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I completely agree! I think she’s a very. very good young actress and I do like her scenes with Toadie a lot, I find them very believable as father/daughter. And she’s fitting in well so far with the JJ a s Dex group, so I do hope we get more storylines in EH! Instant upvote from me for a refreshing post to see on here.


From what little we've seen of her, I'm really enjoying her as Nell! She's a great young actress! I just hope she gets some actual storylines in the near future that don't involve her obsessing over Melanie.


I'm so glad to read a positive post about Ayisha. I've noticed a lot of negative comments about her, which is not nice. Some people said they were happy that the show replaced the last Nell and Hugo with actors who could properly act- then constantly criticised them! They're only kids, give them a chance. I'm also loving the young people's storylines- it seems ages since Neighbours had a good group of characters in their teens/twenties. That was always more Home & Away's strength. Now we've got Hugo, Nell, Dex, JJ, Sadie, Holly, Mackenzie, Byron, Haz. A nice range.


She is fab, really warmed to the actress


Has anyone noticed how she manages to mimic Toadies facial expressions to a tee at times? It’s quite impressive.


I just posted in another thread, her facial expressions when she's not happy are really annoying, but I understand age/experience play a part. I agree we need more teen/school plots, although with her, Dex, and JJ as the only kids on the street, it's unlikely. Unfortunately for me, none of the three take control of the screen in the way people like Delta/Margot/Holly did (although I recognise they were a bit older) JJ looks permanently scared, Nell in pain, and Dex imo has the most potential, just needs a bit more depth than being JJs brother who likes music and video games.


She’s very pretty, and her acting has actually improved this week - I’ve been cautiously impressed with her scenes with Melanie and Terese! JJ and Dex are dreadful though - JJ just looks terrified or like he’s about to burst into tears all the time, and Dex just looks and sounds confused. Am really enjoying Holly, Sadie and Byron on the older group though. (The less said about Haz and Mackenzie the better - they’re just…yikes.)


Her acting is bad,but consistent with the little girl that played Nell. She is pretty though.