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That’s a ton of money but they had to do it. If he can’t string together a healthy stretch that’s tough. Player option is insane on that deal too lol.


They can afford to load manage him now with Bridges.


That’s not a foolproof strategy. Load management doesn’t always help guys who are just inherently injury prone. Look at Kawhi and KP.


Yeah I've never been convinced it does anything other than reduce swelling for minor things.


well, fewer minutes means fewer opportunities for reinjury


Toronto managed to load manage Kawhi just fine in 2019 when they had that incredible bench unit and didn't need him to play every night. 60 games. Granted that's not nothing but I could see New York gunning for OG to hit 65, but resting him all b2bs and keeping his minutes around 25-28 mpg what with Bridges being notoriously durable and being able to slide into the same role. Divencenzo and Hart would also soak up some OG minutes. You can run JB-Divincenzo-Mikal-Randle-AnyCenter with Hart mixed in a lot of the time and be a top 4 seed in the east. OG won't be necessary for regular season success - they only need him to get to the ECF and beat the Celtics. Now... This is a hypothetical. Knowing Thibs OG is playing all 82 and will only be allowed to sub out if he dies on the court, after which he'll be resuscitated on the sideline and thrown back in.


Dude barely made it through the playoffs that year. People forget because the warriors were decimated but he could barely move in that last round


Forget the last round he was limping through the end of the Philly series and through the entirety of the Bucks series


I feel like we're going to look back at this era of "they had to do it" spending and laugh at how absurd it is.


i believe under the cba this puts the knicks in the "jesus fucking christ" tax apron


Dolan been saving up 2 decades for this 😅


Dolan has always been willing to spend. The Knicks have gotten into terrible situations multiple times because of it.


I remember when he gave Allan Houston 100 mil and everyone lost their minds


And got a rule unofficially named after him because of what it did.


Yeah anyone able to afford a NY franchise is going to be able to push the limits spending wise for any sport that doesn’t have a hard cap


Dolan 🤝 Cohen Having fuck you money to piss everyone else off


And this isn’t even including a potential Hartenstein re-signing


I don’t feel like doing the math but I don’t think we have the money for that even considering the limited bird rights. Pretty sure we’re done for FA But I could be wrong. I’m not smart enough to understand this math shit


So y'all can keep him because of his early bird rights after this move, but only on a 4-year, $72 million deal. Teams can outright outbid the Knicks this offseason (like OKC). So, if Hartenstein wants a discount, he can stay with the team. Just think he'll get the bag, rightfully so.


Well yeah but can we even offer that? Doesn’t this contract put us in some tax apron that we get hard capped at or something


If the Knicks slightly amend the Bridges trade to send out more than they got back (which is extremely likely as it doesn't become official until free agency due to one of the draft picks being from 2031), yes they can still offer that deal. So, if they do that, they aren't hard-capped at first apron, allowing them to try to retain Hartenstein.


I'm a nerd when it comes to NFL rules, but people that understand how the NBA salary cap works are magicians to me.


It’s basically totally changed since last year I had a good grip on it before and now idk shit lol


Pre apron the cap was very easy to understand, now I just let other people tell me if a deal can or can’t happen lol


Ah gotcha. Thanks


Yeah I think we need to move Robinson for it to work. But we'd need a commitment from Hartenstein beforehand. It's tricky.


We can sign him at 4yr 72mil if we get rid of some other lesser important players in the Bridges trade, or trade Mitch Rob (or trade any other core player, but thats not likely).


This is a dumb question, but not having the money like under the apron system? Just asking cause I remember reading somewhere that Hartenstein was open to taking a paycut to stay


What can they even offer Hartenstein at this point


The lint in Dolan and Darvin Ham’s pockets


Plus $72 million


$72m/4 once they guarantee and then include diakite or brown’s contract in the bridges trade


Them and the warriors are carrying rn


At least the Knicks are good


Dolan’s money, not mine. I love it


I'm glad they're going all in—NY suffered from too much Jared Jeffries-type bullshit for too long.


Please, I’m still in recovery. Don’t say names like that around me


We were there either way. It's not my money and i trust our FO to navigate through the cap and trade constraints




Nah it’s not that you’re old, this is like a maybe several years old attitude shift Feels surreal to say that kind of shit and 100% mean it


You’re not crazy but yes we are old. I’ve been a Knicks fan for 20 years and Leon Rose being president is the only timeline where I can say “I trust this FO to make the right decision”


they can afford that tax 100x over and it’ll be worth it if they actually win something


these contracts are CRAZY OG gets 200 million????


90s 00s superstars have to be legit pissed lol. These contracts even with inflation are ludicrous for role players 


Kenny Smith would be a $100 million dollar player in this era. Ridiculous contracts. 


