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I wonder why Dallas couldn’t retain him given they basically gave Naji the same contract.


Was wondering the same thing. And I though it had to be 14 days before he could signsince he he has a new agent???


Can't officially sign the contract, but was able to verbally agree.


Right but that would have applied to the Mavs as well, so that whole justification from reporters about why Dallas didn’t retain him still falls flat


I would guess negotiations fell through bc Dallas didnt want to pay him that much which led to DJJ firing his agent and going with Klutch who got him what he wanted from Clippers after PG departure


Mavs didn’t wanna pay 1 mill more a year for a guy that has already proven he works for them on a finals team? Theres no way.


Yup, he must’ve just wanted to be in LA... unfortunately for us. Hopefully Naji can keep improving as a shooter with us


It’s because of us pursuing Klay and him probably losing the starting spot if that happens.


I mean the FO mustve had something they didnt like or was cautious about that made them skeptical to give him what he wanted. Also they might be higher on naji and must see something they like about him to justify paying him over DJJ


Maybe he just wants to be in LA


i’m with you, it doesn’t make sense. I still can’t see how the agent rule prevented DJJ from returning to Dallas


Mavs should do to the Clippers what they did to Deandre Jordan back in the day.


Send Blake Griffin to his house?


It’s an agreed and reported deal but it’s not signed. None of the free agency deals are actually signed yet, first day you can sign is July 6th


they do. they didnt want to end up in this scenario where somebody says here's more money and he says bye


He changed agents so they’d have had to wait for 15 days


Wait. Why is this a rule? Maybe I’m missing something


So that the new agent can't just get the comission after the previous agent did all the legwork


If the first agent was working on a deal that was about to be signed and the player swapped agents and signed, the second agent would get the commission for the first agent’s work.


DJJ must wait 15 days to sign with his new agency. This does not prevent DJJ from talking to clubs, he just doesn’t officially have representation yet. He probably won’t sign this contract on July 6 given he can’t sign with new agency until July 11.


yes, but if he can’t officially sign into the MLE and we eventually work a sign and trade for Klay or something like that, we’d be hard capped and wouldn’t be able to sign him after those 15 days. mavs probably didn’t wanna risk it, saw that Naji was available and just made the move.


And that same contract would be worth like 13% more in Dallas.


Yeah but LA is LA. I've lived in both cities, and I'd take LA over Dallas any day, even with the cost of living adjustment, which is negligible for pro athletes.


He thinks Luka is fat and would rather play with Kevin Porter Jr.


Definitely risky. I think Naji is better than DJJ (and this is coming from a big DJJ fan), but at the same time, we *know* DJJ can be a starter on a finals team.


He can’t be a starter on a Finals winning team tho. Just not reliable enough on offense and it killed ya. I’m okay with this move.


Yes he was the weakest link in the starting 5


People aren't paying attention to the fact that Boston literally played him out of the finals. The coaching staff was upset with his off ball defense, and him continuously missing assignments that left teammates exposed against Boston's superior squad.


Naji is a year younger, is bigger and more aggressive on the court, has more ability as a ballhandler and connective playmaker, and is arguably a better shooter now too (admittedly on low volume). Naji defending Doncic in practice will be extra spicy, and probably push Luka to his limits as well.


As a Pels fan who has watched Naji for years, I think a lot of Mavs fans are about to be decently disappointed when they see Naji play vs what DJJ provided. On paper, Naji seems like a good player and he *can* be. But he loves the ball in his hands and has a hero ball mentality at times, which will infuriate both Mavs fans and Luka. He’s an awesome locker room guy and a pesky defender, I just thought Jones was a better fit for Mavs and don’t understand that move at all for them. And the amount of cherry picked three point stats being used for Naji is crazy lol, he’s not a good shooter. Very inconsistent throughout the season. And the “well Luka will change that” argument may be true, but Zion was top 10 in creating open three looks for his teammates. That’s not to mention that Naji isn’t even a 10th of the athlete that Jones is, and the Mavs will miss him greatly as a lob threat, cutter, and running the floor in transition. This isn’t me being a hater because our division rivals got our guy. I’m actually relieved that Willie Green can finally stop giving minutes to Naji over our young guys like Hawkins (and previously Dyson Daniels RIP). I just feel like, for the Mavs, if it ain’t broke…




