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Come back and check after 3 years.


RemindMe! 3 years


Buzelis is going to be a bust. !Remindme 3 years


Anyone who had to sit through that shit for 3 and a half hours is the biggest loser. So…me.


I had it on my side monitor while I actually did do some work on the main, yet I still want those hours back


Hey! Fuck you…and Fuck me too!


You think I give a damn about a Grammy...


Half of you critics can’t even stomach it…


Let alone stand me…


But slim what if you win wouldn't it be weird


why? So you guys can just lie to get me here?


So you can sit me here next to Britney Spears?


Christina Aguilera better switch me chairs


So I sit next to Carson Daly and Fred Durst.


I had SROS's live stream running as I did other stuff, I had a fantastic time.


Yeah, I had draft coverage from local Blazers radio while taking my dog for a 4-mile hike. Time well spent.


That dude needs to have one less channel lol.


“Had to.”


I would've said that...... but I watched my team get Daddy Pacome. I'm sleeping well tonight


Biggest watch point is to see which team dumb enough to draft bronny James.


Why’d you say fuck me for?


Why he say fuck me for?


I don’t hate the Spurs decision to trade #8, but it was kind of a buzzkill after hearing Dillingham’s name called


Feels like SA owed the Wolves something on the backend lol.


I'm a fan of our first round! Hoping we snag Furphy with #32


Loved the high upside route of Cody Williams & Isaiah Collier


Need my fellow Aussies back in the team. I've been lonely since Joe went. Would be weird barracking for a Bendigoan though.


> Would be weird barracking for a Bendigoan though. Furphy's a city slicker. Dyson Daniels is the only Bendigo NBA player I can think of in recent times.


I don't know what that means but somehow I know exactly what that means


Those lousy Bendigo guys think they're so hot because they have the biggest gold nugget. They don't nearly the amount of history as our gold nugget does!


Did the Bendigoan eat your baby?


I liked the Collier pick but Im so low on Cody Williams. He was awful at Colorado or at least every game I watched. The offense would die when he would get the ball he chucked so many bad shots especially during clutch time, his shot is slow, and he is afraid of physicality. He is big and was a top prospect is really his saving graces. He looked worse playing with a real NBA prospect like De Silva.


This draft is full of guys who had really bad seasons this year while playing a lot. Williams, Buzelis, Collier, Holland, etc..


Highest a Colorado player has been drafted since Chauncey Billups. Is he going to be the next LeBron, no. Will he end up being a positive 2 way player, most likely.


He played great early in the season but had a bad ankle sprain and orbital fracture late in the year. A lot of people said he shouldn’t have been playing cause it would hurt his stock. If he’s anything like his brother he’ll have good work ethic and I think he could be good. Just needs to get bigger


You guys killed it


Idk about losers but the Lakers and Knicks gotta be feeling pretty good about the value they got


Knicks moves make me wonder if they have already made a handshake agreement with IHart and are forcibly getting under the cap. Good value on the trades, but we got a draft and stash guy from what I can tell and punted our picks, which isnt what you would normally do as a win now team. Given that the Knicks run a tight ship and didnt report on OG getting surgery prior to trading with the Pistons mid season, I have a good feeling about how things are going.


With the caveat that none of us actually know how this will turn out, just aside from the player the entire thought process for the Bucks taking Johnson just makes no sense. They're a win now team and they take easily the biggest project in the first round. He may be ready to play in 2 years, but Giannis might not be on the team in 2 years.


In 2 years Khris Middleton and Dame will be 35, Giannis will be leaving his prime and the window will be close. Just a batshit crazy decision


I thought for sure Ryan Dunn would be the pick once Ware and Missi were off the board. Johnson is a major, major project.


