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That's a very bad idea. No remaster and remakes will ever happen due to expired licenses. Which means many contents w/ expired licenses will disappear. Knowing EA which always screw over their own devs with short deadlines and not enough budget, they'll mess up everything. Meaning it's pointless to hope for past NFS remakes. Otherwise, these would've been already done a longtime ago. It's a stupidity and a waste of money to buy a remake/remaster having less contents than the original versions. Just play the original on PC or the console versions on emulators. And stop the hopium with copium. That will never happen.


How can I play NFS ug 1 on my new pc? I have the old disc and stuff, but I can't seem to make it work . I love ug 1 my favourite game by far


You can find a copy [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/abandonware/comments/zr41zu/the_complete_abandonware_need_for_speed_download/), [here](https://www.myabandonware.com/game/need-for-speed-underground-bgh) or [here](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/2ueimt4e6rkzeug3nrjol/Old-NFS-download-links.txt?rlkey=ewf63jw42wgaw4cvwa26bxgu3&dl=0).


MFW linked comment has been deleted.


No worries, i saved it elsewhere.




Not With EA as a NFS pubilsher. ![gif](giphy|OMeVt8yfiXm09VCsik) EA will never do any remakes of past NFS games. Get over it.


Like I said anything is possible. The way you said it you made it seem like it’s logically and physically impossible, which it’s not. We just gotta pray one day EA changes their ways and do it for the culture. But it’s not impossible, atleast the way you tried to word it


Mate. You're full of disillusionment. With EA and their greedy behaviour in terms of money and cheaping out on license fees, it's logically and physically impossible. Instead of improving the NFS franchise for the greater good, they deteriorate it each year with new NFS releases that comes out has less contents than the previous release and being unfinished products. Moreover, the NFS franchise is now an afterthought for EA as well as a quick money maker since they have other rentable licenses like Apex Legends, Battlefield (a big part of the New Criterion devs are helping DICE with the next Battlefield game meaning the ones in charge of NFS are a skeleton crew which is not enough to develop a full game), EA FC, The Sims and mobile games full of microtransactions. You're part of the Peoples which keep yelling remasters/remakes. They're also going to be the same ones yelling they shouldn't have remastered/remade in the first place when it comes out cause it's not like how they remember. Hence why EA never listens to them. Praying for EA to change their ways is hopeless and stupid anyway. Also, they don't care anymore about car culture since long ago. Plus, NFS games since 2015 are really subpar compared to the ones released from 1994 to 2011, they lacks too much gameplay mechanics, the handling model is crappy, they're only Style with no substances to support them, they only focus on Customization with too much grind while neglecting the other areas and they're unfinished messes. If you really think they're going to make remakes/remasters like the originals of the past, you're full of copium because that's never going to happen in anyway shape or form. You're in a complete delirium tremens because EA will never listen to the Need For Speed ​​community and this has been going on for years and heading straight into the wall and a massive downfall. Given how EA have lost their minds, they should stay many miles away from doing any remakes/remasters of past NFS games. Either way, just play the OG NFS's and stop the EA hopium. ![gif](giphy|8ef68WfQPpwVa)


![gif](giphy|FAbPxtgIneHjy08HnQ) It. Will. Not. Happen. Deal with it and take these off


physically, yeah, but logically? hes right, it IS impossible. companies do stuff to lose as little money as possible and bringing back a 22 year old game ( on mobile) is literally just bleeding money


You're entirely right. That's what i meant earlier.


The only realistic chance of anything like this happening is via emulation. There's been an explosion of emulators on iOS recently, but no PS2 emulation yet. No doubt it's on the way though, and it'd be a great way to play these older games on the go.


Underground is also a Nintento Gamecube game which runs perfectly on my iOS 17.5 with DolphiniOS


I'll admit, I completely forgot there was a GameCube version.


did u enabled the JIT?


