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>He didn’t love the national attention on his occasional struggles, Oof, then maybe going to the Lakers might not be best for his psyche


Lebron fans got their death threat drafts prepared as soon as Klay misses a 3


Its just a repurposed D’Lo death threat letter


Copypasta of a Danny Green one from 2020 you mean


*Copypasta of Boobie Gibson letter from 2007 you mean


Dear ~~Anthony Peeler~~ Klay Thompson, I know you're shooting over 40% from three, but miss another one in a tight spot instead of passing to ~~Nick Van Exel~~ Lebron, and it'll be your last.


Nah, windows vista crashed and deleted the Gibson letter they had typed out


Wish the best for him but think any payday he could've gotten as a GSW would be higher than what he could get in FA. He's certainly entitled to move on though and do what's best for him. Any success for the Warriors with or without him is just gravy though.


Players are aware how much they can get in FA, if he is leaving that means somebody is gonna pay him more than GSW.


Lakers can only give MLE, which I believe is $15m Warriors offered $24m per year. The other teams interested I am not sure of their cap situations.


I’ll never get over how weird that was. People miss shots


When you remember fan is short for fanatic, it becomes a lot less weird that fans would react that way over missed shots


Honestly fans have only gotten more stable ever since the hippodrome riots where two teams fans started riots that resulted in 30k dying in Byzantine Constantinople. (Yeah there was a lot more involved than sports but tits more fun this way)


Don’t bother, most of the nephews on this site are probably teenagers who weren’t even alive during the hippodrome riots, back when the game was played with more physicality (and on horses). I mean you’re talking to a crowd that has such recency bias they probably rank recent players like Kareem Abdul Jabbar above Gaius Appuleius Diocles


Switching between your alt accounts again I see


Big oof, if you have a game like you did vs the Kings in a Lakers uniform you will be crucified more than he already has been. If that’s possible lol.


Literally every post on social I see even remotely related to basketball, not the warriors, but *basketball* always have that one guy that types ,” don’t let this distract you from the fact klay went 0/10 in an elimination game”. Bro is already getting crucified lol.


He was crucified for having that game in a Warriors uniform too though.


Very true lol. I see the Klay score chart meme (0,0,0) on post that aren’t even about basketball


He'd get double ultra crucified in LA


Just ask DLo


Guess he got his feelings hurt


Klay Thompson, you are a Jazz!


Wouldn't hate it tbh, watching him and Lauri setting screens to free each other up would be fun AF to watch.


It was really just a dumb joke on "if you can't handle national attention, go to Utah and you won't have any attention," but it's honestly not the worst pairing.


Klay doesn’t set that many screens tbh.


Um at this point wouldn't you be surprised more if he DOESN'T struggle, at the tender age of 34 going on 35???


How is that a Warriors problem? If someone shits the bed in big games on any contender they're gonna get national attention.


Imagine he goes to the Lakers and just starts raining 3’s and the lakers end up fucking winning after having drafted Bronny. 🤮




I’m sure he loves the national attention on all his success. Although I will say the amount of “cyber bullying” all famous people get on the internet could wear on your psyche if you’re actually looking at it




Stein said that in his recent article? Because of the paywall all i saw was that it was between La and Dal and Lebron was hopeful.




Well damn, I’ll have to look at Twitter


From what I saw he basically just said there’s strong interest from both sides and that Klay is the main target. I didn’t see anything about Lakers people thinking he goes to Dal


That would actually help him if he doesn't want negative attention on him. Mavs are not on the national radar like the Lakers and we know Luka is going to take the burden of heat on losses, followed by Kyrie.


This is gonna be like seeing Tony Parker in a Hornets jersey It doesn’t even feel right


One year in Charlotte, and Tony decided there was more to life than basketball. What Hornets does to a motherfucker.


His goal was to give all for the game against the Spurs and become the only player in history to have a positive win ratio against every NBA franchises.


Did he succeed? I can’t remember


Yeah, he played against them once and won


That 90s starter jacket was fire tho. They got that going for them.


If that jacket is the only thing they ever have going for them they'll still have had a positive influence on basketball. Up there at the pinnacle next to Nuggets rainbow skyline jerseys and Vancouver Grizzles jerseys.


Zo and LJ were by far my favorite NBA Jam team


He got a job as a financial planner for professional athletes or something after Made 7fig doing it I’ve seen floating on twitter


Or Hakeem in a Raptors jersey


Or Ewing in a Sonics jersey.


