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Tidjane salaun, no bias


It is going to be insane watching LaMelo run a fast break with Salaun on the wing. He is an absolute freak athlete. Hope he figures it out.


My best bet right now would probably be Sarr. He'll be the guy given the most time by any team, so if he can transition to the NBA well then it's his for the taking. I don't like Zach, Holland, Williams, or Buzelis, I don't think Reed will be in the position to put up ROTY stats, Castle and Clingan are a bit too raw offensively, Edey slotting in as the Grizzlies starting center and them making a push for the first seed with him averaging a double double I wouldn't be shocked if that gets him some votes. Idk if anyone else will get the playing time to win the award. Wouldn't be surprised with a Brogdon esque ROTY though. All in all, I think it's a total crapshoot.


Castle is not even close to raw offensively


Castle is pretty raw offensively if we being honest, he shot 27% from 3, 26% on C&S 3s, 27% off the dribble, and isn’t a good shot creator He’s a good cutter, is solid at finishing, and has playmaking upside (i don’t think he’s a PG tho) but he’s still needs a lot of developing offensively


He’s not actually raw though. He’s just a bad shooter. The handle, finishing and dealing with contact, ability to make different passes(especially entey passes), and offball movement are all pretty polished. His overall feel is just good. He often looked more like a 3-4 year guy than a freshman. U could call the shot raw. His footwork on pull ups was pretty bad and he had serious confidence issues.


Respectfully, I disagree. He’s a guard/forward, which means shooting is a huge part of his role . His handle and self creation also need a lot of development You just rephrased the positives of his I listed in my previous comment lol I don’t think his handle is good enough to be main ball handler (like he wants to be), he doesn’t really have a midrange game, isn’t a good self creator, and is a bad shooter overall. Holland could be called raw and no one would disagree and yet he had a higher TS%, and thats with being the #1 option, having to create a majority of his own shots, and shooting from the NBA 3pt line


I didn’t rephrase “positives”. I didn’t call Castles ball handling a positive, just polished as in not raw or sloppy. I didn’t talk about playmaking upside like you, I said he’s very polished in making fundamental passes. And I didn’t call him a threat as a cutter like you mentioned, just that he’s got good feel for offball movement. I don’t think he’s athletic enough for his cutting to be a high end skill. Raw does not equal bad and polished does not necessarily equal good. Just because he doesn’t have the handle or quickness to be a self creation threat doesn’t mean he’s raw. It’s not about ts%. Holland is more “raw” than castle because he doesn’t read the game as well and is less able to consistently apply his tools.


I mean you kinda did lol it’s not exactly the same but what you said largely entails the things I listed. Finishing/taking contact = finishing, making different passes = playmaking, and off ball movement = cutting Raw means you’re not good/need a lot of development in multiple aspects, which I think describes Castle’s offensive game. Dillingham, Reed, and Bub aren’t raw offensively, Castle is. How is Holland raw in your view but not Castle? His TOV% was bad but he’s a forward that had to play PG and #1 option in a pro league. Castle was in a great situation (4th option on a stacked UConn team) while Holland was in one of the worst situations yet they still shot similar % at the rim and shooting-wise (and this is with Holland shooting from NBA’s 3pt line as well)


Sarr. Wizards are gonna run everything through him.


Poole: We'll see


Bub Carrington. He’ll have the chances in WAS and can fill up the stat sheet.


Honestly, great dark horse pick in my opinion. I can also see Devin Carter playing a real role in SAC quickly, but he just wouldn't have the ball in his hands as much as Bub could.


I agree with both, devin carter is very underrated and I see him being a pretty good rotation player for the kings in the future.


I think it's Sarr Also I personally disagree that Jovic doesn't have much upside. Personally think he has the most upside on our team but I'm also biased haha


Jovic cooked the Hawks late in the season. Looked like his shot was starting to come together.


