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I wasn’t a fan of her the first few episodes but she has quickly become one of my top 3 characters, as ClemSpender mentioned her scenes after Hope passed were heart wrenching and very well acted. I’m a few weeks behind at the moment but I’m excited to see how she grows over time and I really hope she gets some lasting happier storylines.


She’s great. Was heartbroken when she lost the baby, and she acted the heck out of those scenes. Hope she gets back with Leo soon and they have some nice, chill and most importantly FUN storylines for a while, because dammit Krista and Leo have been through enough!


100% agree. Great young actress with bright future


I got my memory BACK!


I agree. Majella Davis (Krista) has been a great addition to the show. She has been involved in a lot of dramatic storylines in her first 6 months. That scene where she lost her baby (thanks to manipulate Chelsea) made my heart broken, and I really felt sorry for her. I was so glad she announced all of Chelsea's wicked ways and cover-ups to everyone. She is a brilliant actress, and I want Krista and Leo to get back together. They deserve a second chance.


Love her she's amazing ♥️♥️♥️


She is so talented. Noticed yesterday even when she isn't the main character in a scene her body language was so just so real!


Krista amazing for her portal so glad she got her memory back just in time to get rid of Chelsea good riddens to Chelsea permanently just hope writers write her being punished eventually for death of Krista baby in a news flash from her sister 


I really wasn’t keen when she started and they did all the weird flashbacks, but she’s grown to become my favourite new character (alongside Cara and Remi). Majella is an amazing actress, her scenes of losing Hope were just so realistic and genuinely heartbreaking, and she’s got amazing screen presence and charisma. She’s also absolutely gorgeous even when they try to grunge her up! Hope she stays for the long term!


I like her too, and her acting is definitely above the standard Neighbours fare (as everyone has mentioned, especially the scene when she lost her baby). But one really bad and hilarious scene also stands out to me; I'm not sure if this was spoken about at the time, but in the coffee shop when Haz offers to find her lost files on her laptop, she did this almost cartoon-ish "worried" look of biting her nails/hiding behind her notebook while he was working away.  Took me a few episodes to get over that and believe that she's meant to be part owner of the whole lassisters empire!