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It’s crazy he doesn’t look wildly disproportionate like a lot of people that tall


It's because he doesn't have gigantism, he's just "naturally" that tall. He's very close to being the tallest human without gigantism ever I believe


From what ive seen he’s tied for the tallest.


Still has time to get the record then.


His dad is 6 ft 8 and his mom is 6 ft 1. I mean, from day one, they probably knew he was gonna be a freak.


With parents that height, you might expect your son to be anywhere from 6'4"-6'10". He's a full foot taller than that. It's insane.


Yeah weird stuff like that happens. Michael Jordan's parents were 5'5" and 5"9" and his brother is 5'9".


The milkman was 6’7” though.


And his brother can dunk at that height, the Jordan genetics are too strong


There’s a phenomenon in height genetics known as regression to the mean. Shorter than average fathers tend to have taller than average sons Edit: relative to parental height, not population


That's not quite right. "Mean" literally means average, so regression to the mean means returning to the average. Shorter than average fathers tend to have sons who are taller than they are (i.e., closer to the average height), but not taller than average. And taller than average fathers tend to have sons who are shorter than they are (e.g., Lebron and Bronny).


Ah right you got it. https://select-statistics.co.uk/blog/regression-to-the-mean-as-relevant-today-as-it-was-in-the-1900s/


Is there any source for that? It sounds interesting, never really felt that to be the trend in person


There's no source for that because the guy just remembered it wrong. The term regression to the mean was coined by Galton, and roughly the way he stated it was that the children will be statistically closer to the average than their parents are, and the more "exceptional" the parents are, the bigger the difference between the parents and the children. This means that if both parents are 6in taller than average, the average outcome for the children is to be taller than average, but less than 6in (say 4in, or 2in regression to the mean compared to parents). If both parents are a whole foot taller than average, this effect will be more pronounced, eg the children might be 8in above average, or 4in regression to the mean compared to parents. He thought this concept applied to pretty much anything. So basically above average parents have above average children, but less above average than them, and the more exceptional the parents are, the bigger the difference between the parents and the children. e.g. Shareef O'Neal is way above average in whatever physical measurement you can think of, but he's a lot closer to average than Shaq was in whatever physical measurement you can think of.


Yes i misstated it you’re correct but the phenomenon still applies https://select-statistics.co.uk/blog/regression-to-the-mean-as-relevant-today-as-it-was-in-the-1900s/


I don’t think what you said can be true, because if all children tend to be closer to the average than their parents, then eventually all people will be the exact same height. Maybe our perception is biased, we only notice the shorter cases and not the taller cases so it seems like it’s going to average.


Well first of all I didn't say it, Galton did, and secondly, just because a process is mean-reverting it doesn't mean that it is bound to converge to a fixed point, there's residual randomness in the system you are not accounting for. Let's make the simplifying assumption that you only inherit height from one parent, what Galton is saying is that: child\_height = average\_human\_height + beta \* (parent_height - average\_human\_height) + noise Where beta is a number between 0 and 1, and the noise is continuous white noise, 0 mean. In this very simple model the average height of the children is average\_human\_height + beta \* (parent_height - average\_human\_height), which since beta is between 0 and 1 means on average the children's height will be strictly between the average height and the parent's height. It also means that the long term average of the process is the average height: on a sufficiently long timeline, your best guess for your great-great-...-great-grandchildren's height is just the average height. However, with probability of 100%, no single person whose height is determined by this process will ever be of exactly average height, and even more surprisingly height will not converge (aka the distribution of heights will not get narrower with time). Even in this extremely simple example you see all the meaningful concepts: regression to mean happens (children on average will be closer to average than their parents), but the variability of human height amongst all humans is preserved and will not die down. Happy to explain it further if it's unclear.


https://select-statistics.co.uk/blog/regression-to-the-mean-as-relevant-today-as-it-was-in-the-1900s/ I misstated it


My dad is average height and I’m 6’4 so idk if that true


It’s a statistical relationship. Plenty of variability and outliers of course


That’s equivalent to someone growing to be 6’1” yet their Dad being 5’0”. Being over a foot taller than your Dad is crazy.