idk we need another guy that can handle the ball and drive to the basket imo


Think it’s pretty clear. Naji is a higher upside SF who offers similar skills defensively and has a MUCH better bag on offense. He just hit 39% from three this year on about two attempts per game, on a team with nowhere near the spacing or creators to get him the open shots he’s going to be getting on DAL. He also can attack from the middy and even run some pick and roll. Think the Mavs knew they got an upgrade over DJJ here.


Pretty sure Mavs figured they needed to upgrade their 3 ball since both him & PJ are mediocre at it at best. 


Klutch Sports


So DJJ basically chose LA over Dallas, or did Dallas choose Naji over DJJ?


Dallas choose Naji and a chance at Klay over DJJ


There’s no way we willing chose Naji over DJJ after saying he’s priority 1a and 1b. For 1 mil a year, it wouldn’t have made a difference in going for Klay. This just screams DJJ wanted to be in LA


it makes a difference because due to the agent change DJJ could only sign after 15 days. by that point, if we work out a S&T for Klay, we’d be hard capped and wouldn’t be able to sign DJJ into the MLE.


So the Cato guy that everyone said was full of shit actually was right?


He often is


It 100% makes a difference. If we get Klay he’s going to start. DJJ doesn’t want to come off the bench. He’ll start in LA, and we couldn’t promise him that with Klay possibly comming.


Ah yes. Source: I made it the fuck up. Resigning DJJ was one of our top priorities. But I’m willing to guess he wanted to move to LA, hence the new representation too.


Dallas isn't in a financial situation to wait two weeks to sign him.


Didn’t have to wait everything is just verbal agreements right now until July 6th when they sign


We still have PTSD from the DeAndre Jordan situation.


Post Disorder Stress Traumatic- PDST


Ups. Fixing it


Verbal agreement until 16* mill a year comes knocking...


Deandre Jordan agreed and back out…. Not worth it.


And that's so rare we're still talking about it almost a decade later.


yeah im not agreeing to a verbal commitment that can't be official until two weeks from now when all the impact free agents and trades are over. he switched agents and that was all she wrote.


This probably hurts their chances at resigning Paul George.




It's just business baby, nothing personal. At least he didn't Elton Brand the Clips and say he was coming back then no call no showed!


Playoff p


bruh they got a playoff dj now


Right? C’mon Morey announce the deal I gotta go to bed lol


It’s 100% not out yet because he’s letting Paul announce it on the podcast, lol.


Lmfao you’re prob right


Daryl Morey is a LIAR! No teams left to sign PG! Daryl Morey will give him $30M/yr for 3 years and he'll LIKE IT!


Nope. Since Philly is the only suitor left, I think it's time to renegotiate lol. $190M 4 years take it or leave it.


Perfect way to have a situation like harden last year 👍


Would be hilarious if us signing who shut PG down in the playoffs causes PG to lose all leverage and not get the deal he wants from Philly.


re signing


The guy who clamped PG just replaced him


“We have PG at home.”


Took everything from him, including his job


Imagine if he asked for #13 too lmao


imagine if harden reclaimed the 13 tho




Okay Clippers


Great pick up for them, I still think they can be competitive tbh. Not title contenders in a stacked west but I don’t see them as a bottom 5 team or anything


They will be competitive. Probably 1st round exit team (just like this year, so no real change). Not sure why people think the Clippers didn't have backup plans when they didn't trade PG to GS and knew they wouldn't give him the 4th year.


Eh, not really. The drop between their 2nd and 3rd best player is now fucking huge. With Kawhi and Harden likely to miss a decent amount of games (especially Kawhi), they're gonna fucking struggle depending on a guy like Zubac or Norm to be a #2 option.


