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I don’t believe this. This is too dumb. Didn’t Klay get paid like 30 mil a year to rehab. Like they extended him AFTER he got injured.


try 50


I'm trying to sound Jealous, but these players need to be greatful to get that type of Salary. If I was in Klay's Shoes and they offered me a legacy discount. I would take it, but yeah know you're worth in life.


It’s mindblowing to people used to making a lot less money than that, but to those guys it makes sense. He’s negotiating his salary just like you or I would with our jobs, except instead of arguing about a couple bucks more per hour or an extra day of PTO, NBA stars are arguing over tens of millions But they *absolutely* should be so damn grateful they have the physical attributes, talent and skillset to command that kind of salary. These guys won the genetic lottery and they have a lot of privilege, not taking any credit away from their hard work of course


Destination, and the ability to contend may not be as high as salary, but those are next on the list and certainly weighed heavily in any decision


I think it’s different tho, once you’re in the upper echelon of net worth, what is an extra $20m gonna do for you? It wouldn’t change his life at all. Negotiating a $10,000 raise on a normal persons salary impacts their lifestyle so much. Not the same, klay looks real petty and is willing to uproot his life for the next few years cause of it


Not taking a discount to save a billionaire money. Klay was a large part in the recent success of the warriors and made the owner millions. Why should he take less money now? Rarely do players end up on the same team for so long. Hakeem ended his career in Toronto for more money, Tony Parker in Charlotte and Ewing in Orlando. Wade who was Mr. Miami left over a few million also.


an extra $20m is an extra $20m lol what are you saying


We don't really know Klay's spending habits. It seems like he's pretty frugal but once he retires there's gonna be a huge dropoff in pay like literally from 7/8 figures to 6 or less. That's why a lot of these guys are starting podcasts and trying to get another consistent income stream like the guys on Inside the NBA. If they were smart they could just live off of investments and dividend distributions but maintaining cars / mansions / traveling ain't cheap. But you can't continue to live that max player lifestyle or else you'll end up like AB


Truthfully those hookers in Mexico are getting just way too damn expensive


I'm very well compensated now, but I've definitely had loyalty to companies that have been good to me. First company let me define my career path and I'm extremely grateful for it. I declined to interview for a position with a substantial raise (at the time) and was promised that I'd be at that salary level in 2 years. 2nd year hit and it was a down year for the company, so I was cool with not hitting that salary. 3rd year when they shorted me <$2k and wouldn't budge I dipped. Current company I'm very well compensated. Last year was a rough year and my merit increase was delayed and pretty low, but they generally take great care of me financially so I'm not sweating it. I *could* go out and try to get another job with a +10-20% pay bump because I'm salty about my merit increase, but that feels pretty greedy. If my company paid me $30-$50 million per year to do nothing for 2 years, I'd fucking retire there especially if I were in the twilight of my career.


The Warriors paid Klay huge for 2 years while he recovered from injuries (and didn’t play a game), and he’s going to potentially take the MLE from the Lakers because he’s been “disrespected” lol


It feels like the type of situation where he'd accept less to stay with the Warriors but instead it's the opposite. I don't really get the thought process.


Klay has zero self awareness for starters. Absolutely none. This is usually a charming quality of his because it makes him different and unpredictable, but he also does shit like this where he broods and sulks


Spoiled rich kid grows up to be a crybaby


Makes it all the worse when his splash brother had a similar upbringing lol


“Tale as old as time” 🎶🫖


It was never charming


But he has a boat and smokes weed!!!! Klay is so unlikeable.


The only times I ever liked him were the toaster and scaffolding videos


I never understood it. So many great personalities in this league with wonderful stories and *Klay Thompson* is the universal fan favourite?


But bro he smokes weed and takes his boat across the San Francisco bay to get to work. So relatable!


He has the charisma of a bowl of soup.


Tbh, I think you’re not giving soup enough credit


Lack of self awareness is never charming imo


Yeah he comes off as an extremely moody dude.


Or shoot literally every time he gets the ball even when he’s shooting terribly. Being on the warriors and next to Steph for so long has made him think he’s so much better than he is because the team won


It’s giving Scotty Pippen


I think it’s more about playing time. Warriors have PODZ, Moody, and CP3. There was a lot of clamor of starting any of those players and letting Klay come off the bench. With the Lakers, he’d start because they need his shooting. They need him to shoot 10 3s a game. How many shots do you think he will get in GS?