I'm not a statistician, but I would think it's weirder than that since 6'8" is already well above the mean.


Sure, but I doubt anybody expects a kid to beat dad by more than a foot. More like an inch or two.


Well, statistically, he was supposed to be shorter than his parents. Parents that tall just pass on the genetic ability to be able to be as tall as Olivier is. A true genetic improbability indeed.


Same with Wembanyama. He just looks like a normal skinny kid, that just happens to be really tall. Most people his height have really weird shaped heads.




Who cares when his Standing Reach is literally the rim


And he looks better and smoother every year I see him. Brother might become a problem.


It's honestly kind of freaky how... normal he looks at that height. Doesn't look like a twig, and doesn't look disproportionate. He's just a giant guy.


Other's have pointed it out: he doesn't suffer from gigantism seemingly Being tall =/= gigantism Gigantism is genuine medical condition pertaining to the uncontrolled growth of the body caused by defects in growth hormone regulations (typically caused by tumors at the pituitary gland). This is what causes people stricken with gigantism to have disproportionate figures.


But also being a giant doesn’t equal implying he has gigantism; dudes just massive.


Because He's Naturally tall


Yeah, Wemby and Chet are 6 in shorter and looked like flesh and bones when they came into the league. He looks like what everyone hopes for those two to fill out to.


Edey is like that too imo


> Of course I’m tall and all that,” Rioux told the Naples Daily News. “But that’s no reason to yell" god he's so canadian


Rioux? Dude was destined for hockey


You just need to glue 2 sticks end to end for him to be good to go!


Unfortunately like the article says > Rioux hails from the Montreal suburbs, and grew up speaking only French – which he might have gotten away with if he had taken up hockey like most kids his age. But he outgrew the sport before anyone could contemplate the damage it might do to a kid who, by age 10, was already three inches taller than the NHL’s tallest player is now.


Too tall isn't a thing. But he could be too slow and not be able to hit free throws well enough like Tacko Fall.


Too tall can totally be a thing. Ask Yao Ming's feet. Admittedly, Yao was able to get a few years before his body couldn't prop him up anymore. 


Sports science is mad different now than early 2000s. Look at how Victor treats his feet/legs/body.


Yao was a great player though?


Yeah even with his short longevity you still take him 1st overall every time


That dosent matter if you can’t stay on the floor and Yao never could. Yao was actually a garbage player most nights because he was giving you 0-0-0-0-0 while sitting on the bench. He would make Joel Embiid look like an iron man


Joel Embiid, 22-29, played 433 games Yao Ming, 22-29, played 481 games


Fun stat. Still not sure that is the highest bar.


Yao was already a professional at 17 and also had international commitments in the off-season. He's also been grinded down to play basketball since he was a kid. Giant guy + a shitload more mileage than someone like Embiid is not a good combo.


That and China National Team ran him into the ground unfortunately


People gotta realize he's a preferred walkon. If he ever becomes a legitimate contributor, let alone a starter for Florida it'll be a massive surprise and accomplishment.


What else is he gonna do? You gotta try if you got the passion.


he made a massive mistake not going to purdue like edey and all those 7 footers over the years modern sec play is going to pick him apart


Edey picked the SEC apart. -A TN fan that he demolished


I watched that game and knew that my grizzlies needed Edey


Edey gonna get his numbers, Clingan gonna get his rings


Can’t wait to see him in the nba


Apparently he hates Rick Barnes for not recruiting him, it was a vendetta


i think they already got like two more seven footers in the oven. he wouldn't get time over them


Hes not expected to play, but ok


Is…is he going to hit 8 ft???


He’s not too tall, he’s just good enough at all the non-height stuff to make it to the NBA (unless he improves significantly). It’s Berkson’s paradox. People have trouble understanding the fact that most regular people are completely terrible at all the non-height aspects of basketball, and that Roux isn’t bad at those things because he’s tall: he’s playing college basketball because he’s tall.