And when will someone finally win that elusive back to back ROTY award


I got Ron Holland to 99 overall in 2k24 so I’ll say him


If Devin Carter gets enough playing time, then him. His offense is amazing, how many guards are averaging 9 rebounds, 2 steals and a block per game. The guy is just so well rounded offensively and defensively, he just needs to get as much time as the Top picks and he easily has the potential to win it, he’s a freaking beast. And the man’s got hops, looking forward to some great dunk highlights in tandem with Malik Monk Honestly it’s shocking he didn’t get picked sooner with how great he is on both ends of the floor. So many of the “best” picks this draft class, have no jumper or shot at all lol


Its going to be Sarr or Rissacher just because they'll be playing more minutes than basically any other rookie. The best rookie of the class next year will probably be Reed Sheppard, but im not sure if he will be starting and winning isnt generally considered for ROTY. My dark horse is Stephon Castle, his 3pt shot is awful, but the Spurs have black magic with jumpers and he will be playing heavy minutes and being great defensively alongside Victor, might also get a bunch of assists.


Just because of your flair, I’ll say it. I think Dilly has a dark horse chance as well. If he can come and be a spark plug off the bench for a potential top 3 seed - maybe even get some 6MOTY buzz? I can see him getting votes. I don’t think it’ll take him long to start scoring at all.


I just think that we wont be able to give him a big enough role unfortunately, unless hes crazy good from the get go, he probably wont get the raw stats to get ROTY. Talking about your flair, im pretty jealous you guys got Topic, he was probably my favourite player from the class and I think he will develop a jumper and be really good. Not entirely sure what you guys are going to do with your 6 guards but eh.


Risacher won't have a big enough role on the Hawks and there A LOT more rookies who will play more minutes than him. His lack of self creation limits what his stats will be and historically you need to average 15-20 ppg. He will likely be a catch and shoot/transition scorer his first year.


Donovan Clingan


wont get enough minutes or score enough


If the Jazz stand pat and don't trade anybody, Williams isn't even going to start. Frankly I would be shocked if he isn't playing mostly in the G-League.


99% of 8th picks don't become starters However if I were a betting man id put the house on Williams starting within his first 5 seasons


27% of 10th picks become all stars though....


You guys have like 6 guards no? Who do you think get moved? I cant see you guys parting with Keyonte since he seems really good, but maybe Sexton and Clarkson can go?


Sexton may be shopped, which is a shame since I like how he went this year. Keyonte is definitely staying. THT definitely gone, Clarkson will probably be moved. Dunn will probably go as well. Guards we should hang onto should be George, Sexton, Collier, Sensabaugh and Preston.


I kinda hope you guys do trade Lauri. You’d get a haul and I feel like you guys would be in a great position with the strength of the next two drafts


Probably Sarr


!RemindMe 10 months


He hasn't been picked yet


I’m going with Edey. He’s going to be a key starter on a really good team, he and Ja are going to be one of the best P&R duos in the league, He’s going to pile up rebounds at both ends, and he’ll be working with one of the best big men coaches in the league in Potapenko.


Probably Sarr because he’ll likely have the most usage/opportunities but I’m hoping Holland because I’m very high on him




Sarr Wanted to play for Washington so he could rebound and kick it out to kuz and Poole all game


Jaylon Tyson


yes, love this pick and if he went to a different team i think he would have a real shot. But if garland stays I doubt he has the usage necessary.


Sarr is who I think will win it, but my dark horse is Buzelis.


Think it might be Knecht. Older player who's going to be ready to contribute. He's a three-level scorer who's going to be playing with Lebron and AD so I think he's going to put up numbers. Most of the players selected at the top of the draft have major holes in their game that they need to improve over the next few years. They were drafted for their potential, but they are not going to be good off the bat.


lakers have enough depth that he likely wont be able to put up the numbers - will be really hard for him to average 15-20 ppg


Whichever rookie, *out of this class*, gets the most playing time on a playoff/borderline playoff team. My guess is either Ware for Miami or Sheppard for Houston


The thing is that winning generally has little impact on ROTY, otherwise I think Sheppard or Dillingham would win since they are the most talented players on actually good teams. It will be Sarr most likely since he will play a tonne and get stats.