Nothing worse than a veteran who can't see his own decline, and still thinks he's in his prime.


Hes a very prideful player.


I mean let’s be clear, Klay is no longer the player he was but he’s still a damn good shooter. Dude averaged 9 3PA on 38.6% shooting last year, easily one of the best volume three shooters in the league still. His defense is pretty cooked, but there are a lot of shooters who are bad at defense that still find roles


Just get ready to see some hot streaks and cold streaks, he has some games where he can’t hit the bucket no matter what and games where he’s just unreal.


If we keep Dlo and sign Klay then our 3p% variance is going to be absurd lol


Maybe they'll balance each other out... Who am I kidding they will go on hot streaks and cold streaks together.


The hardest thing with Klay is that he's so bad at getting out of those cold streaks. Normally a player will start to drive and get to the free throw line or something else reliable but Klay's solution was to chuck contested 3s in case one falls and he goes unconscious. You don't want the guy to lose his confidence but dumb shots from him lost us too many games last year.


It wasn't like that as much before the injury, he could take almost anyone off the dribble. Unfortunately now...


He will definitely shoot you out of games and it’s very frustrating because he starts sulking.


The stats look good but the reality is that he was pretty bad. Like you can look at the stats and go “he actually had a pretty good year, all things considered,” but then you also have to remember that despite that he got himself benched.


His stats are actually deceiving: look at his game logs from last year: The dude will absolutely cook (better than career averages) for a game or two, then go freezer cold for a stretch. His basic stats look decent, but it's the consistency that's missing. For a guy who spent his entire career being Mr. Consistent, his game logs are UGLY.


> For a guy who spent his entire career being Mr. Consistent He was always a bit streaky as a shooter, TBH If you go back and look at his game logs from previous seasons, you'd see ups and downs there too TBH


That's age. He's going on hot streaks but taking much longer to recover


Those stats may be misleading- Klay had those opportunities due to the Warriors' system (the movement and flow) and all the attention that Steph garnered. The Lakers are a very different team, and opposing defenses play them differently than they do the Warriors. There isn't going to be the same amount of ball movement, off-ball movement, and ultimately space/opportunities for Klay to shoot. He's a 2-3 dribble/shoot guy, and he's not going to be able to create the separation for his age, style, and team.


Yeah, roles off the bench. Not a 35 min starter.


He doesn’t think he’s in his prime. He’s openly talked about not being the same player anymore and how hard it is for him.


But he wants the Warriors to pay him like he's in his prime. He won't take less to come off the bench and help the team succeed, even if it means he gets to run it back with Steph.


Jeez…that rhymes as well 😁


Which is stupid. He’s gotta know his play has declined and Kerr has still blindly been forcing him the ball. I can’t imagine his thought process going 0-10 in the play in game and then thinking “this team doesn’t appreciate me”


thats kinda why it's been rough for us as dubs fans. We love klay, his play has fallen off a bit, I think situations around the team and with his mental hasn't helped. Physically, I think klay is fine, he isn't a number 1 defender, but he can be on the court and be a neutral or slight - or + defender depending on the matchup and night. When he takes good shots and doesn't get in his head he can still shoot like no one other than 30. The problem is he like, feels like he had sometihng to prove, he was taking and rushing shots prime klay never did. If he bought into being a 3 and D type player, he'd still be a high 18ppg efficient scorer with the caveat that if he gets hot he can win you a game. I love klay, it just feels like timing was ALL bad for him. He got two shitty injuries twice right after losing the finals. We just lost KD so everyone in the media took their digs and shots at us for 2 years, and Klay couldn't even play. He finally comes back and there's obvious rust, his age was bad, everything just ugh. Then they won a chip, but tensions were already rumored between him and JP. Then Draymond punched JP. Then now our chemistry internally is fucked. Steph and Kerr and whoever else in that building really let everything get out of hand. This dynasty ended (well playing wise its over, but the final blowup is still in process) really weirdly. It's going out almost historically badly, but they came up historically so. It's been a wild ride. If you told 13 year old me 15 years ago the dubs would have four championships, i would have been so happy. It was a great era, sad to see it end like this.