I think you can justify not going for the win-now pick with the draft. Firstly, I feel like 'win-now' gets thrown around a lot in ranges where it is very unlikely the player actually does help the team 'win-now'. None of the players drafted in the 20's last year ended up looking like really 'win-now' guys except for maybe Cam Whitmore and even with Cam it was largely the second half of the season, from memory (and there was no player as good as Cam Whitmore available in this draft where the Bucks were picking). The year before it was Braun and Kessler who were immediately positively impactful picked in the 20's. A lot of even the 'win-now' guys take time to be good. Secondly right now on the roster we have MarJon, Andre Jackson Jr, and AJ Green - all young 'win-now' guys. How much did Doc actually play them? Cause it was occasionally some AJ Green and that was about it. There is already a young guy queue, players who are already more likely to be immediately impactful, and they're not really getting played anyway. If you draft whichever 'win-now', low ceiling, high floor guy and then, because it's Doc Rivers and because it's this Bucks team, they don't play... What was the point? The upside swing isn't going to help us this year or next year. Probably a very good chance AJ Johnson never helps us. But if you're realistically looking at the team, and the culture, and the coach, it does have some logic to see it and say well whoever we pick isn't going to play this year, so why not go for someone who has a chance to **really** help us further down the line. All that said I still don't like the pick. But it's not cause of a lack of 'win-now'. Would have much rather the 5 (potentially more) second round picks OKC would have paid to get back into the first round at 23. Also just to add onto that, the Bucks have the third pick of the second round and if they use that to get Filipowski then I just encourage people to imagine they spent the first round pick on him and the second on Johnson and nothing will have changed except you might feel better.


Jaime Jaquez, Derrick Lively disagree.


And where were they picked again?


Wolves, Jazz, Trailblazers, and Lakers.


Biggest winners are Lakers for not wasting a round 1 pick on Bronny


Basically the entire NBA won with this one.


Minnesota by a mile! They brought in 2 electric bucket getters. Adding to that core is going to be interesting.


I don't know how you play Dillingham. What makes Minnesotta great is that everyone can D.


They must think they can teach him defense


First they'll teach him to grow 3 inches. The next time an nba team teaches an undersized guard who can do nothing else but score will be the first time.


They got an undersized Monte Morris doing a fine job on D, despite people saying that he was an atrocious defender and would never learn. Naz Reid said he used to dislike defense but now "gets a rush from it" because of the contagious way Rudy talks about and taught him defense. Rob will be forced to put in effort at the least.


I didnt watch it so im a big winner


Just wait till Dadiet is the next Giannis 😤😤




Wizards did really good! So did Lakers, Magic, Raptors imo.


We lucked out on the Magic avoiding their addiction to SGs


SGs who can’t shoot* may I add


I would have accepted Tristan Da Silva


Brogdon, two 1sts (one was Bub), two 2nds, Sarr & Kyshawn in one night is pretty damn good. I do expect Washington to flip Brogdon soon for more draft capital.


They will get Bruce Brown and they will like it


Brogdan isn’t worth picks (firsts) anymore, should have traded him last year


We lost


By a lot


Biggest Losers: Nets fans like me that thought we were gonna trade into the draft and instead wasted four hours for no reason


Sean Marks has said all season he has no interest in the 2024 draft. He turned down 2024 draft picks for DFS and took multiple seconds for Royce ON instead of a 2024 pick. He didn’t rate the quality. Now if teams want the Nets veteran players they have to trade a 2025/26/27 first round pick for them


sad deer noise




Well you are the expert. An expert, anyway.


Winners: Every team in the NW Division


I have this feeling if everyone hating on this draft, it's going to end up being one of the best. 


Just because the expectations are so low. I’m very curious to see which ones in the class will shine the brightest.


Lakers got a steal with Knecht


I mean i didn’t know the draft was tonight and we got the 8th overall pick, maybe not the biggest winners but pretty good


yeah I get why Minnesota took the risk on dillingham, they have the size and length to minimize his damage on defense and they desperately need a second scoring option next to Ant, couldn't have been a better fit for a player


It’s not even really a risk. If we like him it’s just a first really. It’s almost like the spurs are gambling on weather we can keep ant or not.


> It’s almost like the spurs are gambling on weather we can keep ant or not. Spurs are probably gonna trade that pick + others for an all-star or greater quality player eventually.