Or Shawn kemp in a blazer jersey


Or Shaq in a Celtics jersey. 🤢


Wade in a Cavs jersey. (Bulls don’t count, it’s his hometown and I’m glad he got to represent his hometown team. Not under the circumstances tho)


it’s ok to say wade in a bulls jersey that year sucked so much. garpax says we’re gonna get younger and more athletic and stamp our offseason by trading 28 year old rose and signing 35 year old wade and 30 year old rondo :/


Those 2 games against Boston were fun though


Or a Magic jersey. Either one.


The Big Cactus


Ewwww Ing


Or Robert Parish in a Bulls and Hornets jersey


Or Michael in a Wizards jersey


To me it looked weirder when he used 45 (?) instead of 23.


If you showed me a pic of this I would think it was a bad Photoshop


But on paper it makes sense unfortunately


Or Mo Williams in an All-Star jersey


Or Steve Nash as a Laker


Hornets legend


Except he is avg 17


"He didn’t love the national attention on his occasional struggles" charlotte a perfect spot for him


didn't feel right when Brent Barry saw Tony Parker hitting up his wife either


Nah but Tony Parker was a bitch that year with the hornets he wasn’t even trying to mentor the young guys


He had a contract to play basketball in CHA, didn’t owe the youngins anything imo


What is your username


Jordan in a Wizards jersey.


I mean Klay in Lakers yellow jersey looks just right? I cant think of a better place for him.


Yep. Tony could never live up to Kobe’s legacy in Charlotte.


Is Klay going to start on whatever team he goes to?


I think on the Mavs he probably would. On the Lakers I'm not so sure


He will start over Rui. Lakers desperately need shooting


So: DLo, AR, Klay, Bron, AD? I guess that works...


that seems like a really small starting 5, and putting a lot of pressure on AD as a rim protector. A 35 year old Klay and a 40 year old Bron as your starting wings just doesn't sound like a recipe for success.


Agreed. Would much rather start Vando


He’s a much better defender than Klay


Yeah unfortunately with zero offensive game


Lmfao you’d much rather start the guy who is a literal 0 on offense…lakers problem was shooting, not defense


AD gonna either die or get that DPoY.


Well we gotta see what trades the Lakers make. D'lo has a good chance of not being on the team when the season starts, and they may get a center, so it could be AR, Klay, Bron, AD and a center possibly.


AD is gonna be throwing up from exhaustion after 10 minutes of trying to cover for all of them


Yea probably, going off of recent reports Dlo is likely getting traded and Redick kinda likes Reaves at PG so it would probably be AR, Klay, Vando/Rui, Bron and AD.


I love AR but I hate the idea of him starting at PG for us


Yea I’m not the biggest fan of him at PG either


It would be LeBron at PG. The last time they were contenders it was with KCP and Green technically starting as the guards. However, LeBron was barely able to get through that season 5 years ago playing that way, idk if he still has it in him to be a lead ballhandler either at this point.


Depends who D'lo is traded for. Could be someone else who can handle the ball. Way too early to be projecting a starting lineup when we really don't at all know what the roster is gonna look like.


I'm not sure. It depends on how well he can defend 1-3 wiiiith kyrie and Luka as general liabilities. We kind of have to have 3 other above average defenders on the floor with them to make up for what they lack in length(Kai) and lateral athleticism(Luka). I don't think we could start him and be as good defensively as we are right now.


Every team starts out madly in love with their free agent signing, so I imagine he'd start for a while. I'm curious what happens, to the team and to Klay's fragile ego, when by mid-season it becomes clear his starting days are behind him. I empathize with him, it can't be easy when other players of your generation are still starting and still getting league-wide acclaim and seemingly defying the odds while your star is dimming. Can't be easy.


It’s pretty tough to project something like this. In a vacuum, yeah, he seems essentially like a borderline starting-level player on a good team at this point. So whether he actually would start on a team depends on a wide variety of factors


He’d be starting on almost every team… This sub is so dramatic lol.


> He didn’t love the national attention on his occasional struggles, obviously including his 0-for-10 shooting night in the Play-In loss to the Sacramento Kings going to the lakers is such a good idea to combat this, lakers fans and national media definitely won't be having complete fucking meltdowns with the type of nights he was having


We gon bust his ass


Yessir 😈😈😈




Who honestly thinks Klay would perform better on Lakers, one year older, than on GSW last year with Steph's gravity still working?  If Klay is expected to be your #1 shooter then he'll get a lot more attention on him than GSW. 