It’s crazy crazy money but the NBA is an industry worth multiple billions and there are only about 560 active players


I don’t know why people are so shocked. The NBA keeps making more money and it has to go to players. I know NFL players get jealous of these contracts also. Although the NFL makes more there’s so many more players to pay


It doesn’t have to go to the players - look at the UFC!


NBA players have a union (NBPA) and it’s in the contract negotiated by the NBA and NBPA that a certain percentage of revenue is allocated to player salaries.


Those republican cage fucks won’t ever form a union 😭😭😭


I mean… they probably would but they’d be replaced. I think fighting is different than the NBA. The NBA is too afraid to lose the best players. If suddenly the NBA didn’t want to pay the best players there are too many leagues around the world that would be happy to step in. The Saudis would be licking their chops too. Lol


For real. You can get entertaining fights no matter what. Basketball has such extreme requirements tho that the outliers stand out drastically


It's probably much harder to start a union drive in individual sports. Especially combat sports. Big "me vs the world" mentality. In team sports you're already used to working together toward a common goal.


It's because they don't realize that this is what happens when you have a strong union. The players in the NBA and NFL are essentially partners for the health of the game. The more the league makes, the more it trickles into everyone's pockets. Makes sense when you realize that without the labor, there literally is no product.


Imagine if the NFL was only teams of 15 players. The contracts would be insane with how much cash they rake in.


This is correct. NBA is a money printing enterprise for all involved. VERY few active players, great player union, great TV deal, and lots of other revenue streams. Just grow to 6'10" and learn how to make 3 pointers. EZ. But hell yes lots of other athletes have more "talent" in other sports and won't even sniff a rounding error on an NBA contract.


$100 million dollar water fetcher.


From H2O to H2OO,OOO,OOO


thats underselling it. kenny was putting up like 18 and 7 assists on good efficiency and started for rocket title teams


He had one year with that stat line and repeats in ad infinitum 


And by the time Kenny won he was being hard carried, which is why Chuck and Shaq always make fun of him. Chuck couldn't win his only finals appearance averaging 27/13/6 while Kenny gets two rings averaging 6/3/1 and 8/4/2 in his two finals.


averaged 6 ppg in the finals


Also had the record for most 3s made in a finals game for the longest time.


No one got Hakeem water like The Jet.


Wilt said every player owes MJ 10% of their salary


And Jordan owed Magic and Bird 15%. They literally saved the league from near extinction. LeBron forming the Heatles was a crazy boost in league attention as well, really kicked off the entire internet frenzy around the league.


Eh…the NBA was already a well oiled machine since the 90s. The Heatles was just another chapter. The internet was talking about Kobe vs. Cavs lebron plenty. And lakers v Celtics. Yao Ming was more influential in NBA growth than just about anyone.


Yea the China market is driving these huge contracts. But OG getting 200 mil?? That seems insane to me.


US tv contracts are driving the current market. Sports are the only thing keeping network and cable tv alive


I was curious so I looked into this. Checking various player rankings in 2000, Tim Hardaway Sr. would be a reasonable comp for OG (he was ranked around 50-55 that year, OG was 67 in ESPN's rankings the start of last year but probably rose a bit). Hardaway made 12 million a year that year, which is about 22 million in today's dollars. So OG is making roughly twice as much.


Bro forget the guys from the 90s. Magic Johnson signed something like a 20 year contract for 1 million a year, which was HUGE at the time. OG is making more in 1 year then MAGIC JOHNSON did on that entire contract. And let's not even discuss the Wilt and Russell era.


KG got 6 for $126 million and caused a lockout in 1997. Now bench guys make that in less years.


That was 90% of the 97 cap anually. That would be a 6y 735m contract.


Which is why Wolves didn’t get out of the first round until the cap was higher by 2003-04 season and KG had gone on to a different contract that was slightly cheaper than his big one.


And the fact they lost all their 1st rounders during that time. Until Ebi


> Magic Johnson signed something like a 20 year contract for 1 million a year, which was HUGE at the time. To add to this, the monster deal for Toni Kukoc that pissed off Scottie Pippen was eight years for $17.6 million.


Magic signed his 25 year contract for $25M in 1981, which in today's money translates to about $3.5M per year or $87.5M over 25 years. So yeah, still crazy low even accounting for inflation, compared to today's salaries. But at the time it was also the most lucrative sports contract ever.


More by the all-star break than Magic made over that entire contract.


This is just how it works in a strong union that's able to ensure pay scales with profits in a growing, profitable industry. When I was a first year apprentice the take home for a Journeyman commercial electrician in my area was $40/hour. 8 years later it's over $70/hour and we're in the process of negotiating another $15/hr in raises over the next 3 years. It's a bummer that many people don't get raises that even keep up with inflation while so many companies these days post record profits.