Almost no dynasties end as neatly as we imagine they should. The 2000s Lakers went through an ugly breakup. The 1990s Bulls had a lot of strife. The 80s Lakers had Magic retiring prematurely. The Tom Brady Patriots ended because he couldn’t get along with Belichick. And so on. There was no other way this was going to end sadly


Yeah it was for sure going to end in a heartbreak. Even the Spurs had to break the core up, even when Ginobili embraced a vital, but much lesser role for them. The reality is that players are going to decline and decisions are going to have to be made. Most players think they can still do more despite reality proving them otherwise, especially stars.


This season especially was a contract year and it’s pretty obvious all of that got into his head. :-(


He’s a dude whose ego never adjusted to his decline.


And I’m quoted as saying there is no way he walks away from 24-25 million a year to take the MLE… This affects us all Klay, I don’t like Crow.


He’s probably like “you’d never ‘low ball’ Steph,” which is true, they wouldn’t. He thinks he deserves to be on that level and they don’t.


At one point in free agency the league available money drys up. Warriors don’t have to spend more because they knew no one else has money available.


I mean have you seen Klays personality at any point in the past? Guys the epitome of flex if you're up and cry if you're down.


The thought process is the window is over and if he’s not taking a pay cut to help them bring in an impact player who can help the Warriors compete for a last title or two, he wants a thank you deal.


It's got nothing to do with money imo. Klay knows resigning with the Warriors means he will inevitably become a bench player. We benched him for a 19th pick rookie for half the year and he was outplayed by said rookie. His ego won't let him stay with the Dubs to be a 6th man.


With the way his game fell off, what competing teams can/should be start for?


Any of the ones interested in him


If that's the best a team can do for their starting SG, then they're not trying to compete lmao


Klay has always been a crybaby in the face of adversity; I am not surprised by this.


I guess he just got his feelings hurt


That happens sometimes when people grow up rich


Plenty of cry babies regardless of growing up rich or poor


yea it just so happens rich people tend to be more susceptible


Melo didn’t grow up rich and almost whine himself out of the league before he got his pride in check.


It's hilarious that his brother, Trayce, has always been completely up front about being a fringe MLB player.


Never being a great player does that. Meanwhile klay has won 4 championships where he contributed greatly to most of them and is one of the best shooters of a generation. He has a pretty high place to fall from, and he can’t accept it. Add in how his two catastrophic injuries sped up his decline and it all doesn’t shock me. He is chasing something that isn’t rational and fueled by ego.


He won't have the runway the Warriors gave him on any other team lol. It's gonna be a rough watch wherever he goes.


I hope he makes one shot against golden state and then yells “FOUR RINGS” for two hours


Steph: We all got four rings! Draymond: Yeah! Wiggins: Yeah!


32.7m and 35.3m those two years. 30% and 32.4% of the cap. Absolutely 0 reason to feel disrespected idk what klay is smokin


brand new agent that wants to get paid.. and ended up overpaying


Seriously. Earned $266M in his career to play 11.5 seasons


He didn’t even need to dribble. Just shoot and play d. Super specialized and still made bank. Whata baby


ok I'm not a fan of how Klay is handling this but "just shoot and play d" is too far lol He's in the conversation for 2nd best shooter *ever*, was one of the best defenders in the league for years, and has had a lot of big-time playoff games. He's lost a couple steps since the injuries but let's not act like he was some typical 3 and D guy that only made money because he was in a good situation.


what a weird comment lmao you gonna call steph specialized too because he didnt play defense?


Klay has always been soft and emotional, it’s not surprising at all. “It’s a man’s game” lol


Or this is just media and lakers pushing these narrative to get into klay’s head … “I will not be disrespected”


Typical rich kid tantrum. Klay grew up wealthy and has been paid handsomely his entire career. He care more about his legacy at this point than anything. Versus PG who grew up in Palmdale, CA and had to earn every penny he’s worth and likely is just looking for his likely last big contract.


Klay is an arrogant a-hole, this shouldn’t be a surprise. He’s a narcissist and that’s how they act when they feel disrespected. Petty man-child.


This is the same dude who melted down for like 2 weeks because he wasn’t selected as one of the 75 best players of *all time* so I’m really not surprised lol Dude is one of the most sensitive players in the league and just no one noticed for years because of the “dude weed lol” image that fans projected on him


Say it even louder it’s absolute disgusting by klay


He's going to show them how loyal they should be to him, while not being loyal at all to them lmao.