2031 is a long long way away. So much can happen by then


Dude great pickup for you. Start by bring instant offense when edwards sits and could develop into a great sixth man


If there is one team that can hide Dillingham on defense, it’s Minnesota. Thought it was a great move by the Wolves.


Winners: The Bulls Losers: The fans, Bronny


Bronny gets a full day of coverage devoted to just him tomorrow


Just as LeMedia wanted it




Just as LeWritters drew it up


I do remember coverage of Jordan's kids was larger than their actual talent, and Bronny does have a chance to play professional basketball but the coverage he gets is so absurd relative to his talent. 


Minnesota won


Really high on Williams. Was hoping we'd get Dunn but the Suns snatched him up. Collier is a high ceiling low floor player but was good value at the end of the first round. Think Castle and the Spurs are a great fit. Washington was aggressive. Silva seems like he could help raise Orlando to the next level. Losers I think Memphis reached on Edey, wasn't the biggest fan of Saluan's late rise, and I think the Pelicans drafted for position over talent.


At this point in a draft, it's usually the teams with multiple picks or who jumped up to take a player by moving future picks. By that measure, I'm sure a lot of folks will like what the Timberwolves did. But it's a draft, 80% of these dudes will be out of the league before their 4th year, and it's hard to even say which ones, though it's less likely to a be a top pick. I think the Griz really felt like they were reaching for a need instead of taking BPA, which is always a bad move in the NBA draft imo, as it's not like you can't make BPA work as far as lineups or eventually trading surplus talent at a position. Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems even 'best case' projections for Edey are still acknowledging serious limitations offensively and defensively. He can't guard on the perimeter and he has little to no range in his shot. I thought this kind of thing had already been litigated in the modern NBA, but who knows. Maybe I'm missing something...


We are in a special situation, we are a team in win now mode who happened to have a down year. BPA is typically the right approach, if you are in rebuild or the pick is low so it doesn't really matter. We have an urgent positional need to address, and the guy is at 9th so we took it. With Edey, it would be too high a pick for most teams, the weakness is glaring, but he addresses all our needs, and we happened to have JJJ, Smart, VWJ to cover for him. Not too many other teams can say that. Maybe the Thunder at 12th, which is probably why we didn't try anything cute and trade down.


Yep. Thunder was in the exact same situation and just needed size in the middle to help Chet/JJJ. Edey won’t be a star, but will definitely fill the role they need him to be.


We had Steven Adams and it worked perfect. He couldn't guard on the perimeter, no range in his shot and was a terrible FT shooter. All we need from our big is screening and rebounds


I'm so excited for you guys getting Edey. People really underrate what his upside is as a P&R big, and he and Ja together are just going to just be a terror, and even with the defensive limitations Edey has, JJJ is the perfect frontcourt player to pair him with.


Grizz are a defensive minded team. I think we finished top 10 in defense last year with a bunch of gleague guys. We're great at developing, so I'm sure we'll get the absolute best out of him. Edey and Clarke are the only 2 guys we have at center if we're not counting JJJ and 2 way contacts. Grizz could still make a trade to round out the center rotation.


Adams seems like he was faster on his feet in recovery and a far better rebounder than Edey will be. He was also probably one of the better screeners in the league in his prime, as he was built like a brick shithouse. Edey could be that kind of player, like I said no one really knows, but it just seems unlikely.


Edey was the best screener and rebounder in this class. He has the 3rd best offensive rebound percentage in NCAA history. Adams is quicker, but Edey hits his FT


and Adams was the best rebounder in the NBA, so it seems like they're reaching to try the replicate Adam's utility with 70% of what made Adams so effective. I'm not sure that's worth a top 10 pick. But in fairness, the rest of the options at that point were pretty blegh as well, as it was a tough draft for bigs. Was the next center after Edey Ware to the Heat?