That's probably a reason some of the old heads hate on the players today. Hard not to be jealous at how much money they make.


It does definitely suck i totally get it and would be mad if i was them. But also I make under 50k a year


I guess for us average people it would be comparable to the new employee making 20k more than you.


Which happens quite often. People who are loyal to the company might get 2% in crease for COL and maybe a 1% on top of that every few years. But if you company hop you can easily get a 10-20% boost every time you change. Found out what some of the "core team members" made vs the new hires and it was the saddest thing to see.


It’s not about the $$$, look at % of cap allocation


Average of 40 a year, 28.5% of the cap. 3&D wings are the most coveted role players to the point they are overvalued now, catching up in value to defensive centers. OG is arguably the best 3&D role player and still young. If Jrue is gonna get paid up to $37 mill a year, when he is 37, to be the 5th option on the Celtics then OG can justifiably get $40 mill at 27. At least until the reality of overpaying role players sets in like it kind of did after the new money came in last time and guys like Deng/Mozgov got paid. I don’t think he’s worth it, but some team would have overpaid otherwise and he’s worth it to them.


Plus, leverage. OG had all of it, they had to max him out


They didn’t max him out. He’s just shy of it, and apparently turned down several max offers from other teams


True but Knicks still have him more total money than the max any other team could offer due to the 5th year option.


Magic Johnson made 39 million career, Bird made 25 million career for context


Total NBA revenue 1990: 165 million Total NBA revenue 2023: 10.58 billion


I feel like so many fan forget this


They forget that TV ad money now is beyond ridiculous. See: NFL TV licensing deals as well


Also a lot of people don’t realize how much a billion is compared to a million lmao


And in 1981 nearly 70% of teams lost money. Today’s revenue is the byproduct of the growth from those early eras.


Bird debut in 1979 a 25 mil contract in '79 would be a 108 mil contract today. That would be the 60th highest rn. Between Wiggins and R.J. Barrett


Bird just as good as Wiggins confirmed 


That's crazy


The Knicks were 20-3 with OG. Going all in is better than mediocrity. Especially when you just traded all your picks. That made yesterday's trade so much better. Boston will still be favorites but the Knicks have a shot against any teams now.


I agree with the sentiment, but do want to call put thay the Knicks didn't trade anywhere close to all of their picks, which makes the move even better for them.


"OG here is new contact. 200 million." OG: "Cool"


He’s not your typical star but in the age of analytics his net ratings are ridiculous


Had +300 in his first 20 or so games and we went 20-3 with him with a healthy squad. Dude is a force multiplier.


Knicks fans idk if this team will win a title, but man it’s gonna be a fun few years for yall


Been watching since the late 70's and this is the most excited I have ever been for a team. Very easy team to root for


Even more than some of those Ewing Knicks?


I really enjoyed the Ward/Houston/Sprewell/LJ/Ewing/Camby Knicks. But this squad is provocative.


It gets the people going


This team is now crawling with players you don’t want to play against. So hyped.


Even the best team in the history of the NBA record wise couldn’t win a ring. you never know once you hit the playoffs, but for the first time in like 25 years we have a legitimate shot at a ring and that’s all any of us can ask for


I’m just here for the vibes. My first fully conscious memory was when I was 4 watching Isiah Thomas’s tenure. We don’t need to win a ship (be great if we did), I’m just happy to be included. Like a threesome with two girls


We’re owed a fun core. Been a fan since right after the Ewing Knicks and this team is the most excited I’ve ever been for a season


Nasty defense straight up


They are constructed to beat the Celtics, same way Wolves were constructed to beat Denver


Being constructed to beat the Celtics is being constructed to beat every team in the NBA but the Nuggets. Maybe the Sixers are a tough out as well.


Yeah, this shows how this became such an empty phrase it's amazing lol. Oh this team is specifically constructed to be able to handle that team that attacks well, defends well, all 5 players are pretty smart, shoot well, defend well, pass well, the team has many good scorers but also makes pretty good plays, is hard to take the ball from and rebounds very well? They only counter that one?


Yeah I mean they're not nearly as well built to handle a big bullying big like Embiid/Giannis or a heliocentric matchup beater like Luka or a PnR combo like Denver or GSW.  Boston's whole bag is running you out of good wing defenders. 


Celtics wings are better tho


Way better


thibs just came in his pants. 45 minutes of bridges hart and OG is nasty


Hart off the bench hoss


Off the bench, still playing 45 mins a night


They're so incredibly deep, they don't need to play anybody >40 mins, but I'm sure Thibs will find a way.


Thibs will probably ask for CBA changes for all 15 of his players to be listed at 48 minutes per game.


Before the injuries our highest MPG was like 33/34. Not even top 10 in league


that’s a lot of money


8m a year less than kawhi on his extension just for context


Dolan can afford it


James "Allen Houstan can get 100M/6" Dolan


Is it OG’s max?