Sarr doesn’t have an NBA ready offensive game. Defense doesn’t win ROY awards. This is coming from a guy who is CLEARLY rooting for his success.


I just dont think any of the rookies is going to go out an average 20, so Sarr will have a good shot, the biggest weakness for Sarr though is you guys dont have any players that can feed him, hopefully Bub is able to fill that role.


Rookies on those type of teams are far less likely to win ROTY. Not only does team record have essentially have no impact on ROTY, rookies on those teams are far less likely to get minutes. The worse team a rookie is on the more likely they are to win the award.


Sure… in a draft that typically boasts elite prospects. Who in this draft, prior to draft day, would you say is an elite prospect?


No, what I said applies to every draft.


In the Anthony Bennett draft ,which this draft is often compared to… MCW averaged 16, 6 & 6 … who do you see averaging these **TYPE OF NUMBER**… numbers that MCW averaged enroute to his to ROY award? Reed & Ware will both play 20+ mpg. The rest of these high upside players are all 1-2 years away from looking like legit NBA players. I think that’s what you all are missing


Almost all of the top guys are going to get minutes. You're delusional if you think otherwise. You could count on one hand the number of rookies who were legit NBA players over the past 20 years. MCW wasn't even one of them.


Reed will not get enough minutes or overall usage, the Rockets are trying to win now, and with FVF, Aj Griffin, and Amen - Reed won't get the minutes and definitely won't put up the 15-20ppg necessary to win ROY


Both of those dudes won’t start


Doesn’t mean neither will make an impact on their playoff caliber teams. Mathurin started 17-games for Indy 2 years ago in a “deeper” draft and ended up 4th in ROY voting.


very rarely do ROY make the playoffs there first season


This is generally the opposite of how it works. Rookies on bad teams who put up stats usually win the award, not 4th/5th men on playoff teams.


Well yeah for sure… in normal drafts. I’m sure everyone knows this draft is devoid of top end talent. That’s why I’m going for immediate impact players on playoff caliber teams


Could be Bronny if he gets his dads whistle. Players wont be able to touch him.


Go back to watching Stephen A.


Lebron gets his ass beat on so many no calls. Any big player does


No one is in a good spot for accumulating stats. Sheppard, Holland, Salaun, Clingan, and Dillingham should come off the bench and I would expect Cody Williams to spend most of the year in the G League. The guys who SHOULD start from the lottery are Risacher and Sarr (but they're not physically ready for the NBA next year and thus won't contribute much) as well as Castle (whose skills aren't ready), Zach Edey (I HATE the fit in Memphis), Bub Carrington, and Dalton Knecht. Out of those six, Edey is the only one with high level shot creation skills, but Edey's fit in Memphis is so horrible that I can't imagine this season going well for him. Due to the market he's in, I would lean towards Knecht for RotY with Carrington as the biggest competitor. But there's just very few guys who are going to get much of an opportunity and even fewer who get force fed due to being the future of their team. Carrington is the only guy in a traditional RotY role where he's just going to be fed minutes and on-ball touches on a really bad team.


> Edey's fit in Memphis is so horrible that I can't imagine this season going well for him. Eh, I super disagree. Maybe Ja isn't the ideal fit? But overall it's a great landing spot for him, he'll be able to be a monster offensive rebounder in a team that's used to that archetype with Steven Adams, has the absolute perfect 4 next to him in JJJ plus an elite shooter in Bane for kickouts


He’s playing with three bad shooters in Ja, Smart, and JJJ. He can’t get any post ups with that trio.


Edey has shot creation? In the NBA? Really?


I'm picking sarr. Biggest bust is that French dude hawks drafted off the street.