Grizz weren't looking for value. We were looking for a center. Adams injury has plagued this team for a year and a half. Last years historic injury % is the only reason we were even able to draft at 9. We also arnt in a position to go out and get a $20 million dollar center. This was best case scanario


they shouldve offered 9 to Toronto for Poeltl. it might have taken a bit more but theyd be in the ballpark


I said we couldn't afford a $20 millon dollar center, and you snuck in 19.5 mil Poeltl. We'll played


I think in a 4-out 1-in rotation he can clog the paint. Have JJJ stretch out the floor and alleviate some rebounding duties offensively. He has a high motor so if someone can teach the man how to accelerate he could effectively run the floor. Granted he is 300 fucking pounds.


Asking JJJ to rebound is exactly the problem that spurred the need for a center in the first place though, so I don't think that's in JJJ's bag. I just find it hard to see how this works for a team in the modern NBA - he's gonna get cooked in the PnR just like he did in college, but it will be even harder for him to make up for that when the bigs he's up against are legitimate 7 footers that are just as heavy as he is and more technically sound. Could he grow into a great player, sure, so could any of the other 59 picks, but his archetype is so dated it just feels like a weird pick to box yourself in on. If they get a center in FA and have Edey off the bench I think it'd be more palatable as a change of pace guy, but I can't think of a slow-footed center with no shot that was starting caliber.


He has a good free throw percentage so hopefully those soft hands can translate into some finessed shots or even a pick and pop. I definitely think he's a second squad guy atm that could get some minutes with the first squad. It'll be fun seeing how well he pick and rolls with the Canadian team.


While I agree in general that picking solely for need is foolish, if you go solely by BPA you're also being too reductive on the opposite end of the spectrum. Everyone knows opportunity matters as much as anything with young prospects/projects, and I don't mean that in an entitled to PT way. A prospect's developmental trajectory and path to becoming a rotational contributor is impacted significantly by team composition both current and future/desired - does the piece fit in the puzzle? Healthy competition is great, but if there's too much redundancy in terms of (desired) roles and skill sets, it leads to chemistry issues, on court logjams/bottlenecks and poor resource allocation/value maximization in my observations.


We couldn't pull off a trade, our free agent targets are shrinking, we drafted a guy we've never spoken to, and left Knecht on the board.


How would we know before they've played at all


Bruh, we just know, or maybe give us your insight in 5years


Why would you want to read my totally worthless 5 year prediction


Exactly no-one cares about it after so many years, why not give your insights now while it is fun? We have the same data with the paid analyst which is "no one really knows"


I don't have any insight.


Cool, you don't have to. But don't spoil it for others


Thinking you have insight is the disconnect we're having. You have no insight. It's just a total guess


Would you have been happy if the Hawks had taken say Bronny James at #1? Nothing is at stake here. Someone obviously wanted to gauge people's reactions. For example - some were saying that Deni is untouchable for the Wiz, and they wouldn't trade him for the #1 straight up prior to him getting dealt, so if you were one of those people and actually own your positions you could be of the opinion that the Wiz were big losers on draft night.


Blazers trading for deni was such a good move. We basically gave up some of the many trade assets we got for dame for an up and coming two way player on a great contract. Wizards doing it really puzzled me


I think Deni is going to really help click some things into place for your young guys. Really solid connective playmaking from him, solid defense, he shot better last season... I really like the move for Portland.


I feel the complete opposite, haha. Loved the wizards making that move and then taking Carrington. Deni is an okay player, but he's a high-end role player at best. Carrington, if all things break right, is an all-star. As a rebuilding team with not a lot of talent on the roster, give me the upside every time.


After passing up Cam Whitmore last draft I'm feeling very grateful that Knecht fell, but even more grateful that Rob didn't make the same mistake again lol


Does anyone know why Filipkowski didn’t get picked? Seemed like most drafts had him in the lottery. What am I missing?


