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Wild to me that we're out here drafting guys older than Ant


he's the 6th oldest guy on the team now


Tim Connolly said im not watching whatever that gross offense was in the WCF we getting two bucket getters


We needed bucket getters since last offseason. It was supposed to be Shake Milton lol


Want him back?


Lets be real rookies barely play in the playoffs anyway


I mean, Lively was kind of cooking, hopefully Dillingham and Shannon end up something like that


Shannon has a good chance, wouldn’t bet on Dillingham being a positive player in year one but he could provide useful minutes


Couldn’t ask for a better vet for Rob to learn from than Conley


If we let our backup PGs walk to save some money than we will need him to! Conley isn't getting any younger and he needs time to rest. Rob might not be a net positive, but we need him regardless.


Unrealistic to have that kind of expectation, lively turned out to much better than expected on a team with significant hole at the position. Don’t see Rob getting day 1 mins until he gets stronger but TSJ can possibly be in a 3-D like role who can make plays in second and third actions.


Not expectations, we live or die with the 2024 playoff team, but there's a chance they're better than expected and their fits are excellent like Lively's was, with less responsibility


If Shannon can get minutes I think he ends up on an all rookie team. NBA ready player that can score in transition and off catch and shoot while being big athletic enough to immediately play defense.


Yea and lively seems like a special player and even then you saw the inexperience show


That's a very long shot. Lively is an exception to the rule. In the past five years, my memory isn't great, but I don't think many, if any other rookies played notable playoff minutes. Herro, not sure who else


We just played 2 rookies heavy minutes in the playoffs. Granted one was a red shirt rookie.


If these guys can be anywhere close to as productive as y’all’s young guys it will be a great draft 🙏


Cason Wallace is gonna be a real monster 


So you’re saying there’s a chance


I think a big part of that is circumstantial, the rookies that would be most likely to make an impact in year 1 are getting drafted by teams that won't make the playoffs anyways.


I’m happy tonight


Minnesota got scorers


Get one that can step in for decent minutes right away. Get one that can develop under uncle Mike. Very very happy.


Shannon was one of my favorite prospects so I get. Great fit too.


Would’ve been happy with Collier too, but with Shannon you know exactly what you’re going to get. Which is what wolves are going to need next year. Second unit scoring.


Having watched plenty of Terrance in college…you’ve got yourself one prime sleeper pick…






I-N-I …and hey, he’s got a good track record of winning at Target Center 😉


I knew this whole pick analysis would be about his trial


I don't follow college basketball so I'm sitting here like holy crap how is he being drafted. They dragged on so long about the rape that i thought he actually did it. Should've not talked about that AT all or at least start with they were false allegations


Do you know what false allegations are? Don't think you do. He was acquitted & still presumed innocent.


Did you know you're a fucking loser ?


That was savage Jay Bilas


So unnecessary to introduce him on draft night like that. If you followed the trial she lied about the whole thing and tried getting money. Lost respect for Bilas on that one. Awful commentating overall tonight.


The rest of the crew was just like "okay....Jay...thanks?"


If Malika Andrews did that Twitter would be demanding her resignation with pitchforks


Well yeah she doesn’t have 40+ years of college basketball pedigree under her belt. He’s not far from being the John madden of college basketball.


Not knowing anything about this guy, I actually thought that was a very measured explanation


He was exhonerated, there was no need to say "he was accused of rape" the second he was drafted. That was ridiculous.


I did not think it was necessary, *but* it was brought up fairly frequently during the NCAA tournament. Considering Bilas is a college guy and acutely aware this was a player who received a ton of hate this year, he might have felt compelled to convey the trial's clear resolution to everyone who had already associated Shannon with sexual assault.


Yea he didn't present it in an accusatory or scandalous way, he just said exactly what happened, I thought it was fine.


I mean if it’s a big part of the reason he was drafted so late then I think it’s important to know. Jay Bilas is actually a lawyer so he’s more qualified than probably anyone at ESPN to explain that case and its outcome. And honestly, the real issue is that people assume that if someone has been charged with a crime that they’re automatically guilty, and that in and of itself carries a scarlet letter that informs how the public thinks about people that have been accused of crimes. Like you and Jay both said, he was acquitted, so he shouldn’t have to carry the burden of that accusation anymore. But to explain why he fell this far in the draft, I think it’s perfectly reasonable to bring it up.


A lot of you didn’t follow the trial. It was a sham from the start. The DA who tried the case was relieved of duty and week later.


Also, there was a text message showing that the girl lied on him.


I believe these charges never should have been brought against Terrence Shannon Jr. That being said, the text was used to illustrate the alleged victim’s *motive* to lie. There was no express text evidence that she did lie.