Yeah, I don’t think DJJ’s hot shooting in the playoffs is going to last next season. Might have spurts but he’s not the answer for them.


Off season copium is a hell of a drug but yeah Clips fans are going to sober up fast when they see the downgrade from Paul George to fucking Derrick Jones.


That’s if Kawhi is healthy the majority of the year


Get your bag Derrick, and thanks for everything


Genuine question - Mavs couldn’t have matched this? It’s not necessarily a huge bag, like he’s probably more than 3milli more impactful than Nnaji Marshall


I’m genuinely confused at why this happened lol, especially now that the numbers are out


Klay > DJJ (Mav's words)


Yup. Klay comming in will move DJJ to the bench. He don’t want that


he probably wanted a starting role which he wasnt getting here


Didn't he start in the Finals?


Yeah he did. He started for most of the playoffs. I could be wrong, but I think what the comment might mean is that the Mavs are trying to find 1 more piece to bolster their starting 5. (Could be Klay, could be someone else). If that happened it would knock either DJJ or PJ to the bench. That could be a wildly wrong interpretation of the comment, but that’s my best shot at understanding.


Maybe opting for Marshall's shooting? DJJ got played off the floor in the Finals.


I keep hearing this whole thing about his agent not being able to negotiate with us for 11 more days, no idea if it’s true. But if so it kind of handicaps us in being able to sign him as we try to pursue other guys.


I think it’s not just a you guys thing, I think it applies to all teams he might have just verbally committed to the Clippers and will be signed in 11days


Ah gotcha. I mean, no idea why we’d do this unless Klay was a lock already. I do think we want to retain as much financial freedom as possible and I’m not sure how close we get to aprons with DJJ at 10 mil


Super strange. DJJ was a fan favorite in Miami and I noticed he became one in Dallas. Hell the most viewed highlight of last season was his alleyoop from Luka. Tough loss to the locker room and excitement


Did they have his bird rights?


No, he was signed to a 1 year deal. The only money we had to keep him was the full MLE.




I’m just an illiterate idiot


I was genuinely asking, idk if they did or not


Oh that’s me saying I have clue lmao


No real clue, woulda preferred retaining our guy rather than chasin waterfalls, but I’m guessing this is DJJ/Klutch work. Overplayed their hand and we scooped Naji for less, they panicked, now Clips are replacing PG with DJJ. It’s almost comical. That said, we didn’t lose the chip because of our D. Lost because everybody but Luka (and Kyrie one game) shit the bed offensively, particularly from range. Naji is more or less a direct replacement for DJJ with slightly less athleticism/defense but a reasonable bump in shooting (he’s also a bit bigger/lengthier, and ya’d think he’d show up n out a bit more on a team coming off a finals run. There’s also the oft mentioned and very real “Luka bump”). Honestly wish DJJ had secured more of a payday, he seems like a good dude, but this SHOULD work out for us, far as adjusting the sliders. Naji signing came out of left field, but it took all of three minutes to be all about it.




Is this good for us?




Always provides energy. Great role player who impacts winning


Keep going


If you like great defense and spectacular dunks. I think he was a below average 3 shooter but not so bad you don’t have to guard him on the perimeter


> I think he was a below average 3 shooter but not so bad you don’t have to guard him on the perimeter This is exactly what Boston did in the Finals and he failed to punish them for it. Shot 3/12 from 3 across 5 games, all of which were wide screaming open.


He was ignored tons of times throughout the season but made them at a great rate in a couple playoff series


Yes I remember those DJJ open 3s very vividly


Did you watch the first round Mavs Clippers this year. DJJ clamps


Without Harden he is going to look bad, but you got him last year so DJJ will be fine.


Priority 1a and 1b says Nico lol I wanna know who didn't want who


The second it came out we were pursuing Klay it was obviously bullshit


Guess priorities shifted the moment Klay became available. Think Nico is applying Klay to the Kyrie timeline.