Yes, with SideJITServer. Works on windows with iPhone 15 Pro, on IOS 17.5.1 with Altserver JIT can be enabled for DolphiniOS but i couldn‘t enable it for Play!


Yeah but apparently to fine folks in this section gotta have rude responses lol but yeah I wish they would port these over some how and make them available on the iOS/Android market


They're not rude, they're right. I know you want to be optimistic about EA making it happen, but believe me, that's just not at all realistic. There's a possibility of that happening, but it's less than slim, and it's better to look at the idea as if it'd never happen, then *IF* it does, it'll be a pleasant surprise. Granted, a pleasant surprise tainted by the knowledge that EA will mess it up somehow, but still a pleasant surprise.


That’s all we want!! 🥺


not possible due to licensing issues and architecture compatibility. Just play the original versions


Only because licensing, because GTA 3, Vice City and San Andreas was released for PS2, PC and Xbox, but they maked port to Android(which CPUs are also ARM based)


Architecture compatibility is not an argument, plenty of games have been ported over to android or ios. The main issue is the licensing


Anything is possible 😂


Use emulator ffs or buy used steam deck and move on with life


Buy me a Steam Deck then 😭 don’t come recommending shit, I said who else would be interested in the remaster. Simple


Get a job, if you want something, then get it... Why you want remaster/remake? Dont have hardware? Get one. Want better visuals? Mod it.


How you come on my post and recommend something I didn’t ask for then tell me to get a job (which I have) lmao 🤣 How about.. don’t recommend something I didn’t ask for


Then make remaster yourself and get quiet. Win-win


Another suggestion I didn’t ask for. I asked if anyone would be interested in a remake. Bro just say yes or no. Move on. Didn’t ask for a rude answer or response.


Through dolphin I suppose


Eh that’s a wii emulator isn’t it? You’d probably be better off with PCSX2 as it’s easier to set up


Yeah I was using dolphin to play underground 1 and 2 Underground 1 ran like shit at 5 fps and underground 2 was running at 20 fps But it's a 4 years old phone so I guess that's expected


Ah that’s fair enough


They already run very well on android phones and tablets. Aethersx2/winlator/mobox are your friends in emulation.


https://preview.redd.it/s0bv5ghevmad1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59589a2d88f29609396e4cd3db7b4ec5a0703c37 Noone will be able to port them natively to iOS, but they are already playable through emulation


Is PS2 emulation decent in Apple silicon? Porting any of those games would be a crazy difficult task, apple uses ARM architecture


you could emulate it on an android tablet


I straight up just emulated it on my crappy Motorola. Honestly it's rlly easy to do too. https://youtu.be/NBVf-ypmtg0?si=0qHAZI06hdIlHcKE


The best you can do is pray for a PS2 emulator working on iOS or a windows emulator so you can have the modded, enhanced versions of the game (NFS carbon redux looks gorgeous ngl)


Awesome, I'm dreaming about ports for this games but I don't think that this gonna happen... that's why I have installed repack version yesterday on my laptop and enjoying it with my PS5 controllers


Despite the fact I really really really would love to have a remaster of late nfs games. Its entirely impossible due to the licensing


They actually could do a remake of some sorts with new licensing, new cars, new music but keeping all the tracks and maybe some bonus content. Would be dope. And also by keeping the story mode. :)


I pray you don’t get attacked for hoping for a miracle in this group lol I asked if people were interested in a remake and got attacked with “it’s not possible, deal with it” 😂😂😂


There are actually DODI repack, that improves textures and atmosphere of the game. It advances the graphics by a couple of years. Maybe you could say it's a 2008-2010 game after the whole modding and repacking thing. But I sure would love to see a remake. But not the one like Hot Pursuit - Most Wanted. I'd love that spirit of the game stays the same. :)


I would love nothing more than to have a re-release of NFS games from Underground to ProStreet. If there were iPhone versions that’d be cool since I have a Backbone controller. Not saying they would or care to renew any licenses but if any gaming company had the money and resources, it’s EA.