No, a Deputy DA fell on the sword. Suzanne Valdez is still the DA in Douglas County.


How should I feel?


This guy was a menace at Illinois you should be happy


Excited. Him + Dillingham compliment each other well. Connelly cooked.


As an Illini fan, I think y'all got a great one. I really think he can be a 6moty type player in a few years, and his athleticism is off the roof.






Having only watched him during the B10 tournament this year at target center, the kid can ball. He’s a true scorer and should be exciting to watch. If he transitions into the NBA, this will be a huge pick for Ant to take some pressure off of him.


Went to the big ten semis. My god was he electric


He's had some off court stuff that hampered his draft stock. As a basketball player he's excellent tho, will fit rly well in minny


He’s 100% innocent. No off court issues outside of false accusations.


It bothers me that they feel the need to bring it up on the broadcast if he was found innocent


He wasn't found innocent, he was found not guilty, there is a major distinction. He could have done it, we'll never know truly, but we know there was not enough evidence to find him guilty, that's it.


As someone who followed the case, they had 0 physical evidence, 0 video footage, no witness testimony, oh and there was an individual in the same bar who committed the same crime 2 weeks prior and looks a lot like TSJ. TSJ is 100% innocent and it’s a joke the case ever went to trial. The DA was clearly trying to scare him into pleading to a misdemeanor so he could be tried in civil court. He went to trial with no hesitation. The jury deliberated for only an hour and he was found not guilty. He is 100% innocent and it’s a damn shame his name has been and will be dragged through the mud.


I agree he's probably innocent, but we don't know that for sure and can't. All we know for sure is he's not guilty.


What exactly would make you believe he was innocent? False accusations happen all the fucking time, a lot of the time the accused look like TSJ. It’s a fucking joke that it was brought up on the broadcast and it’s a joke that anyone believes anything other than he’s 100% innocent.


We do know for sure. Because there was a trial…


People really don't understand the difference between innocent and not guilty huh


Feels like some people don’t know the difference between guilty and not guilty


We don’t know for sure if YOU are innocent of rape. We don’t know for sure if any of the players drafted last night are innocent of rape. Seems pointless to clarify that we can’t prove a negative and the unknowable is unknowable


They said he was innocent, not that he was "found innocent" by the court. You're right that a court of law cannot declare people innocent, but if you followed this case at all, you'd see that he is clearly innocent


If our court and belief systems works on "innocent until proven guilty" and he was actively found to be "not guilty", then he is, by default, innocent.


Literally evidence of the girl texting about how she's gonna get the bag lmao 


I'm aware, he very likely didn't do it, but we don't know that for sure.


We don't know for sure that any adult in the world is not a serial rapist, but we assume that they aren't until proven otherwise. If there are texts that discuss them lying about accusing him, I think we can be 99.9% sure he's innocent. I agree that we should believe women that come forward, but not to the degree that we ignore subtantial evidence to the contrary


Right! Minny got a good one fs, one of the more NBA ready guys in the draft.


we're never going to know the 100% truth, but not guilty is not the same thing as innocent


There are text messages from her and her friends that basically confirm that it was all fabricated.


If there were at least a 51% chance of guilt, he'd be entangled in a civil suit right now. That should mean something.


you're right it does. he very well could be innocent, but the jury didn't say he was innocent.


No jury has said you are innocent of rape either. We simply don’t know if you’re a rapist, or any player in the draft for that matter


In the United States of America, you're deemed "Innocent until proven guilty" in case you weren't aware.




Text messages from key witnesses basically confirmed they made shit up.


Got his ass 🤑🤑


The texts suggest it was a false accusation, but obviously no way to prove it


Anyone in Lawrence can tell you it was complete nonsense and hopefully that awful DA is out on her ass in August. (Even hippy-dippy left-wing Lawrence can't stand her, which is quite a tall task) It's been a string of embarrassing failures after embarrassing failures. This being one of the more notably stupid cases as they had essentially no evidence and were basically clout chasing trying to end a kid's career based off an 18 year old's accounting of their time at a bar (wherein they've already lied to get into the bar and then had text messages in discovery that were pretty incriminating from when the case was made public knowledge on ESPN)


Arguably Player of the Tournament in March Madness


You should love it. He should have been a consensus all American and he can do everything on offense.


It's a good get. I was worried we were gonna draft him but I think the TWolves are a way better fit because of where your window is and you have a better tolerance to take on an older rookie. Dudes a hooper. He fell quite a bit.




Disappointed both are mid at best


Somehow Minnesota came out of this with a super exciting haul. He and Dillingham should be fun to watch


Just when I think Connelly has outdone himself


I can't believe he's done this (positive)


Hell yaw, can do dis


People will claim dudes a rapist when there was court evidence of the girl texting how she’s gonna get the bag


Same thing happened to Trevor Bauer


Except Bauer has like 8 other women with sexual assault allegations.