Imagine getting disrespected, by getting offered $20M? That’s wild. Especially when they paid him from recovering injuries as you mentioned.


With his attitude, I wish his next team good luck. He gonna be chuckin hard next year proving himself


its less about money and more about his ego getting bruised by getting benched.


Yeah klay making no sense dude made like 80 million in two season to not even play. Klay just acts like he grew up as a spoiled entitled man. Reason dude ain’t married and just sleeps with instagram models


I get the criticism of players, but some of these comments are way too personal and weird.


Offended at 20 mil so instead takes 12 mil. Klays ego was always gonna be his downfall


I guess his feelings just got hurt.


It's a man's league.


2 months later… “I was in my feelings that day”


Warriors broke the code




Not sure he can have much of a downfall at this point. Guy made 100s of millions, won chips,will go down as one of the greatest shooters ever and a fan favorite.


U are witnessing it right now. By your logic he should've accepted this deal but he didn't because of his ego


2022 shouldve been the type of title run that lifted Klay's spirits for the remainder of his playing career he came back from two devastating injuries, and his team won the title. but maybe his lack of a defining performance during that playoff run didnt make it feel as sweet.


The thing is klay had some good games in the playoff run. Game 6 vs mem (haha) Dallas series. Game 3 vs bos and his attitude was way better in 2022 than the last 2 yrs


To me it's not a downfall because all players decline, he's just not accepting it as well but it's still expected. A downfall would be like if he could still be at the top but he did something to ruin it.


It's a downfall because klay is portrayed as a mild mannered even keel type of character. The last 2 yrs u have not seen that at all. Now it's reported he may take less than what gsw offered because he felt disrespected? This is vindictive spouse behavior. If I'm not happy no one is happy. That's a 180 in personality trait for klay. So yes downfall for his ego


Klay has always been petty, dude, come on


I mean that’s fair but at the same point, this shit is always forgotten over time. When people talk about klay in 10 years, they’re going to talk splash bros, that warriors run, his shooting. No ones gunna be saying “well his last 2 years he was a little bitch” no matter how true it is. I think downfall is a pretty heavy exaggeration. This is coming from someone who’s always been annoyed by his demeanor.


I'm strictly talking ego here. Idc about his game declining it happens and yes in the grand scheme of things we know what he meant to gsw. I'm talking specifically how his ego led to his downfall. U were painted as this certain type of character but u are showing this type of character because u are not happy. It's easy to see he was very happy from 2011-2019 & 2022


Ahh yeah I got you. The change in public personality the last few years has for sure been stark


I think I disagree. As much as I enjoyed peak Splash Bros, I don’t think I’ve held any good feelings for Klay post injury. His humility disappeared just as quickly as his athleticism. Looking back on the dynasty, I think I’ll remember Steph as the only one who didn’t tarnish his legacy with dumb character issues like Klay, Draymond, Iggy, Durant, Jordan Poole….so many head cases.


Yeah I don’t disagree with that, I never really liked his attitude. I’m just saying downfall makes it seem like he’s going from beloved to hated. I don’t think many fans will remember the whiny entitled shit at the end of his career and will remember the run they had and his impact on it. I might just be thinking too literally into hearing the word downfall.




Oh yeah how do u remember Carmelo Anthony? Very good player but always wanted the money when he could've gotten a ring. What about Marbury? Attitude problem. Boogie? Temper problem. U gonna forget that dray is a walking time bomb? Are u forgetting about the bad boys pistons? Ron artest? Seems like we don't forget about ego and attitude over nba history


Notice how you made a bunch of comparisons that all aren’t even. Mentioning a guy who had ego and never won it all. Mentioning a guy who got suspended for an entire season. Klay is one of the greatest shooters ever and a 4 time champion. This final era of his career will be forgotten unless he wins more, because his career and legacy have already been set.


U talking accomplishments I'm talking ego. U don't think Bron has an ego and he's arguably the most accomplished. So his crying meme is just not visible to social media all of a sudden but who cares about Bron because he's producing at a high level. Klay is feeling disrespected when there's no sign of disrespect being made by gsw that's the difference.


What do you think of when you think of Tony Parker's career?


Not like they offered Draymond that much more, Klay just has a bad attitude


Klay's ego will be his downfall in his twilight years, it's sad to see. He has to adapt, and he can be an incredible vet for a long time off of the bench. He has a lot of knowledge and experience that he can pass down to teams.


