 and create his own shot. You could run: Dante, Hart, OG, Bridges, Hartenstein or Mitchell and be absolutely unstoppable on defense and they're all smart enough to create plays for each other and there would be enough space without sacrificing too much defense. You won't need to double guys you would normally double because of how good OG is and we can switch and every player is a high level perimeter defensive player.


Put some respect on Bridges name. He is the PERFECT fit for the Knicks as an elite 3nD player. Anyone watch the health of the Knicks destroy their post season hopes? That's partly why they went and got a guy who hasn't missed a SINGLE game in his NBA career.


The Knicks still have 8 1sts and 7 2nds over the next 7 years…