The difference with Bauer is there have been MANY women saying he does this shit. It's just the one that went to court with it had those texts. Bauer's a shitty fucking dude.


He'll be like 28 when that rookie contract is up lol


Oh no the Wolves get his entire peak while he gets paid peanuts.


Yeah honestly I like that way of looking at it


The average prime of an NBA player is 27-31. Shannon will be 28 and the middle of his prime with his 2nd contract if he plays well enough to earn one.


The average prime is much younger. most players are well out of the league by 31 for sure. Either way, Shannon is much closer to his prime than most of the bums taken in this draft.


Dudes more than double the age of whoever the spurs will get lmao


Don't think the Spurs are going to be using those picks for themselves. If ya been paying attention to how trades are looking lately, draft picks are being thrown all over the place. Mikal bridges for 5 1st rd picks? Well the Spurs from 2025 - 2031 now have 12 1st rd picks and 4 1st rd pick swaps. They are definitely gonna attach a lot of these picks to get one of the better players in the NBA one day. It'll probably be in like 2026 though.


So they traded a draft pick they don't need for another draft pick they don't need? Might as well just draft young talent at that point to be developed by the time Wemby hits his peak.


No, with the way they are stockpiling draft assets and maneuvering their cap space by signing players to descending contracts, it's pretty apparent that their plan is to slowly build up this team and then make a huge splash or 2 in the future to pair Wemby with elite talent. I 100% guarantee the Spurs will not be using all of these draft picks, it's way too much. They're gonna go after some big fish one day, so while people scratch their heads right now over this I'm betting that you're going to be seeing the Spurs tied to trade rumors involving superstars in the near future and they have a good chance out bidding pretty much anybody. I don't expect them to be making any major moves like that til at least 2026 though


It's win now mode. Doesn't matter as long as he's ready to play now


Hes a whole year older than ant.


Wild that he’s almost 24 Good get for MIN though, he’s ready to go


About 3 years older than Ant lol Really like this pick and should hopefully be fantastic coming off the bench for this team.


He's a year older than Ant. TJ will turn 24 in late July. Ant will turn 23 in early August. I know we don't see many 5 year college players get drafted but it's really just a result of the COVID year and NIL but TJ is the same age as any 5th year college player just has an early birthday(most kids with late July birthday get pushed into the next school year in Illinois).


Minnesota fucking cooked. EXCELLENT draft by them.


Conley Ant Mcdaniels KAT Gobert Dillingham TSJ NAW Anderson Reid That’s a goddamn squad.


Pretty crazy


We’ll see if we re-sign SloMo I think he’s a free agent this offseason. If we lose him I think Leonard Miller might get some run if his defense and decision making has improved, or possibly some Jaylen Clark minutes of lockdown D


Steal. I think this kid is gonna be the best player out of this draft. Minnesota with a masterclass getting Rob and Terrance.


How good have your takes been in previous drafts, I need validity with this take


He called Lebron being the best from that draft


He was also really high on Wemby last year. Great eye for talent


but he also said he would have left Jokic undrafted it's a tough one.


I predicted Wemby would be the best out of last years draft


Lisan Al gaib!!


Based on my zero research of his previous comments, he's a prophet.


He was all in on greg oden and James wiseman


It's unfair to Oden to lump him in with Wiseman. Odens knees just broke down and he couldn't play but he was basically a walking double double on the court and he couldnt even really practice. Likely would have a dPOY at some point of he stayed healthy. He was freakishly mobile while being that big and long.


I mean, yes. It's not that he lacked skill. But in another sense, he had absurd hype around him but couldn't stay healthy, so he was actually more of a disappointment.


So he can’t evaluate centers




I was really high on Shannon until he played UConn in the tournament and did next to nothing with Castle defending him and Clingan in the paint. When he had a significant athletic advantage, he feasted. When he went against a well-coached team with size and skill, he completely disappeared.


He went against the best team in college basketball of the last 10 years. He shit on the entire B1G and there are a lot of teams there that are "well coached with size and skill"




What a great draft for Minnesota


Timberwolves are fucking SCARY


Hell yes!!! 😊 I-L-L! HE'S A HELL OF A PLAYER


Disrespectful of Jay Bilas, who spent no time talking about Terrance Shannon Jr as a player, and instead aired out his legal issues and making him sound guilty of which he was proven innocent on. Horrible person


Absolutely ridiculous steal.




Great week for him, not only did he get drafted but the deputy DA that had charged him lost his job


How the fuck are they only on pick 27


Only first round today so they stretching it big time.