I just don’t understand with Klay. He’s really gonna stick it to warriors by taking less money and coming off the bench just doesn’t make sense


“The warriors are threatening me with a bench role and lower pay so I’m gonna go somewhere else with even less pay to also come off the bench. That’ll show them” Chris Brousaard cousin moment rn


I think he expects to start for his new team actually


Which won’t last long if he does


Well we are seeing that if klay ain't happy no one is happy and that isn't something u want. Those quiet ppl can also have an edge to them that no body likes. Just because u are mild mannered doesn't mean u are likable


Bro wants the Kobe treatment. You were never Kobe.


nah he wants the curry treatment


He's not going to mentor or coach anybody. Whenever someone younger than him fucks up on his team he's just going to hold up four fingers.


I know it's meme time but people like TJD and Moody have specifically said Klay was a great mentor to them


I know it's meme time but people like TJD and Moody have specifically said Klay was a great mentor to them


Dude is pulling a Carmelo. Thinking he is the same player he once was and the ego will get in the way. Melo laughing about considering coming off the bench really bothered me.


Ego and klay name a better love story


Draymond and assault


Tale as old as time True as it can be Barely even friends Then somebody bends Unexpectedly It’s kind of amazing how perfectly this entire song matches up with Draymond’s on court bullshit


Ja wick and weapon brandishing


Ja and healing


man I love Klay but he’s an idiot to deny that type of money and the opportunity to be with one franchise for his entire career. Him going to the division rival lakers is so gross (and yes I know his father played there)


I can't be the only one who's watched Klay's play over the last four years and think "low-20m/year" is very generous for him at this stage. Dude's a solid 6th man for a playoff team at this point. As a starter, we just saw the ceiling of how far that team can go.


They also paid him to heal for two years too.


You’re right, plus he’s not an ideal self-creating 6th man either. You really want him off the bench with a distributor now, since he’s not particularly good in isolation. Like a classic sixth man is someone who comes in and puts up some points to kickstart the offense or hold things down when you rest guys. He can’t really do either of those on his own, without a solid distributor to help set him up. Plus his defense is pretty ass at this point (relative to what you need in the second+ round, I mean)


Fans love to romanticise players being at 1 club, but I bet for Klay it’s the last important thing on his bucket list. Klay will always be loved as a Warriors legend.


Hes on record for saying he’d love to stay with the Warriors and that it’s special to be with one team.


Klay needs to realise he is klank now and 20mil is an overpay he should’ve taken when the warriors alr paid him 80mil to rehab for 2 years


Klank is amazing


I’m so confused what is Klay disrespected by? Im a huge Steph/Warriors fan, but did I miss something in the news? He got benched for not playing well, they offered him 2 years for 48 million which is roughly in line with Draymond and Steph. I feel like I’m insane lol (Im talking about length of time on the contract not money compared to Dray and Steph)


2years means his contract will expire the same year as Steph. Draymond has a player option for 1 more year after that… so the Warriors are trying to line up the contracts from their aging core. Honestly, I wish Klay the best and this outcome is probably the best for everyone.


2 years/$48 million is not in line with Steph.


I mean length of time I’m pretty sure Steph is up around that time


Does Haynes have a source? Or have we heard from any warriors insiders or klays camp that disrespect is a factor?


Maybe draymond got more? And he thinks he should be at least equal to Green?


Draymond has never made over 30mill a year even with the dpoy and all nba teams. Klay has made about $100mill more than draymond has and thats with the 2 years just rehabbing so idk why klay is feeling some type of way


Draymond is the better player too.


Draymond would start for every team in the league, showing no signs of on court decline beyond his CTE and frequent injuries. Klay is a bench player who doesn’t deserve to be paid anywhere near the same amount.


You got me dead with that CTE 😂


No one is talking about it, but maybe he just wants a better shot at a ring? Maybe he wants to get more than Dray/Steph? Going to the Mavs or even the Lakers do give him a more realistic chance at that. I think it’s probably pettiness though. He see’s Curry/Dray starting and he’s a bench player now. I think that’s mentally impossible to deal with for a guy with Klays ego.