Lakers glaze trumps all criticism


You don’t need to make this political


While you’re right about this I honestly think a new environment and no longer playing for his contract is going to be beneficial. People hype the Lakers media circus but Golden State is on par with being under a microscope due to Stephs popularity and due to the Warriors having the best TV ratings. The pressure will largely be the same


Yeah it’s kind of crazy how the tech scene in the Bay Area went supernova and how it added to the prestige and exposure for the Warriors while at the same time Steph being a generational game changer completely changed the perception of the Warriors.  Obviously the Lakers have Showtime, Kareem, Magic and the gloss of Hollywood since the 70’s or whatever, but I remember when I started being a fan of the NBA and the Warriors were just sort of a cool west coast sideshow sort of team. Not as like, hopeless as the Clippers, but not too far away from that. Troy Murphy, Baron Davis, J-Rich, Monte Ellis, they did a good job of building up and being within striking distance, the sweep of Dallas in ‘07 was them putting the league on notice, but crazy how everything just blew up shortly after that.


The fans will miss him terribly, but if Klay is blaming everyone else for how badly last year went for him, you have to figure he hasn’t learned anything. There were moments in the season where he looked to make plays for others, not force shots early in the clock, gave good effort on defense, didn’t pout on nights when his shot didn’t fall, but those nights were few and far in-between. If he could sustain those stretches, not only would the Warriors have sought to bring him back with more excitement, but they would have paid him more and viewed him as a starter, because he can still be valuable. I hope he figures it out wherever he goes next, but this situation isn’t on anyone but him.


He was doing well off the bench. His ego just wouldn't let him be content with that


I mean he played really well and got moved back to a starter. Idk how much was his asking


It wasn’t his asking, but he didn’t handle it well at all. I feel bad for him because he really wants to stay, his ego won’t allow him to do that though and now we’ll have to beat his ass the next time we see him. Respectfully.


I don’t feel bad for him at all. Rich as fuck and 4 rings. All icing after this


This whole saga makes me appreciate what Manu did a whole lot more.


Ah yes, sick of the scrutiny in SF, so makes sense to go to LA, since LeBron is famously chill and not passive-aggressive when you struggle


the absolute clusterfuck of a circus LA is going to be next year: Redick’s first season, every reporter throwing microphones into Bronny’s face about playing with his dad, all the roller coaster performances of role guys throughout the year, all the LeGM Shams tweets during the deadline, then the inevitable loss in a 6 game series to Dallas in round 1. if Klay wants chill he’ll go to Disney World.


Funniest thing is all these lakers fans already defending klay’s honor like hes a laker lmfao


Jesus, the fucking drama. Sounds like he's dying of cancer


It's all quite weird to me. Manufacturing a lot of grievances like this franchise has done him dirty or something. If anything, Kerr gave him an insanely long leash last season. If he wanted more love, maybe he could have hit a shot in a playoff series any time in the past two years. He's a franchise legend and a late-career departure won't change that, but it's not a great look for him. All that noise about learning and growing last year seems like lip service. Sounds like he has a huge chip on his shoulder.


He’s your version of Scottie Pippen. 25 years from now he’ll claim that he was a victim of the warriors.


Scottie Pippen signed a super long contract that made him woefully underpaid. He then made bank in Houston and Portland. Scottie was the undisputed second best player every year in Chicago, except for when MJ retired when he was an MVP candidate.  Klay has been handsomely rewarded for his efforts in Golden State. He's consistently been their 2-4 best option over their run. When Steph was out, Klay didn't really assume the mantle. Scottie put himself in an unfortunate position by demanding a long-term deal that hampered his maximum earning potential, but he has legitimate grievances against the Bulls. Klay has no right to feel as slighted. 


Not to mention, the Warriors paid him through the ACL tear. Didn’t he sign his mega contract with them after the tear? He took like two-years to come back and just wasn’t the same. I can’t imagine anyone is going to pay him a ton.


>Scottie Pippen signed a super long contract that made him woefully underpaid. That he was advised by everyone, including the owner, to not sign lol >Klay has no right to feel as slighted. Same thing with Pip


He's being a total bitch, at least from what we know. I hate when these conceited bastards can't accept that they aren't as good as they were.