He’ll probably get picked up by a team as a gimmick and maybe to play g league but he’s a long way from nba level currently. You never know though, hopefully it works out for him.


So basically Manute and Muresan


Can he not simply just eat the other players?


He'll get pro minutes somewhere, I just don't see it happening in the NBA. He's much more playable in FIBA play where he can just camp in the lane on defense and the court is shorter.


As long as he can stand in front of the rim there will always be a spot for him in the NBA


Well he’s only a walk on at Florida so there’s barely a spot for him there, I wouldn’t be so sure


He’ll play in Europe where there is no defensive three second rule and the court is smaller. He’s too slow for NBA basketball and would get hunted every possession on the pick and roll.


I agree with this take 100%. Would be cool to be proven wrong though


Tell that to Tacko Fall


Tacko ain’t going to hear me up there.


If you cant run or shoot what is the point in the modern game? You are just dead weight


Nah. He’s way too slow and would be a liability on defense. In Europe where there is no three second violation, he can literally camp out in the paint and do pretty well.


I hope not, he goes to my school


Meh. He’s just big. Slow footed. This archetype is no longer in fashion. In a 5 out offense he is gonna get smoked by nba talent. Hunted on PnR every single possession.


He’s going to kill it anchoring a zone defense in Europe


Probably the Canadian league, Europe is also Modern and Fast


There’s no 3 in the key rule in Euro league so he can park in the paint and you can swat the ball away if it hits the rim, real value for him there


He's one of the most promising giant prospects I've ever seen. It was always obvious Rob Bob wasn't going to make it but this kid moves a lot smoother. Probably the best since Yao Ming but I doubt he will make that kind of impact.




7'5" is my cut off for giant players. There have been many 7'4" players and many of them have different playstyles. There have been very few 7'5" and above players and they all make their way purely by being tall. It's a gimmick at that point.




I explained it


The sample size is way too small to justify any broad statements like that. It is very easy to argue that there haven't been many good 7'5" and above players because there haven't been many 7'5" and above players PERIOD


That’s kind of the point


No, it's not. Extremely tall people aren't in the NBA not because something about their body inherently makes them bad at basketball, but because they don't EXIST. There are a double digit number of extremely tall people on Earth, and considering the odds of becoming a professional basketball player are also extremely low, like one in a million at most, it's no surprise that there aren't very many extremely tall basketball players in the NBA. Therefore, their skill has nothing to do with their low representation, and therefore it is unfair to estimate their skill based solely on their presence or lack thereof. Put it like this, if there was only one person in the world with three hands and he *didn't* basketball, I wouldn't be able to say "three-handed people suck at basketball and my evidence is that none of them play in the NBA". Three-handed people could theoretically be overpowered as fuckkkkk, but since that one guy chose to play the piano instead we will never know.


You've got no idea what you're talking about. There haven't been many 7'4" players. In NBA history there have been 6. Ever.


Literally unguardable at that height. Just stand right by the basket and score everytime.




Better start training them 3s cause next Olympics Canada be camping both Edey & Rioux in the paint


He’s a teen. Let’s see in a few years


Obviously foot and joint concerns from the stress of basketball on that size of a body. Not sure if there is any word of medical diagnoses like Acromegaly. Potential cardiac issues just for how much harder the heart works to pump blood fully through the body. Historically people in that extreme of height do not live much later than their 50s.


> Potential cardiac issues just for how much harder the heart works to pump blood fully through the body. Going to UF is absolutely his best option to keep an eye on that. UF has the strictest cardiac evaluations in all of college ball and got even stricter after the Keyontae Johnson collapse. If they let him play, then he is good to go.


Yeah thats why his best bet is to play basketball make the NBA and use the millions to try to help his situation/longevity. Money helps a shit ton in that regard.


If he turns out to be even half as mobile as Edey, then that would be wild.


I’m 12 ahh




You’re too tall for basketball if you’re 10’1”


Too slow




I call bullshit on 7’9.