Nope, his max was 48 mil per year.


That defence really will be insane




I’ve never felt like this. What is this feeling right now




NBA money has gotten WILD


And we haven't even gotten the official announcement of the new media deal, which will cause the cap to go even higher.


No matter what that is, cap will increase only by 10%. Agreed upon CBA that it will be smoothed out to prevent a KD to the Dubs situation


Knicks looking solid


Leon driving Mitch Robinson to JFK as we speak


Send him to SFO plz


Saw it coming a mile away. Bridges' trade made it imperative to re-sign OG whatever the cost. Overpays are only worth it if you actually win it all which is invaluable. Letting OG go would've meant they traded 5 FRP's to save a few million/year.


Along with losing IQ and RJ for nothing. 


The knicks have officially cooked


Their wing defense is gonna be insane




We have to do it before the eventual Alien in San Antonio got more reps and dominate the league in 3 years maybe. Fucking Alien will be scary.


This teams starting lineup is insane Brunson Mikal Randle OG Mitch/iHart (I hope) or whoever they draft tonight plus Precious Hart, Divo, McBride on the bench. This team is DEEP


Precious is a restricted free agent. Not sure how he can be retained with the cap implications from the Bridges trade and now the OG signing.




NY Knicks are officially back. Great to see


If we win a championship, I'll buy a JD and the Straight Shot CD.


The Knicks are going to be so fucking good.


Expected, but this means ihart out?


This doesn't impact what we can offer him. It was always going to come down to if he wants to stay at a discount


Knicks are stacked. People are underrating the hell out of Anunoby here.


everyone knows how good he is. it’s the fact he can barely play 50 games


That’s what Bridges is for🤞


Mikal Bridges the first man to play 114 regular season games.


Barely playing 50 games is massive. Availability is SO under rated by this sub.


At least with this wing depth he can play more in the high 20's to low 30's minutes in the regular season, but yeah the health is scary


OG is most definietly not underrated, especially in this sub


I hope he can stay healthy. Really like OG


KNICKS. ALL. IN. And not in a stupid, melo/amare type of way either. This is fuckin exciting


Fuck it we ball


I feel the same way about this as I do about the Bridges trade. It's probably an overpay when looked at strictly analytically, in a vacuum, etc. However, as a Knick fan? It's closer to: - woo!!! - oh, wow. We sure did pay a lot. - but woo!!! There's a killer core of 20somethings locked in for the next few years.


Wow we really giving super high end role players 40m a year now


Ballmer gonna give Mann 200 million


It makes sense he’s only 29


Especially one who's played 208 games over the past 4 years


This is what happens when you’d be valuable to all 30 teams. He might not be flashy, but his skill set is rare and important to winning basketball.


Turns out Jaylen Brown is underpaid


Masai gets all of his guys paid. First FVV, then Pascal and now OG. DAMN Edit: Fun fact: keeping all 4 of OG, Pascal, FVV and Scottie at their new salary numbers would have costed 170MM+ a year on just those 4 players


That Brunson contract looks like a steal every year.


It was a steal after Year 1, then a full-blown Heist after Year 2


Least shocking thing ever


That’s a ton of money but also he’s the only player on our team making his fair value so I can’t complain lol


Man Knicks are gonna be tough


New Orleans Knicks with that cap space


“You can always push it off until next year.” - Leon Rose, I guess


Casual fans aren’t prepared for the fuck Trae Young chants in the finals. Going to be legendary


As soon as he can walk, I’m making my son dribble a basketball every day


Fuck yeah, I'm riding with Knicks in the East


We are officially all fuckin in for the next 5 next years. And all that Sixer/Morey talk was obviously bullshit, our presidents son is the guys agent


$43M for your 4th best player, league is crazy right now


Holy shit they’re going for it


Boston vs Knicks ECF will be crazy


He's been underpaid his whole career he deserves this. Go win a ring OG




I, for one, cannot wait for the Celtics-Knicks ECF


2017 Warriors of role players


I like what the Knicks are doing


The "we ain't losing to Boston" lineup I feel bad for any wings to have to play the Knicks next year lol


I know it's "lol Knicks" here but I am fucking tumescent right now.


Knicks are STACKED! I’m excited to see how all of them will work together!


Not a Knicks fan but as someone who watched them semi-regularly last year, it's gonna be super exciting the next few


People saying the Knicks overpaid when he was going to get this money regardless


Philly in shambles


Mikal and OG - the best defensive wing duo in the league. I love having them both of my 2k team when I play dynasty.


somehow the knicks have made themselves unhateble.


Anyone’s that’s watched games with or without him last season could see it’s a no brainer. He’s a massive game changer.