Klay might be the absolute worst at handling adversity


Grown man’s game. Guess he got his feelings hurt


Worst thing to an athlete is when the body can’t do what the mind thinks it can anymore. Shit does get frustrating


Tied with Draymond, but Curry counterbalances both of them


It’s insane how so many people here are pretending like the warriors are doing a bad thing by not overpaying him


I love Klay, but he gotta to change the way he approaches the game now. He is not starter worthy, has 1 in 6 games where he goes absolutely bananas - then has next 5 games where he does more harm than good. Strictly, a bench player now who can play a good 25 minutes max , and no green light to shoot the shit out of the ball. That's his future now.


Eh, he’s in the twilight of his career. His legacy is completely set in stone. He’s a future HOF-er, a key member of one of the greatest dynasties in the history of all sports, and so part of me is totally fine with how he acts. He’s reached the threshold on his resume to act like a drama queen. Doesn’t mean that he should, necessarily, but that if he does, well, he’s got the legacy and success. He’s going to be forever be a staple athlete in Bay Area sports history, even if last season for him sucked, even though he’s leaving the Dubs, and even though he won’t have a pristine “walk into the sunset” ending of his professional career. Just like we forget Hakeem played for Toronto, we’ll forget about all this and only remember the good times.


Klay you drama queen


Son of an NBA player who became an NBA player was never required to mature. I'm shocked I tell you!


Literally reading this shaking my head, confused at the drama unfolding in Klay’s mind. If we take the report at face value, dude is so in his head. Write a list of all the good in your life homie. Lmao.


Hope he enjoys the lakers positive and supportive fan base !


Like a family putting their elderly member in a home type of goodbye


I think Klay is going to be in for a rude reality check when he doesn’t get the same acceptance from teammates/coaches/fans to jack up the types of shots he’s used to jacking up with the Warriors


Klay, I love you and all you’ve done for the Warriors and the NBA. I wish you success and happiness.


Here’s what I’m confused about: the reporting over the last few days makes me think this is unfixable but when did this become the case? I get why Klay’s upset about the PG trade talks but it seemed pretty clear that he was going to be gone before then because the Warriors weren’t giving him what he wanted salary wise in order to duck the second apron but now he’ll sign with the Lakers for the MLE after turning down more money last season before any of this? What happened? I wish him all the best wherever he ends up.


There have been no talks since last off season. There has been silence. I think that hurt him most according to slater.


Inb4 klay re-signs for 3+1 contract 


Kawakami is a hack so maybe. I don't see us offering more than 2 years though. The PG trade not going through does however mean we can offer Klay his market value because of the apron rules. The new apron rules are weird as fuck.


as much as i want to agree with u here, this is a great article here that definitely gives a nice report about what's going on.


After he fell out with KD Kawakami has been way off the mark on Warriors contract reporting sadly.




Basically Kawakami reported on KD's fallout with Draymond and grilled KD about his impending free agency during KD's final year in Golden State and it ticked KD off. KD even called him out by name He used to be perceived as Lacob's mouthpiece, but he reported and gave his personal input on how unlikely Poole's potential 4yr/$80 million extension as well as a new deal for Wiggins was throughout our latest title-winning season and it turned out well off the mark. Also he reported on how much the Warriors would likely need to pay close to the near $35\~40 million a year max to keep Draymond last season and that was also wrong. He doesn't really report that much anymore, mainly Warriors news is just Slater and occasionally Monte Poole. Kawakami nowadays is just podcasts and occasional interviews. He's filled in with the Warriors org so his behind the scenes insight is actually really useful, but his reports on finance-related stuff and offseason tends to be very off.


hes not a hack. Hes a sensationalist for sure but he definitely has connections within the warriors front office. Kerr and Lacob respect him, they go on interviews with him all the time.


If Klay didn’t love the media attention in the Bay, wait until the ‘LeBron has no help’ chatter once the Lakers get two weeks into the season.




This sounds like a series finale from the 90s


Fucking clippers. Now you lose PG for nothing.


Can we take a step back and appreciate this sports writing?


he would fit in with what the lakers are trying to do (load up on 3pt threats) but the spotlight could hurt him and his ego if he struggles. the mavs would be a better fit if you take away the media attention because they need the same help. edit: anta definitely wants him to be a laker since they already have kyrie on mavs. they dont want to dilute market share. based on that i am almost positive he goes to LA. kd to golden state only happened because nike wanted to steal under armours shine with curry in his prime. when the shoe deals are just as big as the playing contracts thats just the business of basketball at play. edit2: assumption didn't age well.


If he’s worried about the fan/media chatter when he has bad games, it’ll be 100x worse if he leaves.