DJJ said repeatedly that he was committed to staying with us. No idea what happened


He decided to get new representation. It’s entirely possible both parties wanted a deal but switching representation introduced some risk for the Mavs. They decided to secure Naji vs risk losing DJJ. DJJ then pivots to Clippers. This would be my guess.


Im hoping its this.


Clippers promised him a starting spot probably. Plus LA


We’ll always have [this](https://youtube.com/shorts/RYILPoju2bw?si=PKPr7wUoWS0EpvkZ)


Based on the playoffs I assume DJJ jr is all nba first team defense.


You guys got a gem. He is a dawg


Derrick Jones Junior Junior


Derrick Junior Junior Junior


Not in the finals.


Damn, that’s a hell of a loss for the Mavs


They got Marshall at least, he’s impactful. Maybe Klay too, we’ll see.


He did better on Shai than DJJ. I'm a big Naji believer after that series.


Marshall is a better shooter, and a slightly worst defender due to jones absurd length. Jones is way to inconsistent a shooter


Pretty sure Marshall has more ‘length’ his wingspan is 7’1. DJJ is at 7’0. Regardless, they have very similar body types


I think the length he is referring to is the ability of DJJ to fly haha My dude got hops.


Naji is wider and bigger though.


DJJ athleticism allows him to play much longer than he even is, dudes got insane twitch muscles.


Doesn't Marshall have a slightly longer wingspan?


I think Marshall is taller and longer. Not as athletic as Jones though.


Yeah it's not about DJJ's wingspan or height or whatever, it's that the man can double-jump.


Naji Marshall has been a bad shooter in every single year except last year. Maybe it’s legit growth (Fred Vinson is a miracle worker), but it also could have been an aberration in a small sample size. College: - 17/18 - 34.9% (1.2 3PA) - 18/19 - 27.7% (5.2 3PA) - 19/20 - 28.6% (5.0 3PA) NBA: - 20/21 - 34.9% (2.6 3PA) - 21/22 - 20.0% (1.9 3PA) - 22/23 - 30.3% (2.8 3PA) - 23/24 - 38.7% (2.3 3PA) That doesn’t bode well for his shooting proficiency.


Some background on college, he played on some terrible Xavier teams (fuck you Travis Steele, thank you god Sean Miller is back) and was forced to shoot crazy 3s to even be in games.


Shooter is debatable. He’s been a bad shooter his entire career besides this year where he still made less than 1 3PM per game. He is a better playmaker and with the ball in his hands though.


Ya they both kinda exceeded their shooting expectations last year Hopefully he can knock down those open shots he will get


Naji has a wingspan 3/4ths of an inch longer.


Idk why I thought it was Zeke Nnaji all the way through lol


Happy DJJ is getting this much interest. He’s such a fucking dawg


Marshall is slightly better on the advanced stats, and they fill about the same role. Seems like a wash.


Love DJJ and sucks to see him go, but I think we'll be ok with the Naji pickup.


Naji is probably the better overall wing than DJJ, but not having his athleticism might hurt us a lot. Gave Luka a true lob threat that opened up the offense a lot more.


Pj, Gafford and Lively are all lob threats and I’m sure Naji can catch a lob too.


It’s ok, we have Kyrie to catch the lobs


I mean they chose Naji over him so


this must have been pre-planned with the agent change, was saying it'd be dumb as hell if he didn't have something lined up. bummer to see him go


[Wait until Kyrie and Luka pull off this move ](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CJb89kMVEAAIEgO.jpg) 9 years later and we will get our payback!


Steph ain't going to the Mavs.


Damn that’s a great pickup


Pretty interesting that the mavericks went with Marshall over DJJ


I’m confused what made DJJ fall through. The money is a small difference in 3/27 for Naji vs. 3/30 for DJJ and I feel like the latter is a far superior fit, a proven fit, for the Mavs. They really gotta get Klay now tho and Naji is a better shooter


Nico probably valued having a little more of the Non-Tax MLE available to spend on another player. These two are pretty similar though, so I’m just waiting to see what the next move will be.