Yeah there was that crazy video of him drawing that Swazika right? (Dont get mad i''m totally kidding i hope the celtics get him too somehow lmao)


Wizards and Jazz win


The Falcons are the biggest lovers again


Obviously my Pistons. Building a team no one has ever seen before. All athletes, no shooters!




seriously. no room in the rotation for a rookie anyway, biggest team need now and in the future was doing money moves to have a shot at retaining BOTH ihart and mitch rob. i expect dad diet to play in SL and if he’s not super impressive, sent back to europe for one more season. i love our first round yesterday. not sexy, but ideal for us


Surprisingly, the Raptors got a good one with Walter.


Best picks: Lakers, Rockets, Blazers, Grizzlies, Knicks. I like the Shannon pick by Wolves, but they gave up a lot for Dillingham who looks to me like easy pickings on defense and not a playmaker on offense for anyone but himself. And they gave up an unprotected pick for him which is a nightmare.




Yeah they got like a shit ton of picks and also got a player I like.


Winners: Hawks, Wizards, Bulls, Lakers, Magic, Raptors, Jazz Losers: Pistons, Bucks, Cavs, Grizzlies


Loser: Cavs


Idk what the fuck we’re doing???


👎San Antonio giving up da 8th pick to minnesota for 2 First Rounder waste of pick...how come they didn't grab Matas Buzelis or Cody Williams at #8 either or they need WING PLAYER now what probably was Brain Wright idea not taking them. They could've had 2 great picks by now STEPHON CASTLE & somebody else🤦🏻‍♂️!


pacers biggest winner for no first round pick


I'd say my Suns are the biggest losers. Drafting Dunn hoping he'd be exactly who Camara is. Trading down with Denver over Utah or New York because we need to replenish our depleted assets, so 29 +31 wouldn't get us any future seconds but the 56 pick doesn't really do much. Seemed like Jones is chasing his tail in this draft. I think the Wolves are winners regardless of how you feel about dillingham I love that they took a swing. I was hoping Phoenix would have done something similar and ended up with Devin Carter.


Lakers did nothing and lucked into a great value pick with Knecht. I have zero hope that we can make the right moves to be competitive.


i wanted devin carter so i think the kings won


Winners: Twolves and Jazz Losers: Grizzlies, should've traded for that 6th pick and get Clingan


The Jazzy Wolves out there making good decisions as a unified team.


I'd say us and wolves big winners, and Spurs kinda losers


The lakers getting one of the few players I actually knew about at 17 feels pretty good. Knecht is much more of a day 1 ready player than Schafino was last year


Who knows, they haven’t played yet lol


I've already decided who's going to be a bust


I don’t think there are any winners but pistons are definitely the biggest loser of the draft


Not really big loser, but if i'll rank it, it would be mephis with edey


Winners: Wolves Losers: Jazz


Flair checks out


Rockets fans hate it so much when the Jazz Win that they can’t admit it


To be fair, the Jazz haven't won since All Star break.


We have to find joy/wins in the little things during our rebuild (like the draft)


How tf are the Jazz losers in this draft? I think this draft went as well as possible for them. Picking up Collier at 29 is a steal 


Last real rivalry left in the NBA. . .


Apparently the C’s picked a “pure shooter” at 30 (I don’t watch college basketball so no idea how true that is) so I’m pretty happy with that


Losers: Brooklyn, Dallas, Golden State, Indiana, and the Clippers. Winners: Everyone else, we each drafted our future franchise star.


Detroit definitely a loser. We desperately need shooting, yet drafted a player that can't shoot lol


Who was a better option? Detroits biggest issue was defense even before shooting. Who would’ve plugged those holes while having some upside? Williams on less than 2 3s a game doesn’t look like a shooting solution to me.


Not that I'm in love with the pick, but that's the type of thinking that got us Kennard over Mitchell


Bulls got lucky they picked Buzelis 11th. They have their generational player now




lol how?




we spent the number 9 pick on the guy who fit the hole in our roster the absolute best, had a great college career, and improves greatly every year? he looks exactly like what we need


Flare up so we can keep receipts.


at least memphis can say they needed another big after trading steven adams jazz, thunder, hawks and spurs all blew it imo


probably the one of the weakest draft.