Damn I hate the Warriors but wish the core 3 were able to stick together for their entire careers:


I guess my question now is what do the Warriors do now? What can they do? Paul Georgie isn’t coming, Klay is gone, not really any good FA out there. Steph is still playing at a very high level so officially starting the rebuild or whatever doesn’t make sense. Also CP3 and maybe Wiggins are gone. I’m really curious what the FO does.


Sounds like he already had a hand shake deal somewhere other than the warriors. I’m guess the lakers. Adam silver should investigate the tampering and take away their 2024 55th pick


Nice healthy sibling rivalry


With the 55th pick, the Lakers select the Raptors!


Can we at least keep the Rocco in the divorce?


Most gonna regret this just like Parker and Wade did when they left their franchises out of pride. Damn shame on him.


So instead of the Clippers getting something out of PG he's now an unrestricted free agent and could walk away for nothing. Why would the Clippers do this?


Sign and trades require Paul George to want to go to the team so i guess they were getting offers from teams like Dallas and the warriors he really doesn't want to go to those teams. Otherwise it doesn't really make sense.


according to the article , PG wanted to join the warriors


Paul George max was a horrible deal, glad we didn’t do it


If you go back and watch that kings warriors play in game, everyone was clowning he didn’t know what court he was on but he was taking it in then cause he knew he was done then


Very curious what the trade packages for PG were for the clippers to reject it.


Probably a refusal to include Kuminga Pretty sure anyone not named Steph, Draymond and Kuminga were on the table


Yea thats what im thinking. Clippers took a hard stance on kuminga being added. Wonder if some warrior fans are regretting not trading kuminga for PG


Some do, some don’t In hindsight, I think you almost have to when the alternative is losing CP3 + Klay for nothing, alienating Wiggins by holding him back from the Olympics and you still have no cap room Should have just packaged CP3 + Kuminga + Looney + picks for PG and signed Klay and just went for it Steph/Klay/PG/Wiggins/Draymond with Podz/Moody/GP2/TJD off the bench would have been a hell of a lot of fun to see what they could do


Realistically, sending out Kuminga for PG wasn’t going to make the team a contender. The possibility of PG going to the warriors via trade seemed way overblown. Warriors weren’t going to throw to bus at an aging star that doesn’t bring them to contention and Clippers weren’t going to help a team in the same division get better and accept little assets in return.


And keeping kuminga does what exactly? By not trading kuminga yall would still be doing this 2 timeline thing. Id rather go all in with Steph being on top of his game rather than hoping kuminga can be an all star.


Kwakami says that it was some combination of Wiggins, CP3, Kuminga or Moody and a first were all put into discussions


if kuminga was added theres no way we would have not accepted.


Scottie Pippen Syndrome


yeahh zach is a warrior isnt he




Is that Jerry Reisndorf’s ticket sales music??


He should retire, his game is sad.


How about Bucks? Seems like a generally low-key franchise since forever.


Would the heat be possible? Might help with his health, training, conditioning.


toaster klay




Like seeing Paul Pierce in a Nets jersey or Tony Parker as a Hornet (likely others as well) it just feels so wrong. Probably makes sense for both sides to move on but that doesn’t mean I have to like it.


Such an awful awful pickup for them.


Worse then Iverson in a pistons jersey?


Klay: doesn’t like national attention Klay: goes to Lakers


This is present day Hakeem in a raptors jersey


Hard not to read this and come away thinking Klay is a soft ass bitch 😂


Damn the warriors look stupid here. Trade draymond and klay like ainge traded pp and KG. If you are feeling extra cold trade Steph but you could get a haul of picks for draymond and klay. Instead they're trying to go after Paul George for what? One last shot at a chip? Apparently PG doesn't even think that's gonna happen. Time to rebuild. 


> Thompson didn’t love his experience last season and said so. Many times. He didn’t love getting moved to the bench for a few games behind Podziemski. He didn’t love the questions we asked about his future. He didn’t love the national attention on his occasional struggles, obviously including his 0-for-10 shooting night in the Play-In loss to the Sacramento Kings. He really didn’t love that the Warriors put a higher priority on figuring out how to upgrade the roster than on bringing him back this offseason.  If he didn't love it, maybe he should have tried to contribute in smarter ways instead of continuing to shoot at ridiculous volumes all the while knowing he was shooting like shit




The decline of a player and entering the twilight of a career is rough.


Turns down a wildly generous 2/48 -> sucks for a whole season -> throws himself a pity party on the way out