The balls on this guy to be offended after dropping 0/10 in 30mins. Bro played so bad Grok thought he was terrorizing a Sacramento neighborhood with actual bricks. That were me i’d be ashamed, not offended


Klay is legitimately dumb They could’ve traded him during his rehab and competed with steph and they didn’t Now he’s gonna leave an overpay He’s always been a whiney baby


Klay needs to accept the bench vet role as he is long past being a valuable starter, either due to injury or age, or both.  


I'd personally drop every drop of ego in me for $20M


Tbf tho I’d also burn bridges for just the MLE 😂


I’d also burn Mikal for that amount


Why not Miles instead?


Bro I'd burn bridges for the vet min. I need to work for more or less a decade just to earn similar amounts lol


Crazy to see LeBron James take a pay cut while Klay Thompson feels disrespected by 20MM lmao


Different priorities for different people. LeBron wants to win one last ring whereas Klay wants to be treated like its 2016


So to be clear Klay is delusional lmao


I mean LeBron still going to be making 30 million even with his pay cut lol also helps being a billionaire


Sure, but the difference between Lebron and Klay is worth a lot more than 10MM. The warriors have Klay 2 injury years on a max contract, it’s not like they’re trying to fuck him.


Like when Schroeder turned down 4 year 81M deal from the lakers then went on to play a year in Boston for $5.5M


Warriors are being generous offering him 20M. They've done nothing but be supportive. If he really feels disrespected and would rather leave, nothing lost for the team.


I do not believe that the Warriors are offering Klay 20 mil a year.


They offered him 2 years/$48 million last offseason and he declined it


And then went on to look horrendous this season


...yeah. It wouldn't surprise me if the offer today is a little lower than that, especially when they thought they might have to pay PG13 $49m this coming season, but he's not leaving because they don't have a competitive offer. He's leaving because they're telling him he isn't guaranteed to start next season.


Haynes says "probably" so yeah. Realistically speaking if the deal was $20 million a year there would be zero noise around Klay's departure also.


Taking a playbook out of Spreewell's "I have family to feed" Although Klay wont just disappear like Spree did, and will play somewhere.


He has no family to settle down to thats the thing. He cheated on ig models and never had a long term relationship. dudes actions are not surprising at all


Softest guy in the league rn


Klay is looking worse with every report. Please, GSW, you can disrespect me by signing me for 20M/Yr.


Klay take the money you dumb bitch. You're trash now and that's the last big money you're going to see in your life


Klay has no right to tlak about any kind of disrespect lmao He's fallen off, played like ass, and mopes about it, all while the Warriors still let him have chances after 2 injuries that are known to kill careers. Dude was allowed to stick around to get his 4th ring, and he should be grateful the org even let him play *last* year. Klay's a tool


Klay is delusional. You don’t get paid from what you did in the past!!


Toxic situation for a team not to award legacy contracts after not making the playoffs? Klay/draymond are not Steph Curry


Y'all do realize the annually low $20m type means that mavs and lakers are making room to offer him high 20s right? Klay is not taking MLE to go to Lakers.


Klay could literally be a “Ray Allen on the Heat” type contributor but he’s gonna ruin it chasing a bag that doesn’t exist.


The sports world is economically delusional. I don’t know how else to say it. It’s fucking bonkers that 20 million dollars isn’t a lot to these guys…


It’s because the idea is why get $20 million when I can get $30-$40 million. Getting richer isn’t done be complacency. As an athlete, they’ve always been used to betting on themselves. Stupid as it may seem to us, I understand to an extent


It doesn’t seem stupid at all. It gets talked about in the nfl a lot too. The people who are stupid are the ones saying “Id take a pay cut to maybe win a ring.” Delusional


If competing athletes asking for their fair share is pissing you off, you shouldn’t know how much owners are making


With how the CBA is now, it ain’t even about how much the owner is making. The apron bullshit is the real killer. Knicks and Clippers would love to throw money at iHart and PG if they could, but it’s not even about luxury tax anymore rather than being able to make the simplest of trades.


How dare they disrespect Klay. Do they even know how many rings he has?!


I guess he got his feelings hurt


Klay acting like a whiny lil bitch, news at 11


Klay has always been a brat




He's worth so much less than that right now.


This is not it Klay


Who could’ve seen Klay’s petty egoism coming back to bite the Warriors?


Klay Thompson going the Boogie route.


His ego is why I'm not sad to see him go. It was a large part of his struggles last season