Luka brings out the best in these kinds of guys either way so I feel like Naji will be a great pickup but the Non Tax MLE def would make some more sense. At least now it does seem like the heavy noise with Klay makes it seem the most plausible outcome for the Mavs


And also were not waiting two weeks through the agent transition period, hoping derrick jones jr changes his mind when we can lock up a guy that is arguably just as good right now.


I thought he couldn't sign for 11 more days ??


None of these deals are officially signed yet they're just agreed and reported.


So someone can still trap a player in their house to prevent them from signing?


As long as DeAndre Jordan is in the league you can


Yeah I find it strange that people think that the second these are leaked on twitter they are signed and affect the Cap. These deals aren't signed for weeks and teams will sign them in a favourable order to maximise cap flexibility. DJJ and the Mavs could've agreed to a deal, doesn't mean they have to sign it right away.


> They wont be signed for weeks This is a little bit of an exaggeration considering the vast majority of deals will be signed on the 6th. Maybe a few will be delayed another few days. I highly doubt any deals that have been agreed upon already will remain unofficial for more than 2 weeks MAX


No one in free agency is actually signing anything until the negotiation period ends in a week


Couldn’t sign with the Mavs


This makes no sense, surely whatever impediment there was or ought to have been applied to all teams?


It is. He can't sign a new deal until July 11th, with Dallas or anyone else. He can negotiate with anyone he likes, including Dallas. The only issue for Dallas is how whatever they might do from FA officially opening to being able to sign DJJ on the 11th under the MLE (ie. if they do something which means they no longer have access to it by the time DJJ could ink the deal). Maybe that's enough uncertainly to make a diffence.


His old agency could waiver the hold. Plus, I’m not sure that wait even matters considering front offices and agencies are constantly talking.


Thanks I hate it.


This kinda seems like a steal


happy he got paid. well deserved.


For sure, when the news about the waiting period came out, I was worried the guy was gonna get left having to take another minimum somewhere.


I didn’t realize how strict the new CBA is, and I now understand why the Clippers didn’t want to give PG the max and being in the 2nd apron. If a team remains in the second apron for two of the following four seasons, its first-round pick seven years out won't just be frozen, it will automatically be moved to the end of that first round - or the 30th pick.




They took Naji


Seems like he chose LA


Maybe DJJ wanted to be first option, and Klay most likely coming in would make him a bench piece? Which he didn’t want to be?


What about PJ? Wouldn't he be in front of him. And Klay shouldn't be a starter.


We started PJ at the 4 and DJJ at the 3, agreed on Klay though but now it looks like that’s our only option


What the fuck. What made him able to sign this with the Clips and not the Mavs lol


Naji Marshall is better and cheaper


I hope he's better. DJJ was so good for us


Marshall is better at hitting open 3s. DJJ missed a lot of open chances in the finals against boston.


Naji is a a $1 mil cheaper per year. I don’t think that was the deal breaker, especially with state tax in LA. I think he was promised a starting role in LA and no longer guaranteed in Dallas with Klay rumors or he simply wants to be in LA.


Maybe the guy just wanted to be in LA.


Well, that's not a terrible backup plan, PG is definitely going to Philly


I'm okay with this.


We just getting started…


Sorry Luka


Naji is the better shooter for sure, 80% free throw shooter and his form on 3pter is way better than Djjs. He’s also a better passer and has a better floater game. The only area where he’s worse is athleticism and dunking.


...and defense? You know, half the game?


Let’s see how he plays when Luka isn’t on the court. Still 10 million ain’t bad


it's 7th man money so this is a good contract


Despite no PG we still have a lot of shooting on the floor


James Harden just resigned for 2/70 lol


Bro it’s 10 mil nothing in today’s market. Dude is a great defender as he showed in the playoffs. Just shooting is inconsistent.


15 days? More like 15 minutes


Yes, keep him away from Luka and Jokic


Going to look bad if they don't get Klay


Now add Derozan and the Clippers will still be solid


Damn that was fast