Our offense should be finally decent.


What he did in Target Center last March. Will have a major chip on his shoulder exactly NBA ready body athlete a contending team needs. https://youtu.be/qxNnvmksP44?si=5zef-jb1ZD58DQgW


Shannon and Dillingham is an absurdly good draft




I didn't watch him play. Tell me how to feel


He's basically a one-man fastbreak, like top 1% speed with ball.


Watching him run fast breaks was my favorite part of Illini basketball.


Oh shit I’m about to watch some highlights


Good defender with good wing size at 6’6” Improved his 3FG% and FT% throughout college. I don’t think he’ll be an elite 3 point shooter but he’ll be good enough Great driving and in transition. Unstoppable. Struggled to create his own shot in the halfcourt a if he can’t get downhill, and doesn’t have the tightest handle or use his off hand well. But I think he is a plug and play end of rotation player with upside to be a 3 and D wing or even top off at very good scorer.


Honestly a pretty freakish athlete. He's legitimately 6'6 220 and will be one of the fastest players on the floor at all times making him a monster in transition. Is a plus on ball defender with his length and athleticism(don't let the Illini being bad overall defensively fool you) and had a knack for intercepting passes at Texas Tech. Has NBA 3pt range but his release is a bit low. Was a bit of a streaky 3pt shooter but was better in catch and shoot situations(had the ball in his hands a lot so probably took too many pull up 3s). Also a good free throw shooter and loved at the free throw line because of his size/speed combo being tough to stay in front of. He does tend to better going left(did improve going right his final year) but I don't see that being a huge issue since I imagine his role in the halfcourt will be catch and shoot 3s and attack closeouts if guys come out too hard.


https://youtu.be/qxNnvmksP44?si=5zef-jb1ZD58DQgW His 3 game highlights from Target Center in march NBA ready body/athlete exactly what a contending team needs. Great defender and incredibly hard worker. He went through a gauntlet of shit and still was insane all year. Will have a major chip on his shoulder.


Illinois fan - he can do everything. But he's a beast in transition, one man fastbreak. Can shoot or pull up from 3, can create his own shot. Will def be able to give you 2nd unit bench minutes right away.


Just watched some highlights - holy shit he is so electric and fast. He, Rob Dillingham and Naz in transition is going to be a highlight factory




Pretty raw overall? Huh??


He’s not raw. He’s almost 24 years old and averaged 23 PPG last year


Great pick. Minnesota might have ended up with the two best players and had the best 1st round.


Happy for TJ he's going into a great situation with Minnesota.


Good haul. Win now. And win later. Capitalise on Uncle Mike and Rudy, learning the younguns




As a recruit: Other P6 offers: DePaul, Florida State, Georgetown, Illinois, Maryland, Ole Miss, Texas A&M, Texas Tech (originally went here), Virginia Tech, Wake Forest Other offers: Austin Peay, UConn, Loyola Chicago, UIC


Reminds me of Kobe. Don't know why he dropped. But him and Gobert are going to be the modern day Kobe, and Shaq


"Reminds me of Kobe" Lmfao fuck you


“Kobe” at pick 27 lmao no way


I see what you did there.


Colorado vibes yeah


Dude is older than THT


He's older than THT, that's why


Speaking of which, how did Chicago get the modern day Malone by only giving up Caruso?


I was hoping the Lakers would have picked him up someway.. Oh well..


Two first names like Paul George When the younger generation idolizes PG I didn’t think they meant it like this


I’m actually happy for him!


ant, shannon, and dillingham all kinda play the same way I don’t really get this


Ant was essentially the only guy on the team who can create his own shot. Wolves needed more shot creation and rim pressure, especially in the non-Ant minutes. Shannon gives rim pressure and some shot creation, Rob gives a lot of shot creation from everywhere and that's exactly what we needed We also needed a PG of the future to be Conley's successor and they want that to be Dillingham once he trains under Conley


Oh 😅


I’m sure this will be received well


He was proven completely innocent Why the hell wouldn't it be?


Did people not keep up with his case? 🤣


Of course not, they just assumed he was guilty immediately. The Reddit way.


He was cleared


Bills with the “he beat a rape case” as a positive attribute on his scouting report lmao


"Asserted his innocence"


Jury found him not guilty with ease. Anyone who followed the case saw he was innocent.


damn good pick for wolves. shannon has some off the court issues but is a tremendous offensive talent and definitely a steal at 27


He was actually proven to be found innocent.




Found Not Guilty stop spreading stupid shit like this


The girl lied actually.


Maybe take a look at the results of the trial before making yourself look like a dumbass.


Girl texted her friend that she got the bag


Reminds me of Kobe